Alexander Bokovoy 0484949b80 doc/designs: add External IdP support design documents
External IdP objects represent OAuth 2.0 clients that can be used to
perform OAuth 2.0 device authorization grant flow.


Signed-off-by: Alexander Bokovoy <>
Signed-off-by: Florence Blanc-Renaud <>
Reviewed-By: Francisco Trivino <>
Reviewed-By: Sumit Bose <>
2022-05-10 15:52:41 +03:00

21 KiB

IPA and an external identity provider integration - idp objects

IPA needs to store and manage IdP references. As a new IPA object, IdP reference needs:

  • creation of an LDAP object class and LDAP attribute types used to store IdP information
  • creation of a new IPA API managing the IdP references
  • definition of access control lists protecting access to the IdP references
  • upgrade and backward compatibility.

LDAP Schema

New attribute types

The external IdP reference object needs to contain the following information:

  • name (string)
  • authorization endpoint (URI mapped as a case-sensitive string),
  • device authorization endpoint (URI mapped as a case-sensitive string), for instance
  • token endpoint (URI mapped as a case-sensitive string), for instance
  • userinfo endpoint (URI mapped as a case-sensitive string)
  • JWKS endpoint (URI mapped as a case-sensitive string)
  • OIDC URL (URI mapped as a case-sensitive string)
  • client_id (case-sensitive string)
  • client_secret (optional, may be an empty string, must be protected as a password)
  • scope (case sensitive string)
  • user subject attribute (case-sensitive string)

Additionally, an idp object needs to be referenced from a user object, thus a link attribute has to be defined. This translates into the following attribute type definitions:

attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaIdpDevAuthEndpoint' DESC 'Identity Provider Device Authorization Endpoint' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.9' )
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaIdpAuthEndpoint' DESC 'Identity Provider Authorization Endpoint' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.9' )
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaIdpTokenEndpoint' DESC 'Identity Provider Token Endpoint' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.9' )
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaIdpClientId' DESC 'Identity Provider Client Identifier' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.9' )
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaIdpClientSecret' DESC 'Identity Provider Client Secret' EQUALITY octetStringMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.9' )
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaIdpScope' DESC 'Identity Provider Scope' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.9' )
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaIdpConfigLink' DESC 'Corresponding Identity Provider Configuration link' SUP distinguishedName EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.9')
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaIdpSub' DESC 'Identity Provider User Subject' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.9' )
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaIdpIssuerURL' DESC 'Identity Provider OIDC URL' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.9' )
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaIdpUserInfoEndpoint' DESC 'Identity Provider UserInfo Endpoint' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.9' )
attributeTypes: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaIdpKeysEndpoint' DESC 'Identity Provider JWKS Endpoint' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.9' )

New objectclasses for idp

In addition to IdP configuration object, a special object class is added to be able to store IdP configuration link in a user object:

objectClasses: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaIdP' SUP top STRUCTURAL DESC 'Identity Provider Configuration' MUST ( cn ) MAY ( ipaIdpDevAuthEndpoint $ ipaIdpAuthEndpoint $ ipaIdpTokenEndpoint $ ipaIdpUserInfoEndpoint $ ipaIdpKeysEndpoint $ ipaIdpClientId $ description $ ipaIdpClientSecret $ ipaIdpScope $ ipaIdpIssuerURL $ ipaIdpSub ) X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.9' )
objectClasses: (2.16.840.1.113730. NAME 'ipaIdpUser' SUP top AUXILIARY DESC 'User from an external Identity Provider ' MAY ( ipaIdpConfigLink $ ipaIdpSub ) X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.9' )

In the current implementation, a user can be connected to a single IdP reference. This is similar to RADIUS proxy references already used in IPA. For both RADIUS and IdP cases IPA needs to know a particular user identity within the context of the referred resource (IdP or RADIUS server). Without associated IdP user information authentication of the IPA user will not be triggered.

LDAP indices

Indices need to be defined for all the attributes that can be used in ipa idp-find command.

  • The cn attribute is already indexed.
  • The ipaidpdevauthendpoint, ipaidpauthendpoint, idaidptokenendpoint, and idpidpscope attributes need indices (equality and substring indices).

IdP reference API

Command Line Interface

 idp-add   Add new external IdP server.
 idp-del   Delete an external IdP server.
 idp-find  Search for external IdP servers.
 idp-mod   Modify an external IdP server.
 idp-show  Display information about an external IdP server.

Following common options defined for the external IdP server object:

Option Description
--dev-auth-uri=URI Device authorization endpoint
--auth-uri=URI General OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint
--token-uri=URI Token endpoint
--userinfo-uri=URI User information endpoint
--keys-uri=URI JWKS endpoint
--issuer-url=URI The Identity Provider OIDC URL
--client-id=STR The client identifier issued by the IdP during registration
--secret The client secret, asked interactively
--scope=STR OAuth 2.0 scopes of the access request
--idp-user-id=STR Attribute holding user identity in User info

--scope option expects space-separated list of OAuth 2.0 scopes. Since the value includes space, it has to be enclosed in quotes:

ipa idp-mod foo --scope="openid email"

Not all common options are required at the same time in the context of different commands.

ipa idp-add command adds three more options:

Option Description
--provider=STR One of [google, github, microsoft, okta, keycloak]
--org=STR IdP-specific organization (tenant or realm) ID
--base-url=URI IdP-specific base URL (e.g. idp-host.$DOMAIN:$PORT/prefix)

In order to ease the creation of idp, IPA pre-populates a set of templates for well-known IdPs so that the user does not need to provide the individual endpoint details.

For instance, for google provider, adding a new IdP would look like:

ipa idp-add MyGoogleIdP --provider google \
    --client-id nZ8JDrV8Hklf3JumewRl2ke3ovPZn5Ho \

This call would be equivalent to the following:

ipa idp-add MyGoogleIdP \
    --dev-auth-uri \
    --token-uri \
    --client-id nZ8JDrV8Hklf3JumewRl2ke3ovPZn5Ho \
    --scope "profile email"

As a consequence, --provider option and URI-specific options --auth-uri, --dev-auth-uri, --keys-uri, and --token-uri are mutually exclusive.

ipa idp-add command does not currently use --issuer-url option URL to dynamically look up other URIs through a well-known OIDC endpoints. Some of the IdPs do not provide well-known OIDC endpoints URL at all. This option can be used in ipa idp-mod to set ipaIdpIssuerURL LDAP attribute. If this attribute is set, it will be passed to SSSD's oidc_child helper during actual authorization processing.

The scope is optional, and the client_id is mandatory.

The client_secret must not be displayed by ipa idp-find or ipa idp-show commands unless permission 'System: Read External IdP client secret' is assigned to the authenticated user running the command.

Pre-populated IdP templates

List of pre-populated IdP types is currently limited by the following provider "names":

  • google
  • github
  • microsoft
  • okta
  • keycloak

Some IdP providers support parametrized URIs which include organization or a realm name, or specific base URL, or both.

One notable omission in the pre-populated IdP types above is Gitlab.

FreeIPA only supports IdPs that implement OAuth 2.0 Device authorization grant flow as defined by the RFC 8628. If required IdP cannot be made to support Device authorization grant flow, it is recommended to use OAuth 2.0 federation within an IdP that supports this method. Gitlab does not support OAuth 2.0 Device authorization grant flow and thus is not supported directly.

SSSD 2.7.0 implements Kerberos pre-authentication method idp (registered as a pre-authentication type 152, PA-REDHAT-IDP-OAUTH2). It relies on IPA KDB driver to provide a metadata in the Kerberos principal entry to specify use of IdP. KDC side of the pre-authentication method 'idp' then communicates with IPA ipa-otpd daemon which reads external IdP reference object associated with the user and spawns oidc_child helper from SSSD to complete authorization.

oidc_child helper performs OAuth 2.0 device authorization grant flow. Since it only supports a single authorization method, not all endpoints are required. In order to authenticate users associated with external IdPs to access IPA Web UI, a general OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint is required. Thus, this endpoint information is stored in the object but not otherwise used by the Kerberos flow.

Google IdPs

Choosing --provider=google would expand to use the following options:

Option Value
--scope=STR openid email
--idp-user-id=STR email

Github IdPs

Choosing --provider=github would expand to use the following options:

Option Value
--scope=STR user
--idp-user-id=STR login

Please note that Github explicitly states that a user login is not unique and can be reused after a user account was deleted. The configuration above aims for an easy setup for testing. If production deployment with Github IdP would be required, it is recommended to change --idp-user-id to a more unique subject like id. Unfortunately, Github UI does not give an easy way to discover a user ID. Other IdPs also lack an easy way to resolve these internal identifiers when not authorized by the user themselves.

For Github, user's ID can be looked up without authentication through the Users API. Assuming we have curl and jq utilities available, a request to discover an ID of a Github user named test would look like:

$ curl --silent \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ | jq .id


Microsoft IdPs

Microsoft Azure IdPs allow parametrization based on the Azure tenant ID which can be specified with --org option to ipa idp-add. If support for IdP is required, specify organization ID common, e.g.

ipa idp-add LiveCom --provider microsoft --org common --client-id some-client-id

Choosing --provider=microsoft would expand to use the following options. A string ${ipaidporg} will be replaced by the value of --org option.

Option Value
--scope=STR openid email
--idp-user-id=STR email

Okta IdPs

Upon registration of a new organization in Okta, a new base URL is associated with it. It can be specified with --base-url option to ipa idp-add:

ipa idp-add MyOkta --provider okta --base-url --client-id some-client-id

Choosing --provider=okta would expand to use the following options. A string ${ipaidpbaseurl} will be replaced by the value of --base-url option.

Option Value
--auth-uri=URI https://${ipaidpbaseurl}/oauth2/v1/authorize
--dev-auth-uri=URI https://${ipaidpbaseurl}/oauth2/v1/device/authorize
--token-uri=URI https://${ipaidpbaseurl}/oauth2/v1/token
--userinfo-uri=URI https://${ipaidpbaseurl}/oauth2/v1/userinfo
--scope=STR openid email
--idp-user-id=STR email

Keycloak IdPs

Keycloak allows defining multiple realms (organizations). Since it is often a part of a custom deployment, both base URL and realm ID are required and can be specified with --base-url and --org options to ipa idp-add:

ipa idp-add MySSO --provider keycloak \
    --org master --base-url keycloak.$DOMAIN:$PORT/prefix \
    --client-id some-client-id

Quarkus version of the Keycloak 17 or later has removed /auth/ part of the URI. If your deployment is using non-Quarkus distribution of the Keycloak, --base-url would need to include /auth/ component as well.

Choosing --provider=keycloak would expand to use the following options. A string ${ipaidpbaseurl} will be replaced by the value of --base-url option. A string ${ipaidporg} will be replaced by the value of --org option.

Option Value
--auth-uri=URI https://${ipaidpbaseurl}/realms/${ipaidporg}/protocol/openid-connect/auth
--dev-auth-uri=URI https://${ipaidpbaseurl}/realms/${ipaidporg}/protocol/openid-connect/auth/device
--token-uri=URI https://${ipaidpbaseurl}/realms/${ipaidporg}/protocol/openid-connect/token
--userinfo-uri=URI https://${ipaidpbaseurl}/realms/${ipaidporg}/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo
--scope=STR openid email
--idp-user-id=STR email

User-specific options

Similar to RADIUS proxy support, external IdP authentication only triggered when the following three conditions are true:

  • user entry contains external IdP reference
  • user entry has external IdP user name (subject) set
  • either global user authentication type or per-user authentication type includes idp method

Therefore, two additional attributes available for User object in IPA API:

Option Description
--idp=STR External IdP object reference
--idp-user-id=STR External IdP's user name (subject)

External IdP user name format is specific to individual IdPs. Most OAuth 2.0 IdPs provide email scope to retrieve email associated with the OAuth 2.0 resource owner (user) subject. Pre-populated IdP templates described above include email scope by default. If external IdP references were created with the help of these templates, user's email can be set to --idp-user-id to match the resource owner subject. Please read Security section for details on when this is inappropriate.

Below is an example how to associate a user account with a specific IdP reference:

ipa user-mod test --user-auth-type=idp --idp google --idp-user-id test@example.test


The IdP server objects need to be accessible in the WebUI. A new tab for IdP will be created in the "Authentication" section, similar to the existing RADIUS servers tab. It will contain a table with the list of IdP objects, enabling to add or delete an object. Each object must be clickable in order to be edited.

In the settings page for IdP objects, all the properties must be editable but the client secret must not be displayed unless the authenticated user permitted with the help of the System: Read External IdP client secret permission.

In order to change the client secret, the admin will click on Actions:Reset secret.

Web UI for user entry attributes have to be extended to include both external IdP reference and IdP user subject.

Access control

Specific permissions need to be created to protect access to the IdP objects:

  • System: Add External IdP
  • System: Read External IdP (does not provide access to the client secret)
  • System: Modify External IdP
  • System: Delete External IdP
  • System: Read External IdP client secret

Specific Privileges:

  • External IdP Administrator: all the permissions related to external idp except System: Read External IdP client secret

Any user who is a member of the admins group will be able to manage the IdP server objects.


IPA objects representing external IdP references are OAuth 2.0 clients. The client ID and client secret details can be used to impersonate OAuth 2.0 client. For public OAuth 2.0 client access to Client ID is enough. It is not considered secure as it is typically a part of the HTTP redirect in OAuth 2.0 authorization flows.

Client secret has to be protected as it is typically used for private (trusted) OAuth 2.0 clients.

Kerberos pre-authentication method idp relies on the user subject (ipaIdpSub LDAP attribute) defined in the LDAP object entry to match the Kerberos principal and the OAuth 2.0 resource owner. When openid OAuth 2.0 scope is used, this typically maps to sub value. Since there are no ways to pull this value for all users in advance, pre-populated IdP templates set OAuth 2.0 scopes to include email and then use email to map IdP subject where possible. There are some well-known IdPs which allow reuse of user accounts and emails, this applies to both Github and Gitlab. Since Gitlab does not support OAuth 2.0 Device authorization grant flow, it is not an issue in itself for this project. However, for Github it is known that user accounts can be recycled after their removal. In this case we would recommend to use internal Github identifier instead.

Upgrade and backward compatibility

As the new object class and attribute types are added in the LDAP schema, there is no need for a specific upgrade task. Upon normal upgrade, the new schema is applied and replicated to the other servers, even if they are installed with a version which does not define the new object class / attribute types.

In a mixed topology containing old and new servers, the new API is provided only by the new servers.