When unable to parse JSON response from the server, properly raise
JSONError not to cause a crash.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <dkupka@redhat.com>
Python 3's JSON library cannot deal with bytes, so decode
base64-encoded data to string.
Part of the work for https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4985
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <mbasti@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Petr Spacek <pspacek@redhat.com>
The client XML-RPC implementation is tied to rpclib internals,
so with a change in Python it needs to be updated. And rpclib
changed in Python 3.
Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <tbabej@redhat.com>
In Python 3, the types module no longer provide alternate names for
built-in types, e.g. `types.StringType` can just be spelled `str`.
NoneType is also removed; it needs to be replaced with type(None)
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <dkupka@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <mbasti@redhat.com>
The module is renamed to xmlrpc.client in Python 3.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <dkupka@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <mbasti@redhat.com>
In Python 3, these modules are reorganized.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <dkupka@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <mbasti@redhat.com>
The "splittype" and "splithost" functions in urllib.parse
are undocumented and reserved for internal use,
see http://bugs.python.org/issue11009
Use urlsplit instead.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <dkupka@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <mbasti@redhat.com>
Causes nicer error message when kerberos credentials are not available.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <dkupka@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <tbabej@redhat.com>
The six way of doing this is to replace all occurences of "unicode"
with "six.text_type". However, "unicode" is non-ambiguous and
(arguably) easier to read. Also, using it makes the patches smaller,
which should help with backporting.
Reviewed-By: Petr Viktorin <pviktori@redhat.com>
Python 2 has keys()/values()/items(), which return lists,
iterkeys()/itervalues()/iteritems(), which return iterators,
and viewkeys()/viewvalues()/viewitems() which return views.
Python 3 has only keys()/values()/items(), which return views.
To get iterators, one can use iter() or a for loop/comprehension;
for lists there's the list() constructor.
When iterating through the entire dict, without modifying the dict,
the difference between Python 2's items() and iteritems() is
negligible, especially on small dicts (the main overhead is
extra memory, not CPU time). In the interest of simpler code,
this patch changes many instances of iteritems() to items(),
iterkeys() to keys() etc.
In other cases, helpers like six.itervalues are used.
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
python-krbV library is deprecated and doesn't work with python 3. Replacing all
it's usages with python-gssapi.
- Removed Backend.krb and KRB5_CCache classes
They were wrappers around krbV classes that cannot really work without them
- Added few utility functions for querying GSSAPI credentials
in krb_utils module. They provide replacements for KRB5_CCache.
- Merged two kinit_keytab functions
- Changed ldap plugin connection defaults to match ipaldap
- Unified getting default realm
Using api.env.realm instead of krbV call
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Robbie Harwood <rharwood@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Simo Sorce <ssorce@redhat.com>
kerberos library doesn't support Python 3 and probably never will.
python-gssapi library is Python 3 compatible.
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Robbie Harwood <rharwood@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Simo Sorce <ssorce@redhat.com>
Upstream PyKerberos uses a different argument ordering than
from the patch that Fedora/RHEL was carrying for
Using named arguments provides forwards and backwards
Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <tbabej@redhat.com>
`json.dumps` is not able to process some IPA's object types and therefore requires to preprocess it with `json_encode_binary` call. This step was not used in rpcclient's verbose output.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <mbasti@redhat.com>
Protocols are configured as an inclusive range from SSLv3 through
TLSv1.2. The allowed values in the range are ssl3, tls1.0,
tls1.1 and tls1.2.
This is overridable per client by setting tls_version_min and/or
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
The NSSConnection class has been modified not to shutdown the
existing NSS database if the database is already opened to
establish an SSL connection, or is already opened by another
code that uses an NSS database without establishing an SSL
connection such as vault CLIs.
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
This is the new default NSS database for IPA.
/etc/pki/nssdb is still maintained for backward compatibility.
Reviewed-By: Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com>
The whole HTTP request is now printed with -vvv or above.
Changes `verbose` in the connection to be the level from api.env,
rather than a boolean value.
For XML-RPC, the whole request will be shown already with -v.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <dkupka@redhat.com>
Added capability to transfer DNSName type between server and client
Part of ticket:
IPA should allow internationalized domain names
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
Adds a parameter that represents a DateTime format using datetime.datetime
object from python's native datetime library.
In the CLI, accepts one of the following formats:
Accepts LDAP Generalized time without in the following format:
Accepts subset of values defined by ISO 8601:
Also accepts above formats using ' ' (space) as a separator instead of 'T'.
As a simplification, it does not deal with timezone info and ISO 8601
values with timezone info (+-hhmm) are rejected. Values are expected
to be in the UTC timezone.
Values are saved to LDAP as LDAP Generalized time values in the format
'%Y%m%d%H%SZ' (no time fractions and UTC timezone is assumed). To avoid
confusion, in addition to subset of ISO 8601 values, the LDAP generalized
time in the format '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ' is also accepted as an input (as this is the
format user will see on the output).
Part of: https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3306
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
The logging level for these messages was decreaed so that they
do not show up in ipa-advise output.
Reset the log level to INFO and configure ipa-advise to not display
INFO messages from xmlclient by default.
Partially reverts commit efe5a96725https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4135
Reviewed-By: Tomáš Babej <tbabej@redhat.com>
Modify ipalib.rpc to support JSON-RPC in addition to XML-RPC.
This is done by subclassing and extending xmlrpclib, because
our existing code relies on xmlrpclib internals.
The URI to use is given in the new jsonrpc_uri env variable. When
it is not given, it is generated from xmlrpc_uri by replacing
/xml with /json.
The rpc_json_uri env variable existed before, but was unused,
undocumented and not set the install scripts.
This patch removes it in favor of jsonrpc_uri (for consistency
with xmlrpc_uri).
Add the rpc_protocol env variable to control the protocol
IPA uses. rpc_protocol defaults to 'jsonrpc', but may be changed
to 'xmlrpc'.
Make backend.Executioner and tests use the backend specified by
For compatibility with unwrap_xml, decoding JSON now gives tuples
instead of lists.
Design: http://freeipa.org/page/V3/JSON-RPC
Ticket: https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3299
There code assumes that the `conn` in any Connection in the context is
a ServerProxy. This might not always be the case: ldap2 uses a
python-ldap connection here.
When multiple servers are avilable we were simply suppressing information on
why a connection failed.
Log it as 'info' so that it is possible to diagnose issues more easily.
In summary this patch does:
* Follow the defined rules for cookies when:
- receiving a cookie (process the attributes)
- storing a cookie (store cookie + attributes)
- sending a cookie
+ validate the cookie domain against the request URL
+ validate the cookie path against the request URL
+ validate the cookie expiration
+ if valid then send only the cookie, no attribtues
* Modifies how a request URL is stored during a XMLRPC
request/response sequence.
* Refactors a bit of the request/response logic to allow for making
the decision whether to send a session cookie instead of full
Kerberous auth easier.
* The server now includes expiration information in the session cookie
it sends to the client. The server always had the information
available to prevent using an expired session cookie. Now that
expiration timestamp is returned to the client as well and now the
client will not send an expired session cookie back to the server.
* Adds a new module and unit test for cookies (see below)
Formerly we were always returning the session cookie no matter what
the domain or path was in the URL. We were also sending the cookie
attributes which are for the client only (used to determine if to
return a cookie). The attributes are not meant to be sent to the
server and the previous behavior was a protocol violation. We also
were not checking the cookie expiration.
Cookie library issues:
We need a library to create, parse, manipulate and format cookies both
in a client context and a server context. Core Python has two cookie
libraries, Cookie.py and cookielib.py. Why did we add a new cookie
module instead of using either of these two core Python libaries?
Cookie.py is designed for server side generation but can be used to
parse cookies on the client. It's the library we were using in the
server. However when I tried to use it in the client I discovered it
has some serious bugs. There are 7 defined cookie elements, it fails
to correctly parse 3 of the 7 elements which makes it unusable because
we depend on those elements. Since Cookie.py was designed for server
side cookie processing it's not hard to understand how fails to
correctly parse a cookie because that's a client side need. (Cookie.py
also has an awkward baroque API and is missing some useful
functionality we would have to build on top of it).
cookielib.py is designed for client side. It's fully featured and obeys
all the RFC's. It would be great to use however it's tightly coupled
with another core library, urllib2.py. The http request and response
objects must be urllib2 objects. But we don't use urllib2, rather we use
httplib because xmlrpclib uses httplib. I don't see a reason why a
cookie library should be so tightly coupled to a protocol library, but
it is and that means we can't use it (I tried to just pick some isolated
entrypoints for our use but I kept hitting interaction/dependency problems).
I decided to solve the cookie library problems by writing a minimal
cookie library that does what we need and no more than that. It is a
new module in ipapython shared by both client and server and comes
with a new unit test. The module has plenty of documentation, no need
to repeat it here.
Request URL issues:
We also had problems in rpc.py whereby information from the request
which is needed when we process the response is not available. Most
important was the requesting URL. It turns out that the way the class
and object relationships are structured it's impossible to get this
information. Someone else must have run into the same issue because
there was a routine called reconstruct_url() which attempted to
recreate the request URL from other available
information. Unfortunately reconstruct_url() was not callable from
inside the response handler. So I decided to store the information in
the thread context and when the request is received extract it from
the thread context. It's perhaps not an ideal solution but we do
similar things elsewhere so at least it's consistent. I removed the
reconstruct_url() function because the exact information is now in the
context and trying to apply heuristics to recreate the url is probably
not robust.
Ticket https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3022
The unit tests were failing when executed against an Apache server
in F-18 due to dangling references causing NSS shutdown to fail.
This patch addresses two issues:
1. If a client is previously enrolled in an IPA server and the server
gets re-installed then the client machine may still have a keyring
entry for the old server. This can cause a redirect from the
session URI to the negotiate one. As a rule, always clear the keyring
when enrolling a new client.
2. We save the NSS dbdir in the connection so that when creating a new
session we can determine if we need to re-initialize NSS or not. Most
of the time we do not. The dbdir was not always being preserved between
connections which could cause an NSS_Shutdown() to happen which would
fail because of existing usage. This preserves the dbdir information when
a new connection is created as part of the session mechanism.
Numeric parameters in ipalib were limited by XMLRPC boundaries for
integer (2^31-1) which is too low for some LDAP attributes like DNS
SOA serial field.
Transfer numbers which are not in XMLRPC boundary as a string and not
as a number to workaround this limitation. Int parameter had to be
updated to also accept Python's long type as valid int type.
Currently, we throw many public exceptions without proper i18n.
Wrap natural-language error messages in _() so they can be translated.
In the service plugin, raise NotFound errors using handle_not_found helper
so the error message contains the offending service.
Use ScriptError instead of NotFoundError in bindinstance install.
* Convert every string specifying a DN into a DN object
* Every place a dn was manipulated in some fashion it was replaced by
the use of DN operators
* Add new DNParam parameter type for parameters which are DN's
* DN objects are used 100% of the time throughout the entire data
pipeline whenever something is logically a dn.
* Many classes now enforce DN usage for their attributes which are
dn's. This is implmented via ipautil.dn_attribute_property(). The
only permitted types for a class attribute specified to be a DN are
either None or a DN object.
* Require that every place a dn is used it must be a DN object.
This translates into lot of::
assert isinstance(dn, DN)
sprinkled through out the code. Maintaining these asserts is
valuable to preserve DN type enforcement. The asserts can be
disabled in production.
The goal of 100% DN usage 100% of the time has been realized, these
asserts are meant to preserve that.
The asserts also proved valuable in detecting functions which did
not obey their function signatures, such as the baseldap pre and
post callbacks.
* Moved ipalib.dn to ipapython.dn because DN class is shared with all
components, not just the server which uses ipalib.
* All API's now accept DN's natively, no need to convert to str (or
* Removed ipalib.encoder and encode/decode decorators. Type conversion
is now explicitly performed in each IPASimpleLDAPObject method which
emulates a ldap.SimpleLDAPObject method.
* Entity & Entry classes now utilize DN's
* Removed __getattr__ in Entity & Entity clases. There were two
problems with it. It presented synthetic Python object attributes
based on the current LDAP data it contained. There is no way to
validate synthetic attributes using code checkers, you can't search
the code to find LDAP attribute accesses (because synthetic
attriutes look like Python attributes instead of LDAP data) and
error handling is circumscribed. Secondly __getattr__ was hiding
Python internal methods which broke class semantics.
* Replace use of methods inherited from ldap.SimpleLDAPObject via
IPAdmin class with IPAdmin methods. Directly using inherited methods
was causing us to bypass IPA logic. Mostly this meant replacing the
use of search_s() with getEntry() or getList(). Similarly direct
access of the LDAP data in classes using IPAdmin were replaced with
calls to getValue() or getValues().
* Objects returned by ldap2.find_entries() are now compatible with
either the python-ldap access methodology or the Entity/Entry access
* All ldap operations now funnel through the common
IPASimpleLDAPObject giving us a single location where we interface
to python-ldap and perform conversions.
* The above 4 modifications means we've greatly reduced the
proliferation of multiple inconsistent ways to perform LDAP
operations. We are well on the way to having a single API in IPA for
doing LDAP (a long range goal).
* All certificate subject bases are now DN's
* DN objects were enhanced thusly:
- find, rfind, index, rindex, replace and insert methods were added
- AVA, RDN and DN classes were refactored in immutable and mutable
variants, the mutable variants are EditableAVA, EditableRDN and
EditableDN. By default we use the immutable variants preserving
important semantics. To edit a DN cast it to an EditableDN and
cast it back to DN when done editing. These issues are fully
described in other documentation.
- first_key_match was removed
- DN equalty comparison permits comparison to a basestring
* Fixed ldapupdate to work with DN's. This work included:
- Enhance test_updates.py to do more checking after applying
update. Add test for update_from_dict(). Convert code to use
unittest classes.
- Consolidated duplicate code.
- Moved code which should have been in the class into the class.
- Fix the handling of the 'deleteentry' update action. It's no longer
necessary to supply fake attributes to make it work. Detect case
where subsequent update applies a change to entry previously marked
for deletetion. General clean-up and simplification of the
'deleteentry' logic.
- Rewrote a couple of functions to be clearer and more Pythonic.
- Added documentation on the data structure being used.
- Simplfy the use of update_from_dict()
* Removed all usage of get_schema() which was being called prior to
accessing the .schema attribute of an object. If a class is using
internal lazy loading as an optimization it's not right to require
users of the interface to be aware of internal
optimization's. schema is now a property and when the schema
property is accessed it calls a private internal method to perform
the lazy loading.
* Added SchemaCache class to cache the schema's from individual
servers. This was done because of the observation we talk to
different LDAP servers, each of which may have it's own
schema. Previously we globally cached the schema from the first
server we connected to and returned that schema in all contexts. The
cache includes controls to invalidate it thus forcing a schema
* Schema caching is now senstive to the run time context. During
install and upgrade the schema can change leading to errors due to
out-of-date cached schema. The schema cache is refreshed in these
* We are aware of the LDAP syntax of all LDAP attributes. Every
attribute returned from an LDAP operation is passed through a
central table look-up based on it's LDAP syntax. The table key is
the LDAP syntax it's value is a Python callable that returns a
Python object matching the LDAP syntax. There are a handful of LDAP
attributes whose syntax is historically incorrect
(e.g. DistguishedNames that are defined as DirectoryStrings). The
table driven conversion mechanism is augmented with a table of
hard coded exceptions.
Currently only the following conversions occur via the table:
- dn's are converted to DN objects
- binary objects are converted to Python str objects (IPA
- everything else is converted to unicode using UTF-8 decoding (IPA
However, now that the table driven conversion mechanism is in place
it would be trivial to do things such as converting attributes
which have LDAP integer syntax into a Python integer, etc.
* Expected values in the unit tests which are a DN no longer need to
use lambda expressions to promote the returned value to a DN for
equality comparison. The return value is automatically promoted to
a DN. The lambda expressions have been removed making the code much
simpler and easier to read.
* Add class level logging to a number of classes which did not support
logging, less need for use of root_logger.
* Remove ipaserver/conn.py, it was unused.
* Consolidated duplicate code wherever it was found.
* Fixed many places that used string concatenation to form a new
string rather than string formatting operators. This is necessary
because string formatting converts it's arguments to a string prior
to building the result string. You can't concatenate a string and a
* Simplify logic in rename_managed plugin. Use DN operators to edit
* The live version of ipa-ldap-updater did not generate a log file.
The offline version did, now both do.
User had a system that refused to store keys into the kernel keyring.
Any operation at all on the keyring would return "Key has been revoked".
Wrap the operations in a try/except so we can ignore keyring failures.
This also adds per-principal sessions. The principal name is stored
in the session key so switching principals in the ccache doesn't
require clearing the keyring.
Try to use the URI /ipa/session/xml if there is a key in the kernel
keyring. If there is no cookie or it turns out to be invalid (expired,
whatever) then use the standard URI /ipa/xml. This in turn will create
a session that the user can then use later.
IPA client and server tool set used authconfig acutil module to
for client DNS operations. This is not optimal DNS interface for
several reasons:
- does not provide native Python object oriented interface
but but rather C-like interface based on functions and
structures which is not easy to use and extend
- acutil is not meant to be used by third parties besides
authconfig and thus can break without notice
Replace the acutil with python-dns package which has a feature rich
interface for dealing with all different aspects of DNS including
DNSSEC. The main target of this patch is to replace all uses of
acutil DNS library with a use python-dns. In most cases, even
though the larger parts of the code are changed, the actual
functionality is changed only in the following cases:
- redundant DNS checks were removed from verify_fqdn function
in installutils to make the whole DNS check simpler and
less error-prone. Logging was improves for the remaining
- improved logging for ipa-client-install DNS discovery
We were comparing the current connection with itself so were never
going to call nss_shutdown(). dbdir needs to be set after the connection
has been made.
This worked on single server installs because we don't do a ping so
NSS would never be pre-initialized. If multiple servers are available we
call ping() to find one that is up before submitting the request, this is
what would have pre-initialized NSS.
This was tripping up request-cert because it will intialize NSS with no DB
if it hasn't been initialized. We need to initialize it to validate the
A non-working client was doing this when calling cert-request:
- call load_certificate_request()
- nss.nss_nodb_init()
- load the CSR
- create a connection, dbdir=/etc/pki/nssdb
- the dbdir matches within the same connection, don't call nss_shutdown()
- connect to remote server
- fail, untrusted CA because we are still using db from nss_nodb_init.
Instead if we set dbdir afterward then this will properly be shutdown
and NSS re-initialized with correct dbdir.