2020-05-27 10:04:00 +02:00

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Xen Orchestra Web Chat with us Build Status

XO-Web is part of Xen Orchestra, a web interface for XenServer or XAPI enabled hosts.

It is a web client for XO-Server.


XOA or manual install procedure is available here


Production build:

$ npm run build

Development build:

$ npm run dev



Set to production it disables many checks which result in increased performance.


  • 1: Free
  • 2: Starter
  • 3: Enterprise
  • 4: Premium
  • 5: Sources
if (process.env.XOA_PLAN < 5) {
  console.log('included only in XOA')

if (process.env.XOA_PLAN > 3) {
  console.log('included only in Premium and Sources')

How to report a bug?

Please consider using the bugtracker.

Process for new release

# Switch to the stable branch.
git checkout stable

# Fetches latest changes.
git pull --ff-only

# Merge changes of the next-release branch.
git merge next-release

# Increment the version (patch, minor or major).
npm version minor

# Go back to the next-release branch.
git checkout next-release

# Fetches the last changes (the merge and version bump) from stable to
# next-release.
git merge --ff-only stable

# Push the changes on git.
git push --follow-tags origin stable next-release

# Publish this release to npm.
npm publish


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