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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "@grafana/ui"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/ui"]
type = "docs"
## @grafana/ui package
A library containing the different design components of the Grafana ecosystem.
## Classes
| Class | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [ansicolor](./ansicolor/) | Represents an ANSI-escaped string. |
| [BarGauge](./bargauge/) | |
| [BigValue](./bigvalue/) | |
| [Cascader](./cascader/) | |
| [ClickOutsideWrapper](./clickoutsidewrapper/) | |
| [ClipboardButton](./clipboardbutton/) | |
| [CustomScrollbar](./customscrollbar/) | Wraps component into <Scrollbars> component from <code>react-custom-scrollbars</code> |
| [ErrorBoundary](./errorboundary/) | |
| [ErrorBoundaryAlert](./errorboundaryalert/) | |
| [Gauge](./gauge/) | |
| [Graph](./graph/) | |
| [GraphSeriesToggler](./graphseriestoggler/) | |
| [JsonExplorer](./jsonexplorer/) | JsonExplorer<!-- -->JsonExplorer allows you to render JSON objects in HTML with a \*\*collapsible\*\* navigation. |
| [JSONFormatter](./jsonformatter/) | |
| [List](./list/) | |
| [ModalsProvider](./modalsprovider/) | |
| [PieChart](./piechart/) | |
| [Popover](./popover/) | |
| [PopoverController](./popovercontroller/) | |
| [Portal](./portal/) | |
| [QueryField](./queryfield/) | Renders an editor field. Pass initial value as initialQuery and listen to changes in props.onValueChanged. This component can only process strings. Internally it uses Slate Value. Implement props.onTypeahead to use suggestions, see PromQueryField.tsx as an example. |
| [SelectValueEditor](./selectvalueeditor/) | |
| [SetInterval](./setinterval/) | |
| [StatsPicker](./statspicker/) | |
| [StringArrayEditor](./stringarrayeditor/) | |
| [TableInputCSV](./tableinputcsv/) | Expects the container div to have size set and will fill it 100% |
| [TagsInput](./tagsinput/) | |
| [ToggleButtonGroup](./togglebuttongroup/) | |
| [UnitPicker](./unitpicker/) | |
| [VizRepeater](./vizrepeater/) | |
## Enumerations
| Enumeration | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [BarGaugeDisplayMode](./bargaugedisplaymode/) | |
| [BigValueColorMode](./bigvaluecolormode/) | |
| [BigValueGraphMode](./bigvaluegraphmode/) | |
| [BigValueJustifyMode](./bigvaluejustifymode/) | |
| [CompletionItemKind](./completionitemkind/) | |
| [EventsWithValidation](./eventswithvalidation/) | |
| [LegacyInputStatus](./legacyinputstatus/) | |
| [LegendDisplayMode](./legenddisplaymode/) | |
| [PieChartType](./piecharttype/) | |
| [TableCellDisplayMode](./tablecelldisplaymode/) | |
## Functions
| Function | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [AsyncMultiSelect(props)](./asyncmultiselect/) | |
| [AsyncSelect(props)](./asyncselect/) | |
| [BracesPlugin()](./bracesplugin/) | |
| [ButtonSelect({ placeholder, icon, variant, size, className, disabled, ...selectProps })](./buttonselect/) | |
| [calculateFontSize(text, width, height, lineHeight, maxSize)](./calculatefontsize/) | |
| [ClearPlugin()](./clearplugin/) | |
| [ClipboardPlugin()](./clipboardplugin/) | |
| [convertOldAngularValueMapping(panel)](./convertoldangularvaluemapping/) | Convert the angular single stat mapping to new react style |
| [FadeTransition(props)](./fadetransition/) | |
| [Form({ defaultValues, onSubmit, validateOnMount, validateFieldsOnMount, children, validateOn, maxWidth, })](./form/) | |
| [getScrollbarWidth()](./getscrollbarwidth/) | |
| [getTagColor(index)](./gettagcolor/) | |
| [getTagColorsFromName(name)](./gettagcolorsfromname/) | Returns tag badge background and border colors based on hashed tag name. |
| [IndentationPlugin()](./indentationplugin/) | |
| [measureText(text, fontSize)](./measuretext/) | |
| [MultiSelect(props)](./multiselect/) | |
| [NewlinePlugin()](./newlineplugin/) | |
| [RadioButtonGroup({ options, value, onChange, disabled, disabledOptions, size, fullWidth, })](./radiobuttongroup/) | |
| [renderOrCallToRender(itemToRender, props)](./renderorcalltorender/) | Given react node or function returns element accordingly |
| [resetSelectStyles()](./resetselectstyles/) | |
| [RunnerPlugin({ handler })](./runnerplugin/) | |
| [Segment({ options, value, onChange, Component, className, allowCustomValue, placeholder, })](./segment/) | |
| [SegmentAsync({ value, onChange, loadOptions, Component, className, allowCustomValue, placeholder, })](./segmentasync/) | |
| [SegmentInput({ value: initialValue, onChange, Component, className, placeholder, autofocus, })](./segmentinput/) | |
| [SegmentSelect({ value, options, onChange, onClickOutside, width, noOptionsMessage, allowCustomValue, })](./segmentselect/) | |
| [Select(props)](./select/) | |
| [SelectionShortcutsPlugin()](./selectionshortcutsplugin/) | |
| [sharedSingleStatMigrationHandler(panel)](./sharedsinglestatmigrationhandler/) | |
| [sharedSingleStatPanelChangedHandler(panel, prevPluginId, prevOptions)](./sharedsinglestatpanelchangedhandler/) | |
| [SlatePrism(optsParam)](./slateprism/) | A Slate plugin to highlight code syntax. |
| [SlideOutTransition(props)](./slideouttransition/) | |
| [stylesFactory(stylesCreator)](./stylesfactory/) | Creates memoized version of styles creator |
| [SuggestionsPlugin({ onTypeahead, cleanText, onWillApplySuggestion, portalOrigin, })](./suggestionsplugin/) | |
| [useTheme()](./usetheme/) | |
| [ValuePicker({ label, icon, options, onChange, variant, size, isFullWidth, menuPlacement, })](./valuepicker/) | |
## Interfaces
| Interface | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [BadgeProps](./badgeprops/) | |
| [BigValueSparkline](./bigvaluesparkline/) | |
| [CascaderOption](./cascaderoption/) | |
| [CompletionItem](./completionitem/) | |
| [CompletionItemGroup](./completionitemgroup/) | |
| [ContextMenuGroup](./contextmenugroup/) | |
| [ContextMenuItem](./contextmenuitem/) | |
| [ContextMenuProps](./contextmenuprops/) | |
| [GraphSeriesTogglerAPI](./graphseriestogglerapi/) | |
| [GraphTooltipOptions](./graphtooltipoptions/) | |
| [LegendBasicOptions](./legendbasicoptions/) | |
| [LegendItem](./legenditem/) | |
| [LegendOptions](./legendoptions/) | |
| [LegendRenderOptions](./legendrenderoptions/) | |
| [SingleStatBaseOptions](./singlestatbaseoptions/) | |
| [StyleProps](./styleprops/) | |
| [SuggestionsState](./suggestionsstate/) | |
| [TableSortByFieldState](./tablesortbyfieldstate/) | |
| [Themeable](./themeable/) | |
| [Token](./token/) | |
| [TypeaheadInput](./typeaheadinput/) | |
| [TypeaheadOutput](./typeaheadoutput/) | |
| [ValidationEvents](./validationevents/) | |
| [ValidationRule](./validationrule/) | |
| [VizRepeaterRenderValueProps](./vizrepeaterrendervalueprops/) | |
## Namespaces
| Namespace | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [DOMUtil](./domutil/) | |
| [RadioButtonGroup](./radiobuttongroup/) | |
| [styleMixins](./stylemixins/) | |
## Variables
| Variable | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Alert](./alert/) | |
| [ALERTING\_COLOR](./alerting_color/) | |
| [AlphaNotice](./alphanotice/) | |
| [Badge](./badge/) | |
| [Button](./button/) | |
| [ButtonCascader](./buttoncascader/) | |
| [CallToActionCard](./calltoactioncard/) | |
| [Chart](./chart/) | |
| [Checkbox](./checkbox/) | |
| [CodeEditor](./codeeditor/) | |
| [Collapse](./collapse/) | |
| [ColorPicker](./colorpicker/) | |
| [colors](./colors/) | |
| [ConfirmButton](./confirmbutton/) | |
| [ConfirmModal](./confirmmodal/) | |
| [Container](./container/) | |
| [ContextMenu](./contextmenu/) | |
| [ControlledCollapse](./controlledcollapse/) | |
| [Counter](./counter/) | |
| [DataLinkInput](./datalinkinput/) | |
| [DataLinksContextMenu](./datalinkscontextmenu/) | |
| [DataLinksInlineEditor](./datalinksinlineeditor/) | |
| [DataSourceHttpSettings](./datasourcehttpsettings/) | |
| [DEFAULT\_ANNOTATION\_COLOR](./default_annotation_color/) | |
| [DeleteButton](./deletebutton/) | |
| [Drawer](./drawer/) | |
| [EmptySearchResult](./emptysearchresult/) | |
| [ErrorWithStack](./errorwithstack/) | |
| [FeatureInfoBox](./featureinfobox/) | |
| [Field](./field/) | |
| [FieldConfigItemHeaderTitle](./fieldconfigitemheadertitle/) | |
| [fieldMatchersUI](./fieldmatchersui/) | |
| [FieldSet](./fieldset/) | |
| [FileUpload](./fileupload/) | |
| [FilterPill](./filterpill/) | |
| [FullWidthButtonContainer](./fullwidthbuttoncontainer/) | |
| [getAvailableIcons](./getavailableicons/) | |
| [getButtonStyles](./getbuttonstyles/) | |
| [getFormStyles](./getformstyles/) | |
| [getLogRowStyles](./getlogrowstyles/) | |
| [getStandardFieldConfigs](./getstandardfieldconfigs/) | Returns collection of common field config properties definitions |
| [getStandardOptionEditors](./getstandardoptioneditors/) | Returns collection of standard option editors definitions |
| [getTheme](./gettheme/) | |
| [GraphContextMenu](./graphcontextmenu/) | |
| [GraphLegend](./graphlegend/) | |
| [graphTickFormatter](./graphtickformatter/) | |
| [graphTimeFormat](./graphtimeformat/) | |
| [GraphWithLegend](./graphwithlegend/) | |
| [hasValidationEvent](./hasvalidationevent/) | |
| [HorizontalGroup](./horizontalgroup/) | |
| [Icon](./icon/) | |
| [IconButton](./iconbutton/) | |
| [InlineFormLabel](./inlineformlabel/) | |
| [Input](./input/) | |
| [Label](./label/) | |
| [LegacyForms](./legacyforms/) | |
| [Legend](./legend/) | |
| [LegendList](./legendlist/) | |
| [LegendTable](./legendtable/) | |
| [LinkButton](./linkbutton/) | |
| [linkModelToContextMenuItems](./linkmodeltocontextmenuitems/) | Delays creating links until we need to open the ContextMenu |
| [LoadingPlaceholder](./loadingplaceholder/) | |
| [LogLabels](./loglabels/) | |
| [LogRows](./logrows/) | |
| [makeFragment](./makefragment/) | |
| [makeValue](./makevalue/) | |
| [mockTheme](./mocktheme/) | |
| [mockThemeContext](./mockthemecontext/) | Enables theme context mocking |
| [Modal](./modal/) | |
| [ModalHeader](./modalheader/) | |
| [ModalRoot](./modalroot/) | |
| [ModalsController](./modalscontroller/) | |
| [ModalTabContent](./modaltabcontent/) | |
| [ModalTabsHeader](./modaltabsheader/) | |
| [NO\_DATA\_COLOR](./no_data_color/) | |
| [NumberValueEditor](./numbervalueeditor/) | |
| [OK\_COLOR](./ok_color/) | |
| [Pagination](./pagination/) | |
| [PALETTE\_COLUMNS](./palette_columns/) | |
| [PALETTE\_ROWS](./palette_rows/) | |
| [PanelOptionsGrid](./paneloptionsgrid/) | |
| [PanelOptionsGroup](./paneloptionsgroup/) | |
| [PENDING\_COLOR](./pending_color/) | |
| [RefreshPicker](./refreshpicker/) | |
| [regexValidation](./regexvalidation/) | |
| [REGION\_FILL\_ALPHA](./region_fill_alpha/) | |
| [SCHEMA](./schema/) | |
| [selectThemeVariant](./selectthemevariant/) | |
| [SeriesColorPicker](./seriescolorpicker/) | |
| [SeriesColorPickerPopover](./seriescolorpickerpopover/) | |
| [SeriesColorPickerPopoverWithTheme](./seriescolorpickerpopoverwiththeme/) | |
| [SeriesIcon](./seriesicon/) | |
| [Slider](./slider/) | |
| [sortedColors](./sortedcolors/) | |
| [Spinner](./spinner/) | |
| [StringValueEditor](./stringvalueeditor/) | |
| [Switch](./switch/) | |
| [Tab](./tab/) | |
| [TabContent](./tabcontent/) | |
| [Table](./table/) | |
| [TabsBar](./tabsbar/) | |
| [Tag](./tag/) | |
| [TagList](./taglist/) | |
| [TextArea](./textarea/) | |
| [ThemeContext](./themecontext/) | |
| [TimeOfDayPicker](./timeofdaypicker/) | |
| [TimeRangePicker](./timerangepicker/) | |
| [TimeZonePicker](./timezonepicker/) | |
| [ToggleButton](./togglebutton/) | |
| [Tooltip](./tooltip/) | |
| [useStyles](./usestyles/) | Hook for using memoized styles with access to the theme. |
| [validate](./validate/) | |
| [VerticalGroup](./verticalgroup/) | |
| [withTheme](./withtheme/) | |
## Type Aliases
| Type Alias | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [AlertVariant](./alertvariant/) | |
| [BadgeColor](./badgecolor/) | |
| [ButtonProps](./buttonprops/) | |
| [ButtonVariant](./buttonvariant/) | |
| [FormAPI](./formapi/) | |
| [FormInputSize](./forminputsize/) | |
| [IconName](./iconname/) | |
| [IconSize](./iconsize/) | |
| [IconType](./icontype/) | |
| [LegendPlacement](./legendplacement/) | |
| [PopoverContent](./popovercontent/) | |
| [Renderable](./renderable/) | |
| [RenderFunction](./renderfunction/) | |