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# Sample code to parse an image XML description and
# spit out libvirt XML; will be hooked into virt-install
# Copyright 2007, 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# David Lutterkort <dlutter@redhat.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.
import logging
import os
import libxml2
import urlgrabber
from virtinst import CapabilitiesParser
from virtinst import util
class ParserException(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
class Image:
"""The toplevel object representing a VM image"""
def __init__(self, node=None, base=None, filename=None):
self.storage = {}
self.domain = None
if filename is None:
self.filename = None
self.filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
if base is None:
if filename is not None:
self.base = os.path.dirname(filename)
if self.base == '':
self.base = "."
self.base = "."
self.base = base
self.name = None
self.label = None
self.descr = None
self.version = None
self.release = None
if not node is None:
def abspath(self, p):
"""Turn P into an absolute path. Relative paths are taken relative
to self.BASE"""
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.base, p))
def parseXML(self, node):
self.name = xpathString(node, "name")
self.label = xpathString(node, "label")
self.descr = xpathString(node, "description")
self.version = xpathString(node, "name/@version")
self.release = xpathString(node, "name/@release")
for d in node.xpathEval("storage/disk"):
disk = Disk(d)
if disk.file is None:
disk.id = "disk%d.img" % len(self.storage)
disk.file = "disk%d.img" % (len(self.storage) + 1)
if disk.id in self.storage:
raise ParserException("Disk file '%s' defined twice"
% disk.file)
self.storage[disk.id] = disk
lm = node.xpathEval("domain")
if len(lm) == 1:
self.domain = Domain(lm[0])
raise ParserException(_("Expected exactly one 'domain' element"))
# Connect the disk maps to the disk definitions
for boot in self.domain.boots:
for d in boot.drives:
if d.disk_id not in self.storage:
raise ParserException(_("Disk entry for '%s' not found")
% d.disk_id)
d.disk = self.storage[d.disk_id]
class Domain:
"""The description of a virtual domain as part of an image"""
def __init__(self, node=None):
self.boots = []
self.vcpu = None
self.memory = None
self.interface = 0
self.graphics = None
if not node is None:
def parseXML(self, node):
self.boots = [Boot(b) for b in node.xpathEval("boot")]
self.vcpu = xpathString(node, "devices/vcpu", 1)
tmpmem = xpathString(node, "devices/memory")
self.interface = int(node.xpathEval("count(devices/interface)"))
self.graphics = node.xpathEval("count(devices/graphics)") > 0
if tmpmem is not None:
self.memory = int(tmpmem)
except ValueError:
raise ParserException(_("Memory must be an integer, "
"but is '%s'") % self.memory)
tmpmem = 0
class ImageFeatures(CapabilitiesParser.Features):
def __init__(self, node=None):
CapabilitiesParser.Features.__init__(self, node)
def _extractFeature(self, feature, d, n):
state = xpathString(n, "@state", "on")
if state == "on":
d[feature] = CapabilitiesParser.FEATURE_ON
elif state == "off":
d[feature] = CapabilitiesParser.FEATURE_OFF
raise ParserException("The state for feature %s must be either 'on' or 'off', but is '%s'" % (feature, state))
class Boot:
"""The overall description of how the image can be booted, including
required capabilities of the host and mapping of disks into the VM"""
def __init__(self, node=None):
# 'xen' or 'hvm'
self.type = None
# Either 'pygrub' or nothing; might have others in the future
# For HVM, figure outhte right loader based on the guest
self.loader = None
# Only used for hvm
self.bootdev = None
self.kernel = None
self.initrd = None
self.cmdline = None
self.drives = []
self.arch = None
self.features = ImageFeatures()
if not node is None:
def parseXML(self, node):
self.type = xpathString(node, "@type")
self.loader = xpathString(node, "os/loader")
self.bootdev = xpathString(node, "os/loader/@dev")
self.kernel = xpathString(node, "os/kernel")
self.initrd = xpathString(node, "os/initrd")
self.cmdline = xpathString(node, "os/cmdline")
self.arch = util.sanitize_arch(xpathString(node, "guest/arch"))
fl = node.xpathEval("guest/features")
if len(fl) > 1:
raise ParserException("Expected at most one <features> element in %s boot descriptor for %s" % (self.type, self.arch))
elif len(fl) == 1:
self.features = ImageFeatures(fl[0])
for d in node.xpathEval("drive"):
validate(self.type is not None,
"The boot type must be provided")
validate(self.type == "hvm" or self.type == "xen",
"Boot type must be 'xen' or 'hvm', but is %s" % self.type)
validate(self.arch is not None, "Missing guest arch")
validate(self.loader is None or self.loader == "pygrub",
"Invalid loader %s" % self.loader)
validate([None, "hd", "cdrom"].count(self.bootdev) > 0,
"Invalid bootdev %s" % self.bootdev)
# We should make sure that kernel/initrd/cmdline are only used for pv
# and without a loader
class Drive:
"""The mapping of a disk from the storage section to a virtual drive
in a guest"""
def __init__(self, node=None):
self.disk_id = None
self.target = None
self.disk = None # Will point to the underlying Disk object
if node:
def parseXML(self, node):
self.disk_id = xpathString(node, "@disk")
self.target = xpathString(node, "@target")
class Disk:
FORMAT_RAW = "raw"
FORMAT_ISO = "iso"
FORMAT_QCOW = "qcow"
FORMAT_QCOW2 = "qcow2"
FORMAT_VMDK = "vmdk"
FORMAT_VDI = "vdi"
USE_SYSTEM = "system"
USE_USER = "user"
USE_SCRATCH = "scratch"
def __init__(self, node=None):
self.id = None
self.file = None
self.format = None
self.size = None
self.use = None
self.csum = {}
if not node is None:
def parseXML(self, node):
self.file = xpathString(node, "@file")
self.id = xpathString(node, "@id", self.file)
self.format = xpathString(node, "@format", Disk.FORMAT_RAW)
self.size = xpathString(node, "@size")
self.use = xpathString(node, "@use", Disk.USE_SYSTEM)
for d in node.xpathEval("checksum"):
csumtype = xpathString(d, "@type")
csumvalue = xpathString(d, "")
self.csum[csumtype] = csumvalue
formats = [Disk.FORMAT_RAW,
validate(formats.count(self.format) > 0,
_("The format for disk %s must be one of %s") %
(self.file, ",".join(formats)))
def check_disk_signature(self, meter=None):
import hashlib
sha = None
import sha
hashlib = None
if meter is None:
meter = urlgrabber.progress.BaseMeter()
m = None
if hashlib:
if "sha256" in self.csum:
csumvalue = self.csum["sha256"]
m = hashlib.sha256()
elif "sha1" in self.csum:
csumvalue = self.csum["sha1"]
m = hashlib.sha1()
if "sha1" in self.csum:
csumvalue = self.csum["sha1"]
m = sha.new()
if not m:
meter_ct = 0
disk_size = os.path.getsize(self.file)
text=_("Checking disk signature for %s" % self.file))
f = file(self.file)
while 1:
chunk = f.read(65536)
if not chunk:
meter_ct = meter_ct + 65536
checksum = m.hexdigest()
if checksum != csumvalue:
logging.debug(_("Disk signature for %s does not match "
"Expected: %s Received: %s" % (self.file,
csumvalue, checksum)))
raise ValueError(_("Disk signature for %s does not "
"match" % self.file))
def validate(cond, msg):
if not cond:
raise ParserException(msg)
def xpathString(node, path, default=None):
result = node.xpathEval("string(%s)" % path)
if len(result) == 0:
result = default
return result
def parse(xml, filename):
"""Parse the XML description of a VM image into a data structure. Returns
an object of class Image. BASE should be the directory where the disk
image files for this image can be found"""
class ErrorHandler:
def __init__(self):
self.msg = ""
def handler(self, ignore, s):
self.msg += s
error = ErrorHandler()
libxml2.registerErrorHandler(error.handler, None)
doc = libxml2.readMemory(xml, len(xml),
None, None,
except (libxml2.parserError, libxml2.treeError), e:
raise ParserException("%s\n%s" % (e, error.msg))
libxml2.registerErrorHandler(None, None)
root = doc.getRootElement()
if root.name != "image":
raise ParserException(_("Root element is not 'image'"))
image = Image(root, filename=filename)
return image
def parse_file(filename):
f = open(filename, "r")
xml = f.read()
return parse(xml, filename=filename)