* Add aliases to all files Signed-off-by: Jack Baldry <jack.baldry@grafana.com> * Prettify front matter Signed-off-by: Jack Baldry <jack.baldry@grafana.com>
913 B
+++ aliases = ["/docs/grafana/latest/reference/templating/", "/docs/grafana/latest/variables/manage-variable/"] keywords = ["grafana", "templating", "documentation", "guide", "template", "variable"] title = "Manage variables" weight = 120 +++
Manage variables
The variables page lets you [add]({{< relref "variable-types/_index.md" >}}) variables and manage existing variables. It also allows you to [inspect]({{< relref "inspect-variable.md" >}}) variables and identify whether a variable is being referenced (or used) in other variables or dashboard.
You can move a variable up or down the list using drag and drop.
To clone a variable, click the clone icon from the set of icons on the right. This creates a copy of the variable with the name of the original variable prefixed with copy_of_
To delete a variable, click the trash icon from the set of icons on the right.