Add more dynamic attribute info to IPATypeChecker in make-lint. Remove
unnecessary pylint comments. Fix false positivies introduced by Pylint 0.26.
certmonger may provide new CAs, as in the case from upgrading IPA 2.2
to 3.x. We need these new CAs available during the upgrade process.
The certmonger package does its own condrestart as part of %postun
which runs after the %post script of freeipa-server, so we need to
restart it ourselves before upgrading.
Update anonymous access ACI so that no users besides Trust Admins
users can read AD Trust key attributes (ipaNTTrustAuthOutgoing,
ipaNTTrustAuthIncoming). The change is applied both for updated
IPA servers and new installations.
Check to see if NSS is initialized before trying to do so again.
If we are temporarily creating a certificate be sure to delete it in order
to remove references to it and avoid NSS shutdown issues.
In the certificate load validator shut down NSS if we end up initializing
it. I'm not entirely sure why but this prevents a later shutdown issue
if we are passed the --ca-cert-file option.
Major changes ipa-client-install:
* Use GSSAPI connection to LDAP server to download CA cert (now
the default method)
* Add --ca-cert-file option to load the CA cert from a disk file.
Validate the file. If this option is used the supplied CA cert
is considered definitive.
* The insecure HTTP retrieval method is still supported but it must be
explicitly forced and a warning will be emitted.
* Remain backward compatible with unattended case (except for aberrant
condition when preexisting /etc/ipa/ca.crt differs from securely
obtained CA cert, see below)
* If /etc/ipa/ca.crt CA cert preexists the validate it matches the
securely acquired CA cert, if not:
- If --unattended and not --force abort with error
- If interactive query user to accept new CA cert, if not abort
In either case warn user.
* If interactive and LDAP retrieval fails prompt user if they want to
proceed with insecure HTTP method
* If not interactive and LDAP retrieval fails abort unless --force
* Backup preexisting /etc/ipa/ca.crt in FileStore prior to execution,
if ipa-client-install fails it will be restored.
Other changes:
* Add new exception class CertificateInvalidError
* Add utility convert_ldap_error() to ipalib.ipautil
* Replace all hardcoded instances of /etc/ipa/ca.crt in
ipa-client-install with CACERT constant (matches existing practice
* ipadiscovery no longer retrieves CA cert via HTTP.
* Handle LDAP minssf failures during discovery, treat failure to check
ldap server as a warninbg in absebce of a provided CA certificate via
--ca-cert-file or though existing /etc/ipa/ca.crt file.
Signed-off-by: Simo Sorce <>
Signed-off-by: Rob Crittenden <>
Define post-update plugin to upload public CA certificate to IPA LDAP server.
The plugin includes also update file that creates default container for the
Rhino is needed for Web UI build. Rhino needs java, but from package perspective
java-1.7.0-openjdk requires rhino. So the correct BuildRequires is
IPA installer sometimes tries to connect to the Directory Server
via loopback address However, the Directory Server on
pure IPv6 systems may not be listening on this address. This address
may not even be available.
Rather use the FQDN of the server when connecting to the DS to fix
this issue and make the connection consistent ldapmodify calls which
also use FQDN instead of IP address.
Updated makefiles to comply to new directory structure and also to use builder
for building Web UI.
FreeIPA package spec is modified to use the output of the builder.
Third party JS libraries which are not AMD modules were moved to src/libs/
directory. Links in html files were changed accordingly.
Add util/ utility. It serves for copying source codes or compiled code
of Web UI to testing servers. Useful for development.
Added symbolic links which points to directories which should contain files of
Web UI layers. By changing those links we can switch between debugging (using
source codes) or testing (compiled version).
util/ utility serves for changing symbolic links in js/ dir
and therefore for switching between debugging and testing.
Default configuration for development is:
* freeipa source files
* libs as in git
* compiled Dojo layer
Added configuration files for building Dojo library and built library itself.
This configuration contains only modules currently needed. script should be used for rebuilding the library when additional
modules or an update are needed.
* Added package configuration and build profile of FreeIPA UI layer for
Dojo Builder.
* Added script (util/ which builds the layer
Added support for Dojo builder.
* Includes built builder and patches required to build the builder.
* _base/configRhino.js is required by the builder to run under rhino.
* added utility scripts for running the builder
Uglify.js library was included in ui/util folder. A wrapper script
util/uglifyjs/uglify was created to run Uglify.js in Rhino enviroment.
When either dirsrv or krb5kdc is down, named service restart in
ipa-upgradeconfig will fail and cause a crash of the whole upgrade
Rather only report a failure to restart the service and continue
with the upgrade as it does not need the named service running. Do
the same precaution for pki-ca service restart.
LDAP updates were sorted by number of RDNs in DN. This, however,
sometimes caused updates to be executed before cn=schema updates.
If the update required an objectClass or attributeType added during
the cn=schema update, the update operation failed.
Fix the sorting so that the cn=schema updates are always run first
and then the other updates sorted by RDN count.
When CRL files are being migrated to a new directory, the upgrade
log may contain an error message raised during MasterCRL.bin symlink
migration. This is actually being caused by `chown' operation which
tried to chown a symlinked file that was not migrated yet.
Sort migrated files before the migration process and put symlinks
at the end of the list. Also do not run chown on the symlinks as
it is a redundant operation since the symlinked file will be
chown'ed on its own.
Target Group parameter was not processed correctly which caused
permission-find to always crash when this search parameter was used.
Fix the crash and create a unit test case to avoid future regression.
When using 'Add and Add Another' button in entity adder dialog the dialog lose focus when an item is successfully added.
It caused by search dialog filter input. It gets focus in search facet's refresh. The refresh is happening when item is added.
This patch is disabling this focus and additionally is focusing first input element to allow imidiate definion of another item
When multiple dialogs is opened and one is closed the new top dialog doesn't recieve focus. It prevents from confirming/canceling the dialog using keyboard. This patch is fixing it.
Base mixin class for dialogs witch confirmation/canceling capabilities.
When used, dialog can be 'confirmed' by 'enter' key or canceled by 'escape' key. It doesn't accept confirmation from all elements to not override default expected behavior like creating new line in text area, executing link or selecting a value in a select element.
ipa-client-install crashed when IPA server realm TXT record was
configured, but the referred domain (lower-case realm value) did
not contain any Kerberos SRV record (_kerberos._udp.<realm>.)
The Expires attribute in a cookie is supposed to follow the RFC 822
(superseded by RFC 1123) date format. That format includes a weekday
abbreviation (e.g. Tue) which must be in English according to the
ipapython/ has methods to parse and format the Expires
attribute but they were based on strptime() and strftime() which
respects the locale. If a non-English locale is in effect the wrong
date string will be produced and/or it won't be able to parse the date
The fix is to use the date parsing and formatting functions from
email.utils which specifically follow the RFC's and are not locale
This patch also updates the unit test to use email.utils as well.
The patch should be applied to the following branches:
A wrong way of handling --group DN object caused Internal Error
for this command. Fix that and also provide unit tests to avoid
another regression.
When multiple servers are avilable we were simply suppressing information on
why a connection failed.
Log it as 'info' so that it is possible to diagnose issues more easily.
authconfig component changed its behavior. It no longer starts and
enables SSSD daemon when --enablesssd and --enablesssdauth options
are used. It only enables the PAM module and adds SSSD to nsswitch.
Enable SSSD on new client/server installs manually. Also make sure
that we stop&disable SSSD when we delete the configuration.
Creating an id range with overlapping primary and secondary
rid range using idrange-add or idrange-mod command now
raises ValidationError. Unit tests have been added to