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+++ title = "OAuth authentication" description = "Grafana OAuthentication Guide " keywords = ["grafana", "configuration", "documentation", "oauth"] weight = 500 +++

Generic OAuth authentication

You can configure many different OAuth2 authentication services with Grafana using the generic OAuth2 feature. Examples:

This callback URL must match the full HTTP address that you use in your browser to access Grafana, but with the suffixed path of /login/generic_oauth.

You may have to set the root_url option of [server] for the callback URL to be correct. For example in case you are serving Grafana behind a proxy.

Example config:

enabled = true
client_id = YOUR_APP_CLIENT_ID
client_secret = YOUR_APP_CLIENT_SECRET
scopes =
empty_scopes = false
auth_url =
token_url =
api_url =
allowed_domains =
allow_sign_up = true
tls_skip_verify_insecure = false
tls_client_cert =
tls_client_key =
tls_client_ca =
use_pkce = true

Set api_url to the resource that returns OpenID UserInfo compatible information.

You can also specify the SSL/TLS configuration used by the client.

  • Set tls_client_cert to the path of the certificate.
  • Set tls_client_key to the path containing the key.
  • Set tls_client_ca to the path containing a trusted certificate authority list.

tls_skip_verify_insecure controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name. If it is true, then SSL/TLS accepts any certificate presented by the server and any host name in that certificate. You should only use this for testing, because this mode leaves SSL/TLS susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks.

Set empty_scopes to true to use an empty scope during authentication. By default, Grafana uses user:email as scope.

Email address

Grafana determines a user's email address by querying the OAuth provider until it finds an e-mail address:

  1. Check for the presence of an e-mail address via the email field encoded in the OAuth id_token parameter.
  2. Check for the presence of an e-mail address using the JMESPath specified via the email_attribute_path configuration option. The JSON used for the path lookup is the HTTP response obtained from querying the UserInfo endpoint specified via the api_url configuration option. Note: Only available in Grafana v6.4+.
  3. Check for the presence of an e-mail address in the attributes map encoded in the OAuth id_token parameter. By default Grafana will perform a lookup into the attributes map using the email:primary key, however, this is configurable and can be adjusted by using the email_attribute_name configuration option.
  4. Query the /emails endpoint of the OAuth provider's API (configured with api_url), then check for the presence of an email address marked as a primary address.
  5. If no email address is found in steps (1-4), then the email address of the user is set to an empty string.


Grafana checks for the presence of a role using the JMESPath specified via the role_attribute_path configuration option. The JMESPath is applied to the id_token first. If there is no match, then the UserInfo endpoint specified via the api_url configuration option is tried next. The result after evaluation of the role_attribute_path JMESPath expression should be a valid Grafana role, for example, Viewer, Editor or Admin.

For more information, refer to the JMESPath examples.

Groups / Teams

Similarly, group mappings are made using JMESPath with the groups_attribute_path configuration option. The id_token is attempted first, followed by the UserInfo from the api_url. The result of the JMESPath expression should be a string array of groups.

Furthermore, Grafana will check for the presence of at least one of the teams specified via the team_ids configuration option using the JMESPath specified via the team_ids_attribute_path configuration option. The JSON used for the path lookup is the HTTP response obtained from querying the Teams endpoint specified via the teams_url configuration option (using /teams as a fallback endpoint). The result should be a string array of Grafana Team IDs. Using this setting ensures that only certain teams is allowed to authenticate to Grafana using your OAuth provider.


Customize user login using login_attribute_path configuration option. Order of operations is as follows:

  1. Grafana evaluates the login_attribute_path JMESPath expression against the ID token.
  2. If Grafana finds no value, then Grafana evaluates expression against the JSON data obtained from UserInfo endpoint. The UserInfo endpoint URL is specified in the api_url configuration option.

You can customize the attribute name used to extract the ID token from the returned OAuth token with the id_token_attribute_name option.

You can set the user's display name with JMESPath using the name_attribute_path configuration option. It operates the same way as the login_attribute_path option.

Note: name_attribute_path is available in Grafana 7.4+.


Available in Grafana v8.3 and later versions.

IETF's RFC 7636 introduces "proof key for code exchange" (PKCE) which introduces additional protection against some forms of authorization code interception attacks. PKCE will be required in OAuth 2.1.

You can enable PKCE in Grafana by setting use_pkce to true in the [auth.generic_oauth] section.

use_pkce = true

Grafana always uses the SHA256 based S256 challenge method and a 128 bytes (base64url encoded) code verifier.

Set up OAuth2 with Auth0

  1. Create a new Client in Auth0

    • Name: Grafana
    • Type: Regular Web Application
  2. Go to the Settings tab and set:

    • Allowed Callback URLs: https://<grafana domain>/login/generic_oauth
  3. Click Save Changes, then use the values at the top of the page to configure Grafana:

    enabled = true
    allow_sign_up = true
    team_ids =
    allowed_organizations =
    name = Auth0
    client_id = <client id>
    client_secret = <client secret>
    scopes = openid profile email
    auth_url = https://<domain>/authorize
    token_url = https://<domain>/oauth/token
    api_url = https://<domain>/userinfo
    use_pkce = true

Set up OAuth2 with Bitbucket

name = BitBucket
enabled = true
allow_sign_up = true
client_id = <client id>
client_secret = <client secret>
scopes = account email
auth_url =
token_url =
api_url =
teams_url =
team_ids_attribute_path = values[*].workspace.slug
team_ids =
allowed_organizations =

Set up OAuth2 with Centrify

  1. Create a new Custom OpenID Connect application configuration in the Centrify dashboard.

  2. Create a memorable unique Application ID, e.g. "grafana", "grafana_aws", etc.

  3. Put in other basic configuration (name, description, logo, category)

  4. On the Trust tab, generate a long password and put it into the OpenID Connect Client Secret field.

  5. Put the URL to the front page of your Grafana instance into the "Resource Application URL" field.

  6. Add an authorized Redirect URI like https://your-grafana-server/login/generic_oauth

  7. Set up permissions, policies, etc. just like any other Centrify app

  8. Configure Grafana as follows:

    name = Centrify
    enabled = true
    allow_sign_up = true
    client_id = <OpenID Connect Client ID from Centrify>
    client_secret = <your generated OpenID Connect Client Secret"
    scopes = openid profile email
    auth_url = https://<your domain><Application ID>
    token_url = https://<your domain><Application ID>
    api_url = https://<your domain><Application ID>

Set up OAuth2 with OneLogin

  1. Create a new Custom Connector with the following settings:

    • Name: Grafana
    • Sign On Method: OpenID Connect
    • Redirect URI: https://<grafana domain>/login/generic_oauth
    • Signing Algorithm: RS256
    • Login URL: https://<grafana domain>/login/generic_oauth


  2. Add an App to the Grafana Connector:

    • Display Name: Grafana


  3. Under the SSO tab on the Grafana App details page you'll find the Client ID and Client Secret.

    Your OneLogin Domain will match the URL you use to access OneLogin.

    Configure Grafana as follows:

    name = OneLogin
    enabled = true
    allow_sign_up = true
    client_id = <client id>
    client_secret = <client secret>
    scopes = openid email name
    auth_url = https://<onelogin domain>
    token_url = https://<onelogin domain>
    api_url = https://<onelogin domain>
    team_ids =
    allowed_organizations =

JMESPath examples

To ease configuration of a proper JMESPath expression, you can test/evaluate expressions with custom payloads at

Role mapping

If  therole_attribute_path property does not return a role, then the user is assigned the Viewer role by default. You can disable the role assignment by setting role_attribute_strict = true. It denies user access if no role or an invalid role is returned.

Basic example:

In the following example user will get Editor as role when authenticating. The value of the property role will be the resulting role if the role is a proper Grafana role, i.e. Viewer, Editor or Admin.


    "role": "Editor",


role_attribute_path = role

Advanced example:

In the following example user will get Admin as role when authenticating since it has a role admin. If a user has a role editor it will get Editor as role, otherwise Viewer.


    "info": {
        "roles": [


role_attribute_path = contains(info.roles[*], 'admin') && 'Admin' || contains(info.roles[*], 'editor') && 'Editor' || 'Viewer'

Groups mapping

Available in Grafana Enterprise v8.1 and later versions.

With Team Sync you can map your Generic OAuth groups to teams in Grafana so that the users are automatically added to the correct teams.

Generic OAuth groups can be referenced by group ID, like 8bab1c86-8fba-33e5-2089-1d1c80ec267d or myteam.

[Learn more about Team Sync]({{< relref "" >}})


groups_attribute_path = info.groups


    "info": {
        "groups": [