Microsoft SQL Server is a popular relational database management system that is widely used in development and production environments. This topic walks you through the steps to create a series of dashboards in Grafana to display metrics from a MS SQL Server database.
MS SQL Server can be installed on Windows or Linux operating systems and also on Docker containers. Refer to the [MS SQL Server downloads page](, for a complete list of all available options.
You can install MS SQL Server on the host running Grafana or on a remote server. To install the software from the [downloads page](, follow their setup prompts.
If you are on a Windows host but want to use Grafana and MS SQL data source on a Linux environment, refer to the [WSL to set up your Grafana development environment](/blog/2021/03/03/.how-to-set-up-a-grafana-development-environment-on-a-windows-pc-using-wsl). This will allow you to leverage the resources available in [grafana/grafana]( GitHub repository. Here you will find a collection of supported data sources, including MS SQL Server, along with test data and pre-configured dashboards for use.
For installations from the [grafana/grafana]( repository, `gdev-mssql` data source is available. Once you add this data source, you can use the `Datasource tests - MSSQL` dashboard with three panels showing metrics generated from a test database.
Now that you have gained some idea of using the pre-packaged MS SQL data source and some test data, the next step is to setup your own instance of MS SQL Server database and data your development or sandbox area.
To fetch data from your own instance of MS SQL Server, add the data source using instructions in Step 4 of this topic. In Grafana [Explore]({{< relref "../explore" >}}) build queries to experiment with the metrics you want to monitor.
Once you have a curated list of queries, create [dashboards]({{< relref "../dashboards" >}}) to render metrics from the SQL Server database. For troubleshooting, user permissions, known issues, and query examples, refer to [Using Microsoft SQL Server in Grafana]({{< relref "../datasources/mssql" >}}).