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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
Web UI tests were marked as tier1 tests. The tier system is intended to be used together with CI system to make sure the more complicated tests are being run only when all of the basic functionality is working. The system is using pytest's marker system. E.g. an invocation of all tier1 tests with listing will look like: $ py.test -v -m tier1 ipatests or in case of out of tree tests: $ ipa-run-tests -m tier1 Reviewed-By: Ales 'alich' Marecek <amarecek@redhat.com>
420 lines
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420 lines
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# Authors:
# Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Test the `ipapython/ipautil.py` module.
import sys
import nose
import pytest
import six
from ipapython import ipautil
import pytest
pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier0
def make_ipaddress_checker(addr, words=None, prefixlen=None):
def check_ipaddress():
ip = ipautil.CheckedIPAddress(addr, match_local=False)
assert ip.words == words and ip.prefixlen == prefixlen
assert words is None and prefixlen is None
check_ipaddress.description = "Test IP address parsing and verification (%s)" % addr
return check_ipaddress
def test_ip_address():
addrs = [
('', (10, 11, 12, 13), 8),
('', (10, 11, 12, 13), 14),
('2001::1', (0x2001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), 64),
('2001::1/72', (0x2001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), 72),
('2001::1%zoneid', (0x2001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), 64),
for addr in addrs:
yield make_ipaddress_checker(*addr)
class TestCIDict(object):
def setup(self):
self.cidict = ipautil.CIDict()
self.cidict["Key1"] = "val1"
self.cidict["key2"] = "val2"
self.cidict["KEY3"] = "VAL3"
def test_init(self):
cidict = ipautil.CIDict()
assert dict(cidict.items()) == {}
cidict = ipautil.CIDict([('a', 2), ('b', 3), ('C', 4)])
assert dict(cidict.items()) == {'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'C': 4}
cidict = ipautil.CIDict([('a', 2), ('b', None)], b=3, C=4)
assert dict(cidict.items()) == {'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'C': 4}
cidict = ipautil.CIDict({'a': 2, 'b': None}, b=3, C=4)
assert dict(cidict.items()) == {'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'C': 4}
cidict = ipautil.CIDict(a=2, b=3, C=4)
assert dict(cidict.items()) == {'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'C': 4}
def test_len(self):
nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(self.cidict))
def test_getitem(self):
nose.tools.assert_equal("val1", self.cidict["Key1"])
nose.tools.assert_equal("val1", self.cidict["key1"])
nose.tools.assert_equal("val2", self.cidict["KEY2"])
nose.tools.assert_equal("VAL3", self.cidict["key3"])
nose.tools.assert_equal("VAL3", self.cidict["KEY3"])
with nose.tools.assert_raises(KeyError):
def test_get(self):
nose.tools.assert_equal("val1", self.cidict.get("Key1"))
nose.tools.assert_equal("val1", self.cidict.get("key1"))
nose.tools.assert_equal("val2", self.cidict.get("KEY2"))
nose.tools.assert_equal("VAL3", self.cidict.get("key3"))
nose.tools.assert_equal("VAL3", self.cidict.get("KEY3"))
nose.tools.assert_equal("default", self.cidict.get("key4", "default"))
def test_setitem(self):
self.cidict["key4"] = "val4"
nose.tools.assert_equal("val4", self.cidict["key4"])
self.cidict["KEY4"] = "newval4"
nose.tools.assert_equal("newval4", self.cidict["key4"])
def test_del(self):
assert "Key1" in self.cidict
assert "Key1" not in self.cidict
assert "key2" in self.cidict
assert "key2" not in self.cidict
def test_clear(self):
nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(self.cidict))
nose.tools.assert_equal(0, len(self.cidict))
assert self.cidict == {}
assert list(self.cidict) == []
assert list(self.cidict.values()) == []
assert list(self.cidict.items()) == []
if six.PY2:
assert self.cidict.keys() == []
assert self.cidict.values() == []
assert self.cidict.items() == []
assert self.cidict._keys == {}
def test_copy(self):
copy = self.cidict.copy()
assert copy == self.cidict
nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(copy))
assert "Key1" in copy
assert "key1" in copy
nose.tools.assert_equal("val1", copy["Key1"])
@pytest.mark.skipif(not six.PY2, reason="Python 2 only")
def test_haskey(self):
assert self.cidict.has_key("KEY1")
assert self.cidict.has_key("key2")
assert self.cidict.has_key("key3")
assert not self.cidict.has_key("Key4")
def test_contains(self):
assert "KEY1" in self.cidict
assert "key2" in self.cidict
assert "key3" in self.cidict
assert "Key4" not in self.cidict
def test_items(self):
items = list(self.cidict.items())
nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(items))
items_set = set(items)
assert ("Key1", "val1") in items_set
assert ("key2", "val2") in items_set
assert ("KEY3", "VAL3") in items_set
assert list(self.cidict.items()) == list(self.cidict.iteritems()) == list(zip(
self.cidict.keys(), self.cidict.values()))
def test_iter(self):
items = []
assert list(self.cidict) == list(self.cidict.keys())
assert sorted(self.cidict) == sorted(['Key1', 'key2', 'KEY3'])
def test_iteritems(self):
items = []
for (k,v) in self.cidict.iteritems():
nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(items))
items_set = set(items)
assert ("Key1", "val1") in items_set
assert ("key2", "val2") in items_set
assert ("KEY3", "VAL3") in items_set
def test_iterkeys(self):
keys = []
for k in self.cidict.iterkeys():
nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(keys))
keys_set = set(keys)
assert "Key1" in keys_set
assert "key2" in keys_set
assert "KEY3" in keys_set
def test_itervalues(self):
values = []
for k in self.cidict.itervalues():
nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(values))
values_set = set(values)
assert "val1" in values_set
assert "val2" in values_set
assert "VAL3" in values_set
def test_keys(self):
keys = list(self.cidict.keys())
nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(keys))
keys_set = set(keys)
assert "Key1" in keys_set
assert "key2" in keys_set
assert "KEY3" in keys_set
assert list(self.cidict.keys()) == list(self.cidict.iterkeys())
def test_values(self):
values = list(self.cidict.values())
nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(values))
values_set = set(values)
assert "val1" in values_set
assert "val2" in values_set
assert "VAL3" in values_set
assert list(self.cidict.values()) == list(self.cidict.itervalues())
def test_update(self):
newdict = { "KEY2": "newval2",
"key4": "val4" }
nose.tools.assert_equal(4, len(self.cidict))
items = list(self.cidict.items())
nose.tools.assert_equal(4, len(items))
items_set = set(items)
assert ("Key1", "val1") in items_set
# note the update "overwrites" the case of the key2
assert ("KEY2", "newval2") in items_set
assert ("KEY3", "VAL3") in items_set
assert ("key4", "val4") in items_set
def test_update_dict_and_kwargs(self):
self.cidict.update({'a': 'va', 'b': None}, b='vb', key2='v2')
assert dict(self.cidict.items()) == {
'a': 'va', 'b': 'vb',
'Key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'v2', 'KEY3': 'VAL3'}
def test_update_list_and_kwargs(self):
self.cidict.update([('a', 'va'), ('b', None)], b='vb', key2='val2')
assert dict(self.cidict.items()) == {
'a': 'va', 'b': 'vb',
'Key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2', 'KEY3': 'VAL3'}
def test_update_duplicate_values_dict(self):
with nose.tools.assert_raises(ValueError):
self.cidict.update({'a': 'va', 'A': None, 'b': 3})
def test_update_duplicate_values_list(self):
with nose.tools.assert_raises(ValueError):
self.cidict.update([('a', 'va'), ('A', None), ('b', 3)])
def test_update_duplicate_values_kwargs(self):
with nose.tools.assert_raises(ValueError):
self.cidict.update(a='va', A=None, b=3)
def test_update_kwargs(self):
self.cidict.update(b='vb', key2='val2')
assert dict(self.cidict.items()) == {
'b': 'vb', 'Key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2', 'KEY3': 'VAL3'}
def test_setdefault(self):
nose.tools.assert_equal("val1", self.cidict.setdefault("KEY1", "default"))
assert "KEY4" not in self.cidict
nose.tools.assert_equal("default", self.cidict.setdefault("KEY4", "default"))
assert "KEY4" in self.cidict
nose.tools.assert_equal("default", self.cidict["key4"])
assert "KEY5" not in self.cidict
nose.tools.assert_equal(None, self.cidict.setdefault("KEY5"))
assert "KEY5" in self.cidict
nose.tools.assert_equal(None, self.cidict["key5"])
def test_pop(self):
nose.tools.assert_equal("val1", self.cidict.pop("KEY1", "default"))
assert "key1" not in self.cidict
nose.tools.assert_equal("val2", self.cidict.pop("KEY2"))
assert "key2" not in self.cidict
nose.tools.assert_equal("default", self.cidict.pop("key4", "default"))
with nose.tools.assert_raises(KeyError):
def test_popitem(self):
items = set(self.cidict.items())
nose.tools.assert_equal(3, len(self.cidict))
item = self.cidict.popitem()
nose.tools.assert_equal(2, len(self.cidict))
assert item in items
item = self.cidict.popitem()
nose.tools.assert_equal(1, len(self.cidict))
assert item in items
item = self.cidict.popitem()
nose.tools.assert_equal(0, len(self.cidict))
assert item in items
def test_fromkeys(self):
dct = ipautil.CIDict.fromkeys(('A', 'b', 'C'))
assert sorted(dct.keys()) == sorted(['A', 'b', 'C'])
assert list(dct.values()) == [None] * 3
class TestTimeParser(object):
def test_simple(self):
timestr = "20070803"
time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr)
nose.tools.assert_equal(2007, time.year)
nose.tools.assert_equal(8, time.month)
nose.tools.assert_equal(3, time.day)
nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.hour)
nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.minute)
nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.second)
def test_hour_min_sec(self):
timestr = "20051213141205"
time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr)
nose.tools.assert_equal(2005, time.year)
nose.tools.assert_equal(12, time.month)
nose.tools.assert_equal(13, time.day)
nose.tools.assert_equal(14, time.hour)
nose.tools.assert_equal(12, time.minute)
nose.tools.assert_equal(5, time.second)
def test_fractions(self):
timestr = "2003092208.5"
time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr)
nose.tools.assert_equal(2003, time.year)
nose.tools.assert_equal(9, time.month)
nose.tools.assert_equal(22, time.day)
nose.tools.assert_equal(8, time.hour)
nose.tools.assert_equal(30, time.minute)
nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.second)
timestr = "199203301544,25"
time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr)
nose.tools.assert_equal(1992, time.year)
nose.tools.assert_equal(3, time.month)
nose.tools.assert_equal(30, time.day)
nose.tools.assert_equal(15, time.hour)
nose.tools.assert_equal(44, time.minute)
nose.tools.assert_equal(15, time.second)
timestr = "20060401185912,8"
time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr)
nose.tools.assert_equal(2006, time.year)
nose.tools.assert_equal(4, time.month)
nose.tools.assert_equal(1, time.day)
nose.tools.assert_equal(18, time.hour)
nose.tools.assert_equal(59, time.minute)
nose.tools.assert_equal(12, time.second)
nose.tools.assert_equal(800000, time.microsecond)
def test_time_zones(self):
timestr = "20051213141205Z"
time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr)
nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.tzinfo.houroffset)
nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.tzinfo.minoffset)
offset = time.tzinfo.utcoffset(time.tzinfo.dst())
nose.tools.assert_equal(0, offset.seconds)
timestr = "20051213141205+0500"
time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr)
nose.tools.assert_equal(5, time.tzinfo.houroffset)
nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.tzinfo.minoffset)
offset = time.tzinfo.utcoffset(time.tzinfo.dst())
nose.tools.assert_equal(5 * 60 * 60, offset.seconds)
timestr = "20051213141205-0500"
time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr)
nose.tools.assert_equal(-5, time.tzinfo.houroffset)
nose.tools.assert_equal(0, time.tzinfo.minoffset)
# NOTE - the offset is always positive - it's minutes
# _east_ of UTC
offset = time.tzinfo.utcoffset(time.tzinfo.dst())
nose.tools.assert_equal((24 - 5) * 60 * 60, offset.seconds)
timestr = "20051213141205-0930"
time = ipautil.parse_generalized_time(timestr)
nose.tools.assert_equal(-9, time.tzinfo.houroffset)
nose.tools.assert_equal(-30, time.tzinfo.minoffset)
offset = time.tzinfo.utcoffset(time.tzinfo.dst())
nose.tools.assert_equal(((24 - 9) * 60 * 60) - (30 * 60), offset.seconds)