Updates the docs to work with the website repo - mainly relative link updates. Adds a menu.yaml file to build the sidebar menu (no longer using front matter weight).
2.5 KiB
+++ title = "Sharing a Panel" keywords = ["grafana", "dashboard", "documentation", "sharing"] type = "docs" [menu.docs] parent = "dashboard_features" weight = 6 +++
Share Panel
Click a panel title to open the panel menu, then click share in the panel menu to open the Share Panel dialog. Here you have access to a link that will take you to exactly this panel with the current time range and selected template variables. Below are ways to share a panel.
Direct Link Rendered Image
You also get a link to render a PNG image of the panel. Useful if you want to share an image of the panel. Read more about the requirements and how to configure image rendering here.
Example of a link to a server-side rendered PNG:
Query String Parameters For Server-Side Rendered Images
- width: width in pixels. Default is 800.
- height: height in pixels. Default is 400.
- tz: timezone in the format
where HH and MM are offset in hours and minutes after UTC - timeout: number of seconds. The timeout can be increased if the query for the panel needs more than the default 30 seconds.
Embed Panel
You can embed a panel using an iframe on another web site. This tab will show you the html that you need to use.
Notice This sharing require either anonymous access or setting [cookie_samesite]({{< relref "../installation/configuration.md#cookie-samesite" >}}) to none
<iframe src="https://snapshot.raintank.io/dashboard-solo/snapshot/y7zwi2bZ7FcoTlB93WN7yWO4aMiz3pZb?from=1493369923321&to=1493377123321&panelId=4" width="650" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Below there should be an interactive Grafana graph embedded in an iframe:
Export Panel Data
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v50/export_panel_data.png" max-width="500px" >}}
The submenu for a panel can be found by clicking on the title of a panel and then on the More submenu.
This menu contains two options for exporting data:
- The panel JSON (the specification and not the data) can be exported or updated via the panel context menu.
- Panel data can be exported in the CSV format for Table and Graph Panels.