Pradip Parkale
Fixed an issue where query editor is not being closed if the user clicks on the 'Don't Save' button. Fixes #6417
2021-05-03 12:52:28 +05:30
Rahul Shirsat
Fixed an issue where data is displayed in the wrong order when executing the query repeatedly. Fixes #5555
2021-04-29 13:13:52 +05:30
Pradip Parkale
Ensure that pgAdmin should not allow opening external files that are dragged into it. Fixes #6355
2021-04-28 11:59:45 +05:30
Yogesh Mahajan
Fixed an issue where foreign data wrapper properties are not visible if the host option contains two host addresses. Fixes #6379
2021-04-19 11:08:21 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Better fix for the black screen issues, reverted the old fix.
refs #6334
2021-04-16 18:23:29 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fixed SQL panel black screen issue when detaching it in runtime. Fixes #6334
2021-04-15 16:40:35 +05:30
Rahul Shirsat
1) Fixed an issue where shortcut keys are not working with manage macro. Fixes #5908
2) Fixed an issue where the cursor shifts its focus to the wrong window for all the query tool related model dialogs. Fixes #6161
2021-04-09 12:41:13 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fixed an issue where a connection warning should be displayed when the user
clicks on explain or explain analyze and the database server is disconnected
from the browser tree. Fixes #6376
2021-04-08 18:49:31 +05:30
Yogesh Mahajan
Ensure that the user should not be to change the connection when a long query is running. Fixes #6082
2021-04-08 18:09:13 +05:30
Pradip Parkale
Ensure that the query tool tab should be closed after server disconnection when auto-commit/auto-rollback is set to false. Fixes #5519
2021-04-01 11:58:59 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Fixed an issue where copy/paste rows in view data paste the wrong value for boolean type. Fixes #6312
2021-03-16 11:29:47 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Fixed an issue where adding/updating records fails if the table name contains percent sign.
refs #4438
2021-03-12 11:59:45 +05:30
Rahul Shirsat
Use schema qualification while accessing the catalog objects.
refs #3976
2021-03-12 11:17:25 +05:30
Rahul Shirsat
Use schema qualification while accessing the catalog objects. Fixes #3976
2021-03-09 13:18:45 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Fixed an issue where adding/updating records fails if the table name contains percent sign. Fixes #4438 .
2021-03-09 12:40:59 +05:30
Rahul Shirsat
Fixed encoding issue when database encoding set to SQL_ASCII and name of the column is in ASCII character. Fixes #6018
2021-02-26 13:23:07 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Fixed an issue where the user is not able to use the query tool when
any other long-running operation is in progress.
refs #5793
2021-02-19 15:57:55 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fix explain plan and geometry viewer issue. It's a regression of SonarQube fixes. Fixes #6239
2021-02-19 14:29:43 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fixed SonarQube issues
2021-02-15 17:31:20 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Fixed an issue where strikeout is getting removed on scrolling of index column of the table.
refs #6157
2021-02-10 17:40:54 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Updated the JS dependencies to the latest
1) Migrate from webpack 4 to webpack 5. This had a lot of breaking changes,
so updated multiple webpack plugins and changed the config accordingly.
2) Replaced iconfont-webpack-plugin with a more maintained webfonts-loader.
3) Replaced deprecated babel-eslint with @babel/eslint-parser.
4) Replaced optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin with a more maintained css-minimizer-webpack-plugin.
5) Updated all other JS packages and made the required code changes.
Fixes #6207
2021-02-10 12:47:52 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Fixed an issue where strike-through is not visible for rows selected for deletion after scrolling. Fixes #6157
2021-02-05 13:57:35 +05:30
Khushboo Vashi
1) Fixed an issue where the Save button is enabled by default in Macro. Fixes #5905
2) Remove extra line after Manage Macros menu while clearing all macros. Fixes #5906
3) Ensure that 'Clear All Rows' should not work if there is no existing macro available and the user does not specify any value. Fixes #5907
4) Fixed an issue where the server is disconnected error message displayed if the user creates Macro with invalid SQL. Fixes #5929
2021-01-20 13:52:00 +05:30
Rahul Shirsat
Fixed an issue of deleting records when the user tries to delete multiple records. Fixes #6098
2021-01-20 12:39:12 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Fixed issues reported by SonarQube.
2021-01-18 13:02:19 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Added ERD Diagram support with basic table fields, primary key, foreign key, and DDL SQL generation. Fixes #1802
2021-01-16 17:06:50 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Update copyright notices for 2021
2021-01-04 15:34:45 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Close query tool connection for API test cases.
2020-12-25 18:32:01 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Fixed an issue where the state of the Save File icon does not match the dirty editor indicator. Fixes #6046
2020-12-17 11:37:03 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Fixed an issue where the dirty indicator stays active even if all changes were undone. Fixes #6047
2020-12-14 12:02:02 +05:30
Rahul Shirsat
Ensure that the macro query result should be download properly. Fixes #5965
2020-12-14 11:58:53 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Ensure that dirty indicator (*) should not be visible when renaming the tabs. Fixes #5991
2020-12-01 11:28:10 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Added the appropriate server icon based on the server type in the new connection dialog. Fixes #5983
2020-11-12 17:52:54 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fixed an issue where Query Tool/View Data panel closed event is not registered for changes.
It's a regression of #4231 .
refs #4231
2020-11-08 19:14:08 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
1) Added support for dynamic tab size. Fixes #4231
2) Fixed an issue where a long file name is not visible on the process watcher dialog. Fixes #5950
2020-11-04 17:45:28 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Fixed an issue where connection to the server is on wait state if a different user is provided. Fixes #5953
2020-10-28 12:32:22 +05:30
Libor M
Added missing gettext.
2020-10-27 10:51:35 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Following issues have been resolved for the new connection feature:
1. Show servers with server groups in the dropdown.
2. Highlighted current selected connection in the new connection dropdown.
3. Notify the user before changing the connection.
refs #3794
2020-10-21 17:14:59 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Added tab title placeholder for Query Tool, View/Edit Data, and Debugger. Fixes #4232
2020-10-20 15:41:54 +05:30
Khushboo Vashi
Ensure that macros should be run on the older version of Safari and Chrome. Fixes #5911
2020-10-15 15:59:53 +05:30
Khushboo Vashi
Added escape and unescape for the strings used in query tool and new connection support. Fixes #5899 .
2020-10-12 16:20:33 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Fixed the following issues for RM 3794:
1. Updated connection success message. (Added database name in the success message.)
2. Resolve issue of the mouse pointer and dropdown will show below the connection string only.
3. Added loader for both new connections and load existing connections.
4. Removed async: false for update connection.
refs #3794
2020-10-08 11:38:05 +05:30
Khushboo Vashi
Fixed an issue where the user is unable to change the macro name. Fixes #5885
2020-10-05 14:40:21 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Allow user to change the database connection from an open query tool tab. Fixes #3794
2020-10-01 13:29:46 +05:30
Khushboo Vashi
Fixed SQLAlchemy operation error with the boolean value as true/false for Python version < 3.7
2020-10-01 13:29:46 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fixed code smells 'Define a constant instead of duplicating this literal' reported by SonarQube.
2020-09-29 15:08:14 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Added useful message when the explain plan is not used and empty. Fixes #4806
2020-09-28 17:51:59 +05:30
Khushboo Vashi
Added Macro support. Fixes #1402
2020-09-28 15:26:45 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fixed an issue where the query tool is not fetching more than 1000 rows for the table does not have any primary key. Fixes #5845
2020-09-21 15:36:19 +05:30
Pradip Parkale
Fixed some accessibility issues. Fixes #5732
2020-09-15 13:03:18 +05:30
Rahul Shirsat
1) Fixed internal server error when clicking on the open new query tool button
from the View/Edit Data window. Fixes #5831
2) Fixed schema diff panel title issue on new tab.
2020-09-14 17:42:59 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Ensure that the 'CREATE SCHEMA' statement should be present in the generated script if the schema is not present in the target database. Fixes #5816
2020-09-11 19:06:56 +05:30
Rahul Shirsat
Fixed an issue where alert message should get displayed on active browser window.
refs #4059
2020-09-10 12:09:56 +05:30
Rahul Shirsat
1) Added tooltip & keyboard shortcut for the query tool button.
2) Fixed TypeError issue.
refs #4059
2020-09-09 19:32:33 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fixed cognitive complexity issues reported by SonarQube.
2020-09-09 11:25:43 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fixed an issue in the query tool when columns are having the same name as javascript object internal functions. Fixes #5765 .
2020-09-07 18:10:27 +05:30
Khushboo Vashi
Fixed code smell 'String literals should not be duplicated'.
2020-09-03 18:35:58 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fixed cognitive complexity issues reported by SonarQube.
2020-09-03 18:10:57 +05:30
Cyril Jouve
Change the following to replace Python 2 code with Python 3:
1) Replace the deprecated unit test method.
2) Wraps filter usage in a list call.
3) Converts the old metaclass syntax to new.
4) Use range instead of xrange method.
5) Change Unicode to str.
6) Several other transformations.
7) Fixed change password test cases.
8) Use simplejson instead of plain JSON.
2020-08-31 16:45:31 +05:30
Yogesh Mahajan
Fixed code smell 'String literals should not be duplicated'.
2020-08-28 18:17:27 +05:30
Rahul Shirsat
Added a new button to the query tool toolbar to open a new query tool window. Fixes #4059
2020-08-28 13:53:08 +05:30
Chethana Kumar
Modified the 'Commit' and 'Rollback' query tool button icons. Fixes #5662
2020-08-27 12:58:13 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Fixed cognitive complexity issues reported by SonarQube.
2020-08-21 13:52:05 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fixed code smell 'Define a constant instead of duplicating this literal' reported by SonarQube.
2020-08-20 20:26:51 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Define constants for preferences label to fix SonarQube issues.
2020-08-20 17:58:37 +05:30
Dave Page
Cleanup a bunch of duplicated gettext calls.
2020-08-20 10:00:12 +01:00
Dave Page
Added SQL Formatter support in Query Tool. Fixes #2042
2020-08-20 13:05:00 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Upgrade font awesome from v4 to v5. Fixes #5731
2020-08-13 12:04:00 +05:30
Cyril Jouve
The 'str' object never has attribute decode in Python3, so remove the dead code.
2020-08-12 18:55:35 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fixed an issue where copying and pasting a cell with multiple line data
will result in multiple rows. Fixes #5526
Fixed an old issue where quotes are not escaped when copying the cells.
As per CSV standards, if the string is in double quotes and there are
double quotes inside the string then they should be escaped with extra double-quotes.
2020-08-10 16:53:32 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Replace the generic exception class with a more specific one.
2020-08-07 12:37:00 +05:30
Yogesh Mahajan
Fixed an issue where the user is not able to insert the data if the table and columns name contains special characters. Fixes #4387
2020-08-06 12:30:10 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Replace the generic exception class with a more specific one to fix SonarQube issues.
2020-08-05 12:41:28 +05:30
Yogesh Mahajan
Ensure that the original file format should be retained when saving the same file in SQL editor. Fixes #3767
2020-08-03 13:18:04 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fixed following SonarQube issues:
- Remove this assignment to the local variable, the value is never used.
- Rename local variables to match the regular expression
- Add logic to this except clause or eliminate it and rethrow the exception automatically.
- Rename fields to match the regular expression
- Extract this nested conditional expression into an independent statement.
- Change this default value to "None" and initialize this parameter inside the function/method.
- Update this function so that its implementation is not identical to __repr__
- Refactor this method to not always return the same value
- Reraise this exception to stop the application as the user expects
- Add missing parameters _w _PY3. This method overrides simplejson.decoder.JSONDecoder.decode.
- Remove this redundant continue.
- Remove this unused function declaration
- Remove this identity check; it will always be False.
2020-08-03 12:59:51 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Fixed cognitive complexity issues reported by SonarQube.
2020-08-03 12:46:34 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fixed following SonarQube issues:
- Refactor functions to not always return the same value.
- Rename "cls" to "self" or add the missing "self" parameter.
- Remove useless assignment to variables.
2020-07-30 14:04:22 +05:30
Yogesh Mahajan
Fixed an issue where the user is not able to save the new row if the table is empty. Fixes #4810
2020-07-24 14:30:22 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Ensure that data output color is readable on row selection. Fixes #5687
2020-07-21 18:54:06 +05:30
Nikhil Mohite
Added High Contrast theme support. Fixes #5653
Fixed text color issue in explain analyze for the Dark theme. Fixes #5677
2020-07-20 11:51:21 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fixed code smell 'Variables should not be shadowed'.
Fixed all the duplicate CSS blocks issues raised by SonarQube.
2020-07-14 15:45:01 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fixed convention related issues reported by SonarQube.
2020-07-09 18:55:33 +05:30
Yogesh Mahajan
Fixed code smell 'Variables should not be shadowed'.
2020-07-09 18:44:58 +05:30
Yogesh Mahajan
Fixed following SonarQube issues:
1. Boolean checks should not be inverted.
2. The comma operator should not be used.
3. Arguments to built-in functions should match documented types.
4. Redundant pairs of parentheses should be removed.
5. A conditionally executed single line should be denoted by indentation,
6. A while loop should be used instead of a 'for' loop.
2020-06-26 13:12:07 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fixed SonarQube issues with the tag unused. All the unused variables, assignments, code comments are fixed.
2020-06-25 11:09:43 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Fixed redundant tagged issue reported by SonarQube.
2020-06-18 11:14:56 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Some clumsy coding related fixes reported by SonarQube.
2020-06-15 16:50:07 +05:30
Aditya Toshniwal
Update Codemirror version to the latest which allows us to set screen reader labels on Codemirror editor.
refs #5197
2020-06-08 12:26:12 +05:30
Satish V
Fixed import statements.
refs #3669
2020-06-03 12:49:05 +05:30
Satish V
Ensure that proper error should be displayed for the deleted node. Fixes #3669
2020-06-03 11:26:26 +05:30
Yogesh Mahajan
Ensure that the query tool panel gets closed when clicking on the 'Don't Save' button. Fixes #5416
2020-05-28 16:39:26 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Fixed data truncation issue when updating the data of type character with length. Fixes #5481
2020-05-25 17:05:47 +05:30
Khushboo Vashi
Remove Python2 modules.
refs #5443
2020-05-08 12:28:21 +05:30
Akshay Joshi
Remove Python2 references from the source code.
refs #5443
Initial patch: Neel Patel
2020-04-30 17:22:48 +05:30
Dave Page
Remove Python 2 support from the Python tests.
refs #5443
2020-04-30 12:56:45 +05:30
Nagesh Dhope
Reverting patch for RM #3269 .
We observed that sometimes the browser is getting hanged and sometimes
the ViewData grid is getting disappear. We suspect its due to the number
of rows to update on the slick grid after fetching next of rows.
2020-04-24 11:13:13 +05:30
navnath gadakh
Ensure that default sort order should be using the primary key in View/Edit data. Fixes #5157
2020-04-22 18:47:13 +05:30
Nagesh Dhope
Fixed slider jump issue by making an API call to fetch the next batch of rows only after a user stops scrolling down. Fixes #3269
2020-04-22 18:47:13 +05:30
Nagesh Dhope
Fixed an issue where [null] and [default] values are not get copied. Part of #3947
2020-04-22 12:08:52 +05:30
Nagesh Dhope
Fixed an issue where slider jumps up when new rows get loaded while scrolling down in the DataView panel in the query tool. Fixes #3269
2020-04-21 13:29:49 +05:30