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title = "Release notes for Grafana 8.3.6"
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# Release notes for Grafana 8.3.6
### Features and enhancements
- **Cloud Monitoring:** Reduce request size when listing labels. [#44365](, [@mtanda](
- **Explore:** Show scalar data result in a table instead of graph. [#44362](, [@tharun208](
- **Snapshots:** Updates the default external snapshot server URL. [#44563](, [@DanCech](
- **Table:** Makes footer not overlap table content. [#44210](, [@dprokop](
- **Tempo:** Add request histogram to service graph datalink. [#44671](, [@connorlindsey](
- **Tempo:** Add time range to tempo search query behind a feature flag. [#43811](, [@connorlindsey](
- **Tempo:** Auto-clear results when changing query type. [#44390](, [@connorlindsey](
- **Tempo:** Display start time in search results as relative time. [#44568](, [@tharun208](
### Bug fixes
- **CloudMonitoring:** Fix resource labels in query editor. [#44550](, [@iwysiu](
- **Cursor sync:** Apply the settings without saving the dashboard. [#44270](, [@dprokop](
- **LibraryPanels:** Fix for Error while cleaning library panels. [#45033](, [@hugohaggmark](
- **Logs Panel:** fix timestamp parsing for string dates without timezone. [#44664](, [@Elfo404](
- **Prometheus:** Fix some of the alerting queries that use reduce/math operation. [#44380](, [@ivanahuckova](
- **TablePanel:** Fix ad-hoc variables not working on default datasources. [#44314](, [@joshhunt](
- **Text Panel:** Fix alignment of elements. [#44313](, [@ashharrison90](
- **Variables:** Fix for constant variables in self referencing links. [#44631](, [@hugohaggmark](