2) Added status bar to the Query Tool. Fixes#3253
3) Ensure that row numbers should be visible in view when scrolling horizontally. Fixes#3989
4) Allow removing a single query history. Refs #4113
5) Partially fixed Macros usability issues. Ref #6969
6) Fixed an issue where the Query tool opens on minimum size if the user opens multiple query tool Window quickly. Fixes#6725
7) Relocate GIS Viewer Button to the Left Side of the Results Table. Fixes#6830
8) Fixed an issue where the connection bar is not visible. Fixes#7188
9) Fixed an issue where an Empty message popup after running a query. Fixes#7260
10) Ensure that Autocomplete should work after changing the connection. Fixes#7262
11) Fixed an issue where the copy and paste row does not work if the first column contains no data. Fixes#7294
1) Add server mode validation in the binary path.
2) Updated preferences tree rendering to avoid using the ReactDOM render.
3) Updated CSS for keyboard shortcuts checkbox border makes it consistent with input box border.
4) Fixed jasmine test case and improved code coverage.
5) Fixed SonarQube issues.
6) Added validation to disable "Maximum column with" option if "Column sized by" option is set to "Column name" in Query Tool -> Result grid.
7) Updated documentation with the latest screenshots.
8) Correct typo in the documentation. Fixes#7261
refs #7149
- Masking the credentials input fields
- The loading symbol doesn't work while reloading the options in the select control
- Reduce the wizard opening timeout
- urllib library upgrade impacts host IP fetch
refs #7177
1) Immediately return this expression instead of assigning it to the temporary variable.
2) Extract this nested ternary operation into an independent statement.
3) Expected a `for-of` loop instead of a `for` loop with this simple iteration.
1. Unable to change shared server switch.
2. DB restriction and schema restriction have an empty option.
3. File select input control does not allow manual text input.
4. In the Parameters tab if the value is a switch control, then an empty value error should not come.
5. Values for parameters should be reset on changing parameters.
6. Added a new key - helpMessageMode which can have a value similar to mode. It will show the help message if the mode is supported.
1. Unique constraint should not allow changing values for deferrable, deferred, included columns.
2. Primary keys should not allow changing values for deferrable, deferred, included columns.
3. Foreign keys should not allow changing match type. The referenced table name is empty.
4. Exclude - Column/Expression has incorrect values.
5. Save should not be enabled when Custom auto-vacuum is enabled but none of the parameters are edited.