Former upgrade file always created the NIS Server container, that caused
the ipa-nis-manage did not set all required NIS maps. Default creation
of container has been removed.
Updating of NIS Server configuration and
NIS maps is done only if the NIS Server container exists.
Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <>
ipa-server-upgrade tests whether certmonger service is running before
attempting to upgrade IPA master. This causes the upgrader to always fail when
there is no CA installer and certmonger is not needed, effectively preventing
CA-less IPA master to upgrade succefuly.
This test is now skipped if CA is not enabled.
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <>
This commit allows to use mixed case of keys for sysrestore, before this
commit all keys were saved in lowercase what prevents to accesing them.
Original usage of mixed case for sysretore key in opendssecinstance had
to be changed to lowercase to prevent issues on already installed
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
Previously the command returned False whenever an exception occured
which caused installed to continue even when there was a problem with
LDAP connection.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
Now the option correctly adds missing reverse zones even in unattended
Still, this is not sufficient in all cases because 'automatic empty zones'
created by BIND (as specified in RFC 6303) can shadow the reverse zones
hosted on other servers. This needs to be solved in a separate patch.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
This error may potentially happen when plugin migration is skipped due
an error. In that case variable 'update' was undefined.
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
Command "ldap-cleanup <zone name>" is called to remove all key metadata from
LDAP. This command is now called when disabling DNSSEC on a DNS zone. The stale
metadata were causing problems when re-enabling DNSSEC on the same zone.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Command "ldap-cleanup <zone name>" will remove all key metadata from
LDAP. This can be used manually in sequence like:
ldap-cleanup <zone name>
update <zone name>
to delete all key metadata from LDAP and re-export them from OpenDNSSEC.
ldap-cleanup command should be called when disabling DNSSEC on a DNS
zone to remove stale key metadata from LDAP.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
This filtering is useful in cases where LDAP contains DNS zones which
have old metadata objects and DNSSEC disabled. Such zones must be
ignored to prevent errors while calling dnssec-keyfromlabel or rndc.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Key purging has to be only only after key metadata purging so
ipa-dnskeysyncd on replices does not fail while dereferencing
non-existing keys.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <> can be executed directly now. In that case it will print
out key metadata as obtained using IPA LDAP API.
Kerberos credential cache has to be filled with principal posessing
appropriate access rights before the script is execured.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
We have to explicitly specify "none" value to prevent dnssec-keyfromlabel
utility from using current time for keys without "publish" and "activate"
Previously this lead to situation where key was in (intermediate) state
"generated" in OpenDNSSEC but BIND started to use this key for signing.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Previously we published timestamps of planned state changes in LDAP.
This led to situations where state transition in OpenDNSSEC was blocked
by an additional condition (or unavailability of OpenDNSSEC) but BIND
actually did the transition as planned.
Additionally key state mapping was incorrect for KSK so sometimes KSK
was not used for signing when it should.
Example (for code without this fix):
- Add a zone and let OpenDNSSEC to generate keys.
- Wait until keys are in state "published" and next state is "inactive".
- Shutdown OpenDNSSEC or break replication from DNSSEC key master.
- See that keys on DNS replicas will transition to state "inactive" even
though it should not happen because OpenDNSSEC is not available
(i.e. new keys may not be available).
- End result is that affected zone will not be signed anymore, even
though it should stay signed with the old keys.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
The combination of a bug in Dogtag's sslget command and a new feature
in mod_nss causes an incomplete uninstallation of KRA. The bug has been
fixed in Dogtag 10.2.6-13.
Signed-off-by: Christian Heimes <>
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
This import statement has been removed in commit
e4075b1fe2. This caused requests for service
certs to fail, since the validation functions from x509 module crashed with
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Enables check and fixes:
************* Module ipa-replica-conncheck
[W0106(expression-not-assigned), parse_options] Expression
"(replica_group.add_option('-w', '--password', dest='password',
sensitive=True, help='Password for the principal'), )" is assigned to
************* Module ipatests.test_xmlrpc.test_automount_plugin
test_automount_indirect.test_1a_automountmap_add_indirect] Expression
"api.Command['automountmap_add_indirect'](self.locname, self.mapname,
**self.map_kw)['result']" is assigned to nothing)
************* Module ipatests.test_ipaserver.test_otptoken_import
[W0106(expression-not-assigned), test_otptoken_import.test_mini]
Expression "[(, t.options) for t in doc.getKeyPackages()]" is
assigned to nothing)
************* Module ipatests.test_ipaserver.test_ldap
[W0106(expression-not-assigned), test_LDAPEntry.test_popitem] Expression
"list(e) == []" is assigned to nothing)
************* Module ipa-client-install
[W0106(expression-not-assigned), parse_options] Expression
"(basic_group.add_option('-p', '--principal', dest='principal',
help='principal to use to join the IPA realm'), )" is assigned to
[W0106(expression-not-assigned), parse_options] Expression
"(basic_group.add_option('-w', '--password', dest='password',
sensitive=True, help='password to join the IPA realm (assumes bulk
password unless principal is also set)'), )" is assigned to nothing)
[W0106(expression-not-assigned), parse_options] Expression
"(basic_group.add_option('-k', '--keytab', dest='keytab', help='path to
backed up keytab from previous enrollment'), )" is assigned to nothing)
[W0106(expression-not-assigned), parse_options] Expression
"(basic_group.add_option('-W', dest='prompt_password',
action='store_true', default=False, help='Prompt for a password to join
the IPA realm'), )" is assigned to nothing)
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <>
Enables check and fixes:
[W1301(unused-format-string-key), test_permission] Unused key 'tdn' in
format string dictionary)
[W1301(unused-format-string-key), test_permission] Unused key 'tdn' in
format string dictionary)
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <>
Enables check and fixes:
ipaserver/install/ [C0304(missing-final-newline), ]
Final newline missing)
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <>
Commit enables check and also fixes:
ipaserver/ [W0150(lost-exception),
DomainValidator.__search_in_dc] return statement in finally block may
swallow exception)
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <>
Enable more checks in pylint. Currently disabled checks are check that
we do not want, or issues are already in code.
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <>
Wildcard imports should not be used.
Check for wildcard imports has been enabled in pylint.
Pylint note: options 'wildcard-import' causes too much false positive
results, so instead it I used 'unused-wildcard-import' option which has almost
the same effect.
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <>
When DNS is already installed somewhere in topology we should not check for
zone overlap because it would always say that we are overlapping our own domain.
ipa-replica-install already does that but ipa-dns-install did not.
Reviewed-By: Petr Spacek <>
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
The first instance of KRA system should be allowed to install only by ipa-kra-install. This commit removes TODO and unneeded parts in code.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
Only options explicitly set must be stored before installer exits first step
of external CA setup. When installer continues all stored option values must
be restored.
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <>
Without realm provided explicitly, installation calculates it automatically
from the current hostname which may be inconsistent with the configured domain
name. Which, in turn, causes failures in integration tests in the lab.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
this patch makes the check_last_link_managed() function more resistant to both
orphaned topology suffixes and also to cases when there are IPA masters do not
seem to manage any suffix. The function will now only complain loudly about
these cases and not cause crashes.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Latest DNS patches introduced checks for the added zones.
If a zone exists, the add fails if not forced. The domain is resolvable thus causing errors in the test.
Also adds missing to the ipatests.test_cmdline package.
Reviewed-By: Oleg Fayans <>