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+++ title = "Release notes for Grafana 7.5.0-beta1" [_build] list = false +++
Release notes for Grafana 7.5.0-beta1
Features and enhancements
- Alerting: Customise OK notification priorities for Pushover notifier. #30169, @acaire
- Alerting: Improve default message for SensuGo notifier. #31428, @M4teo
- Alerting: PagerDuty: adding current state to the payload. #29270, @Eraac
- AzureMonitor: Add deprecation message for App Insights/Insights Analytics. #30633, @joshhunt
- CloudMonitoring: Allow free text input for GCP project on dashboard variable query. #28048
- CloudMonitoring: Increase service api page size. #30892, @sunker
- CloudMonitoring: Show service and SLO display name in SLO Query editor. #30900, @sunker
- CloudWatch: Add AWS Ground Station metrics and dimensions. #31362, @ilyastoli
- CloudWatch: Add AWS Network Firewall metrics and dimensions. #31498, @ilyastoli
- CloudWatch: Add AWS Timestream Metrics and Dimensions. #31624, @ilyastoli
- CloudWatch: Add RDS Proxy metrics. #31595, @sunker
- CloudWatch: Add eu-south-1 Cloudwatch region. #31198, @rubycut
- CloudWatch: Make it possible to specify custom api endpoint. #31402, @sunker
- Cloudwatch: Add AWS/DDoSProtection metrics and dimensions. #31297, @relvira
- Dashboard: Remove template variables option from ShareModal. #30395, @oscarkilhed
- Docs: Define TLS/SSL terminology. #30533, @aknuds1
- Elasticsearch: Add word highlighting to search results. #30293, @simianhacker
- Folders: Editors should be able to edit name and delete folders. #31242, @torkelo
- Graphite/SSE: update graphite to work with server side expressions. #31455, @kylebrandt
- InfluxDB: Improve maxDataPoints error-message in Flux-mode, raise limits. #31259, @gabor
- InfluxDB: In flux query editor, do not run query when disabled. #31324, @gabor
- LogsPanel: Add deduplication option for logs. #31019, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Add line limit for annotations. #31183, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Add support for alerting. #31424, @ivanahuckova
- Loki: Label browser. #30351, @davkal
- PieChart: Add color changing options to pie chart. #31588, @oscarkilhed
- PostgreSQL: Allow providing TLS/SSL certificates as text in addition to file paths. #30353, @ying-jeanne
- Postgres: SSL certification. #30352, @ying-jeanne
- Profile: Prevent OAuth users from changing user details or password. #27886, @dupondje
- Prometheus: Change default httpMethod for new instances to POST. #31292, @ivanahuckova
- Prometheus: Min step defaults to seconds when no unit is set. #30966, @nutmos
- Stats: Exclude folders from total dashboard count. #31320, @bergquist
- Tracing: Specify type of data frame that is expected for TraceView. #31465, @aocenas
- Transformers: Add search to transform selection. #30854, @ryantxu
Bug fixes
- Alerting: Ensure Discord notification is sent when metric name is absent. #31257, @LeviHarrison
- Alerting: Fix case when Alertmanager notifier fails if a URL is not working. #31079, @kurokochin
- CloudMonitoring: Prevent resource type variable function from crashing. #30901, @sunker
- Color: Fix issue where colors are reset to gray when switching panels. #31611, @torkelo
- Explore: Show ANSI colored logs in logs context. #31510, @ivanahuckova
- Explore: keep enabled/disabled state in angular based QueryEditors correctly. #31558, @gabor
- Graph: Fix tooltip not being displayed when close to edge of viewport. #31493, @msober
- Heatmap: Fix missing value in legend. #31430, @kurokochin
- InfluxDB: Handle columns named "table". #30985, @gabor
- Prometheus: Use configured HTTP method for /series and /labels endpoints. #31401, @ivanahuckova
- RefreshPicker: Make valid intervals in url visible in RefreshPicker. #30474, @hugohaggmark
- TimeSeriesPanel: Fix overlapping time axis ticks. #31332, @torkelo
- TraceViewer: Fix show log marker in spanbar. #30742, @zoltanbedi
Plugin development fixes & changes
- Plugins: Add autoEnabled plugin JSON field to auto enable App plugins and add configuration link to menu by default. #31354, @torkelo
- Pagination: Improve pagination for large number of pages. #30151, @nathanrodman