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Build an app plugin Learn at how to create an app for Grafana. Learn at how to create an app for Grafana. build-an-app-plugin
grafana_labs 50 true


App plugins are Grafana plugins that can bundle data source and panel plugins within one package. They also let you create custom pages within Grafana. Custom pages enable the plugin author to include things like documentation, sign-up forms, or to control other services over HTTP.

Data source and panel plugins will show up like normal plugins. The app pages will be available in the main menu.

{{% class "prerequisite-section" %}}


  • Grafana 7.0
  • NodeJS 12.x
  • yarn {{% /class %}}

Set up your environment

{{< docs/shared lookup="tutorials/" source="grafana" version="latest" >}}

Create a new plugin

{{< docs/shared lookup="tutorials/" source="grafana" version="latest" >}}

Anatomy of a plugin

{{< docs/shared lookup="tutorials/" source="grafana" version="latest" >}}

App plugins

App plugins let you bundle resources such as dashboards, panels, and data sources into a single plugin.

Any resource you want to include needs to be added to the includes property in the plugin.json file. To add a resource to your app plugin, you need to include it to the plugin.json.

Plugins that are included in an app plugin are available like any other plugin.

Dashboards and pages can be added to the app menu by setting addToNav to true.

By setting "defaultNav": true, users can navigate to the dashboard by clicking the app icon in the side menu.

Add a custom page

App plugins let you extend the Grafana user interface through the use of custom pages.

Any requests sent to /a/<plugin-id>, e.g. /a/myorgid-simple-app/, are routed to the root page of the app plugin. The root page is a React component that returns the content for a given route.

While you're free to implement your own routing, in this tutorial you'll use a tab-based navigation page that you can use by calling onNavChange.

Let's add a tab for managing server instances.

  1. In the src/pages directory, add a new file called Instances.tsx. This component contains the content for the new tab.

    import { AppRootProps } from '@grafana/data';
    import React from 'react';
    export const Instances = ({ query, path, meta }: AppRootProps) => {
      return <p>Hello</p>;
  2. Register the page by adding it to the pages array in src/pages/index.ts.


    import { Instances } from './Instances';
      component: Instances,
      icon: 'file-alt',
      id: 'instances',
      text: 'Instances',
  3. Add the page to the app menu, by including it in plugin.json. This will be the main view of the app, so we'll set defaultNav to let users quickly get to it by clicking the app icon in the side menu.


    "includes": [
        "type": "page",
        "name": "Instances",
        "path": "/a/myorgid-simple-app?tab=instances",
        "role": "Viewer",
        "addToNav": true,
        "defaultNav": true

Note: While page includes typically reference pages created by the app, you can set path to any URL, internal or external. Try setting path to

Configure the app

Let's add a new configuration page where users are able to configure default zone and regions for any instances they create.

  1. In module.ts, add new configuration page using the addConfigPage method. body is the React component that renders the page content.


      title: 'Defaults',
      icon: 'fa fa-info',
      body: DefaultsConfigPage,
      id: 'defaults',

Add a dashboard

Include a dashboard in your app

  1. In src/, create a new directory called dashboards.

  2. Create a file called overview.json in the dashboards directory.

  3. Copy the JSON definition for the dashboard you want to include and paste it into overview.json. If you don't have one available, you can find a sample dashboard at the end of this step.

  4. In plugin.json, add the following object to the includes property.

    • The name of the dashboard needs to be the same as the title in the dashboard JSON model.
    • path points out the file that contains the dashboard definition, relative to the plugin.json file.
    "includes": [
        "type": "dashboard",
        "name": "System overview",
        "path": "dashboards/overview.json",
        "addToNav": true
  5. Save and restart Grafana to load the new changes.

Bundle a plugin

An app plugin can contain panel and data source plugins that get installed along with the app plugin.

In this step, you'll add a data source to your app plugin. You can add panel plugins the same way by changing datasource to panel.

  1. In src/, create a new directory called datasources.

  2. Create a new data source using Grafana create-plugin tool in a temporary directory.

    mkdir tmp
    cd tmp
    npx @grafana/create-plugin@latest
  3. Move the src directory in the data source plugin to src/datasources, and rename it to my-datasource.

    mv ./my-datasource/src ../src/datasources/my-datasource

Any bundled plugins are built along with the app plugin. Grafana looks for any subdirectory containing a plugin.json file and attempts to load a plugin in that directory.

To let users know that your plugin bundles other plugins, you can optionally display it on the plugin configuration page. This is not done automatically, so you need to add it to the plugin.json.

  1. Include the data source in the plugin.json. The name property is only used for displaying in the Grafana UI.

    "includes": [
        "type": "datasource",
        "name": "My data source"

Include external plugins

If you want to let users know that your app requires an existing plugin, you can add it as a dependency in plugin.json. Note that they'll still need to install it themselves.

"dependencies": {
  "plugins": [
      "type": "panel",
      "name": "Worldmap Panel",
      "id": "grafana-worldmap-panel",
      "version": "^0.3.2"


In this tutorial you learned how to create an app plugin.