- **[Azure Monitor Metrics]({{<relref"#querying-the-azure-monitor-service">}})** (or Metrics) is the platform service that provides a single source for monitoring Azure resources.
- **[Azure Monitor Logs]({{<relref"#querying-the-azure-log-analytics-service">}})** (or Logs) gives you access to log data collected by Azure Monitor.
- **[Application Insights]({{<relref"#querying-the-application-insights-service">}})** is an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for web developers on multiple platforms and can be used to monitor your live web application - it will automatically detect performance anomalies.
- **[Application Insights Analytics]({{<relref"#query-the-application-insights-analytics-service">}})** allows you to query [Application Insights data](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/analytics) using the same query language used for Azure Log Analytics.
The data source can access metrics from four different services. You can configure access to the services that you use. It is also possible to use the same credentials for multiple services if that is how you have set it up in Azure AD.
- [Guide to setting up an Azure Active Directory Application for Azure Monitor.](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-create-service-principal-portal)
- [Guide to setting up an Azure Active Directory Application for Azure Monitor Logs.](https://dev.loganalytics.io/documentation/Authorization/AAD-Setup)
1. Accessed from the Grafana main menu, newly installed data sources can be added immediately within the Data Sources section. Next, click the "Add data source" button in the upper right. The Azure Monitor data source will be available for selection in the Cloud section in the list of data sources.
1. In the name field, Grafana will automatically fill in a name for the data source - `Azure Monitor` or something like `Azure Monitor - 3`. If you are going to configure multiple data sources, then change the name to something more informative.
- The Subscription Id can be changed per query. Save the data source and refresh the page to see the list of subscriptions available for the specified Client Id.
1. If you are also using the Azure Monitor Logs service, then you need to specify these two configuration values (or you can reuse the Client Id and Secret from the previous step).
Alternatively on step 4 if creating a new Azure Active Directory App, use the [Azure CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/?view=azure-cli-latest):
az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "http://localhost:3000"
The Metrics service provides metrics for all the Azure services that you have running. It helps you understand how your applications on Azure are performing and to proactively find issues affecting your applications.
As of Grafana 7.1, the query editor allows you to query multiple dimensions for metrics that support them. Metrics that support multiple dimensions are those listed in the [Azure Monitor supported Metrics List](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/platform/metrics-supported) that have one or more values listed in the "Dimension" column for the metric.
> **Note:** Before Grafana 7.1, the formatting included the resource name in the default: `resourceName{dimensionName=dimensionValue}.metricName`. As of Grafana 7.1, the resource name has been removed from the default legend.
These can be quite long, but this formatting can be changed by using aliases. In the **Legend Format** field, you can combine the aliases defined below any way you want.
-`{{ dimensionname }}` = _Legacy as of 7.1+ (for backwards compatibility)_ replaced with the first dimension's key/label (as sorted by the key/label) (e.g. blobtype)
-`{{ dimensionvalue }}` = _Legacy as of 7.1+ (for backwards compatibility)_ replaced with first dimension's value (as sorted by the key/label) (e.g. BlockBlob)
-`{{ arbitraryDim }}` = _Available in 7.1+_ replaced with the value of the corresponding dimension. (e.g. `{{ blobtype }}` becomes BlockBlob)
Instead of hard-coding things like server, application and sensor name in your metric queries you can use variables in their place. Variables are shown as dropdown select boxes at the top of the dashboard. These dropdowns make it easy to change the data being displayed in your dashboard.
Note that the Metrics service does not support multiple values yet. If you want to visualize multiple time series (for example, metrics for server1 and server2) then you have to add multiple queries to able to view them on the same graph or in the same table.
The Metrics data source Plugin provides the following queries you can specify in the `Query` field in the Variable edit view. They allow you to fill a variable's options list.
| `Subscriptions()` | Returns a list of subscriptions. |
| `ResourceGroups()` | Returns a list of resource groups. |
| `ResourceGroups(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa)` | Returns a list of resource groups for a specified subscription. |
| `Namespaces(aResourceGroup)` | Returns a list of namespaces for the specified resource group. |
| `Namespaces(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa, aResourceGroup)` | Returns a list of namespaces for the specified resource group and subscription. |
| `ResourceNames(aResourceGroup, aNamespace)` | Returns a list of resource names. |
| `ResourceNames(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa, aResourceGroup, aNamespace)` | Returns a list of resource names for a specified subscription. |
| `MetricNamespace(aResourceGroup, aNamespace, aResourceName)` | Returns a list of metric namespaces. |
| `MetricNamespace(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa, aResourceGroup, aNamespace, aResourceName)` | Returns a list of metric namespaces for a specified subscription. |
| `MetricNames(aResourceGroup, aNamespace, aResourceName)` | Returns a list of metric names. |
| `MetricNames(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa, aResourceGroup, aNamespace, aResourceName)` | Returns a list of metric names for a specified subscription. |
Not all metrics returned by the Azure Monitor Metrics API have values. To make it easier for you when building a query, the Grafana data source has a list of supported metrics and ignores metrics which will never have values. This list is updated regularly as new services and metrics are added to the Azure cloud. For more information about the list of metrics, refer to [current supported namespaces](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/blob/master/public/app/plugins/datasource/grafana-azure-monitor-datasource/azure_monitor/supported_namespaces.ts).
Grafana alerting is supported for the Azure Monitor service. This is not Azure Alerts support. For more information about Grafana alerting, refer to [how alerting in Grafana works]({{< relref "../alerting/_index.md" >}}).
-`{{ groupbyvalue }}` = _Legacy as of 7.1+ (for backwards compatibility)_ replaced with the first dimension's key/label (as sorted by the key/label)
-`{{ groupbyname }}` = _Legacy as of 7.1+ (for backwards compatibility)_ replaced with first dimension's value (as sorted by the key/label) (e.g. BlockBlob)
Check out the [Templating]({{< relref "../variables/_index.md" >}}) documentation for an introduction to the templating feature and the different types of template variables.
Grafana alerting is supported for Application Insights. This is not Azure Alerts support. For more information about Grafana alerting, refer to [Alerts overview]({{< relref "../alerting/_index.md" >}}).
Queries are written in the [Kusto Query Language](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/). A Logs query can be formatted as time series data or as table data.
Time series queries are for the Graph panel and other panels like the SingleStat panel. Each query must contain at least a datetime column and a numeric value column. The result must also be sorted in ascending order by the datetime column.
Here is an example query that returns the aggregated count grouped by hour:
A query can also have one or more non-numeric/non-datetime columns, and those columns are considered dimensions and become labels in the response. For example, a query that returns the aggregated count grouped by hour, Computer, and the CounterName:
You can also select additional number value columns (with, or without multiple dimensions). For example, getting a count and average value by hour, Computer, CounterName, and InstanceName:
> **Tip**: In the above query, the Kusto syntax `Samples=count()` and `["Avg Value"]=...` is used to rename those columns — the second syntax allowing for the space. This changes the name of the metric that Grafana uses, and as a result, things like series legends and table columns will match what you specify. Here `Samples` is displayed instead of `_count`.
{{<docs-imageboximg="/img/docs/azuremonitor/logs_multi-value_multi-dim.png"class="docs-image--no-shadow"caption="Azure Logs query with multiple values and multiple dimensions">}}
### Table queries
Table queries are mainly used in the Table panel and show a list of columns and rows. This example query returns rows with the six specified columns:
-`$__escapeMulti($myVar)` - is to be used with multi-value template variables that contain illegal characters. If `$myVar` has the following two values as a string `'\\grafana-vm\Network(eth0)\Total','\\hello!'`, then it expands to: `@'\\grafana-vm\Network(eth0)\Total', @'\\hello!'`. If using single value variables there is no need for this macro, simply escape the variable inline instead - `@'\$myVar'`.
-`$__contains(colName, $myVar)` - is to be used with multi-value template variables. If `$myVar` has the value `'value1','value2'`, it expands to: `colName in ('value1','value2')`.
If using the `All` option, then check the `Include All Option` checkbox and in the `Custom all value` field type in the following value: `all`. If `$myVar` has value `all` then the macro will instead expand to `1 == 1`. For template variables with a lot of options, this will increase the query performance by not building a large "where..in" clause.
-`$__interval` - Grafana calculates the minimum time grain that can be used to group by time in queries. For more information about `$__interval`, refer to [interval variables]({{< relref "../variables/variable-types/_index.md#interval-variables" >}}). It returns a time grain like `5m` or `1h` that can be used in the bin function. E.g. `summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated, $__interval)`
Any Log Analytics query that returns a list of values can be used in the `Query` field in the Variable edit view. There is also one Grafana function for Log Analytics that returns a list of workspaces.
| `workspaces()` | Returns a list of workspaces for the default subscription. |
| `workspaces(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa)` | Returns a list of workspaces for the specified subscription (the parameter can be quoted or unquoted). |
Click on a time series in the panel to see a context menu with a link to `View in Azure Portal`. Clicking that link opens the Azure Metric Logs query editor in the Azure Portal and runs the query from the Grafana panel there.
If you're not currently logged in to the Azure Portal, then the link opens the login page. The provided link is valid for any account, but it only displays the query if your account has access to the Azure Metric Logs workspace specified in the query.
Grafana alerting is supported for Application Insights. This is not Azure Alerts support. Read more about how alerting in Grafana works in [Alerting rules]({{< relref "../alerting/_index.md" >}}).
If you change the service type to **Insights Analytics**, then a similar editor to the Log Analytics service is available. This service also uses the Kusto language, so the instructions for querying data are identical to [querying the log analytics service]({{< relref "#querying-the-azure-log-analytics-service" >}}), except that you query Application Insights Analytics data instead.
It's now possible to configure data sources using config files with Grafana's provisioning system. You can read more about how it works and all the settings you can set for data sources on the [provisioning docs page]({{< relref "../administration/provisioning/#datasources" >}})