Akshay Joshi
Added statistics and storage information in reverse engineering SQL of table/column. Fixes #4982 .
2019-12-09 15:01:04 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Changed the open query tool and data filter icons. Fixes #4990 .
2019-12-06 19:27:55 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix reverse engineering SQL issue where when clause is not visible for PG/EPAS 12. Fixes #4976 .
2019-12-06 19:01:55 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fix issue where the user can not switch the UI language. It's a regression of #4348 . Fixes #4975
2019-12-05 14:34:44 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix reverse engineering SQL issue for partitions when specifying digits as comments. Fixes #4893 .
2019-12-05 12:55:52 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix reverse engineering SQL issue for triggers when passed a single argument to trigger function. Fixes #4958 .
2019-12-05 11:45:47 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix 'Could not find the object on the server.' error while refreshing the check constraint. Fixes #4966 .
2019-12-03 14:18:45 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Added aria-label to provide an invisible label where a visible label cannot be used. Fixes #4772 .
2019-12-03 12:47:42 +05:30
Khushboo Vashi
Enhance the logic to change the label from 'Delete/Drop' to 'Remove' for the server and server group node. Fixes #4923
2019-12-03 11:52:02 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix an issue of retrieving properties for Compound Triggers. It's a regression of #4006 . Fixes #4952 .
2019-12-02 15:01:54 +05:30
Khushboo Vashi
Added role=status attribute to all the status messages for accessibility. Fixes #4773 .
2019-12-02 14:15:31 +05:30
Rahul Shirsat
Warn the user on changing the definition of Materialized View about the loss of data and its dependent objects. Fixes #4396
2019-12-02 11:25:51 +05:30
Fahar Abbas
Allow drag and drop functionality for all the nodes under the database node, excluding collection nodes. Fixes #4435
2019-12-02 09:35:20 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
1) Refactored code of columns node. Fixes #4938 .
2) Fix an issue where length and precision are not removed from table/column dialog. Fixes #4964 .
3) Fix an issue where the Interval data type is not displayed in the properties dialog of table/column. Fixes #4965 .
4) Fix an issue where the wrong type is displayed when changing the datatype from timestamp with time zone to timestamp without time zone. Fixes #4761 .
5) Change the label from 'Length and Precision' to 'Length/Precision and Scale' for columns.
6) The maximum length for datatype like interval, timestamp with time zone, time with time zone, etc.. is 6. Set the max length to 6 instead of 10.
2019-11-28 18:48:53 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
1) Fix network disconnect issue while establishing the connection via SSH Tunnel and it impossible to expand the Servers node. Fixes #4724 .
2) Fix server connection drops out issue in query tool. Fixes #4818
3) Fix VPN network disconnect issue where pgAdmin4 hangs on expanding the Servers node. Fixes #4926 .
4) Ensure that the Servers collection node should expand independently of server connections. Fixes #4933 .
Set the default connection timeout to 10 seconds instead of 0.
2019-11-26 09:04:41 +05:30
Rahul Shirsat
Add Reverse Engineered and Modified SQL tests for Materialized Views. Fixes #4696 .
2019-11-25 11:11:09 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Refactored code of table and it's child nodes.
1) Remove duplicate logic.
2) Child node specific logic should be inside the child node and table node gets the required information from the respective child node.
Note:- Refactoring of columns node still in progress.
Fixes #4807
2019-11-15 14:45:55 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fix issue where the Reset button does not get enabled till all the mandatory fields are provided in the dialog. Fixes #3538
2019-11-15 11:51:06 +05:30
Nagesh Dhope
Fix main window tab navigation accessibility issue:
1) Dashboard -> Server Activity grid: terminate the session, cancel active button not navigable using tab key.
2) SQL -> If the focus inside code mirror control tab navigation not working.
Fixes #4930
2019-11-15 11:31:19 +05:30
Murtuza Zabuawala
Fix accessibility issues:
1) Suppress ESC key presses in Alertify dialogues when the come from Select2 controls (It also closes the alertify dialog when user try to close Select2 using ESC key)
2) Do not allow Tabindex focus on Switch control when it is disbaled
3) Tab keyboard shortcut navigation does not work in wcDocker iframe.
Fixes #4935
2019-11-15 11:06:00 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fixed API and RESQL test cases for Compound Trigger after the recent changes in EPAS 12.
EPAS 12 Changes:
Fix server crash when the compound trigger has both row and statement-level triggers having
WHEN clause containing NEW/OLD vars.
2019-11-11 17:22:50 +05:30
Murtuza Zabuawala
Fixed an issue where keyboard shortcut for context menu is not working when using Firefox on CentOS7. Fixes #4906
2019-11-08 18:41:57 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
1) Added support for custom theme creation and selection. Fixes #4348 .
2) Added Dark(Beta) UI Theme option. Fixes #3741 .
3) Fix an issue where a black arrow-kind image is displaying at the background of browser tree images. Fixes #4171
Changes include:
1) New theme option in preferences - Miscellaneous -> Themes. You can select the theme from the dropdown.
It also has a preview of the theme just below the dropdown. Note that, a page refresh is needed to apply changes.
On saving, a dialog appears to ask for refresh.
2) You can create your own theme and submit to hackers. README is updated to help you create a theme. Theme will be available only after the bundle.
3) Correction of SASS variables at few places and few other CSS corrections.
4) Added iconfont-webpack-plugin, which will convert all the SVG files(monochrome) used as icons for buttons to font icons.
This will allow us to change the color of the icon by using CSS color property.
5) All the .css files will bundle into a separate file now- pgadmin.style.css. This will help reduce the size of
theme CSS files as CSS in .css files will not change with the change of SASS variables.
2019-11-07 18:51:03 +05:30
Rahul Shirsat
1) Fixed issue where Drop and Disconnect connection menu points are too close to each other. Fixes #3279
2) Rename the context menu from 'Drop Server' to 'Remove Server'. Fixes #3859
2019-11-07 13:11:24 +05:30
Ganesh Jaybhay
Fixed potential issue in reset function for nested objects.
Reset function clears the model instead of storing previous values.
Fixes #4895
2019-11-05 14:47:07 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Add an option to request confirmation before cancelling/resetting changes on a Properties dialog. Fixes #4351
2019-11-05 14:28:03 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Ensure create new object dialog should be opened when alt+shift+n key is pressed on the collection node. Fixes #3130
2019-11-05 11:20:03 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Remove arbitrary (and incorrect) requirement that composite types must have at least two members. Fixes #4451
2019-11-01 15:21:59 +00:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Ensure comments are shown in reverse engineered SQL for table partitions. Fixes #4191
2019-11-01 11:58:38 +00:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Support Enable Always and Enable Replica on triggers. Fixes #4006
2019-11-01 11:49:17 +00:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Don't warn the user before saving changes.
2019-10-30 10:13:29 +00:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Add an option to request confirmation before cancelling changes on a Properties dialog. Fixes #4315
2019-10-29 14:31:43 +00:00
Dave Page
PEP-8 fix.
2019-10-29 12:18:49 +00:00
Richard Yen
Give appropriate error messages when the user tries to use an blank master password. Fixes #4341
2019-10-25 13:55:07 +01:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Ensure the correct "running at" agent is shown when a pgAgent job is executing. Fixes #3913
2019-10-25 11:39:40 +01:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Added encrypted password in reverse engineered SQL for roles. Fixes #1974 .
2019-10-23 13:16:36 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
1) Fix issue where validate switch for the foreign key is enabled from table dialog even if the key is validated.
2) Fix issue where validate the foreign key from the table dialog, rename the foreign key constraint to none.
2019-10-14 18:19:32 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix issue where VALID foreign keys show as NOT VALID in the SQL tab for tables.
Corrected the condition for valid foreign key.
Fixes #4791
2019-10-10 18:55:13 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Optimize Webpack to improve overall performance.
Changes include:
1) Remove underscore-string and sprintf-js packages as we were using only %s. Instead, added a function to do the same. Also changed gettext to behave like sprintf directly.
2) backgrid.sizeable.columns was not used anywhere, removed. @babel/polyfill is deprecated, replaced it with core-js.
3) Moved few css to make sure they get minified and bundled.
4) Added Flask-Compress to send static files as compressed gzip. This will reduce network traffic and improve initial load time for pgAdmin.
5) Split few JS files to make code reusable.
6) Lazy load few modules like leaflet, wkx is required only if geometry viewer is opened. snapsvg loaded only when explain plan is executed. This will improve sqleditor initial opening time.
Reviewed By: Khushboo Vashi
Fixes #4701
2019-10-10 12:05:28 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix an error where 'false' string is displayed when we add a new parameter in the Parameters tab,
also clear the old value when the user changes the parameter name.
Corrected the implementation of BooleanCellFormatter.
Fixes #4753
2019-10-07 16:00:28 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
The search path should not be quoted while setting as a parameter, if it is
quoted then that string considers to be a single schema.
Quoting not added for the 'search_path' parameter.
Fixes #4760 , #4780
2019-10-07 12:28:00 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Export job fails when deselecting all the columns.
Select2 parameter 'first_empty' should be set to false for the controls of type array.
If it is true then on deselecting/clearing all the values, an empty entry is still there.
Fixes #4751
2019-10-04 13:00:39 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Add Reverse Engineered and Modified SQL tests for Synonyms. Fixes #4472
2019-09-24 18:33:07 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fix issue where pgAdmin does not load completely if loaded in an iframe. Fixes #4756
2019-09-23 12:55:02 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Add Reverse Engineered and Modified SQL tests for Unique Constraints. Fixes #4628
2019-09-20 12:12:01 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix SQL issue of length and precision when changing the data type of Column. Fixes #4698
2019-09-16 18:57:57 +05:30
Khushboo Vashi
1) Add Reverse Engineered and Modified SQL tests for Primary Keys. Fixes #4624 .
2) Ensure Primary Key should be created with Index. Fixes #4742 .
2019-09-16 12:05:29 +05:30
Murtuza Zabuawala
Added MSQL test cases for Roles.
2019-09-16 11:41:48 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix issue where EXEC script doesn't write the complete script for Procedures. Fixes #4727
2019-09-13 16:58:25 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Ensure port and username should not be mandatory when a service is provided. Fixes #4642
2019-09-13 11:54:16 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Ensure sequence with negative value should be created. Fixes #4726
2019-09-12 14:18:30 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
1) Add Reverse Engineered and Modified SQL tests for Foreign Keys. Fixes #4616
2) Fix issue where Validated switch option is inverted for the Foreign Key. Fixes #4412
2019-09-11 15:59:13 +05:30
Nagesh Dhope
Add msql tests for FTS Dictionaries
2019-09-06 16:00:33 +01:00
Nagesh Dhope
Added MSQL test cases for Extension.
2019-09-06 16:28:41 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
1) Add Reverse Engineered and Modified SQL tests for Indexes. Fixes #4621
2) Fix modified SQL for Index when reset the value of Fill factor and Clustered?. Fixes #4702
3) Fix reversed engineered SQL for btree Index when provided sort order and NULLs. Fixes #4703
2019-09-06 14:10:46 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Modified RE-SQL/MSQL test cases of foreign tables for EPAS 9.4 and 9.5
2019-09-05 12:01:03 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Add Reverse Engineered and Modified SQL tests for Foreign Tables. Fixes #4618 .
2019-09-04 18:33:07 +05:30
Ganesh Jaybhay
Added Modified SQL test cases for FTS Configurations.
2019-09-03 17:42:44 +05:30
navnath gadakh
Added Modified SQL test cases for Packages.
2019-09-03 17:33:57 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
1) Add Reverse Engineered and Modified SQL tests for Foreign Servers. Fixes #4617
2) Add Reverse Engineered and Modified SQL tests for User Mappings. Fixes #4627
2019-09-03 16:27:41 +05:30
Shubham Agarwal
Add MSQL test cases for FTS Parser.
2019-09-03 10:28:11 +05:30
Murtuza Zabuawala
Add Modified SQL tests for Resource Group. Fixes #4690
2019-09-03 10:18:09 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Add Reverse Engineered and Modified SQL tests for FTS Templates. Fixes #4619
2019-09-02 15:24:41 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Added MSQL test cases for Cast and Language.
2019-09-02 14:11:59 +05:30
Neel Patel
Added MSQL test cases for Domain.
2019-09-02 11:52:19 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for Schemas. Fixes #4575
2019-08-29 18:32:08 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Added MSQL test cases for Sequences and cover missing ACL RE-SQL test cases.
2019-08-29 14:15:34 +05:30
Usman Muzaffar
1) Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for Views. Fixes #4576
2) Ensure View should be created with special characters. Fixes #4486
2019-08-28 12:48:59 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fixed timezone issue in RE-SQL test cases for Roles.
2019-08-27 19:54:30 +05:30
Murtuza Zabuawala
Modified RE-SQL test to cover Password, Account Expire, Connection Limit and Variables for Roles.
2019-08-26 18:25:48 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fix an error that could be seen when click on any system column of a table. Fixes #4577
2019-08-26 14:36:07 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Don't wait for the database connection before rendering the Query Tool UI, for improved UX. Fixes #4453
In addition, unescape HTML entities in database names in the Query Tool title bar. Fixes #4584
2019-08-23 12:14:20 +01:00
Akshay Joshi
Fix SQL tab issue for Views. It's a regression of compound triggers. Fixes #4650
2019-08-23 10:22:20 +05:30
Neel Patel
Fix length and precision enable/disable issue when changing the data type for Domain node. Fixes #4644 .
2019-08-21 16:27:23 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for Rules. Fixes #4600
2019-08-21 16:06:05 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix Truncate option deselect issue for compound triggers. Fixes #4643
2019-08-20 17:09:26 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Added missing file for function selectivity feature. Fixes #4333
2019-08-20 10:02:43 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
1) Ensure compound triggers should be displayed under Views. Fixes #4638 .
2) Ensure Truncate option should be available for Compound Triggers. Fixes #4641 .
2019-08-20 09:39:31 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Ensure compound triggers for event should be updated properly. Fixes #4635
2019-08-17 15:58:50 +05:30
Murtuza Zabuawala
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for Columns. Fixes #4546
2019-08-16 17:36:13 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix PEP8 issue
2019-08-12 14:41:22 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix generation of reverse engineered SQL for Rules. Fixes #4586
2019-08-12 14:27:02 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fix console error when changing kind(SQL/BATCH) for pgAgent job step. Fixes #4582
2019-08-08 18:43:38 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
1) Add support of Compound Triggers for EPAS 12+. Fixes #4144 .
2) Ensure enable trigger menu should be visible when trigger is disabled. Fixes #4578 .
2019-08-08 16:59:11 +05:30
Dave Page
Fix PEP-8 issue.
2019-08-08 10:09:28 +01:00
Khushboo Vashi
Ensure the comment on a Primary Key constraint can be edited under the Table node. Fixes #4581
2019-08-08 09:52:10 +01:00
Akshay Joshi
Fix generation of reverse engineered SQL for partition table, partitions were shown as a child of indexes. Fixes #4414
2019-08-07 17:49:13 +05:30
Dave Page
Display the row count in the popup message when counting table rows, not just in the properties list. Fixes #4574
2019-08-07 11:17:57 +01:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Improve test messages
2019-08-07 10:17:34 +01:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for Trigger Functions. Fixes #4554
Fix the reverse engineered SQL for trigger functions with the WINDOW option selected. Fixes #4565
2019-08-06 14:26:11 +01:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Add an optimisation to the internal code responsible for searching for treeview nodes. Fixes #4570
Attached is a tiny but very effective patch to improve the speed of
finding a node using path (used internally).
If you right click or just click on a node, internally the node is
traversed using its path. But currently, it compares with the path of
all the open nodes to find a match.
So if you 1000+ tables and the tables node is open and if you click on
a view, the view path is compared with all the 1000+ tables (and with
any other open nodes above) before arriving to path. You're at bad luck
if you have more open servers above.
Code is changed to check if the path of node to be found starts with the
current node path. If it doesn't match, why bother the children's of
current node.
This change will not show much effect for small data, but it does matter
for large servers.
One more change is to remove unnecessary calls to find node and use the
data available with Main Menu -> Object to enable/disable node context
menu items.
2019-08-06 14:02:57 +01:00
Khushboo Vashi
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for Exclusion Constraint. Fixes #4555
2019-08-05 16:25:55 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Use the full tab space for CodeMirror instances on dialogues where appropriate. Fixes #4540
2019-08-02 10:25:21 +01:00
Akshay Joshi
Swap the Schema and Schemas icons and Catalog and Catalogs icons that had been used the wrong way around.
2019-08-01 11:39:49 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Add support for generated columns in Postgres 12+. Fixes #4334
Ensure columns can be created when they are IDENTITY fields with the CYCLE option enabled. Fixes #4496
Ensure purely numeric comments can be saved on new columns. Fixed #4497
2019-07-25 16:38:26 +01:00
Daniel Gustafsson
Fix generation of reverse engineered SQL for tables with Greenplum 5.x. Fixes #4179
2019-07-25 16:16:44 +01:00
Khushboo Vashi
Add support for planner support functions in PostgreSQL 12+ functions. Fixes #4333
2019-07-25 16:09:37 +01:00
Nagesh Dhope
Add support for pre-condition SQL in RE-SQL testsuite,
and use it to ensure that the right extensions are installed for the
extension tests.
2019-07-22 09:44:17 +01:00
Khushboo Vashi
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for Constraints. Fixes #4475
2019-07-17 13:25:08 +01:00
Akshay Joshi
pgAgent fixes:
"malformed array literal error when updating pgagent job". Fixes #4428
"Error when updating connection string in pgagent Jobs.". Fixes #4448
When user create a schedule using Create->Schedule dialog browser tree is not showing newly created node.
Properties tab showing same properties for all the created schedule.
Added validation in "pga_jobstep.js", throws error on browser when we modify step from the pgagent dialog and select the same node.
2019-07-15 15:54:57 +01:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for Sequences. Fixes #4469
2019-07-15 14:56:22 +01:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Fix sequence reverse engineered SQL generation with quoted names on PG/EPAS 10+. Fixes #4470
2019-07-15 14:55:07 +01:00
Murtuza Zabuawala
Stabilise ordering of ACLs in Type RE-SQL tests to prevent random failures.
2019-07-15 14:48:22 +01:00
Shubham Agarwal
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for FTS Parsers. Fixes #4471
2019-07-15 12:02:44 +01:00
Murtuza Zabuawala
Use ROLE consistently when generating RE-SQL for roles, not USER. Fixes #4446
2019-07-15 11:31:27 +01:00
Murtuza Zabuawala
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for Types. Fixes #4468
2019-07-15 10:25:04 +01:00
Neel Patel
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for Domains. Fixes #4463
2019-07-12 14:39:49 +01:00
Khushboo Vashi
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for Collations. Fixes #4464
This also adds the ability to test the msql output in ALTER steps.
2019-07-12 14:37:00 +01:00
Navnath Gadakh
Fix re-sql tests for packages on EPAS 9.4-9.6.
2019-07-12 11:32:29 +01:00
Akshay Joshi
Fix dropping of pgAgent schedules through the Job properties. Fixes #3996
2019-07-12 10:37:41 +01:00
Akshay Joshi
Fix an error that could be seen when editing column privileges. Fixes #4389
2019-07-12 10:16:18 +01:00
Nagesh Dhope
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for FTS Dictionaries. Fixes #4460
2019-07-11 14:00:11 +01:00
Ganesh Jaybhay
Allow keyboard navigation of all controls on subnode grids. Partially fixes #3919
2019-07-11 10:14:01 +01:00
Navnath Gadakh
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for Packages. Fixes #4456
2019-07-11 09:23:13 +01:00
Akshay Joshi
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for Languages. Fixes #4452
2019-07-11 09:20:01 +01:00
Nagesh Dhope
Fixed resql test cases for Extensions specific to database servers.
2019-07-11 13:16:00 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Added re_sql test cases for privileges in Foreign Data Wrappers
2019-07-10 17:57:11 +05:30
Ganesh Jaybhay
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for FTS Configurations. Fixes #4454
2019-07-09 17:02:55 +01:00
Nagesh Dhope
Add RE-SQL tests for Extensions. Fixes #4453
2019-07-09 13:23:26 +01:00
Akshay Joshi
Remove some files which was committed by mistake.
2019-07-09 16:47:23 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
1) Ensure re_sql tests should not abort at the first failure, it should run all the test cases.
2) Added place holder for owner, so we won't need to create separate pg/ppas folder just because of change in the owner name.
2019-07-09 15:37:53 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix reverse engineered sql for Foreign Data Wrapper created on EPAS server in redwood mode. Fixes #4450
2019-07-09 12:21:13 +05:30
Dave Page
Use special characters in names for RE-SQL tests to exercise quoting.
2019-07-08 11:03:30 +01:00
Khushboo Vashi
Fix small issue which is required to support the custom schema in re_sql test cases.
2019-07-08 12:33:31 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Use different folders for pg vs. ppas RE-SQL tests. Fall back to the tests folder without a subdirectory if neither exist.
2019-07-05 14:40:51 +01:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Add Reverse Engineered SQL tests for FDWs. Fixes #4441
2019-07-05 11:24:54 +01:00
Akshay Joshi
Ensure parameter values are quoted when needed when editing roles. Fixes #4393
2019-07-04 15:00:29 +01:00
Akshay Joshi
Fix table icon issue when updating any existing field. Fixes #4437
2019-07-04 17:34:47 +05:30
Murtuza Zabuawala
Add RE-SQL tests for Roles and Resource Groups. Fixes #4415
2019-07-03 14:38:29 +01:00
Dave Page
Fix a quoting issue that caused a blank UI to be displayed when running in French. Fixes #4407
2019-06-28 08:54:58 -04:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Allow some objects to be dragged/dropped into the Query Tool to insert their signature into the query text. Fixes #4139
2019-06-27 10:30:05 -04:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Ensure Python escaping matched JS escaping and fix a minor XSS issue in the Query Tool that required superuser access to trigger. Fixes #4378
2019-06-21 09:53:57 +01:00
Dave Page
PEP-8 fixes.
2019-06-20 14:30:31 +01:00
Khushboo Vashi
Ensure that both columns and partitions can be edited at the same time in the table dialog. Fixes #4380
2019-06-20 13:37:36 +01:00
Dave Page
Remove additional "SETOF" included when generating CREATE scripts for trigger functions. Fixes #4362
2019-06-20 13:18:30 +01:00
Akshay Joshi
Add a framework for testing reversed engineered SQL and CRUD API endpoints. Fixes #4202
2019-06-18 14:28:25 +01:00
Dave Page
Prevent the "Please login to access this page" message displaying multiple times. Fixes #4306
2019-06-17 14:12:36 +01:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Change icons for table inheritance (icons by Chethana Kumar) Fixes #3174
Along with this, I have also fixed few other issues/icons found on the way:
1) Dependencies tab for inherited tables/foreign keys shows partial text (Fixes ##3994).
2) Dependencies tab for child partition table shows parent partition table as Function.
3) Dependencies tab for triggers shows trigger functions as plain functions.
4) Dependents tab for partitioned table shows the child partition tables as normal table instead for partitioned tables.
2019-06-17 10:36:30 +01:00
Akshay Joshi
Fix syntax error for Default value of column. It is a regression of #4253
2019-06-13 18:04:43 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix issue where property dialog of column should open properly for EPAS v12. Fixes #4343
2019-06-11 17:48:01 +05:30
Dave Page
Initial support for PostgreSQL 12. Fixes #4283 . Fixes #4288 . Fixes #4290 .
2019-06-10 14:24:45 +01:00
Dave Page
Ensure that the Return key can be used to submit the Master Password dialogue. Fixes #4310
Ensure that browser auto-fill doesn't cause Help pages to be opened unexpectedly. Fixes #4317
2019-06-10 14:03:56 +01:00
Aditya Toshniwal
Fix issue where reverse engineered SQL was failing for foreign tables, if it had = in the options. Fixes #4171
2019-06-10 12:15:12 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fix issue where new column should be created with Default value. Fixes #4235
2019-06-10 11:53:16 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
1) Fix issue where SSH tunnel connection using password is failing, it's regression of Master Password. Fixes #4320
2) Fix some more issues related to SSH Tunnel(By: Akshay Joshi)
2019-06-05 12:07:24 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fix syntax error while opening properties tab of functions and procedures inside packages.
2019-06-01 14:02:33 +05:30
Dave Page
Fix PEP-8 issue.
2019-05-31 12:12:04 -04:00
Dave Page
Allow the UI layout to be fully locked or to prevent docking changes. Fixes #2653
2019-05-31 11:51:30 -04:00
Akshay Joshi
Fix the issue of accessing the SQL for Views and Materialized Views. Regression of pluralisation of folder names. Fixes #4308
2019-05-31 11:02:37 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Prevent Alertify from inadvertently opening help pages.
2019-05-29 13:46:39 -04:00