The connection code depends on the api object. If we want to use
the cache in installer code, where the api object is not always
available, the dependency must be removed.
Luckily, SchemaCache.get_schema is currently always given a connection.
Part of the work for:
Legacy Entry methods such as setValue are added to LDAPEntry directly,
so that we can use connection classes that return LDAPEntry with
code that expects Entries.
The Entry and its unique __init__ are still kept for compatibility.
Part of the work for:
This change makes it easier to see what is going on, in addition
to getting rid of pylint exceptions.
Also, make logging imports use explicit names instead of `import *`.
Part of the work for:
The API version the client sends can now be used to check what the client
expects or is capable of.
All version tests IPA does will be be named and listed in one module,
ipalib.capabilities, which includes a function to test a specific capability
against an API version.
Similarly to Python's __future__ module, also serves as
documentation of backwards-incompatible changes to the API.
The first capability to be defined is "messages". Recent enough clients can
accept a list of warnings or other info under the "messages" key in the
result dict.
If a JSON client does not send the API version, it is assumed this is a testing
client (e.g. curl from the command line). Such a client "has" all capabilities,
but it will always receive a warning mentioning that forward compatibility
is not guaranteed.
If a XML client does not send the API version, it is assumed it uses the API
version before capabilities were introduced. (This is to keep backwards
compatibility with clients containing bug
Whenever a capability is added, the API version must be incremented.
To ensure that, capabilities are written to API.txt and checked by
`makeapi --validate`.
Design page:
When user tries to perform any action requiring communication with
trusted domain, IPA server tries to retrieve a trust secret on his
behalf to be able to establish the connection. This happens for
example during group-add-member command when external user is
being resolved in the AD.
When user is not member of Trust admins group, the retrieval crashes
and reports internal error. Catch this exception and rather report
properly formatted ACIError. Also make sure that this exception is
properly processed in group-add-member post callback.
Use a new RESTful API provided by dogtag 10+. Construct an XML document
representing the search request. The output is limited to whatever dogtag
sends us, there is no way to request additional attributes other than
to read each certificate individually.
dogtag uses a boolean for each search term to indicate that it is used.
Presense of the search item is not enough, both need to be set.
The search operation is unauthenticated
Design page:
When adding/modifying an ID range for a trusted domain, the newly
added option --dom-name can be used. This looks up SID of the
trusted domain in LDAP and therefore the user is not required
to write it down in CLI. If the lookup fails, error message
asking the user to specify the SID manually is shown.
How this works:
1. When a trusted domain user is tested, AD GC is searched
for the user entry Distinguished Name
2. The user entry is then read from AD GC and its SID and SIDs
of all its assigned groups (tokenGroups attribute) are retrieved
3. The SIDs are then used to search IPA LDAP database to find
all external groups which have any of these SIDs as external
4. All these groups having these groups as direct or indirect
members are added to hbactest allowing it to perform the search
- only Trusted Admins group members can use this function as it
uses secret for IPA-Trusted domain link
- List of group SIDs does not contain group memberships outside
of the trusted domain
Modify access methods to AD GC so that callers can specify a custom
basedn, filter, scope and attribute list, thus allowing it to perform
any LDAP search.
Error checking methodology in these functions was changed, so that it
rather raises an exception with a desription instead of simply returning
a None or False value which would made an investigation why something
does not work much more difficult. External membership method in
group-add-member command was updated to match this approach.
Update our LDAP schema and add 2 new attributes for SID blacklist
definition. These new attributes can now be set per-trust with
trustconfig command.
- Automatically add a "Logging and output options" group with the --quiet,
--verbose, --log-file options.
- Set up logging based on these options; details are in the setup_logging
docstring and in the design document.
- Don't bind log methods as individual methods of the class. This means one
less linter exception.
- Make the help for command line options consistent with optparse's --help and
--version options.
Design document:
Some parts of install scripts used only ccache name as returned by attribute. However, when this name is used again
to initialize krbV.CCache object or when it is used in KRB5CCNAME
environmental variable, it fails for new DIR type of CCACHE.
We should always use both CCACHE type and name when referring to
them to avoid these crashes. ldap2 backend was also updated to
accept directly krbV.CCache object which contains everything we need
to authenticate with ccache.
openldap server does not store its schema in cn=schema entry, but
rather in cn=subschema. Add a fallback to ldap2 plugin to read from
this entry when cn=schema is not found. ldap2 plugin uses the schema
when doing some of the automatic encoding, like an automatic
encoding of DN object.
IPA migration plugin DN attribute processing is now also more
tolerant when it finds that some DN attribute was not autoencoded.
It tries to convert it to DN on its own and report a warning and
continue with user processing when the conversion fails instead of
crashing with AssertionError and thus abandoning the whole
migration run.
dogtag opens its NSS database in read/write mode so we need to be very
careful during renewal that we don't also open it up read/write. We
basically need to serialize access to the database. certmonger does the
majority of this work via internal locking from the point where it generates
a new key/submits a rewewal through the pre_save and releases the lock after
the post_save command. This lock is held per NSS database so we're save
from certmonger. dogtag needs to be shutdown in the pre_save state so
certmonger can safely add the certificate and we can manipulate trust
in the post_save command.
Fix a number of bugs in renewal. The CA wasn't actually being restarted
at all due to a naming change upstream. In python we need to reference
services using python-ish names but the service is pki-cad. We need a
translation for non-Fedora systems as well.
Update the CA ou=People entry when he CA subsystem certificate is
renewed. This certificate is used as an identity certificate to bind
to the DS instance.
The DS is installed before the CA cert is generated. Trying to
add the cert to LDAP before it exists resulted in a nasty-looking
error message.
This moves the cert upload to after the CA cert is ready and the
certdb is created.
Move the cert upload to after thecertdb is generated.
Add more dynamic attribute info to IPATypeChecker in make-lint. Remove
unnecessary pylint comments. Fix false positivies introduced by Pylint 0.26.
Update anonymous access ACI so that no users besides Trust Admins
users can read AD Trust key attributes (ipaNTTrustAuthOutgoing,
ipaNTTrustAuthIncoming). The change is applied both for updated
IPA servers and new installations.
Major changes ipa-client-install:
* Use GSSAPI connection to LDAP server to download CA cert (now
the default method)
* Add --ca-cert-file option to load the CA cert from a disk file.
Validate the file. If this option is used the supplied CA cert
is considered definitive.
* The insecure HTTP retrieval method is still supported but it must be
explicitly forced and a warning will be emitted.
* Remain backward compatible with unattended case (except for aberrant
condition when preexisting /etc/ipa/ca.crt differs from securely
obtained CA cert, see below)
* If /etc/ipa/ca.crt CA cert preexists the validate it matches the
securely acquired CA cert, if not:
- If --unattended and not --force abort with error
- If interactive query user to accept new CA cert, if not abort
In either case warn user.
* If interactive and LDAP retrieval fails prompt user if they want to
proceed with insecure HTTP method
* If not interactive and LDAP retrieval fails abort unless --force
* Backup preexisting /etc/ipa/ca.crt in FileStore prior to execution,
if ipa-client-install fails it will be restored.
Other changes:
* Add new exception class CertificateInvalidError
* Add utility convert_ldap_error() to ipalib.ipautil
* Replace all hardcoded instances of /etc/ipa/ca.crt in
ipa-client-install with CACERT constant (matches existing practice
* ipadiscovery no longer retrieves CA cert via HTTP.
* Handle LDAP minssf failures during discovery, treat failure to check
ldap server as a warninbg in absebce of a provided CA certificate via
--ca-cert-file or though existing /etc/ipa/ca.crt file.
Signed-off-by: Simo Sorce <>
Signed-off-by: Rob Crittenden <>
Define post-update plugin to upload public CA certificate to IPA LDAP server.
The plugin includes also update file that creates default container for the
IPA installer sometimes tries to connect to the Directory Server
via loopback address However, the Directory Server on
pure IPv6 systems may not be listening on this address. This address
may not even be available.
Rather use the FQDN of the server when connecting to the DS to fix
this issue and make the connection consistent ldapmodify calls which
also use FQDN instead of IP address.
LDAP updates were sorted by number of RDNs in DN. This, however,
sometimes caused updates to be executed before cn=schema updates.
If the update required an objectClass or attributeType added during
the cn=schema update, the update operation failed.
Fix the sorting so that the cn=schema updates are always run first
and then the other updates sorted by RDN count.
In summary this patch does:
* Follow the defined rules for cookies when:
- receiving a cookie (process the attributes)
- storing a cookie (store cookie + attributes)
- sending a cookie
+ validate the cookie domain against the request URL
+ validate the cookie path against the request URL
+ validate the cookie expiration
+ if valid then send only the cookie, no attribtues
* Modifies how a request URL is stored during a XMLRPC
request/response sequence.
* Refactors a bit of the request/response logic to allow for making
the decision whether to send a session cookie instead of full
Kerberous auth easier.
* The server now includes expiration information in the session cookie
it sends to the client. The server always had the information
available to prevent using an expired session cookie. Now that
expiration timestamp is returned to the client as well and now the
client will not send an expired session cookie back to the server.
* Adds a new module and unit test for cookies (see below)
Formerly we were always returning the session cookie no matter what
the domain or path was in the URL. We were also sending the cookie
attributes which are for the client only (used to determine if to
return a cookie). The attributes are not meant to be sent to the
server and the previous behavior was a protocol violation. We also
were not checking the cookie expiration.
Cookie library issues:
We need a library to create, parse, manipulate and format cookies both
in a client context and a server context. Core Python has two cookie
libraries, and Why did we add a new cookie
module instead of using either of these two core Python libaries? is designed for server side generation but can be used to
parse cookies on the client. It's the library we were using in the
server. However when I tried to use it in the client I discovered it
has some serious bugs. There are 7 defined cookie elements, it fails
to correctly parse 3 of the 7 elements which makes it unusable because
we depend on those elements. Since was designed for server
side cookie processing it's not hard to understand how fails to
correctly parse a cookie because that's a client side need. (
also has an awkward baroque API and is missing some useful
functionality we would have to build on top of it). is designed for client side. It's fully featured and obeys
all the RFC's. It would be great to use however it's tightly coupled
with another core library, The http request and response
objects must be urllib2 objects. But we don't use urllib2, rather we use
httplib because xmlrpclib uses httplib. I don't see a reason why a
cookie library should be so tightly coupled to a protocol library, but
it is and that means we can't use it (I tried to just pick some isolated
entrypoints for our use but I kept hitting interaction/dependency problems).
I decided to solve the cookie library problems by writing a minimal
cookie library that does what we need and no more than that. It is a
new module in ipapython shared by both client and server and comes
with a new unit test. The module has plenty of documentation, no need
to repeat it here.
Request URL issues:
We also had problems in whereby information from the request
which is needed when we process the response is not available. Most
important was the requesting URL. It turns out that the way the class
and object relationships are structured it's impossible to get this
information. Someone else must have run into the same issue because
there was a routine called reconstruct_url() which attempted to
recreate the request URL from other available
information. Unfortunately reconstruct_url() was not callable from
inside the response handler. So I decided to store the information in
the thread context and when the request is received extract it from
the thread context. It's perhaps not an ideal solution but we do
similar things elsewhere so at least it's consistent. I removed the
reconstruct_url() function because the exact information is now in the
context and trying to apply heuristics to recreate the url is probably
not robust.
The configuration code has been modified to use the ConfigParser to
set the parameters in the CA section in the deployment configuration.
This allows IPA to define additional PKI subsystems in the same
configuration file.
PKI Ticket #399 (
Modify the default IPA CA certificate profile to include CRL and
OCSP extensions which will add URIs to IPA CRL&OCSP to published
Both CRL and OCSP extensions have 2 URIs, one pointing directly to
the IPA CA which published the certificate and one to a new CNAME
ipa-ca.$DOMAIN which was introduced as a general CNAME pointing
to all IPA replicas which have CA configured.
The new CNAME is added either during new IPA server/replica/CA
installation or during upgrade.
When user from other realm than FreeIPA's tries to use Web UI
(login via forms-based auth or with valid trusted realm ticket),
the 401 Unauthorized error with X-Ipa-Rejection-Reason=denied
is returned.
Also, the support for usernames of the form user@SERVER.REALM
or user@server.realm was added.
When using Global Catalog for resolving users and groups, one needs
to authenticate against Active Directory DC using GSSAPI. Obtaining
Kerberos ticket might fail. Make sure the failure message is actually
returned to the user so that decision can be made about the source
of issue.
The ipa-csreplica-manage tool often assumed that the port numbers are the
same on both sides of a replication agreement.
This assumption doesn't hold in a cluster with both old-style hosts and
ones with merged DBs.
When managing agreements, determine the port with the PKI (or merged) DS
on each master, and use it.
Also, in CSReplicationManager, always use starttls rather than ldaps://.
The ancient IPAdmin class used some heuristics to determine the protocol
to connect with (ldap, ldaps, or ldapi). In turn, some calling code used
questionable mechanisms to get the correct protocol: in
ipaserver/install/, the CA cert was either passed to the
constructor or added to the class afterwards, to get ldap:// or ldaps://.
Add an explicit protocol argument and only fall back to backwards-compatible
guessing if it is not given.
With the new unified Dogtag10 LDAP database, PKI-CA data and the
agreements themselves are now in the main LDAP instance.
Replication management tools now need to properly filter replication
agreements based on the suffix to avoid clashing of agreements of
different types.
Stopping certificate tracking was done as part of the PKI DS uninstall.
Since with the merged DB, thePKI DS is not used any more, this step
was skipped.
Move certificate untracking to a separate step and call it separately.
Also, the post-uninstall check for tracked certificates used the wrong
set of Dogtag constants. Fix the issue.
This brings /etc/dirsrv/slapd-REALM/certmap.conf under IPA control.
The file is overwritten on upgrades.
This ensures that the cert for the ipaca user is recognized when
ipa-ca-install is run on older masters.
The new merged database will replicate with both the IPA and CA trees, so all
DS instances (IPA and CA on the existing master, and the merged one on the
replica) need to have the same schema.
Dogtag does all its schema modifications online. Those are replicated normally.
The basic IPA schema, however, is delivered in ldif files, which are not
replicated. The files are not present on old CA DS instances. Any schema
update that references objects in these files will fail.
The whole 99user.ldif (i.e. changes introduced dynamically over LDAP) is
replicated as a blob. If we updated the old master's CA schema dynamically
during replica install, it would conflict with updates done during the
installation: the one with the lower CSN would get lost.
Dogtag's spawn script recently grew a new flag, 'pki_clone_replicate_schema'.
Turning it off tells Dogtag to create its schema in the clone, where the IPA
modifications are taking place, so that it is not overwritten by the IPA schema
on replication.
The patch solves the problems by:
- In __spawn_instance, turning off the pki_clone_replicate_schema flag.
- Providing a script to copy the IPA schema files to the CA DS instance.
The script needs to be copied to old masters and run there.
- At replica CA install, checking if the schema is updated, and failing if not.
The --skip-schema-check option is added to ipa-{replica,ca}-install to
override the check.
All pre-3.1 CA servers in a domain will have to have the script run on them to
avoid schema replication errors.
New servers that are installed with dogtag 10 instances will use
a single database instance for dogtag and IPA, albeit with different
suffixes. Dogtag will communicate with the instance through a
database user with permissions to modify the dogtag suffix only.
This user will authenticate using client auth using the subsystem cert
for the instance.
This patch includes changes to allow the creation of masters and clones
with single ds instances.
python-crypto package is not available everywhere, use m2crypto instead.
Originally we thought to extend python-krbV to provide krb5_c_encrypt()
wrapper but m2crypto is readily available.
As named.conf and bind-dyndb-plugin is not set up yet during DNS
configuration phase, IPA hostname (i.e. the nameserver) should not
be required be to resolvable in this phase.
Nameserver hostname passed to dnszone_add command was always treated
as FQDN even though it was a relative DNS name to the new zone. All
relative names were being rejected as unresolvable.
Modify --name-server option processing in dnszone_add and dnszone_mod
to respect FQDN/relative DNS name and do the checks accordingly. With
this change, user can add a new zone "" and let dnszone_add
to create NS record "ns" in it, when supplied with its IP address. IP
address check is more strict so that it is not entered when no forward
record is created. Places misusing the option were fixed.
Nameserver option now also accepts zone name, which means that NS and A
record is placed to DNS zone itself. Also "@" is accepted as a nameserver
name, BIND understand it also as a zone name. As a side-effect of this
change, other records with hostname part (MX, KX, NS, SRV) accept "@"
as valid hostname. BIND replaces it with respective zone name as well.
Unit tests were updated to test the new format.
A sequence is following:
1. Match external member against existing trusted domain
2. Find trusted domain's domain controller and preferred GC hosts
3. Fetch trusted domain account auth info
4. Set up ccache in /var/run/ipa_memcached/krb5cc_TD<domain> with principal ourdomain$@trusted.domain
5. Do LDAP SASL interactive bind using the ccache
6. Search for the member's SID
7. Decode SID
8. Replace external member name by SID
It is possible that either or both of the LDAP instances are being restarted
during the renewal process. Make the script retry if this is the case.
It is also safe to re-run this script if it fails. It will take the current
ipaCert certificate and attempt to update the agent information in LDAP.
ldap2 server plugin generates a modlist for every IPA command entry
modification. However, encoding of attributes entry_attrs generated
by our framework still does not match entry read from LDAP (until
ticket #2265 is addressed), convert compared values to common ground
so that the comparison does not report false positives when encoding
do not match (e.g. 'int' and 'unicode').
python-ldap of version 2.3.10 and lower does not support serverctrls
and clientctrls fir rename_s operation. Do not use these options until
really needed. In that time, we may put a requirement in place, that
minimal python-ldap version is 2.3.11. Also add a notice explaining
why we did this change.
- Provide a function for determinig the CA status using Dogtag 10's new
getStatus endpoint.
This must be done over HTTPS, but since our client certificate may not be set
up yet, we need HTTPS without client authentication.
Rather than copying from the existing http_request and https_request
function, shared code is factored out to a common helper.
- Call the new function when restarting the CA service. Since our Service
can only be extended in platform-specific code, do this for Fedora only.
Also, the status is only checked with Dogtag 10+.
- When a restart call in cainstance failed, users were refered to the
installation log, but no info was actually logged. Log the exception.
Forces more consistency into ipa-server-install output. All
descriptions of services that are not instances of
SimpleServiceInstance are now in the following format:
<Description> (<Service Name>)
Furthermore, start_creation method has been modified to support
custom start and end messages. See documentation for more info.
If we get an error from dogtag we always did raise a
CertificateOperationError exception with a message describing the
problem. Unfortuanately that error message did not go into the log,
just sent back to the caller. The fix is to format the error message
and send the same message to both the log and use it to initialize the
CertificateOperationError exception. This is done in the utility
method raise_certificate_operation_error().
We don't use smbpasswd when configuring IPA for AD trusts anymore
because we switched to use Kerberos authentication in IPA passdb
backend based on CIFS service keytab.
Any installed clones will have CRL generation explicitly disabled.
It is a manual process to make a different CA the CRL generator.
There should be only one.
Since CIFS principal is generated by ipa-adtrust-install and is only
usable after setting CIFS configuration, there is no need to include it
into default setup.
This should fix upgrades from 2.2 to 3.0 where CIFS principal does not
exist by default.
The master side should be on the local side, replica1, not the
remote. This required reversing a few master variables. This impacts
the naming of the replication agreements.
When deleting an agreement pass in the DN of that agreement
rather than trying to calculate what it is on-the-fly. We cannot
be sure which side is the master/clone and since we search for it
anyway to determine if the agreement exists it is more correct
to use what we find.
The force flag wasn't being passed into del_link so there was no way
to force a deletion.
The initial certificate is issued for two years but renewals are
for six months for some reason. This fixes it for new and updated
IPA installs.
Currently, CRL files are being exported to /var/lib/pki-ca
sub-directory, which is then served by httpd to clients. However,
this approach has several disadvantages:
* We depend on pki-ca directory structure and relevant permissions.
If pki-ca changes directory structure or permissions on upgrade,
IPA may break. This is also a root cause of the latest error, where
the pki-ca directory does not have X permission for others and CRL
publishing by httpd breaks.
* Since the directory is not static and is generated during
ipa-server-install, RPM upgrade of IPA packages report errors when
defining SELinux policy for these directories.
Move CRL publish directory to /var/lib/ipa/pki-ca/publish (common for
both dogtag 9 and 10) which is created on RPM upgrade, i.e. SELinux policy
configuration does not report any error. The new CRL publish directory
is used for both new IPA installs and upgrades, where contents of
the directory (CRLs) is first migrated to the new location and then the
actual configuration change is made.
This patch contains additional minor fixes which were proposed during
review but were not pushed (accidentaly). Also amends a name of the
default SMB group in a list of protected groups in
Currently the framework is used to add the group but we want to avoid
that users are added explicitly to the group by removing the
objectclasses groupofnames, ipausergroup and nestedgroup and we want to
use a name with spaces in it. Both it not easy possible with the
framework, a LDIF file is used instead to create the group.
This patch is adding a build of kerberosauth.xpi (FF Kerberos authentication extension).
Currently the build is done in install phase of FreeIPA server. It is to allow signing of the extension by singing certificate. The signing might not be necessary because the only outcome is that in extension installation FF doesn't show that the maker is not verified. It shows text: 'Object signing cert'. This might be a bug in"Signing-Cert", "Object Signing Cert", ca_db)) The value is in place of hostname parameter.
If the extension is not signed, it can be created in rpm build phase, which should make upgrades easier. Current implementation doesn't handle upgrades yet.
In order to keep extension and config pages not dependent on a realm, a krb.js.teplate file was created. This template is used for creating a /usr/share/ipa/html/krb.js file in install phase which holds FreeIPA's realm and domain information. This information can be then used by config pages by importing this file.
This strange patch is to accomodate both python-ldap 2.3 and later versions.
There was refactoring in python-ldap support for LDAP controls that split
base class into two different, changing properties and method signatures.
Luckily, we don't use any values passed to encodeControlValue.
From IPA 3.0, services have by default ipakrbprincipal objectclass which
allows ipakrbprincipalalias attribute used for case-insensitive principal
searches. However, services created in previous version do not have
this objectclass (and attribute) and thus case-insensitive searches
may return inconsistent results.
Fill ipakrbprincipalalias on upgrades for all 2.x services. Also treat
Treat the ipakrbprincipal as optional to avoid missing services in
service-find command if the upgrade fails for any reason.
Every <plugin>-del command executes an "(objectclass=*)" search
to find out if a deleted node has any child nodes which would need
to be deleted first. This produces an unindexed search for every del
command which biases access log audits and may affect performance too.
Since most of the *-del commands delete just a single object (user,
group, RBAC objects, SUDO or HBAC objects, ...) and not a tree
(automount location, dns zone, ...) run a single entry delete first
and only revert to subtree search&delete when that fails.
Our installation added two final dots to the NS records,
so the records were invalid, Bind ignored the entire zone,
and name resolution didn't work.
Fix this error and add a check for empty DNS labels to the validator
When DNS is being installed during ipa-{server,dns,replica}-install,
forward and reverse zone is created. However, reverse zone was always
created with default zonemgr even when a custom zonemgr was passed
to the installer as this functionality was missing in function
creating reverse zone.
Consolidate functions creating forward and reverse zones to avoid
code duplication and errors like this one. Reverse zones are now
created with custom zonemgr (when entered by user).
When a new reverse zone is to be generated based on an IP address without
a network prefix length, we need to use some default value. While netaddr
library default ones (32b for IPv4 and 128b for IPv6) are not very sensible
we should use the defaults already applied in installers. That is 24b for
IPv6 and 64 for IPv6.
Test case has been added to cover the new default.
Since we only can perform verification when AD admin credentials are available,
report that trust should be verified from the AD side in other cases,
including unsuccessful verification.
Once trust is added, status of it is never stored anywhere.
We've been stopping both DS instances (main and PKI) when upgrading.
This can happen while the CA is running. In some cases stopping the PKI
DS also killed the CA.
Only stop the specific instance for upgrades.
Also, wait for open ports after the upgrade is complete. The wait was
skipped previously. This can prevent bugs if scripts that need a DS are
run after the upgrade.
Put the changes from Ade's dogtag 10 patch into namespaced constants in, which are then referenced in the code.
Make ipaserver.install.CAInstance use the service name specified in the
configuration. Uninstallation, where config is removed before CA uninstall,
also uses the (previously) configured value.
This and Ade's patch address
Dogtag 10 uses a new installer, new directory layout and new default
ports. This patch changes the ipa install code to integrate these changes.
This adds two new commands to ipa-replica-manage: list-ruv & clean-ruv
list-ruv can be use to list the update vectors the master has
clean-ruv can be used to fire off the CLEANRUV task to remove a
replication vector. It should be used with caution.
Many attributes in IPA (e.g. manager, memberuser, managedby, ...)
are used to store DNs of linked objects in IPA (users, hosts, sudo
commands, etc.). However, when the linked objects is deleted or
renamed, the attribute pointing to it stays with the objects and
thus may create a dangling link causing issues in client software
reading the data.
Directory Server has a plugin to enforce referential integrity (RI)
by checking DEL and MODRDN operations and updating affected links.
It was already used for manager and secretary attributes and
should be expanded for the missing attributes to avoid dangling
As a prerequisite, all attributes checked for RI must have pres
and eq indexes to avoid performance issues. Thus, the following
indexes are added:
* manager (pres index only)
* secretary (pres index only)
* memberHost
* memberUser
* sourcehost
* memberservice
* managedby
* memberallowcmd
* memberdenycmd
* ipasudorunas
* ipasudorunasgroup
Referential Integrity plugin is updated to enforce RI for all these
attributes. Unit tests covering RI checks for all these attributes
were added as well.
Note: this update will only fix RI on one master as RI plugin does
not check replicated operations.
When LDAP updater detected an update instruction in indexing tree, it run
an indexing task and waited until it ends. However, the task was run
regardless of the update instruction result. This lead to unnecessary
index tasks being defined and waited for which makes the whole LDAP
last longer.
Execute indexing task only when an index add/update instruction is
AttributeType updates are sensitive to case, whitespace or X-ORIGIN mismatch
just like ObjectClass attribute which is already being normalized before
an update value is compared with update instructions.
Expand safe schema updater routine to cover both ObjectClasses and
AttributeTypes updates.
The restart_dirsrv script wasn't initializing the api so the
startup_timeout wasn't available.
The subsystemCert cert-pki-ca definition was missing so we didn't
know which certificate to update in CS.cfg.
Add some documentation and a pause between restarts for the
renew_ca_cert script so that when the CA subsystem certs are renewed
they don't all try to restart the CA at the same time.
Current objectclass updates in a form of "replace" update instruction
dependent on exact match of the old object class specification in the
update instruction and the real value in LDAP. However, this approach is
very error prone as object class definition can easily differ as for
example because of unexpected X-ORIGIN value. Such objectclass update
failures may lead to serious malfunctions later.
When comparing the objectclasses, make sure we normalize them both
before we compare them to mitigate these kinds of errors. python-ldap's
objectclass model can be utilized to do the normalization part.
One objectclass update instruction was changed to do a replace of
an objectclass separately from add update instruction so that we
really only replace what's stored in LDAP.
Generalize the fix_replica_memberof update plugin to allow updating more
replication attributes.
Add nsds5ReplicaStripAttrs to replication agreements on update and
replica install.
Under certain circumstances, replica installation may fail in
"enable GSSAPI for replication" step when it cannot sync LDAP service
principals. There is often not much we can do as Directory Server
may be in an unrecoverable state but we should at least wait longer
before we give up.
A function checking replication status was also fixed to give more
accurate results by properly comparing start/end time of the
replication process and returning an error message to calling
function. This error message is then returned to user if do not
manage to get the LDAP service principals to give him a pointer
to the actual issue.
Currently, we throw many public exceptions without proper i18n.
Wrap natural-language error messages in _() so they can be translated.
In the service plugin, raise NotFound errors using handle_not_found helper
so the error message contains the offending service.
Use ScriptError instead of NotFoundError in bindinstance install.
Because the attrs & values in DN's, RDN's and AVA's are comparison case-
insensitive the hash value between two objects which compare as equal but
differ in case must also yield the same hash value. This is critical when
these objects are used as a dict key or in a set because dicts and sets
use the object's __hash__ value in conjunction with the objects __eq__
method to lookup the object.
The defect is the DN, RDN & AVA objects computed their hash from the case-
preserving string representation thus two otherwise equal objects
incorrectly yielded different hash values.
The problem manifests itself when one of these objects is used as a key in
a dict, for example a dn.
dn1 = DN(('cn', 'Bob'))
dn2 = DN(('cn', 'bob'))
dn1 == dn2 --> True
hash(dn1) == hash(dn2) --> False
d = {}
d[dn1] = x
d[dn2] = y
len(d) --> 2
The patch fixes the above by lower casing the string representation of
the object prior to computing it's hash.
The patch also corrects a spelling mistake and a bogus return value in which happened to be discovered while researching this
Due to recent addition of ID range support to DsInstance, the class
could no longer be instantiated when realm_name was passed but
ID range parameters were not. This condition broke winsync agreements
creation in ipa-replica-manage.
Make sure that ID range computation in DsInstance does not crash in
this cases so that winsync replica can be created. Also convert --binddn
option of ipa-replica-manage script to IPA native DN type so that
setup_agreement does not crash.
* Convert every string specifying a DN into a DN object
* Every place a dn was manipulated in some fashion it was replaced by
the use of DN operators
* Add new DNParam parameter type for parameters which are DN's
* DN objects are used 100% of the time throughout the entire data
pipeline whenever something is logically a dn.
* Many classes now enforce DN usage for their attributes which are
dn's. This is implmented via ipautil.dn_attribute_property(). The
only permitted types for a class attribute specified to be a DN are
either None or a DN object.
* Require that every place a dn is used it must be a DN object.
This translates into lot of::
assert isinstance(dn, DN)
sprinkled through out the code. Maintaining these asserts is
valuable to preserve DN type enforcement. The asserts can be
disabled in production.
The goal of 100% DN usage 100% of the time has been realized, these
asserts are meant to preserve that.
The asserts also proved valuable in detecting functions which did
not obey their function signatures, such as the baseldap pre and
post callbacks.
* Moved ipalib.dn to ipapython.dn because DN class is shared with all
components, not just the server which uses ipalib.
* All API's now accept DN's natively, no need to convert to str (or
* Removed ipalib.encoder and encode/decode decorators. Type conversion
is now explicitly performed in each IPASimpleLDAPObject method which
emulates a ldap.SimpleLDAPObject method.
* Entity & Entry classes now utilize DN's
* Removed __getattr__ in Entity & Entity clases. There were two
problems with it. It presented synthetic Python object attributes
based on the current LDAP data it contained. There is no way to
validate synthetic attributes using code checkers, you can't search
the code to find LDAP attribute accesses (because synthetic
attriutes look like Python attributes instead of LDAP data) and
error handling is circumscribed. Secondly __getattr__ was hiding
Python internal methods which broke class semantics.
* Replace use of methods inherited from ldap.SimpleLDAPObject via
IPAdmin class with IPAdmin methods. Directly using inherited methods
was causing us to bypass IPA logic. Mostly this meant replacing the
use of search_s() with getEntry() or getList(). Similarly direct
access of the LDAP data in classes using IPAdmin were replaced with
calls to getValue() or getValues().
* Objects returned by ldap2.find_entries() are now compatible with
either the python-ldap access methodology or the Entity/Entry access
* All ldap operations now funnel through the common
IPASimpleLDAPObject giving us a single location where we interface
to python-ldap and perform conversions.
* The above 4 modifications means we've greatly reduced the
proliferation of multiple inconsistent ways to perform LDAP
operations. We are well on the way to having a single API in IPA for
doing LDAP (a long range goal).
* All certificate subject bases are now DN's
* DN objects were enhanced thusly:
- find, rfind, index, rindex, replace and insert methods were added
- AVA, RDN and DN classes were refactored in immutable and mutable
variants, the mutable variants are EditableAVA, EditableRDN and
EditableDN. By default we use the immutable variants preserving
important semantics. To edit a DN cast it to an EditableDN and
cast it back to DN when done editing. These issues are fully
described in other documentation.
- first_key_match was removed
- DN equalty comparison permits comparison to a basestring
* Fixed ldapupdate to work with DN's. This work included:
- Enhance to do more checking after applying
update. Add test for update_from_dict(). Convert code to use
unittest classes.
- Consolidated duplicate code.
- Moved code which should have been in the class into the class.
- Fix the handling of the 'deleteentry' update action. It's no longer
necessary to supply fake attributes to make it work. Detect case
where subsequent update applies a change to entry previously marked
for deletetion. General clean-up and simplification of the
'deleteentry' logic.
- Rewrote a couple of functions to be clearer and more Pythonic.
- Added documentation on the data structure being used.
- Simplfy the use of update_from_dict()
* Removed all usage of get_schema() which was being called prior to
accessing the .schema attribute of an object. If a class is using
internal lazy loading as an optimization it's not right to require
users of the interface to be aware of internal
optimization's. schema is now a property and when the schema
property is accessed it calls a private internal method to perform
the lazy loading.
* Added SchemaCache class to cache the schema's from individual
servers. This was done because of the observation we talk to
different LDAP servers, each of which may have it's own
schema. Previously we globally cached the schema from the first
server we connected to and returned that schema in all contexts. The
cache includes controls to invalidate it thus forcing a schema
* Schema caching is now senstive to the run time context. During
install and upgrade the schema can change leading to errors due to
out-of-date cached schema. The schema cache is refreshed in these
* We are aware of the LDAP syntax of all LDAP attributes. Every
attribute returned from an LDAP operation is passed through a
central table look-up based on it's LDAP syntax. The table key is
the LDAP syntax it's value is a Python callable that returns a
Python object matching the LDAP syntax. There are a handful of LDAP
attributes whose syntax is historically incorrect
(e.g. DistguishedNames that are defined as DirectoryStrings). The
table driven conversion mechanism is augmented with a table of
hard coded exceptions.
Currently only the following conversions occur via the table:
- dn's are converted to DN objects
- binary objects are converted to Python str objects (IPA
- everything else is converted to unicode using UTF-8 decoding (IPA
However, now that the table driven conversion mechanism is in place
it would be trivial to do things such as converting attributes
which have LDAP integer syntax into a Python integer, etc.
* Expected values in the unit tests which are a DN no longer need to
use lambda expressions to promote the returned value to a DN for
equality comparison. The return value is automatically promoted to
a DN. The lambda expressions have been removed making the code much
simpler and easier to read.
* Add class level logging to a number of classes which did not support
logging, less need for use of root_logger.
* Remove ipaserver/, it was unused.
* Consolidated duplicate code wherever it was found.
* Fixed many places that used string concatenation to form a new
string rather than string formatting operators. This is necessary
because string formatting converts it's arguments to a string prior
to building the result string. You can't concatenate a string and a
* Simplify logic in rename_managed plugin. Use DN operators to edit
* The live version of ipa-ldap-updater did not generate a log file.
The offline version did, now both do.
Translate exceptions produced by DCERPC bindings when establishing trusts.
There are two types of errors that may be produced by DCERPC bindings:
- RuntimeError with a text (RuntimeError('NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND')
- RuntimeError with a numeric code and 'friendly' message
Error codes could have two prefixes:
- NT error codes, start with NT_STATUS_ prefix
- Windows error codes, start with WERR_ prefix
Full list of errors is available in Samba source code:
libcli/util/ntstatus.h: NT_STATUS error codes
libcli/util/werror.h: Windows error codes
Majority of errors returned when dealing with trusts are of NT_STATUS type,
these also include all typical POSIX errors mapped to corresponding NT errors.
Unfortunately, in the textual RuntimeError case very little can be done to
get better clarification of the error. More error paths will need to be added
as they will be discovered -- DCERPC error messaging is complex.
A change to ipa-ldap-updater (and thus an RPM update %post scriptlet)
avoiding redundat "IPA is not configured" message in stderr introdocued
in c20d4c71b8 was reverted in another
patch (b5c1ce88a4).
Return the change back to avoid this message during every RPM update
when IPA is not configured. admintool framework was also fixed to
avoid print an empty line when an exception without an error message
is raised.
When setting up AD trusts support, ipa-adtrust-install utility
needs to be run as:
- root, for performing Samba configuration and using LDAPI/autobind
- kinit-ed IPA admin user, to ensure proper ACIs are granted to
fetch keytab
As result, we can get rid of Directory Manager credentials in ipa-adtrust-install
Certificate renewal can be done only one one CA as the certificates need
to be shared amongst them. certmonger has been trained to communicate
directly with dogtag to perform the renewals. The initial CA installation
is the defacto certificate renewal master.
A copy of the certificate is stored in the IPA LDAP tree in
cn=ca_renewal,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$SUFFIX, the rdn being the nickname of the
certificate, when a certificate is renewed. Only the most current
certificate is stored. It is valid to have no certificates there, it means
that no renewals have taken place.
The clones are configured with a new certmonger CA type that polls this
location in the IPA tree looking for an updated certificate. If one is
not found then certmonger is put into the CA_WORKING state and will poll
every 8 hours until an updated certificate is available.
The RA agent certificate, ipaCert in /etc/httpd/alias, is a special case.
When this certificate is updated we also need to update its entry in
the dogtag tree, adding the updated certificate and telling dogtag which
certificate to use. This is the certificate that lets IPA issue
On upgrades we check to see if the certificate tracking is already in
place. If not then we need to determine if this is the master that will
do the renewals or not. This decision is made based on whether it was
the first master installed. It is concievable that this master is no
longer available meaning that none are actually tracking renewal. We
will need to document this.
There are two problems in task naming in LDAP updates:
1. Randomness may be scarce in virtual machines
2. Random number is added to the time value rounded to a second
The second issue leads to values that may repeat themselves as time
only grows and random number is non-negative as well, so
t2+r2 can be equal to t1+t2 generated earlier.
Since task name is a DN, there is no strict requirement to use an integer value.
Instead, we generate an UUID and use its 60-bit time, 14-bit sequential number,
and attribute name.
Currently, FreeIPA's install/admin scripts are long pieces of code
that aren't very reusable, importable, or testable.
They have been extended over time with features such as logging and
error handling, but since each tool was extended individually, there
is much inconsistency and code duplication.
This patch starts a framework which the admin tools can use, and
converts ipa-ldap-updater to use the framework.
Common tasks the tools do -- option parsing, validation, logging
setup, error handling -- are represented as methods. Individual
tools can extend, override or reuse the defaults as they see fit.
The ipa-ldap-updater has two modes (normal and --upgrade) that
don't share much functionality. They are represented by separate
classes. Option parsing, and selecting which class to run, happens
before they're instantiated.
All code is moved to importable modules to aid future testing. The
only thing that remains in the ipa-ldap-updater script is a two-line
call to the library.
First part of the work for:
Realm administrator account may be specified using different form:
Administrator, DOM\Administrator, Administrator@DOMAIN
This patch introduces handling of the second two forms:
- In DOM\Administrator only user name is used, short domain name
is then taken from a discovered record from the AD DC
- In Administrator@DOMAIN first DOMAIN is verified to be the same
as the domain we are establishing trust to, and then user name
is taken, together with short domain name taken from a discovered
record from the AD DC
Note that we do not support using to-be-trusted domain's trusted domains'
accounts to establish trust as there is basically zero chance to verify
that things will work with them. In addition, in order to establish trust
one needs to belong to Enterprise Admins group in AD or have specially
delegated permissions. These permissions are unlikely delegated to the
ones in already trusted domain.
IPA 3.0 introduced range ID objects in replicated space which specify
a range of IDs assigned via DNA plugin. ipa-ldap-updater generates the
default ID range which should correspond with IDs assigned to IPA
However, since correct range size is not known, we should at least
warn that a range with invalid size was created so that user can
amend it.
SOA serial autoincrement is a requirement for major DNS features,
e.g. zone transfers or DNSSEC. Enable it by default in named.conf
both for new and upgraded installations. Name of the bind-dyndb-ldap
option is "serial_autoincrement".
From now on, idnsSOAserial attribute also has to be put to
replication agreement exclude list as serial will be incremented
on each DNS server separately and won't be shared. Exclude list
has to be updated both for new replication agreements and the
current ones.
Minimum number of connections for bind-dyndb-ldap has been rised
to 4 connections, the setting will be updated during package upgrade.
Many functions use low-level socket interface for connection or
various checks. However, most of the time we don't respect
automatic address family detection but rather try to force our
values. This may cause either redundat connection tries when an
address family is disabled on system tries or even crashes
when socket exceptions are not properly caught.
Instead of forcing address families to socket, rather use
getaddrinfo interface to automatically retrieve a list of all
relevant address families and other connection settings when
connecting to remote/local machine or binding to a local port.
Now, we will also fill correctly all connection parameters like
flowinfo and scopeid for IPv6 connections which will for example
prevent issues with scoped IPv6 addresses.
bind_port_responder function was changed to at first try to bind
to IPv6 wildcard address before IPv4 as IPv6 socket is able to
accept both IPv4 and IPv6 connections (unlike IPv4 socket).
nsslib connection was refactored to use class to
get all the available connections. Socket is now not created by
default in NSSConnection class initializer, but rather when the
actual connection is being made, becase we do not an address family
where connection is successful.
All service start/restart currently go through ipapython/platform so
move the "wait for service to start" code there as well.
A dictionary of known services and ports to wait on is defined in
This is referenced by the platforms by instance name to determine what
to wait for. For the case of dirsrv if we get that as a plain name
(no specific instance) it is assumed to be the main IPA service.
Create default range both on new install and on upgrades. Also make
sure that all range object classes are present for upgraded machines.
Default range LDIF entry for new install was fixed so that new
installation does not crash.
When using ipaExternalGroup/ipaExternalMember attributes it is
possible to add group members which don't exist in IPA database.
This is primarily is required for AD trusts support and therefore
validation is accepting only secure identifier (SID) format.
IPA implements read/write permissions for DNS record or zones.
Provided set of permissions and privileges can, however, only grant
access to the whole DNS tree, which may not be appropriate.
Administrators may miss more fine-grained permissions allowing
them to delegate access per-zone.
Create a new IPA auxiliary objectclass ipaDNSZone allowing
a managedBy attribute for a DNS zone. This attribute will hold
a group DN (in this case a permission) which allows its members
to read or write in a zone. Member permissions in given zone
will only have 2 limitations:
1) Members cannot delete the zone
2) Members cannot edit managedBy attribute
Current DNS deny ACI used to enforce read access is removed so that
DNS privileges are based on allow ACIs only, which is much more
flexible approach as deny ACIs have always precedence and limit
other extensions. Per-zone access is allowed in 3 generic ACIs
placed in cn=dns,$SUFFIX so that no special ACIs has to be added
to DNS zones itselves.
2 new commands have been added which allows an administrator to
create the system permission allowing the per-zone access and
fill a zone's managedBy attribute:
* dnszone-add-permission: Add per-zone permission
* dnszone-remove-permission: Remove per-zone permission
This extop can be used by clients of the IPA domain, e.g. sssd, to
retrieve data from trusted external domains. It can be used e.g. to map
Windows SIDs to user or groups names and back.
A postop plugin is added to create the SID for new created users and
groups. A directory server task allows to set the SID for existing
users and groups.
We should restart Directory Server when performing AD trusts configuration
to enable new CLDAP plugin and force KDC to notice MS PAC is now available.
Previously we only restarted KDC but if dirsrv is restarted, KDC will notice
its socket disappeared and will refresh itself
Try to use the URI /ipa/session/xml if there is a key in the kernel
keyring. If there is no cookie or it turns out to be invalid (expired,
whatever) then use the standard URI /ipa/xml. This in turn will create
a session that the user can then use later.
IPA server web form-based authentication allows logins for users
which for some reason cannot use Kerberos authentication. However,
when a password for such users expires, they are unable change the
password via web interface.
This patch adds a new WSGI script attached to URL
/ipa/session/change_password which can be accessed without
authentication and which provides password change capability
for web services.
The actual password change in the script is processed by LDAP
password change command.
Password result is passed both in the resulting HTML page, but
also in HTTP headers for easier parsing in web services:
X-IPA-Pwchange-Result: {ok, invalid-password, policy-error, error}
(optional) X-IPA-Pwchange-Policy-Error: $policy_error_text
setsebool -P was run for every package upgrade or server
installation even though the sebools were already set to the new
Only set sebools which are different from current system values.
This speeds up ipa-upgradeconfig or package update by 150 seconds.
From IPA 3.0, persistent search is a preferred mechanism for new DNS
zone detection and is also needed for other features (DNSSEC, SOA
serial updates).
Enable psearch and make sure connections attribute is right. This
step is done just once for a case when user switched the persistent
search back to disabled on purpose.
ipa-upgradeconfig was updated to accept --debug option in case
somebody would want to see debug messages.
From IPA version 3.0, the persistent search is a preferred mechanism
to for DNS zone list management. It will be also a requirement for
several bind-dyndb-ldap features, like SOA serial automatic updates
Make this mechanism default in ipa-server-install and ipa-dns-istall.
When IPA package is being updated, some of the configuration files
are also updated. Sometimes it may be useful to store upgrade meta
information for next package upgrades. For example an information
that some config file was already updated and we don't want to
update it again if user purposedly reverted the change.
This patch adds a new StateFile in /var/lib/ipa/sysupgrade which
is capable of holding this information. New module
was created to provide simple API to access the upgrade state
Sort a filtered list in the update plugin ordering method.
Unlike the previous algorithm, this always gives a correct order.
It should also be faster and more readable.
Several plugins need restarting the DS (or they currently do
an external bind).
Rather than disabling plugins (possibly partially), refuse
to run them when run as an unprivileged user.
This means running ipa-ldap-updater as non-root requires specifying
a list of files, and omiting the --upgrade and --plugins options.
Also make sure all exceptions are captured when creating CIFS service
record. The one we care about is duplicate entry and we do nothing
in that case anyway.
Also make uniform use of action descriptors.
We want to always resolve TGS requests even if the user mistakenly sends a
request for a service ticket where the fqdn part contain upper case letters.
The actual implementation follows hints set by KDC. When AP_REQ is done, KDC
sets KRB5_FLAG_ALIAS_OK and we obey it when looking for principals on TGS requests.
Samba just needs the cifs/ key on the ipa server. Configure samba to use a
different keytab file so that we do not risk samba commands (net, or similar)
to mess up the system keytab.
We need two attributes in the ipaNTTrustedDomain objectclass to store different
kind of SID. Currently ipaNTSecurityIdentifier is used to store the Domain-SID
of the trusted domain. A second attribute is needed to store the SID for the
trusted domain user. Since it cannot be derived safely from other values and
since it does not make sense to create a separate object for the user a new
attribute is needed.
For security reasons, dynamic updates are not enabled for new DNS
zones. In order to enable the dynamic zone securely, user needs to
allow dynamic updates and create a zone update policy.
The policy is not easy to construct for regular users, we should
rather fill it by default and let users just switch the policy
on or off.
All of our install/admin scripts had a try/except block calling the
main function and handling common exceptions. These were copy-pasted
from each other and modified to various levels of sophistication.
This refactors them out of installers to a single function, which
includes a final pass/fail message for all of the scripts.
Non-install scripts that set up the same log handler levels for
stderr and log file are not changed, as it's not possible to log
to only the logfile without changing the logger configuration.
IPA client and server tool set used authconfig acutil module to
for client DNS operations. This is not optimal DNS interface for
several reasons:
- does not provide native Python object oriented interface
but but rather C-like interface based on functions and
structures which is not easy to use and extend
- acutil is not meant to be used by third parties besides
authconfig and thus can break without notice
Replace the acutil with python-dns package which has a feature rich
interface for dealing with all different aspects of DNS including
DNSSEC. The main target of this patch is to replace all uses of
acutil DNS library with a use python-dns. In most cases, even
though the larger parts of the code are changed, the actual
functionality is changed only in the following cases:
- redundant DNS checks were removed from verify_fqdn function
in installutils to make the whole DNS check simpler and
less error-prone. Logging was improves for the remaining
- improved logging for ipa-client-install DNS discovery
We've seen on a few occassions where one side or the other is missing
the ldap principal. This causes replication to fail when trying to
convert to using GSSAPI. If this happens force a synchronization again
and try the retrieval again, up to 10 times.
This should also make the error report clearer if even after the retries
one of the principals doesn't exist.
bind-dyndb-ldap persistent search queries LDAP for all DNS records.
The LDAP connection must have no size or time limits to work
This patch updates limits both for existing service principal
on updated machine and for new service principals added
as a part of DNS installation.
python-ldap add_s method raises a NO_SUCH_OBJECT exception when
a parent entry of the entry being added does not exist. This may
not be an error, for example NIS entries are only added when NIS
is enabled and thus the NIS entry container exists.
The exception raised by python-ldap is also incorrectly processed
in ipaldap's addEntry function and an irrelevant exception is
re-raised instead.
Fix LDAP updater to just log an information when an object cannot
be added due to missing parent object. Also make sure that the
addEntry function exception processing provides the right exception
with a useful description.
IPA has some unused code from abandoned features (Radius, ipa 1.x user
input, commant-line tab completion), as well as some duplicate utilities.
This patch cleans up the utility modules.
Duplicate code consolidated into ipapython.ipautil:
(with style improvements from the ipaserver version)
ipalib.util.get_fqdn was removed in favor of the same function in
Removed unused code:
make_repr (was imported but unused; also removed from tests)
get_gsserror (a different version exists in ipapython.ipautil)
ipaserver.ipautil ended up empty and is removed entirely.
Move the code for encoding boolean values to LDAP boolean syntax from the
Parameter class to the Encoder class, where the rest of LDAP encoding takes
place. Remove encoding code from the Parameter class altogether, as all LDAP
encoding should be done in the Encoder class.
This reverts commit a58cbb985e.
We are going to take another approach to this. Instead of erroring
out on attributes that don't seem to be allowed we are going to
eventually return a warning.
ldap2 plugin returns NotFound error for find_entries/get_entry
queries when the server did not manage to return an entry
due to time limits. This may be confusing for user when the
entry he searches actually exists.
This patch fixes the behavior in ldap2 plugin to
1) Return even a zero search results + truncated bool set in
2) Raise LimitsExceeded in ldap2.get_entry and
ldap2.find_entry_by_attr instead of NotFound error
This changed several assumptions about ldap2.find_entries
results. Several calls accross IPA code base had to be
We need to inform users when a forms-based login fails due to the
password needing to be reset. Currently there is no way to distinguish
a reset case vs an incorrect password.
This will bind the user using a simple LDAP bind over ldapi (by default)
and if that is successful, check the expiration date against the current
The UI portion of this that uses this message will come later.
We don't need to do anything with the state but if it exists in
the sysrestore index at the end of uninstallation the uninstaller will
complain about it.
certmonger now has the ability to execute a script when it renews a
certificate. This can be used to automatically restart servers so
the certificate doesn't expire in the running server.
When IPA server is configured with DNS and its hostname is not
located in a default domain, SRV records are not valid.
Additionally, httpd does not serve XMLRPC interface because it
IPA server domain-realm mapping is missing in krb5.conf. All CLI
commands were then failing.
This patch amends this configuration. It fixes SRV records in
served domain to include full FQDN instead of relative hostname
when the IPA server hostname is not located in served domain.
IPA server forward record is also placed to correct zone.
When IPA server is not in a served domain a proper domain-realm
mapping is configured to krb5.conf. The template was improved
in order to be able to hold this information.
Ticket #2502
* remove the "running" flag from backup_state in and because it does not provide the correct
information. In cainstance the running flag was never referenced
because restarting dirsrv instances occurs later in dsinstance. In
dsinstance when the running flag is set it incorrectly identifed the
PKI ds instance configured earlier by cainstance. The intent was to
determine if there were any ds instances other than those owned by
IPA which will need to be restarted upon uninstall. Clearly the PKI
ds instance does not qualify. We were generating a traceback when at
the conclusion of dsinstance.uninstall we tried to start the
remaining ds instances as indicated by the running flag, but there
were none to restart (because the running flag had been set as a
consequence of the PKI ds instance).
* We only want to restart ds instances if there are other ds instances
besides those owned by IPA. We shouldn't be stopping all ds
instances either, but that's going to be covered by another
ticket. The fix for restarting other ds instances at the end of
uninstall is to check and see if there are other ds instances
remaining after we've removed ours, if so we restart them. Also it's
irrelevant if those ds instances were not present when we installed,
it only matters if they exist after we restore things during
uninstall. If they are present we have to start them back up because
we shut them down during uninstall.
* Add new function get_ds_instances() which returns a list of existing
ds instances.
* fixed error messages that incorrectly stated it "failed to restart"
a ds instance when it should be "failed to create".
SELinux configuration for httpd instance was set for new
installations only. Upgraded IPA servers (namely 2.1.x -> 2.2.x
upgrade) missed the configuration. This lead to AVCs when httpd
tries to contact ipa_memcached and user not being able to log in.
This patch updates ipa-upgradeconfig to configure SELinux
in the same way as ipa-server-install does.
With a publicly accessible DNS tree in LDAP, anyone with an access
to the LDAP server can get all DNS data as with a zone transfer
which is already restricted with ACL. Making DNS tree not readable
to public is a common security practice and should be applied
in FreeIPA as well.
This patch adds a new deny rule to forbid access to DNS tree to
users or hosts without an appropriate permission or users which
are not members of admins group. The new permission/aci is
applied both for new installs and upgraded servers.
bind-dyndb-ldap plugin is allowed to read DNS tree without any
change because its principal is already a member of "DNS
Servers" privilege.
The server installation failed on F17 due to permission problem.
The /var/lib/dirsrv/boot.ldif was previously owned and only readable
by root. It is now owned by DS user dirsrv.
Ticket #2544
When updating from 2.x we need to add nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList and
nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeListTotal if they aren't present.
If nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList is present and doesn't contain memberof
then we want to add it.
Replace all occurences of create_default with equivalent default_from
and remove create_default from the framework. This is needed for
proper parameter validation, as there is no way to tell which
parameters to validate prior to calling create_default, because
create_default does not provide information about which parameters are
used for generating the default value.
Global DNS configuration is a nice tool to maintain a common DNS
settings stored in LDAP which are then used for all enrolled IPA
servers. However, the settings stored in LDAP override local
settings in named.conf on DNS servers.
This patch adds more information about global DNS configuration
options in install scripts and DNS module help.
New features in bind-dyndb-ldap and IPA DNS plugin pulled new
attributes and objectclasses. ACIs and permissions need to be
updated to allow users with appropriate permissions update
these attributes in LDAP.
This patch updates the ACI for DNS record updates and adds one
new permission to update global DNS configuration.
If minssf is set in configuration and this is not set then clients won't
be able to detect the available namingContexts, defaultNamingContext,
capabilities, etc.
The new version of python-ldap changed the way it created LDAPv3
extended controls. The API used in 2.4.x can no longer be used
because it does not send the bind DN with effective rights
control and LDAP server thus rejects it.
This patch implements the new API in a backward compatible way
so that it works both with python-ldap versions 2.3.x and 2.4.x.
get_allowed_attributes function was improved to look for allowed
attributes also in the superior objectclasses of specified objectclass.
This fixes the regression caused by patch for ticket #2293. Test-case
for unit-test was also created.
This will add it on upgrades too and any new certs issued will have
a subject key identifier set.
If the user has customized the profile themselves then this won't be
New version of openldap (openldap-2.4.26-6.fc16.x86_64) changed its
ABI and broke our TLS connection in ipa-replica-manage. This makes
it impossible to connect for example to Active Directory to set up
a winsync replication. We always receive a connection error stating
that Peer's certificate is not recognized even though we pass
a correct certificate.
This patch fixes the way we set up TLS. The change is backwards
compatible with older versions of openldap.
The dn value needs to be quoted otherwise it is interpreted to be a
This will replace whatever value is currently set.
Previously the commands were compared as serialized strings.
Differences in serializations meant commands with special characters
weren't found in the checked list.
Use the DN class to compare DNs correctly.
Update ipaSudoRule objectClass on upgrades to add new attributes.
Ensure uniqueness of sudoOrder in rules.
The attributes sudoNotBefore and sudoNotAfter are being added to
schema but not as Params.
When a replica is deleted, its memberPrincipal entries in
cn=s4u2proxy,cn=etc,SUFFIX were not removed. Then, if the replica
is reinstalled and connected again, the installer would report
an error with duplicate value in LDAP.
This patch extends replica cleanup procedure to remove replica
principal from s4u2proxy configuration.
A number of different errors could occur when trying to handle an
error which just confused matters.
If no CCache was received then trying to retrieve context.principal
in the error message caused yet another exception to be raised.
Trying to get Command[name] if name wasn't defined in command would
raise an exception.
Trying to raise errors.CCache was failing because the response hadn't
been started.
Our install tools like ipa-server-install, ipa-replica-{prepare,
install} may allow hostnames that do not match the requirements
in ipalib. This creates a disconnect and may cause issues when
user cannot delete hostnames created by install tools.
This patch makes sure that ipalib requirements are applied to
install tools hostnames as well.
We don't want to run the risk of adding a user, uninstalling it,
the system adding a new user (for another package install for example)
and then re-installing IPA. This wreaks havoc with file and directory
login_password is expecting that request content_type will be 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
Current check is an equality check of content_type http header.
RFC 3875 defines that content type can contain parameters separated by ';'. For example: when firefox is doing ajax call it sets the request header to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' which leads to negative result.
This patch makes the check more benevolent to allow such values.
Patch is a fixup for:
* Adjust URL's
- rename /ipa/login -> /ipa/session/login_kerberos
- add /ipa/session/login_password
* Adjust Kerberos protection on URL's in ipa.conf
* Bump VERSION in httpd ipa.conf to pick up session changes.
* Adjust login URL in ipa.js
* Add InvalidSessionPassword to
* Rename krblogin class to login_kerberos for consistency with
new login_password class
* Implement login_password.kinit() method which invokes
/usr/bin/kinit as a subprocess
* Add login_password class for WSGI dispatch, accepts POST
application/x-www-form-urlencoded user & password
parameters. We form the Kerberos principal from the server's
* Add function krb5_unparse_ccache()
* Refactor code to share common code
* Clean up use of ccache names, be consistent
* Replace read_krbccache_file(), store_krbccache_file(), delete_krbccache_file()
with load_ccache_data(), bind_ipa_ccache(), release_ipa_ccache().
bind_ipa_ccache() now sets environment KRB5CCNAME variable.
release_ipa_ccache() now clears environment KRB5CCNAME variable.
* ccache names should now support any ccache storage scheme,
not just FILE based ccaches
* Add utilies to return HTTP status from wsgi handlers,
use constants for HTTP status code for consistency.
Use utilies for returning from wsgi handlers rather than
duplicated code.
* Add KerberosSession.finalize_kerberos_acquisition() method
so different login handlers can share common code.
* add Requires: krb5-workstation to server (server now calls kinit)
* Fix to use new dispatch inside route() method
Previously sessions expired after session_auth_duration had elapsed
commencing from the start of the session. We new support a "rolling"
expiration where the expiration is advanced by session_auth_duration
everytime the session is accessed, this is equivalent to a inactivity
timeout. The expiration is still constrained by the credential
expiration in all cases. The session expiration behavior is
configurable based on the session_auth_duration_type.
* Reduced the default session_auth_duration from 1 hour to 20 minutes.
* Replaced the sesssion write_timestamp with the access_timestamp and
update the access_timestamp whenever the session data is created,
retrieved, or written.
* Modify set_session_expiration_time to handle both an inactivity
timeout and a fixed duration.
* Introduce KerberosSession as a mixin class to share session
duration functionality with all classes manipulating session data
with Kerberos auth. This is both the non-RPC login class and the RPC
* Update make-lint to handle new classes.
* Added session_auth_duration_type config item.
* Updated default.conf.5 man page for new session_auth_duration_type item.
* Removed these unused config items: mount_xmlserver,
mount_jsonserver, webui_assets_dir
* Increase the session ID from 48 random bits to 128.
* Implement the sesison_logout RPC command. It permits the UI to send
a command that destroys the users credentials in the current
* Restores the original web URL's and their authentication
protections. Adds a new URL for sessions /ipa/session/json. Restores
the original Kerberos auth which was for /ipa and everything
below. New /ipa/session/json URL is treated as an exception and
turns all authenticaion off. Similar to how /ipa/ui is handled.
* Refactor the RPC handlers in such that there is one
handler per URL, specifically one handler per RPC and AuthMechanism
* Reworked how the URL names are used to map a URL to a
handler. Previously it only permitted one level in the URL path
hierarchy. We now dispatch on more that one URL path component.
* Renames the api.Backend.session object to wsgi_dispatch. The use of
the name session was historical and is now confusing since we've
implemented sessions in a different location than the
api.Backend.session object, which is really a WSGI dispatcher, hence
the new name wsgi_dispatch.
* Bullet-proof the setting of the KRB5CCNAME environment
variable. ldap2.connect already sets it via the create_context()
call but just in case that's not called or not called early enough
(we now have other things besides ldap which need the ccache) we
explicitly set it early as soon as we know it.
* Rework how we test for credential validity and expiration. The
previous code did not work with s4u2proxy because it assumed the
existance of a TGT. Now we first try ldap credentials and if we
can't find those fallback to the TGT. This logic was moved to the
KRB5_CCache object, it's an imperfect location for it but it's the
only location that makes sense at the moment given some of the
current code limitations. The new methods are KRB5_CCache.valid()
and KRB5_CCache.endtime().
* Add two new classes to AuthManager and
SessionAuthManager. Their purpose is to emit authication events to
interested listeners. At the moment the logout event is the only
event, but the framework should support other events as they arise.
* Add BuildRequires python-memcached to
* Removed the marshaled_dispatch method, it was cruft, no longer
referenced. expects a tuple of passwords for nolog; passing a
single string causes all individual letters from that string to
be replaced by Xes.
This fixes such a call, and adds a sanity check to
that prevents lone strings from being used in nolog.
SSH public key support includes a feature to automatically add/update
client SSH fingerprints in SSHFP records. However, the update won't
work for zones created before this support was added as they don't
allow clients to update SSHFP records in their update policies.
This patch lets dns upgrade module extend the original policy
to allow the SSHFP dynamic updates. It updates only original
policy, we don't want it to overwrite custom user policies.
force-sync, re-initialize and del were not working because they
all attempted to contact the AD server. winsync agreements are
managed on the local 389-ds instance.
This also:
- requires root to create winsync agreement (for updating NSS db)
- fixes filter in get_replication_agreement() to work with winsync
Provide a way to specify BIND allow-query and allow-transfer ACLs
for DNS zones.
IMPORTANT: new bind-dyndb-ldap adds a zone transfer ability. To
avoid zone information leaks to unintended places, allow-transfer
ACL for every zone is by default set to none and has to be
explicitly enabled by an Administrator. This is done both for new
DNS zones and old DNS zones during RPM update via new DNS upgrade
Implement API for DNS global options supported in bind-dyndb-ldap.
Currently, global DNS option overrides any relevant option in
named.conf. Thus they are not filled by default they are left as
a possibility for a user.
Bool encoding had to be fixed so that Bool LDAP attribute can also
be deleted and not just set to True or False.
This is needed on F-17+, otherwise things blow up when we try to see
if we've added new schema.
Introspection is required to see if the argument check_uniqueness is
I noticed a couple of bad references in ipapython/ and
fixed those as well. We used to call sslget for all our SSL client
needs before python-nss was written.
For some reason lost to history the sub_dict in dsinstance and
cainstance used FQHN instead of FQDN. This made upgrade scripts not
work reliably as the variable might be different depending on context.
Use FQDN universally instead.
Add support for autobind to services. This is a bit of a special case
so I currently require the caller to specify ldapi separately. It only
makes sense to do this only in upgrade cases.
Also uninstall ipa_memcached when uninstalling the server.
Always have FQDN available in the update dictionary. There were cases
where it would contain the ldapi socket path and not the FQDN.
This is for the LDAP updater in particular. When adding new schema
order can be important when one objectclass depends on another via
This calculation will preserve the order of changes in the update file.
Discovered trying to add SSH schema.
This is done by calling host-mod to update the keys on IPA server and nsupdate
to update DNS SSHFP records. DNS update can be disabled using --no-dns-sshfp
ipa-client-install option.
This patch adds a new multivalue param "sshpubkey" for specifying SSH public
keys to both user and host objects. The accepted value is base64-encoded
public key blob as specified in RFC4253, section 6.6.
Additionaly, host commands automatically update DNS SSHFP records when
requested by user.
This patch switches to named ("%(name)s") instead of positional ("%s")
substitutions for internationalized strings, so translators can
reorder the words.
This fixes (xgettext no
longer gives warnings).
Also, some i18n calls are rewritten to translate the template before
substitutions, not after.
This patch adds a session manager and support for caching
authentication in the session. Major elements of the patch are:
* Add a session manager to support cookie based sessions which
stores session data in a memcached entry.
* Add ipalib/ which contains functions to parse ccache
names, format principals, format KRB timestamps, and a KRB_CCache
class which reads ccache entry and allows one to extract information
such as the principal, credentials, credential timestamps, etc.
* Move krb constants defined in ipalib/ to so
that all kerberos items are co-located.
* Modify javascript in ipa.js so that the IPA.command() RPC call
checks for authentication needed error response and if it receives
it sends a GET request to /ipa/login URL to refresh credentials.
* Add session_auth_duration config item to, used to
configure how long a session remains valid.
* Add parse_time_duration utility to ipalib/ Used to parse the
session_auth_duration config item.
* Update the default.conf.5 man page to document session_auth_duration
config item (also added documentation for log_manager config items
which had been inadvertantly omitted from a previous commit).
* Add SessionError object to ipalib/
* Move Kerberos protection in Apache config from /ipa to /ipa/xml and
* Add SessionCCache class to to manage temporary Kerberos
ccache file in effect for the duration of an RPC command.
* Adds a krblogin plugin used to implement the /ipa/login
handler. login handler sets the session expiration time, currently
60 minutes or the expiration of the TGT, whichever is shorter. It
also copies the ccache provied by mod_auth_kerb into the session
data. The json handler will later extract and validate the ccache
belonging to the session.
* Refactored the WSGI handlers so that json and xlmrpc could have
independent behavior, this also moves where create and destroy
context occurs, now done in the individual handler rather than the
parent class.
* The json handler now looks up the session data, validates the ccache
bound to the session, if it's expired replies with authenicated
needed error.
* Add documentation to Fully documents the entire process,
got questions, read the doc.
* Add exclusions to make-lint as needed.
* Adds ipa_memcached SystemV initscript
* Adds ipa_memcached service file and tmpfiles.d/ipa.conf
to recreate /var/run/ipa_memcached on reboot.
* Adds ipa_memcached config file
* Adds to manage ipa_memcaced as
as SimpleService object.
* Updates the IPA service list to include ipa_memcached,
at service positon 39, httpd is position 40
* Updates the spec file:
- requires the memcached daemon and python client
- installs service or initscripts depending on OS
- installs config file
- creates /var/run/ipa_memcached directory
* Modifies ipa-server-install to install ipa_memcached
This ensures a correct configuration in case a user has created their
own openldap config file and set SASL_SECPROPS to something bad.
Note that this doesn't modify the 389-ds setting which by default is 0.
When using ipa-replica-manage or ipa-csreplica-manage to delete an
agreement with a host we would try to make a connection to that host
prior to tryign to delete it. This meant that the trying to delete
a host we don't have an agreement with would return a connection
error instead of a "no agreement with host foo" error.
Also display a completed message when an agreement is removed.
We have bind code that can handle the case where a server hasn't
come up yet. It needs to handle a real connection failure such
as the TLS hostname not matching. If we try to bind anyway we end
up with a segfault in openldap.
"!" is a unary LDAP filter operator and cannot be treated in the
same way as binary operators ("&", "|"). Otherwise, an invalid
LDAP filter is created.
The nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule parameter is omited what results in
replication being run all the time. The parameter is still used for
forcing replica update but after that action it is always deleted.
A server may have 2 or more NICs and its hostname may thus resolve
to 2 and more forward addresses. IP address checks in install
scripts does not expect this setup and may fail or crash.
This script adds a support for multiple forward addresses for
a hostname. The install scripts do not crash now. When one IP
address is needed, user is asked to choose from all detected
server IP addresses.
Having float type as a base type for floating point parameters in
ipalib introduces several issues, e.g. problem with representation
or value comparison. Python language provides a Decimal type which
help overcome these issues.
This patch replaces a float type and Float parameter with a
decimal.Decimal type in Decimal parameter. A precision attribute
was added to Decimal parameter that can be used to limit a number
of decimal places in parameter representation. This approach fixes
a problem with API.txt validation where comparison of float values
may fail on different architectures due to float representation error.
In order to safely transfer the parameter value over RPC it is
being converted to string which is then converted back to
decimal.Decimal number on a server side.
Changes to add a cs-replication management tool mistakenly always set a flag
that caused replicas to not add the list of attribute we exclude from
Let ipa-replica-prepare and ipa-replica-install work without
proper DNS records as records in /etc/hosts are sufficient for
DS replication.
1) ipa-replica-prepare now just checks if the replica hostname
is resolvable (DNS records are not required). It is now able
to prepare a replica file even when the replica IP address is
present in /etc/hosts only.
2) ipa-replica-install is now able to proceed when the hostname
is not resolvable. It uses an IP address passed in a new
option --ip-address to create a record in /etc/hosts in the
same way as ipa-server-install does.
This creates a new container, cn=s4u2proxy,cn=etc,$SUFFIX
Within that container we control which services are allowed to
delegate tickets for other services. Right now that is limited
from the IPA HTTP to ldap services.
Requires a version of mod_auth_kerb that supports s4u2proxy
Add new class "cachedproperty" for creating property-like attributes
that cache the return value of a method call.
Also fix few issues in the unit tests to enable them to succeed.
ticket 1959
The JSON server has been modified to return the version number
in all responses. The UI has been modified to keep the version
obtained during env operation and check the version returned
in subsequent operations. If the version changes the UI will
reload itself.
Ticket #946
The JSON server has been modified to return the principal name
in all responses. The UI has been modified to keep the principal
obtained during whoami operation and check the principal returned
in subsequent operations. If the principal changes the UI will
reload itself.
Ticket #1400
This is to prevent a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack where
a rogue server tricks a user who was logged into the FreeIPA
management interface into visiting a specially-crafted URL where
the attacker could perform FreeIPA oonfiguration changes with the
privileges of the logged-in user.
Recover from connection failures in IPAdmin LDAP bind functions and
rather try reconnect in scope of a given timeout instead of giving
up after the first failed connection.
The recovery fixes ipa-ldap-updater on F-16 which always failed
because of a missing dirsrv socket.
The validator has been improved to support better both SOA format
(e-mail address in a domain name format, without '@') and standard
e-mail format. Allow '\.' character in a SOA format encoding the
standard '.' in the local-part of an e-mail. Normalization code
has been moved to one common function.
We use convenience types (classes) in IPA which make working with LDAP
easier and more robust. It would be really nice if the basic python-ldap
library understood our utility types and could accept them as parameters
to the basic ldap functions and/or the basic ldap functions returned our
utility types.
Normally such a requirement would trivially be handled in an object-
oriented language (which Python is) by subclassing to extend and modify
the functionality. For some reason we didn't do this with the python-ldap
python-ldap objects are primarily used in two different places in our
code, for the IPAdmin class and in
ipaserver/plugins/ for the ldap2 class's .conn member.
In IPAdmin we use a IPA utility class called Entry to make it easier to
use the results returned by LDAP. The IPAdmin class is derived from
python-ldap.SimpleLDAPObject. But for some reason when we added the
support for the use of the Entry class in SimpleLDAPObject we didn't
subclass SimpleLDAPObject and extend it for use with the Entry class as
would be the normal expected methodology in an object-oriented language,
rather we used an obscure feature of the Python language to override all
methods of the SimpleLDAPObject class by wrapping those class methods in
another function call. The reason why this isn't a good approach is:
* It violates object-oriented methodology.
* Other classes cannot be derived and inherit the customization (because
the method wrapping occurs in a class instance, not within the class
* It's non-obvious and obscure
* It's inefficient.
Here is a summary of what the code was doing:
It iterated over every member of the SimpleLDAPObject class and if it was
callable it wrapped the method. The wrapper function tested the name of
the method being wrapped, if it was one of a handful of methods we wanted
to customize we modified a parameter and called the original method. If
the method wasn't of interest to use we still wrapped the method.
It was inefficient because every non-customized method (the majority)
executed a function call for the wrapper, the wrapper during run-time used
logic to determine if the method was being overridden and then called the
original method. So every call to ldap was doing extra function calls and
logic processing which for the majority of cases produced nothing useful
(and was non-obvious from brief code reading some methods were being
Object-orientated languages have support built in for calling the right
method for a given class object that do not involve extra function call
overhead to realize customized class behaviour. Also when programmers look
for customized class behaviour they look for derived classes. They might
also want to utilize the customized class as the base class for their use.
Also the wrapper logic was fragile, it did things like: if the method name
begins with "add" I'll unconditionally modify the first and second
argument. It would be some much cleaner if the "add", "add_s", etc.
methods were overridden in a subclass where the logic could be seen and
where it would apply to only the explicit functions and parameters being
Also we would really benefit if there were classes which could be used as
a base class which had specific ldap customization.
At the moment our ldap customization needs are:
1) Support DN objects being passed to ldap operations
2) Support Entry & Entity objects being passed into and returned from
ldap operations.
We want to subclass the ldap SimpleLDAPObject class, that is the base
ldap class with all the ldap methods we're using. IPASimpleLDAPObject
class would subclass SimpleLDAPObject class which knows about DN
objects (and possilby other IPA specific types that are universally
used in IPA). Then IPAEntrySimpleLDAPObject would subclass
IPASimpleLDAPObject which knows about Entry objects.
The reason for the suggested class hierarchy is because DN objects will be
used whenever we talk to LDAP (in the future we may want to add other IPA
specific classes which will always be used). We don't add Entry support to
the the IPASimpleLDAPObject class because Entry objects are (currently)
only used in IPAdmin.
What this patch does is:
* Introduce IPASimpleLDAPObject derived from
SimpleLDAPObject. IPASimpleLDAPObject is DN object aware.
* Introduce IPAEntryLDAPObject derived from
IPASimpleLDAPObject. IPAEntryLDAPObject is Entry object aware.
* Derive IPAdmin from IPAEntryLDAPObject and remove the funky method
wrapping from IPAdmin.
* Code which called add_s() with an Entry or Entity object now calls
addEntry(). addEntry() always existed, it just wasn't always
used. add_s() had been modified to accept Entry or Entity object
(why didn't we just call addEntry()?). The add*() ldap routine in
IPAEntryLDAPObject have been subclassed to accept Entry and Entity
objects, but that should proably be removed in the future and just
use addEntry().
* Replace the call to ldap.initialize() in ldap2.create_connection()
with a class constructor for IPASimpleLDAPObject. The
ldap.initialize() is a convenience function in python-ldap, but it
always returns a SimpleLDAPObject created via the SimpleLDAPObject
constructor, thus ldap.initialize() did not allow subclassing, yet
has no particular ease-of-use advantage thus we better off using the
obvious class constructor mechanism.
* Fix the use of _handle_errors(), it's not necessary to construct an
empty dict to pass to it.
If we follow the standard class derivation pattern for ldap we can make us
of our own ldap utilities in a far easier, cleaner and more efficient
The IPAdmin class in ipaserver/ has methods with anonymous
undefined parameter lists.
For example:
def getList(self,*args):
In Python syntax this means you can call getList with any positional
parameter list you want.
This is bad because:
1) It's not true, *args gets passed to an ldap function with a well
defined parameter list, so you really do have to call it with a
defined parameter list. *args will let you pass anything, but once it
gets passed to the ldap function it will blow up if the parameters do
not match (what parameters are those you're wondering? see item 2).
2) The programmer does not know what the valid parameters are unless
they are defined in the formal parameter list.
3) Without a formal parameter list automatic documentation generators
cannot produce API documentation (see item 2)
4) The Python interpreter cannot validate the parameters being passed
because there is no formal parameter list. Note, Python does not
validate the type of parameters, but it does validate the correct
number of postitional parameters are passed and only defined keyword
parameters are passed. Bypassing the language support facilities leads
to programming errors.
5) Without a formal parameter list program checkers such as pylint
cannot validate the program which leads to progamming errors.
6) Without a formal parameter list which includes default keyword
parameters it's not possible to use keyword arguments nor to know what
their default values are (see item 2). One is forced to pass a keyword
argument as a positional argument, plus you must then pass every
keyword argument between the end of the positional argument list and
keyword arg of interest even of the other keyword arguments are not of
interest. This also demands you know what the default value of the
intermediate keyword arguments are (see item 2) and hope they don't
Also the *args anonymous tuple get passed into the error handling code
so it can report what the called values were. But because the tuple is
anonymous the error handler cannot not describe what it was passed. In
addition the error handling code makes assumptions about the possible
contents of the anonymous tuple based on current practice instead of
actual defined values. Things like "if the number of items in the
tuple is 2 or less then the first tuple item must be a dn
(Distinguished Name)" or "if the number of items in the tuple is
greater than 2 then the 3rd item must be an ldap search filter". These
are constructs which are not robust and will fail at some point in the
This patch also fixes the use of IPAdmin.addEntry(). It was sometimes
being called with (dn, modlist), sometimes a Entry object, or
sometimes a Entity object. Now it's always called with either a Entry
or Entity object and IPAdmin.addEntry() validates the type of the
parameter passed.
There are two reasons for the plugin framework:
1. To provide a way of doing manual/complex LDAP changes without having
to keep extending (like we did with managed entries).
2. Allows for better control of restarts.
There are two types of plugins, preop and postop. A preop plugin runs
before any file-based updates are loaded. A postop plugin runs after
all file-based updates are applied.
A preop plugin may update LDAP directly or craft update entries to be
applied with the file-based updates.
Either a preop or postop plugin may attempt to restart the dirsrv instance.
The instance is only restartable if ipa-ldap-updater is being executed
as root. A warning is printed if a restart is requested for a non-root
Plugins are not executed by default. This is so we can use ldapupdate
to apply simple updates in commands like ipa-nis-manage.
change default_logger_level to debug in configure_standard_logging
add new ipa_log_manager module, move log_mgr there, also export
root_logger from log_mgr.
change all log_manager imports to ipa_log_manager and change
log_manager.root_logger to root_logger.
add missing import for parse_log_level()
This patch changes the way plugins are initialized. Instead of
finalizing all the plugins at once, plugins are finalized only after
they are accessed (currently applies to Command, Object and
Attribute subclasses, only in CLI by default).
This change provides significant performance boost, as only the
plugins that are actually used are finalized.
ticket 1336
We no longer need to enforce that no 389-ds instances exist on an IPA
server. Checking that the ports exist should be enough.
This used to be one mechanism we used to check to see if IPA was already
installed. We have a better mechanism now.
If the master does not yet support the total update list feature we still
run the memberof fixup task and not fail to replicate due to the new
attribute not being settable.
Jointly-developed-with: Simo Sorce <>
Jointly-developed-with: Nathank Kinder <>
At one point in time we couldn't depend on the 389-ds having
the managed entries plugin so this code was added to support
both versions. It is no longer needed.
Server framework does not support encoding of native Python type
values stored in Param classes and sub-classes. When backend (LDAP)
value encoding differs from Python type value representation user
has to has to hard-code the encoders in his processing.
This patch introduces a method Param.encode which is used in server
context to encode native Python Param values. The new encode method
is used for Bool parameter to convert native Python bool type value
(True, False) to LDAP value ("TRUE", "FALSE").
Do at least a basic validation of DNS zone manager mail address.
Do not require '@' to be in the mail address as the SOA record
stores this value without it and people may be used to configure
it that way. '@' is always removed by the installer/dns plugin before
the DNS zone is created.