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Building documentation with CMake

NOTE: Instructions were tested inside container based on Ubuntu 22.04 docker image.

  1. Clone the OpenVINO repository and setup its submodules
$ git clone <openvino_repository_url> <repository_path>
$ cd <repository_path>
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Install build dependencies using the script located in OpenVINO root directory
$ chmod +x
$ ./
  1. Install additional packages needed to build documentation
$ apt install -y doxygen graphviz texlive
  1. Create python virtualenv and install needed libraries
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) $ pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
  1. Install the sphinx theme
(env) $ cd docs/openvino_sphinx_theme && python install && cd -
  1. Create build folder:
(env) $ mkdir build && cd build
  1. Build documentation using these commands:
(env) $ cmake .. -DENABLE_DOCS=ON
(env) $ cmake --build . --target sphinx_docs

Depending on the needs, following variables can be added to first cmake call:

  • building C/C++ API: -DENABLE_CPP_API=ON
  • building Python API: -DENABLE_PYTHON_API=ON
  • building Notebooks: -DENABLE_NOTEBOOKS=ON
  • building OMZ: -DENABLE_OMZ=ON
  • building OVMS: -DENABLE_OVMS=ON -DOVMS_DOCS_DIR=<path_to_OVMS_repo>