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+++ title = "Zipkin" description = "Guide for using Zipkin in Grafana" keywords = ["grafana", "zipkin", "guide", "tracing"] aliases = ["/docs/grafana/latest/datasources/zipkin"] weight = 1600 +++

Zipkin data source

Grafana ships with built-in support for Zipkin, an open source, distributed tracing system. Just add it as a data source and you are ready to query your traces in [Explore]({{< relref "../explore" >}}).

Adding the data source

To access Zipkin settings, click the Configuration (gear) icon, then click Data Sources > Zipkin.

Name Description
Name The data source name in panels, queries, and Explore.
Default The pre-selected data source for a new panel.
URL The URL of the Zipkin instance. For example, http://localhost:9411.
Basic Auth Enable basic authentication for the Zipkin data source.
User Specify a user name for basic authentication.
Password Specify a password for basic authentication.

Trace to logs

Note: This feature is available in Grafana 7.4+.

This is a configuration for the [trace to logs feature]({{< relref "../explore/trace-integration" >}}). Select target data source (at this moment limited to Loki data sources) and select which tags will be used in the logs query.

  • Data source - Target data source.
  • Tags - The tags that will be used in the Loki query. Default is 'cluster', 'hostname', 'namespace', 'pod'.

Trace to logs settings

Query traces

Querying and displaying traces from Zipkin is available via [Explore]({{< relref "../explore" >}}).

{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v70/zipkin-query-editor.png" class="docs-image--no-shadow" caption="Screenshot of the Zipkin query editor" >}}

The Zipkin query editor allows you to query by trace ID directly or selecting a trace from trace selector. To query by trace ID, insert the ID into the text input.

{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v70/zipkin-query-editor-open.png" class="docs-image--no-shadow" caption="Screenshot of the Zipkin query editor with trace selector expanded" >}}

Use the trace selector to pick particular trace from all traces logged in the time range you have selected in Explore. The trace selector has three levels of nesting:

  1. The service you are interested in.
  2. Particular operation is part of the selected service
  3. Specific trace in which the selected operation occurred, represented by the root operation name and trace duration.

Data mapping in the trace UI

Zipkin annotations are shown in the trace view as logs with annotation value shown under annotation key.

Linking Trace ID from logs

You can link to Zipkin trace from logs in Loki by configuring a derived field with internal link. See [Loki documentation]({{< relref "loki#derived-fields" >}}) for details.