This topic helps you get started with Grafana and build your first dashboard using the built-in `Grafana` data source. To learn more about Grafana, refer to [Introduction to Grafana]({{< relref "../introduction" >}}).
Grafana also offers a [free account with Grafana Cloud](/signup/cloud/connect-account?pg=gsdocs) to help getting started even easier and faster. You can install Grafana to self-host or get a free Grafana Cloud account.
Grafana can be installed on many different operating systems. For a list of the minimum hardware and software requirements, as well as instructions on installing Grafana, refer to [Install Grafana]({{< relref "../setup-grafana/installation" >}}).
If you've already set up a data source that you know how to query, refer to [Create a dashboard]({{< relref "../dashboards/build-dashboards/create-dashboard" >}}) instead.
1. Configure your [query]({{< relref "../panels-visualizations/query-transform-data#add-a-query" >}}) by selecting `-- Grafana --` from the data source selector.
Continue to experiment with what you have built, try the [explore workflow]({{< relref "../explore" >}}) or another visualization feature. Refer to [Data sources]({{< relref "../datasources" >}}) for a list of supported data sources and instructions on how to [add a data source]({{< relref "../administration/data-source-management#add-a-data-source" >}}). The following topics will be of interest to you: