This guide will help you create packages from source and get grafana up and running in
dev environment. Grafana ships with its own required backend server; also completely open-source. It's written in [Go]( and has a full [HTTP API](/v2.1/reference/http_api/).
- node-gyp is the Node.js native addon build tool and it requires extra dependencies: python 2.7, make and GCC. These are already installed for most Linux distros and MacOS. See the Building On Windows section or the [node-gyp installation instructions]( for more details.
Create a directory for the project and set your path accordingly (or use the [default Go workspace directory]( Then download and install Grafana into your $GOPATH directory:
You may see an error such as: `package no buildable Go source files`. This is just a warning, and you can proceed with the directions.
The Grafana backend includes Sqlite3 which requires GCC to compile. So in order to compile Grafana on windows you need to install GCC. We recommend [TDM-GCC](
[node-gyp]( is the Node.js native addon build tool and it requires extra dependencies to be installed on Windows. In a command prompt which is run as administrator, run:
Please contribute to the Grafana project and submit a pull request! Build new features, write or update documentation, fix bugs and generally make Grafana even more awesome.
**Problem**: PhantomJS or node-sass errors when running grunt
**Solution**: delete the node_modules directory. Install [node-gyp]( properly for your platform. Then run `yarn install --pure-lockfile` again.
**Problem**: When running `bra run` for the first time you get an error that it is not a recognized command.
**Solution**: Add the bin directory in your Go workspace directory to the path. Per default this is `$HOME/go/bin` on Linux and `%USERPROFILE%\go\bin` on Windows or `$GOPATH/bin` (`%GOPATH%\bin` on Windows) if you have set your own workspace directory.
**Problem**: When executing a `go get` command on Windows and you get an error about the git repository not existing.
**Solution**: `go get` requires Git. If you run `go get` without Git then it will create an empty directory in your Go workspace for the library you are trying to get. Even after installing Git, you will get a similar error. To fix this, delete the empty directory (for example: if you tried to run `go get` then delete `%USERPROFILE%\go\src\\Unknwon\bra`) and run the `go get` command again.
**Problem**: On Windows, getting errors about a tool not being installed even though you just installed that tool.
**Solution**: It is usually because it got added to the path and you have to restart your command prompt to use it.