|`Issue #5807 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/5807>`_ - Fixed an issue where a column is renamed and then removed, then the drop SQL query takes the wrong column name.
|`Issue #5826 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/5826>`_ - Fixed an issue where schema diff is showing identical table as different due to default vacuum settings.
|`Issue #5830 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/5830>`_ - Fixed reverse engineering SQL where parenthesis is not properly arranged for View/MView definition.
|`Issue #5835 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/5835>`_ - Fixed 'can't execute an empty query' message if the user change the option of Auto FK Index.
|`Issue #5843 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/5843>`_ - Fixed an issue where the 'PARALLEL UNSAFE' option is missing from reverse engineering SQL of function/procedure.
|`Issue #5845 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/5845>`_ - Fixed an issue where the query tool is not fetching more than 1000 rows for the table does not have any primary key.
|`Issue #5853 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/5853>`_ - Fixed an issue where 'Rows X' column values were not visible properly for Explain Analyze in Dark theme.
|`Issue #5867 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/5867>`_ - Fixed an issue where some properties are not being updated correctly for the shared server.