Mitch Seaman d92a1f29ac
Docs: Add docs links for what's new in Enterprise (#35062)
* add docs links for whats new in Enterprise

* add license restriction docs update to what's new

* remove version mention from licensing docs update
2021-06-01 11:55:17 -07:00

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+++ title = "What's new in Grafana v8.0" description = "Feature and improvement highlights for Grafana v8.0" keywords = ["grafana", "new", "documentation", "8.0", "release notes"] weight = -33 aliases = ["/docs/grafana/latest/guides/whats-new-in-v8-0/"] [_build] list = false +++

Whats new in Grafana v8.0

Note: This topic will be updated frequently between now and the final release.

This topic includes the release notes for Grafana v8.0. For all details, read the full

Grafana OSS features

These features are included in the Grafana open source edition.

Grafana v8.0 alerts

The new alerts in Grafana 8.0 are an opt-in feature that centralizes alerting information for Grafana managed alerts and alerts from Prometheus-compatible data sources in one UI and API. You can create and edit alerting rules for Grafana managed alerts, Cortex alerts, and Loki alerts as well as see alerting information from prometheus-compatible data sources in a single, searchable view. For more information, on how to create and edit alerts and notifications, refer to [Overview of Grafana 8.0 alerts]({{< relref "../alerting/unified-alerting/" >}}).

As part of the new alert changes, we have introduced a new data source, Alertmanager, which includes built-in support for Prometheus Alertmanager. It is presently in alpha and it not accessible unless alpha plugins are enabled in Grafana settings. For more information, refer to [Alertmanager data source]({{< relref "../datasources/" >}}).

Note: Out of the box, Grafana still supports old Grafana alerts. They are legacy alerts at this time, and will deprecated in a future release.

To learn more about the differences between new alerts and the legacy alerts, refer to [Differences between Grafana 8.0 alerts and legacy alerts]({{< relref "../alerting/" >}}).

Library panels

Library panels allow users to build panels that can be used in multiple dashboards. Any updates made to that shared panel will then automatically be applied to all the dashboards that have that panel.

Real-time streaming

Data sources can now send real-time updates to dashboards over a websocket connection. This can be used with the MQTT data source.

In addition to data source integration, events can be sent to dashboards by posting metrics to the new live endpoint: /api/live/push endpoint.

These metrics will be broadcast to all dashboards connected to that stream endpoint.

Bar chart visualization (beta)

The Bar chart panel is a new visualization that allows categorical data display.

State timeline visualization (beta)

This new visualization is designed to display state changes and durations.

Status grid visualization (beta)

This new visualization is designed to display periodic status history.

Histogram visualization (beta)

This release introduces a new histogram panel visualization.

Time series visualization updates

The Time series is out of beta! We are removing the Beta tag and graduating the Time series visualization to a stable state.

  • Time series is now the default visualization option, replacing the Graph (old).
  • The Time series panel now supports stacking. For more information, refer to [Graph stacked time series]({{< relref "../panels/visualizations/time-series/" >}}).
  • You can now add alerts in the Time series panel, just like the old Graph panel.
  • We added support for a shared crosshair and a tooltip thats now smarter when it comes to data display in the tooltip.
  • Various performance improvements.

[Time series panel]({{< relref "../panels/visualizations/time-series/" >}}) topics have been updated as a result of these changes.

Pie chart visualization updates

The Pie chart is out of beta! We are removing the Beta tag and graduating the Pie chart visualization to a stable state.

Panel editor updates

Lots of panel editor improvements, heavily informed by user research and community feedback.

  • All options are now shown in a single pane.
  • You can now search panel options.
  • Value mapping has been completely redesigned.
  • New Table view option is always available.

The [Panels]({{< relref "../panels/" >}}) section has been updated to reflect these changes.

Look and feel update

Grafana 8 comes with a refreshed look and feel, including themes changed to be more accessible. The improved Grafana UI brings a number of adjustments and tweaks that make the application even more fun to use. Enjoy the new home dashboard design!

Under the hood, the new theme architecture enables us to bring more sophisticated themes control in the future.

Download logs

When you inspect a panel, you can now download log results as a text (.txt) file.

[Download log results]({{< relref "../panels/" >}}) in [Inspect a panel]({{< relref "../panels/" >}}) was added as a result of this feature.

Inspector in Explore

The new Explore inspector helps you understand and troubleshoot your queries. You can inspect the raw data, export that data to a comma-separated values (CSV) file, export log results in text format, and view query requests.

[Inspector in Explore]({{< relref "../explore/" >}}) was added as a result of this feature.

Explore log improvements

Log navigation in Explore has been significantly improved. We added pagination to logs, so you can click through older or newer logs as needed.

[Logs in Explore]({{< relref "../explore/" >}}) was updated as a result of these changes.

Navigate logs in Explore

Tracing improvements

  • Exemplars
  • Better Jaeger search in Explore
  • Show trace graph for Jaeger, Zipkin, and Tempo

Plugin catalog

You can now use the Plugin catalog app to easily manage your plugins from within Grafana. Install, update, and uninstall plugins without requiring a server restart.

Performance improvements

Grafana 8.0 includes many performance enhancements.

Initial startup and load performance

We reduced the Grafana initial download size massively, approximately 40%. This means that on slower or mobile connections, the initial login page or home dashboard will load much faster.

All panels that have migrated from Flot to uPlot will also render two to three times faster because the library is much more efficient. Right now, this includes the Time series, Stat, Timeline, Histogram, and Barchart panel visualizations.

Operational and runtime performance

These improvements affect any subsequent data updates or interactions, including:

  • Streaming performance
  • General speed of interaction, such as zooming, tooltips, synchronized cursors, and panel updates while editing

Data source updates

The following data source updates are included with this Grafana release.

Elasticsearch data source

[Elasticsearch data source]({{< relref "../datasources/" >}}) and [Provisioning]({{< relref "../administration/" >}}) were updated as a result of these changes.

Use semver strings to identify Elasticsearch version

We changed how the configured Elasticsearch version is handled. You can now specify via provisioning the full semver string version of your instance (such as “7.12.1”) instead of the old version format based on numbers. Theres no manual intervention needed, the old options will be correctly recognized.

Generic support for template variables

You can now use a different interpolation method to use template variables in a more extensive way. You can now use template variables in every query editor field that allows free input.

Elasticsearch template variables

Allow omitting field for metrics that support inline scripts

Metric aggregations can be specified without a field if a script is provided. You can now deselect fields for metrics aggregation when they support scripting.

Previously this was only possible when adding a new metric without selecting a field, because once selected, the field could not have been removed.

Elasticsearch omit fields

Allow setting a custom limit for log queries

You can now set a custom line limit for logs queries instead of accepting the previously hard-coded 500. We also simplified the query editor to only show relevant fields when issuing logs queries.

Elasticsearch custom log limit

Guess field type from first non-empty value

Response values were always interpreted as strings in Elasticsearch responses, which caused issues with some visualization types that applied logic based on numeric values. We now apply some heuristics to detect value types from the first non-empty value in each response.

Graphite data source

[Graphite data source]({{< relref "../datasources/" >}}) was updated as a result of these changes.

Variable metric names expand

Values for dashboard variables can be now populated using the Graphite expand API. Expand API is used when the metric query is wrapped in expand() function.

This way, values can contain not only the last matching node from the metric query, but also the full path of the metric. It can also be narrowed down to a specific node with a regular expression.

Map Graphite queries to Loki

Graphite queries are now automatically transformed to Loki queries according to user-defined rules when the data source changes in Explore.

Jaeger data source

You can now use more parameters to find traces.

[Jaeger data source]({{< relref "../datasources/" >}}) was updated as a result of this change.

Authentication updates

This Grafana release includes the following authentication updates.


JWT is a new authentication option in Grafana.

Added JWT authentication support

You can now configure Grafana to accept a JWT token provided in the HTTP header.

[JWT authentication]({{< relref "../auth/" >}}) was added and [Configuration]({{< relref "../administration/" >}}) was updated as a result of this feature.


[Generic OAuth authentication]({{< relref "../auth/" >}}) has been updated as a result of these changes.

Added OAuth support for empty scopes

You can now configure generic OAuth with empty scopes. This allows OAuth Identity Providers that don't use or support scopes to work with Grafana authentication.

Added OAuth support for strict parsing of role_attribute_path

You can now configure generic OAuth with strict parsing of the role_attribute_path. By default, if the role_attribute_path property does not return a role, then the user is assigned the Viewer role. You can disable the role assignment by setting role_attribute_strict = true. It denies user access if no role or an invalid role is returned.

Singlestat panel deprecated

Support for Singlestat panel has been discontinued. When you upgrade to version 8.0, all existing Singlestat panels automatically becomes Stat panels. Stat panel is available as plugin.

Enterprise features

These features are included in the Grafana Enterprise edition.

Fine-grained access control

You can now add or remove detailed permissions from Viewer, Editor, and Admin org roles, to grant users just the right amount of access within Grafana. Available permissions include the ability to view and manage Users, Reports, and the Access Control API itself. Grafana will support more and more permissions over the coming months. See the [Fine-grained access control docs]({{< relref "../enterprise/access-control/" >}}) for more details.

Data source query caching

Grafana will now cache the results of backend data source queries, so that multiple users viewing the same dashboard or panel will not each submit the same query to the data source (like Splunk or Snowflake) itself. This results in faster average load times for dashboards and fewer duplicate queries overall to data sources, which reduces cost and the risk of throttling, reaching API limits, or overloading your data sources. Caching can be enabled per-data source, and time-to-live (TTL) can be configured globally and per data source. Query caching can be set up with Redis, Memcached, or a simple in-memory cache. See the [Data source query caching docs]({{< relref "../enterprise/" >}}) for more details.

Reporting updates

When creating a report, you can now choose to export Table Panels as .csv files attached to your report email. This will make it easier for recipients to view and work with that data. You can also link back to the dashboard directly from the email, for users who want to see the data live in Grafana. This release also includes some improvements to the Reports list view. See the [Reporting docs]({{< relref "../enterprise/" >}}) for more details.

License restrictions clarification in the docs

The docs have been updated to describe more specifically how licensed roles are counted, how they can be updated, and where you can see details about dashboard and folder permissions that affect users' licensed roles. Visit the [License restrictions docs]({{< relref "../enterprise/license/" >}}) for details.

Breaking changes

The following breaking changes are included in this release.


  • Removed the Value groups/tags feature from variables. Any tags will be removed.
  • Removed the never refresh option for query variables. Existing variables will be migrated and any stored options will be removed.

Documentation was updated to reflect these changes.

Elasticsearch: Use application/x-ndjson content type for multi-search requests

For multi-search requests, we now use the correct application/x-ndjson content type instead of the incorrect application/json. Although this should be transparent to most of the users, if you are running Elasticsearch behind a proxy, then be sure that your proxy correctly handles requests with this content type.

Prometheus: Update default HTTP method to POST for existing data sources

The default HTTP method for Prometheus data source is now POST, previously it was GET. The POST APIs are there since January 2018 (Prometheus 2.1.0) and they have fewer limitations than the GET APIs. Users with Prometheus instance with version < 2.1.0 that use the default HTTP method should update their HTTP method to GET.