According to review feedback, I changed the help message as follow
$ ipa cert_revoke -h
Usage: ipa [global-options] cert-revoke SERIAL-NUMBER [options]
Revoke a certificate.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Reason for revoking the certificate (0-10). Type "ipa
help cert" for revocation reason details.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Reviewed-By: Gabe Alford <>
This will make it possible to move the plugin modules between ipalib,
ipaclient and ipaserver without having to change the imports.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
Wildcard imports should not be used.
Check for wildcard imports has been enabled in pylint.
Pylint note: options 'wildcard-import' causes too much false positive
results, so instead it I used 'unused-wildcard-import' option which has almost
the same effect.
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <>
In Python 3, the base64.b64decode function raises binascii.Error (a ValueError
subclass) when it finds incorrect padding. In Python 2 it raises TypeError.
Callers should usually handle ValueError; unless they are specifically
concerned with handling base64 padding issues).
In some cases, callers should handle ValueError:
- ipalib.pkcs10 (get_friendlyname, load_certificate_request): callers should
handle ValueError
- ipalib.x509 (load_certificate*, get_*): callers should handle ValueError
In other cases ValueError is handled:
- ipalib.parameters
- ipapython.ssh
- ipalib.rpc (json_decode_binary - callers already expect ValueError)
- ipaserver.install.ldapupdate
Elsewhere no error handling is done, because values come from trusted
sources, or are pre-validated:
- vault plugin
- ipaserver.install.cainstance
- ipaserver.install.certs
- ipaserver.install.ipa_otptoken_import
Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <>
The six way of doing this is to replace all occurences of "unicode"
with "six.text_type". However, "unicode" is non-ambiguous and
(arguably) easier to read. Also, using it makes the patches smaller,
which should help with backporting.
Reviewed-By: Petr Viktorin <>
cert-request currently permits a limited number of request
extensions; uncommon and esoteric extensions are prohibited and this
limits the usefulness of custom profiles.
The Dogtag profile has total control over what goes into the final
certificate and has the option to reject request based on the
request extensions present or their values, so there is little
reason to restrict what extensions can be used in FreeIPA. Remove
the check.
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <>
Add the "Request Certificate ignoring CA ACLs" permission and
associated ACI, initially assigned to "Certificate Administrators"
Update cert-request command to skip CA ACL enforcement when the bind
principal has this permission.
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
Depending on how the target principal name is conveyed to the
command (i.e. with / without realm), the KRB5PrincipalName / UPN
subjectAltName validation could be comparing unequal strings and
erroneously rejecting a valid request.
Normalise both side of the comparison to ensure that the principal
names contain realm information.
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
The DNP3 smart-grid standard uses certificate with the IEC 62351-8
IECUserRoles extension. Add a profile for DNP3 certificates which
copies the IECUserRoles extension from the CSR, if present.
Also update cert-request to accept CSRs containing this extension.
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
Users cannot self-issue a certificate with a subjectAltName
extension (e.g. with rfc822Name altNames). Suppress the
cert-request "request certificate with subjectaltname" permission
check when the bind principal is the target principal (i.e.
cert-request self-service).
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
cert-request currently does not enforce caacls for principals
included in the subjectAltName requestExtension. Enforce for any
dNSName values recognised as hosts/services known to FreeIPA.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
Add the profile_id parameter to the 'request_certificate' function
and update call sites.
Also remove multiple occurrences of the default profile ID
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
For each SAN in a request there must be a matching service entry writable by
the requestor. Users can request certificates with SAN only if they have
"Request Certificate With SubjectAltName" permission.
Reviewed-By: Martin Kosek <>
Several Commands were missing the 'version' option. Add it to those
that were missing it.
Do not remove the version option before calling commands. This means
methods such as execute(), forward(), run() receive it.
Several of these needed `**options` added to their signatures.
Commands in the Cert plugin passed any unknown options to the underlying
functions, these are changed to pass what's needed explicitly.
Some commands in DNS and Batch plugins now pass version to commands
they call.
When the option is not given, fill it in automatically. (In a subsequent
commit, a warning will be added in this case).
Note that the public API did not change: all RPC calls already accepted
a version option. There's no need for an API version bump (even though
API.txt changes substantially).
Design page:
Use a new RESTful API provided by dogtag 10+. Construct an XML document
representing the search request. The output is limited to whatever dogtag
sends us, there is no way to request additional attributes other than
to read each certificate individually.
dogtag uses a boolean for each search term to indicate that it is used.
Presense of the search item is not enough, both need to be set.
The search operation is unauthenticated
Design page:
Currently, we throw many public exceptions without proper i18n.
Wrap natural-language error messages in _() so they can be translated.
In the service plugin, raise NotFound errors using handle_not_found helper
so the error message contains the offending service.
Use ScriptError instead of NotFoundError in bindinstance install.
This will prevent errors if an empty reason is provided and it is
set by default one doesn't have to always set it on the command-line.
change default_logger_level to debug in configure_standard_logging
add new ipa_log_manager module, move log_mgr there, also export
root_logger from log_mgr.
change all log_manager imports to ipa_log_manager and change
log_manager.root_logger to root_logger.
add missing import for parse_log_level()
The validator will still fire, just after the load_files() call. Basically
it will hit the validator twice. The first time it will exit because the
value of csr is a filename. The second time it will run the validator against
the contents of the file.
This patch reverts the use of pygettext for i18n string extraction. It
was originally introduced because the help documentation for commands
are in the class docstring and module docstring.
Docstrings are a Python construct whereby any string which immediately
follows a class declaration, function/method declaration or appears
first in a module is taken to be the documentation for that
object. Python automatically assigns that string to the __doc__
variable associated with the object. Explicitly assigning to the
__doc__ variable is equivalent and permitted.
We mark strings in the source for i18n translation by embedding them
in _() or ngettext(). Specialized extraction tools (e.g. xgettext)
scan the source code looking for strings with those markers and
extracts the string for inclusion in a translation catalog.
It was mistakingly assumed one could not mark for translation Python
docstrings. Since some docstrings are vital for our command help
system some method had to be devised to extract docstrings for the
translation catalog. pygettext has the ability to locate and extract
docstrings and it was introduced to acquire the documentation for our
commands located in module and class docstrings.
However pygettext was too large a hammer for this task, it lacked any
fined grained ability to extract only the docstrings we were
interested in. In practice it extracted EVERY docstring in each file
it was presented with. This caused a large number strings to be
extracted for translation which had no reason to be translated, the
string might have been internal code documentation never meant to be
seen by users. Often the superfluous docstrings were long, complex and
likely difficult to translate. This placed an unnecessary burden on
our volunteer translators.
Instead what is needed is some method to extract only those strings
intended for translation. We already have such a mechanism and it is
already widely used, namely wrapping strings intended for translation
in calls to _() or _negettext(), i.e. marking a string for i18n
translation. Thus the solution to the docstring translation problem is
to mark the docstrings exactly as we have been doing, it only requires
that instead of a bare Python docstring we instead assign the marked
string to the __doc__ variable. Using the hypothetical class foo as
an example.
class foo(Command):
The foo command takes out the garbage.
Would become:
class foo(Command):
__doc__ = _('The foo command takes out the garbage.')
But which docstrings need to be marked for translation? The makeapi
tool knows how to iterate over every command in our public API. It was
extended to validate every command's documentation and report if any
documentation is missing or not marked for translation. That
information was then used to identify each docstring in the code which
needed to be transformed.
In summary what this patch does is:
* Remove the use of pygettext (modification to install/po/
* Replace every docstring with an explicit assignment to __doc__ where
the rhs of the assignment is an i18n marking function.
* Single line docstrings appearing in multi-line string literals
(e.g. ''' or """) were replaced with single line string literals
because the multi-line literals were introducing unnecessary
whitespace and newlines in the string extracted for translation. For
The foo command takes out the garbage.
Would appear in the translation catalog as:
The foo command takes out the garbage.\n
The superfluous whitespace and newlines are confusing to translators
and requires us to strip leading and trailing whitespace from the
translation at run time.
* Import statements were moved from below the docstring to above
it. This was necessary because the i18n markers are imported
functions and must be available before the the doc is
parsed. Technically only the import of the i18n markers had to
appear before the doc but stylistically it's better to keep all the
imports together.
* It was observed during the docstring editing process that the
command documentation was inconsistent with respect to the use of
periods to terminate a sentence. Some doc had a trailing period,
others didn't. Consistency was enforced by adding a period to end of
every docstring if one was missing.
For the most part certificates will be treated as being in DER format.
When we load a certificate we will generally accept it in any format but
will convert it to DER before proceeding in normalize_certificate().
This also re-arranges a bit of code to pull some certificate-specific
functions out of ipalib/plugins/ into ipalib/
This also tries to use variable names to indicate what format the certificate
is in at any given point:
dercert: DER
cert: PEM
nsscert: a python-nss Certificate object
rawcert: unknown format
ticket 32
The cert plugin only worked OK with decimal certificate serial numbers.
This patch allows specifying the serial number in hexadecimal, too. The
conversion now works such that:
* with no explicit radix, a best-effort conversion is done using int(str,
0) in python. If the format is ambiguous, decimal takes precedence.
* a hexadecimal radix can be specified explicitly with the traditional
0x prefix
Also fix some related problems in write_certificate(), handle
either a DER or base64-formatted incoming certificate and don't
explode if the filename is None.
ticket 954
The changes include:
* Change license blobs in source files to mention GPLv3+ not GPLv2 only
* Add GPLv3+ license text
* Package COPYING not LICENSE as the license blobs (even the old ones)
mention COPYING specifically, it is also more common, I think
Override forward() to grab the result and if a certificate is in the entry
and the file is writable then dump the certificate in PEM format.
ticket 473
We don't use certmonger to get certificates during installation because
of the chicken-and-egg problem. This means that the IPA web and ldap
certs aren't being tracked for renewal.
This requires some manual changes to the certmonger request files once
tracking has begun because it doesn't store a subject or principal template
when a cert is added via start-tracking.
This also required some changes to the cert command plugin to allow a
host to execute calls against its own service certs.
ticket 67
This also requires a resolvable hostname on services as well. I want
people to think long and hard about adding things that aren't resolvable.
The cert plugin can automatically create services on the user's behalf when
issuing a cert. It will always set the force flag to True.
We use a lot of made-up host names in the test system, all of which require
the force flag now.
ticket #25
This patch:
- bumps up the minimum version of python-nss
- will initialize NSS with nodb if a CSR is loaded and it isn't already
- will shutdown NSS if initialized in the RPC subsystem so we use right db
- updated and added a few more tests
Relying more on NSS introduces a bit of a problem. For NSS to work you
need to have initialized a database (either a real one or no_db). But once
you've initialized one and want to use another you have to close down the
first one. I've added some code to to do just that. This could
potentially have some bad side-effects at some point, it works ok now.