2013-11-19 00:57:48 -05:00

2905 lines
82 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
#include "Array.h"
#include "PointList.h"
//#include "vecLib/clapack.h"
using namespace std;
inline int ComputeBlob(IntArray &blobs, int &nblobs, int &ncubes, IntArray &indicator,
DoubleArray &F, DoubleArray &S, double vf, double vs, int startx, int starty,
int startz, IntArray &temp)
// Compute the blob (F>vf|S>vs) starting from (i,j,k) - oil blob
// F>vf => oil phase S>vs => in porespace
// update the list of blobs, indicator mesh
int m = F.m; // maxima for the meshes
int n = F.n;
int o = F.o;
int cubes_in_blob=0;
int nrecent = 1; // number of nodes added at most recent sweep
temp(0,0) = startx; // Set the initial point as a "seed" for the sweeps
temp(1,0) = starty;
temp(2,0) = startz;
int ntotal = 1; // total number of nodes in blob
indicator(startx,starty,startz) = nblobs;
int p,s,x,y,z,start,finish,nodx,nody,nodz;
int imin=startx,imax=startx,jmin=starty,jmax=starty; // initialize maxima / minima
int kmin=startz,kmax=startz;
int d[26][3] = {{1,0,0},{-1,0,0},{0,1,0},{0,-1,0},{0,0,1},{0,0,-1},
{-1,-1,1},{-1,-1,-1}}; // directions to neighbors
int cube[8][3] = {{0,0,0},{1,0,0},{0,1,0},{1,1,0},{0,0,1},{1,0,1},{0,1,1},{1,1,1}}; // cube corners
bool status = 1; // status == true => continue to look for points
while (status == 1){
start = ntotal - nrecent;
finish = ntotal;
nrecent = 0; // set recent points back to zero for next sweep through
for (s=start;s<finish;s++){
// Loop over recent points; look for new points
x = temp(0,s);
y = temp(1,s);
z = temp(2,s);
// Looop over the directions
for (p=0;p<26;p++){
if (nodx < 0 ){ nodx = m-1; } // Periodic BC for x
if (nodx > m-1 ){ nodx = 0; }
if (nody < 0 ){ nody = n-1; } // Periodic BC for y
if (nody > n-1 ){ nody = 0; }
if (nodz < 0 ){ nodz = 0; } // No periodic BC for z
if (nodz > o-1 ){ nodz = o-1; }
if ( F(nodx,nody,nodz) > vf && S(nodx,nody,nodz) > vs
&& indicator(nodx,nody,nodz) == -1 ){
// Node is a part of the blob - add it to the list
temp(0,ntotal) = nodx;
temp(1,ntotal) = nody;
temp(2,ntotal) = nodz;
// Update the indicator map
indicator(nodx,nody,nodz) = nblobs;
// Update the min / max for the cube loop
if ( nodx < imin ){ imin = nodx; }
if ( nodx > imax ){ imax = nodx; }
if ( nody < jmin ){ jmin = nody; }
if ( nody > jmax ){ jmax = nody; }
if ( nodz < kmin ){ kmin = nodz; }
if ( nodz > kmax ){ kmax = nodz; }
else if (F(nodx,nody,nodz) > vf && S(nodx,nody,nodz) > vs
&& indicator(nodx,nody,nodz) > -1 && indicator(nodx,nody,nodz) != nblobs){
// Some kind of error in algorithm
printf("Error in blob search algorithm!");
if ( nrecent == 0){
status = 0;
// Use points in temporary storage array to add cubes to the list of blobs
if ( imin > 0) { imin = imin-1; }
// if ( imax < m-1) { imax = imax+1; }
if ( jmin > 0) { jmin = jmin-1; }
// if ( jmax < n-1) { jmax = jmax+1; }
if ( kmin > 0) { kmin = kmin-1; }
// if ( kmax < o-1) { kmax = kmax+1; }
int i,j,k;
bool add;
for (k=kmin;k<kmax;k++){
for (j=jmin;j<jmax;j++){
for (i=imin;i<imax;i++){
// If cube(i,j,k) has any nodes in blob, add it to the list
// Loop over cube edges
add = 0;
for (p=0;p<8;p++){
nodx = i+cube[p][0];
nody = j+cube[p][1];
nodz = k+cube[p][2];
if ( indicator(nodx,nody,nodz) == nblobs ){
// Cube corner is in this blob
add = 1;
if (add == 1){
// Add cube to the list
blobs(0,ncubes) = i;
blobs(1,ncubes) = j;
blobs(2,ncubes) = k;
// Loop again to check for overlap
for (p=0;p<8;p++){
nodx = i+cube[p][0];
nody = j+cube[p][1];
nodz = k+cube[p][2];
if (indicator(nodx,nody,nodz) > -1 && indicator(nodx,nody,nodz) != nblobs){
printf("Overlapping cube!");
cout << i << ", " << j << ", " << k << endl;
return cubes_in_blob;
inline DoubleArray SOLVE( DoubleArray &A, DoubleArray &b)
// solves the system A*x = b exactly
DoubleArray AA = A.Copy();
long int n = A.n;
long int nrhs =1;
IntArray piv(2*n);
DoubleArray solution = b.Copy();
long int info = 0;
int ret = dgesv_(&n,&nrhs,AA.Pointer(),&n,(long int *)piv.Pointer(),solution.Pointer(),&n,&info);
// DTErrorMessage("Computation", string("Error=")+ DTInt2String(ret) + "info = " + DTInt2String(info));
return solution;
inline Point NEWTON(Point x0, DoubleArray &F, double &v,DoubleArray &S, int i, int j, int k, int &newton_steps)
Point pt;
// Performs a Newton iteration to compute the point x from initial guess x0
double tol = 0.001;
double dist = 1;
// Map x0 into unit coordinates
Point X0 = x0;
x0.x = x0.x - i;
x0.y = x0.y - j;
x0.z = x0.z - k;
// Compute coefficients for tri-linear approximations to the functions F and S
// coefficients for F
double Af, Bf, Cf, Df, Ef, Ff, Gf, Hf;
Af = F(i,j,k);
Bf = F(i+1,j,k)-Af;
Cf = F(i,j+1,k)-Af;
Df = F(i,j,k+1)-Af;
Ef = F(i+1,j+1,k)-Af-Bf-Cf;
Ff = F(i+1,j,k+1)-Af-Bf-Df;
Gf = F(i,j+1,k+1)-Af-Cf-Df;
Hf = F(i+1,j+1,k+1)-Af-Bf-Cf-Df-Ef-Ff-Gf;
// coefficients for S
double As, Bs, Cs, Ds, Es, Fs, Gs, Hs;
As = S(i,j,k);
Bs = S(i+1,j,k)-As;
Cs = S(i,j+1,k)-As;
Ds = S(i,j,k+1)-As;
Es = S(i+1,j+1,k)-As-Bs-Cs;
Fs = S(i+1,j,k+1)-As-Bs-Ds;
Gs = S(i,j+1,k+1)-As-Cs-Ds;
Hs = S(i+1,j+1,k+1)-As-Bs-Cs-Ds-Es-Fs-Gs;
// Compute coefficients for plane in direction of grad F, grad S at point x0
// Compute grad u = grad F , v = grad S
int count; int number;
count = 0;
number = int(floor(newton_steps));
//number = 2;
pt = x0;
bool pt_on_cube_leg = 0;
// Compute the u = grad F, v = grad S and the normal vector N = u x v
double u1, u2, u3, v1, v2, v3;
u1 = Bf+Ef*x0.y+Ff*x0.z+Hf*x0.y*x0.z;
u2 = Cf+Ef*x0.x+Gf*x0.z+Hf*x0.x*x0.z;
u3 = Df+Ff*x0.x+Gf*x0.y+Hf*x0.x*x0.y;
v1 = Bs+Es*x0.y+Fs*x0.z+Hs*x0.y*x0.z;
v2 = Cs+Es*x0.x+Gs*x0.z+Hs*x0.x*x0.z;
v3 = Ds+Fs*x0.x+Gs*x0.y+Hs*x0.x*x0.y;
// Compute the normal vector N
Point N;
if (x0.x == 0 || x0.x == 1){
if (x0.y == 0 || x0.y == 1){
// on a cube leg
pt_on_cube_leg = 1;
else if (x0.z == 0 || x0.z == 1){
// on a cube leg
pt_on_cube_leg = 1;
else {
// use this cube face as the normal
N.x = 1;
N.y = 0;
N.z = 0;
else if (x0.y == 0 || x0.y == 1){
if (x0.z == 0 || x0.z == 1){
// on a cube leg
pt_on_cube_leg = 1;
else {
// use this cube face as the normal
N.x = 0;
N.y = 1;
N.z = 0;
else if (x0.z == 0 || x0.z == 1){
// use this cube face as the normal
N.x = 0;
N.y = 0;
N.z = 1;
else {
// Compute N = u x v
N.x = u2*v3 - u3*v2;
N.y = u3*v1 - u1*v3;
N.z = u1*v2 - u2*v1;
if ( pt_on_cube_leg == 1){
// return x0
pt = x0;
else {
while (count < number ){
// Construct the Jacobean Matrix J
DoubleArray J(3,3);
J(0,0) = u1;
J(0,1) = u2;
J(0,2) = u3;
J(1,0) = v1;
J(1,1) = v2;
J(1,2) = v3;
J(2,0) = N.x;
J(2,1) = N.y;
J(2,2) = N.z;
// Evaluate the vector M(x0)
DoubleArray M(3);
M(0) = -(Af+Bf*x0.x+Cf*x0.y+Df*x0.z+Ef*x0.x*x0.y+Ff*x0.x*x0.z+Gf*x0.y*x0.z+Hf*x0.x*x0.y*x0.z - v);
M(1) = -(As+Bs*x0.x+Cs*x0.y+Ds*x0.z+Es*x0.x*x0.y+Fs*x0.x*x0.z+Gs*x0.y*x0.z+Hs*x0.x*x0.y*x0.z);
M(2) = 0;
// Compute the update to x0 using Newton's method
Point dX;
DoubleArray d = SOLVE(J,M);
dX.x = d(0);
dX.y = d(1);
dX.z = d(2);
if ( dX.x > 0.1 || dX.y > 0.1 || dX.z > 0.1 ||
dX.x < -0.1 || dX.y < -0.1 || dX.z < -0.1){
count = number;
else {
pt = x0+dX;
x0 = pt;
M(0) = -(Af+Bf*x0.x+Cf*x0.y+Df*x0.z+Ef*x0.x*x0.y+Ff*x0.x*x0.z+Gf*x0.y*x0.z+Hf*x0.x*x0.y*x0.z - v);
M(1) = -(As+Bs*x0.x+Cs*x0.y+Ds*x0.z+Es*x0.x*x0.y+Fs*x0.x*x0.z+Gs*x0.y*x0.z+Hs*x0.x*x0.y*x0.z);
M(2) = 0;
dist = sqrt(M(0)*M(0)+M(1)*M(1)+M(2)*M(2));
// Compute u, v at new x0
u1 = Bf+Ef*x0.y+Ff*x0.z+Hf*x0.y*x0.z;
u2 = Cf+Ef*x0.x+Gf*x0.z+Hf*x0.x*x0.z;
u3 = Df+Ff*x0.x+Gf*x0.y+Hf*x0.x*x0.y;
v1 = Bs+Es*x0.y+Fs*x0.z+Hs*x0.y*x0.z;
v2 = Cs+Es*x0.x+Gs*x0.z+Hs*x0.x*x0.z;
v3 = Ds+Fs*x0.x+Gs*x0.y+Hs*x0.x*x0.y;
// map pt back to original coordinates
pt.x = pt.x+i;
pt.y = pt.y+j;
pt.z = pt.z+k;
return pt;
inline bool vertexcheck(Point &P, int n, int pos, DTMutableList<Point> &cellvertices){
// returns true if P is a new vertex (one previously unencountered
bool V = 1;
int i = pos-n;
for (i = pos-n; i < pos; i++){
if ( P == cellvertices(i)){
V = 0;
return V;
inline bool ShareSide( Point &A, Point &B)
// returns true if points A and B share an x,y, or z coordinate
bool l = 0;
if ( A.x != B.x && A.y != B.y && A.z != B.z){
if (floor(A.x)==A.x && floor(B.x)==B.x && A.x==B.x) {
l = 1;
if (floor(A.y)==A.y && floor(B.y)==B.y && A.y==B.y) {
l = 1;
if (floor(A.z)==A.z && floor(B.z)==B.z && A.z==B.z) {
l = 1;
return l;
inline bool Interface( DoubleArray &A, const double v, int i, int j, int k){
// returns true if grid cell i, j, k contains a section of the interface
bool Y = 0;
if ((A(i,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k)-v) < 0 ){
// 2
if ((A(i+1,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k)-v) < 0){
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k)-v) < 0){
if ((A(i,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j,k)-v) < 0 ){
if ((A(i,j,k)-v)*(A(i,j,k+1)-v) < 0 ){
if ((A(i+1,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k+1)-v) < 0 ){
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 ){
if ((A(i,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 ){
if ((A(i,j,k+1)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k+1)-v) < 0 ){
if ((A(i+1,j,k+1)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 ){
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 ){
if ((A(i,j+1,k+1)-v)*(A(i,j,k+1)-v) < 0 ){
return Y;
inline bool Fluid_Interface( DoubleArray &A, DoubleArray &S, const double v, int i, int j, int k){
// returns true if grid cell i, j, k contains a section of the interface
bool Y = 0;
if ((A(i,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k)-v) < 0 && S(i,j,k) > 0 && S(i+1,j,k) > 0){
// 2
if ((A(i+1,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k)-v) < 0 && S(i+1,j,k) > 0 && S(i+1,j+1,k) > 0){
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k)-v) < 0 && S(i+1,j+1,k) > 0 && S(i,j+1,k) > 0){
if ((A(i,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j,k)-v) < 0 && S(i,j,k) > 0 && S(i,j+1,k) > 0){
if ((A(i,j,k)-v)*(A(i,j,k+1)-v) < 0 && S(i,j,k) > 0 && S(i,j,k+1) > 0){
if ((A(i+1,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k+1)-v) < 0 && S(i+1,j,k) > 0 && S(i+1,j,k+1) > 0){
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 && S(i+1,j+1,k) > 0 && S(i+1,j+1,k+1) > 0){
if ((A(i,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 && S(i,j+1,k) > 0 && S(i,j+1,k+1) > 0){
if ((A(i,j,k+1)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k+1)-v) < 0 && S(i,j,k+1) > 0 && S(i+1,j,k+1) > 0){
if ((A(i+1,j,k+1)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 && S(i+1,j,k+1) > 0 && S(i+1,j+1,k+1) > 0){
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 && S(i+1,j+1,k+1) > 0 && S(i,j+1,k+1) > 0){
if ((A(i,j+1,k+1)-v)*(A(i,j,k+1)-v) < 0 && S(i,j,k+1) > 0 && S(i,j+1,k+1) > 0){
return Y;
inline bool Solid( DoubleArray &A, int i, int j, int k){
bool X = 0;
// return 0 if there is no solid phase in grid cell i,j,k
if (A(i,j,k) == 0){
X = 1;
if (A(i+1,j,k) == 0){
X = 1;
if (A(i,j+1,k) == 0){
X = 1;
if (A(i,j,k+1) == 0){
X = 1;
if (A(i+1,j+1,k) == 0){
X = 1;
if (A(i+1,j,k+1) == 0){
X = 1;
if (A(i,j+1,k+1) == 0){
X = 1;
if (A(i+1,j+1,k+1) == 0){
X = 1;
return X;
inline void SOL_SURF(DoubleArray &A, const double &v, DoubleArray &B, const double &isovalue,
int i,int j,int k, int m, int n, int o, DTMutableList<Point>
&cellvertices, int &lengthvertices, IntArray &Tlist, int &nTris,
DoubleArray &values){
int N = 0;
Point P;
Point PlaceHolder;
int pos = lengthvertices;
float temp;
// int m; int n; int o;
int p; int q;
// for each leg of the triangle, see if a vertex exists
// if so, find the vertex, and perform an extrapolation
// Go over each corner -- check to see if the corners are themselves vertices
if (A(i,j,k) == v){
P.x = i;
P.y = j;
P.z = k;
values(pos) = B(i,j,k);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if (A(i+1,j,k) == v){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j;
P.z = k;
values(pos) = B(i+1,j,k);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if (A(i+1,j+1,k) == v){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k;
values(pos) = B(i+1,j+1,k);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if (A(i,j+1,k) == v){
P.x = i;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k;
values(pos) = B(i,j+1,k);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if (A(i,j,k+1) == v){
P.x = i;
P.y = j;
P.z = k+1;
values(pos) = B(i,j,k+1);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if (A(i+1,j,k+1) == v){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j;
P.z = k+1;
values(pos) = B(i+1,j,k+1);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if (A(i+1,j+1,k+1) == v){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k+1;
values(pos) = B(i+1,j+1,k+1);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if (A(i,j+1,k+1) == v){
P.x = i;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k+1;
values(pos) = B(i,j+1,k+1);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
// Go through each side, compute P for sides of box spiraling up
if ((A(i,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k)-v) < 0)
P.x = i + (A(i,j,k)-v)/(A(i,j,k)-A(i+1,j,k));
P.y = j;
P.z = k;
// compute extrapolated fluid value at P
// if ( A(i,j,k) > v){
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B, isovalue, i,j,k,4, P);
// }
// else{
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i+1,j,k, 1, P);
// }
// Interpolate value at P using padded mesh B
values(pos) = B(i,j,k)*(1-P.x+i)+B(i+1,j,k)*(P.x-i);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
// 2
if ((A(i+1,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k)-v) < 0)
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j + (A(i+1,j,k)-v)/(A(i+1,j,k)-A(i+1,j+1,k));
P.z = k;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, pos, cellvertices) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
// compute extrapolated fluid value at P
// if ( A(i+1,j,k) > v){
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i+1,j,k, 5, P);
// }
// else{
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i+1,j+1,k, 2, P);
// }
// Interpolate value at P using padded mesh B
values(pos) = B(i+1,j,k)*(1-P.y+j)+B(i+1,j+1,k)*(P.y-j);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k)-v) < 0)
P.x = i + (A(i,j+1,k)-v) / (A(i,j+1,k)-A(i+1,j+1,k));
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, pos, cellvertices) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
// compute extrapolated fluid value at P
// if ( A(i+1,j+1,k) > v){
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i+1,j+1,k, 1, P);
// }
// else{
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i,j+1,k, 4, P);
// }
// Interpolate value at P using padded mesh B
values(pos) = B(i,j+1,k)*(1-P.x+i)+B(i+1,j+1,k)*(P.x-i);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if ((A(i,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j,k)-v) < 0)
P.x = i;
P.y = j + (A(i,j,k)-v) / (A(i,j,k)-A(i,j+1,k));
P.z = k;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, pos, cellvertices) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
// compute extrapolated fluid value at P
// if ( A(i,j,k) > v){
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i,j,k, 5, P);
// }
// else{
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i,j+1,k, 2, P);
// }
// Interpolate value at P using padded mesh B
values(pos) = B(i,j,k)*(1-P.y+j)+B(i,j+1,k)*(P.y-j);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if ((A(i,j,k)-v)*(A(i,j,k+1)-v) < 0)
P.x = i;
P.y = j;
P.z = k + (A(i,j,k)-v) / (A(i,j,k)-A(i,j,k+1));
if (vertexcheck(P, N, pos, cellvertices) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
// compute extrapolated fluid value at P
// if ( A(i,j,k) > v){
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i,j,k, 6, P);
// }
// else{
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i,j,k+1, 3, P);
// }
// Interpolate value at P using padded mesh B
values(pos) = B(i,j,k)*(1-P.z+k)+B(i,j,k+1)*(P.z-k);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if ((A(i+1,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k+1)-v) < 0)
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j;
P.z = k + (A(i+1,j,k)-v) / (A(i+1,j,k)-A(i+1,j,k+1));
if (vertexcheck(P, N, pos, cellvertices) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
// compute extrapolated fluid value at P
// if ( A(i+1,j,k) > v){
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i+1,j,k, 6, P);
// }
// else{
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i+1,j,k+1, 3, P);
// }
// Interpolate value at P using padded mesh B
values(pos) = B(i+1,j,k)*(1-P.z+k)+B(i+1,j,k+1)*(P.z-k);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0)
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k + (A(i+1,j+1,k)-v) / (A(i+1,j+1,k)-A(i+1,j+1,k+1));
if (vertexcheck(P, N, pos, cellvertices) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
// compute extrapolated fluid value at P
// if ( A(i+1,j+1,k) > v){
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i+1,j+1,k, 6, P);
// }
// else{
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i+1,j+1,k+1, 3, P);
// }
// Interpolate value at P using padded mesh B
values(pos) = B(i+1,j+1,k)*(1-P.z+k)+B(i+1,j+1,k+1)*(P.z-k);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if ((A(i,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0)
P.x = i;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k + (A(i,j+1,k)-v) / (A(i,j+1,k)-A(i,j+1,k+1));
if (vertexcheck(P, N, pos, cellvertices) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
// compute extrapolated fluid value at P
// if ( A(i,j+1,k) > v){
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i,j+1,k, 6, P);
// }
// else{
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i,j+1,k+1, 3, P);
// }
// Interpolate value at P using padded mesh B
values(pos) = B(i,j+1,k)*(1-P.z+k)+B(i,j+1,k+1)*(P.z-k);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if ((A(i,j,k+1)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k+1)-v) < 0)
P.x = i + (A(i,j,k+1)-v) / (A(i,j,k+1)-A(i+1,j,k+1));
P.y = j;
P.z = k+1;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, pos, cellvertices) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
// compute extrapolated fluid value at P
// if ( A(i,j,k+1) > v){
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i,j,k+1, 4, P);
// }
// else{
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i+1,j,k+1, 1, P);
// }
// Interpolate value at P using padded mesh B
values(pos) = B(i,j,k+1)*(1-P.x+i)+B(i+1,j,k+1)*(P.x-i);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if ((A(i+1,j,k+1)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0)
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j + (A(i+1,j,k+1)-v) / (A(i+1,j,k+1)-A(i+1,j+1,k+1));
P.z = k+1;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, pos, cellvertices) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
// compute extrapolated fluid value at P
// if ( A(i+1,j,k+1) > v){
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i+1,j,k+1, 5, P);
// }
// else{
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i+1,j+1,k+1, 2, P);
// }
// Interpolate value at P using padded mesh B
values(pos) = B(i+1,j,k+1)*(1-P.y+j)+B(i+1,j+1,k+1)*(P.y-j);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0)
P.x = i+(A(i,j+1,k+1)-v) / (A(i,j+1,k+1)-A(i+1,j+1,k+1));
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k+1;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, pos, cellvertices) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
// compute extrapolated fluid value at P
// if ( A(i,j+1,k+1) > v){
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i,j+1,k+1, 4, P);
// }
// else{
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i+1,j+1,k+1, 1, P);
// }
// Interpolate value at P using padded mesh B
values(pos) = B(i,j+1,k+1)*(1-P.x+i)+B(i+1,j+1,k+1)*(P.x-i);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
if ((A(i,j+1,k+1)-v)*(A(i,j,k+1)-v) < 0)
P.x = i;
P.y = j + (A(i,j,k+1)-v) / (A(i,j,k+1)-A(i,j+1,k+1));
P.z = k+1;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, pos, cellvertices) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
// compute extrapolated fluid value at P
// if ( A(i,j,k+1) > v){
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i,j,k+1, 5, P);
// }
// else{
// values(pos) = EXTRAP(B,isovalue, i,j+1,k+1, 2, P);
// }
// Interpolate value at P using padded mesh B
values(pos) = B(i,j,k+1)*(1-P.y+j)+B(i,j+1,k+1)*(P.y-j);
cellvertices(pos++) = P;
lengthvertices = pos;
for (q = pos-N; q < pos-2; q++) {
for (o = q+2; o < pos-1; o++) {
if (ShareSide(cellvertices(q), cellvertices(o)) == 1) {
PlaceHolder = cellvertices(q+1);
cellvertices(q+1) = cellvertices(o);
cellvertices(o) = PlaceHolder;
temp = values(q+1);
values(q+1) = values(o);
values(o) = temp;
// make sure other neighbor of vertex 1 is in last spot
if (q == pos-N){
for (p = q+2; p < pos-1; p++){
if (ShareSide(cellvertices(q), cellvertices(p)) == 1){
PlaceHolder = cellvertices(pos-1);
cellvertices(pos-1) = cellvertices(p);
cellvertices(p) = PlaceHolder;
temp = values(pos-1);
values(pos-1) = values(p);
values(p) = temp;
if ( ShareSide(cellvertices(pos-2), cellvertices(pos-3)) != 1 ){
if (ShareSide( cellvertices(pos-3), cellvertices(pos-1)) == 1 && ShareSide( cellvertices(pos-N),
cellvertices(pos-2)) == 1 ){
PlaceHolder = cellvertices(pos-2);
cellvertices(pos-2) = cellvertices(pos-1);
cellvertices(pos-1) = PlaceHolder;
temp = values(pos-2);
values(pos-2) = values(pos-1);
values(pos-1) = temp;
if ( ShareSide(cellvertices(pos-1), cellvertices(pos-2)) != 1 ){
if (ShareSide( cellvertices(pos-3), cellvertices(pos-1)) == 1 && ShareSide(cellvertices(pos-4),
cellvertices(pos-2)) == 1 ){
PlaceHolder = cellvertices(pos-3);
cellvertices(pos-3) = cellvertices(pos-2);
cellvertices(pos-2) = PlaceHolder;
temp = values(pos-3);
values(pos-3) = values(pos-2);
values(pos-2) = temp;
if (ShareSide( cellvertices(pos-N+1), cellvertices(pos-3)) == 1 && ShareSide(cellvertices(pos-1),
cellvertices(pos-N+1)) == 1 ){
PlaceHolder = cellvertices(pos-2);
cellvertices(pos-2) = cellvertices(pos-N+1);
cellvertices(pos-N+1) = PlaceHolder;
temp = values(pos-2);
values(pos-2) = values(pos-N+1);
values(pos-N+1) = temp;
if ( ShareSide(cellvertices(pos-N), cellvertices(pos-N+1)) != 1 ){
if (ShareSide( cellvertices(pos-N), cellvertices(pos-2)) == 1 && ShareSide(cellvertices(pos-1),
cellvertices(pos-N+1)) == 1){
PlaceHolder = cellvertices(pos-1);
cellvertices(pos-1) = cellvertices(pos-N);
cellvertices(pos-N) = PlaceHolder;
temp = values(pos-1);
values(pos-1) = values(pos-N);
values(pos-N) = temp;
for (p=pos-N+2; p<pos; p++){
Tlist(0,nTris) = pos-N;
Tlist(1,nTris) = p-1;
Tlist(2,nTris) = p;
inline void TRIM(DTMutableList<Point> &local_sol_pts, int &n_local_sol_pts, double isovalue,
IntArray &local_sol_tris, int &n_local_sol_tris,
DTMutableList<Point> &ns_pts, int &n_ns_pts, IntArray &ns_tris,
int &n_ns_tris, DTMutableList<Point> &ws_pts, int &n_ws_pts,
IntArray &ws_tris, int &n_ws_tris, DoubleArray &values,
DTMutableList<Point> &local_nws_pts, int &n_local_nws_pts,
DoubleArray &fluid_pad, DoubleArray &S, int &i, int &j, int &k,
int &newton_steps){
// Trim the local solid surface
int map_ws;
int map_ns;
int pts_on_tri;
int p; int q;
int a; int b; int c;
Point A; Point B; Point C;
Point D; Point E; Point F;
Point P;
bool all_to_ns = 1;
// Check to see if all triangles in the cell are in ns_surface
for (q=0; q < n_local_sol_pts; q++){
if ( values(q) <= isovalue && all_to_ns == 1){
all_to_ns = 0;
bool all_to_ws = 1;
// Check to see if all triangles in the cell are in ws surface
for (q=0; q < n_local_sol_pts; q++){
if ( values(q) >= isovalue && all_to_ws == 1){
all_to_ws = 0;
if (all_to_ws == 1){
map_ws = n_ws_pts;
for ( p=0; p<n_local_sol_pts; p++){
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = local_sol_pts(p);
for ( p=0; p<n_local_sol_tris; p++){
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = local_sol_tris(0,p) + map_ws;
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = local_sol_tris(1,p) + map_ws;
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = local_sol_tris(2,p) + map_ws;
else if (all_to_ns == 1){
map_ns = n_ns_pts;
for ( p=0; p<n_local_sol_pts; p++){
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = local_sol_pts(p);
for ( p=0; p<n_local_sol_tris; p++){
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = local_sol_tris(0,p) + map_ns;
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = local_sol_tris(1,p) + map_ns;
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = local_sol_tris(2,p) + map_ns;
else {
// this section of surface contains a common line
map_ns = n_ns_tris;
map_ws = n_ws_tris;
// Go through all triangles
for ( p=0; p<n_local_sol_tris; p++){
a = local_sol_tris(0,p);
b = local_sol_tris(1,p);
c = local_sol_tris(2,p);
A = local_sol_pts(a);
B = local_sol_pts(b);
C = local_sol_pts(c);
if (values(a) >= isovalue && values(b) >= isovalue && values(c) >= isovalue ){
// Triangle is in ns surface
// Add points
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = A;
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = B;
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = C;
// Add triangles
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-3;
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-2;
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1;
else if (values(a) <= isovalue && values(b) <= isovalue && values(c) <= isovalue ){
// Triangle is in ws surface
// Add points
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = A;
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = B;
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = C;
// Add triangles
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-3;
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-2;
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1;
// If two of values(a), values(b), values(c) --> this tri leg is on common line
// Since this leg is part of two triangles, one in ws surface and one in ns surface
// we only need to do this procedure one time
if (values(a) == isovalue && values(b) == isovalue){
if ( n_local_nws_pts == 0 ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = A;
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = B;
else if ( A != local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-1) ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = A;
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = B;
if (values(a) == isovalue && values(c) == isovalue){
if ( n_local_nws_pts == 0 ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = A;
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = C;
else if ( A != local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-1) ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = A;
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = C;
if (values(b) == isovalue && values(c) == isovalue){
if ( n_local_nws_pts == 0 ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = B;
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = C;
else if ( A != local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-1) ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = B;
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = C;
else {
// Triangle contains common line
///////// FIND THE COMMON LINE /////////
pts_on_tri = 0;
if ( (values(a)-isovalue)*(values(b)-isovalue) < 0){
// compute common line vertex
P = A + (values(a) - isovalue)/(values(a)-values(b))*(B-A);
if ( n_local_nws_pts == 0 ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = P;
else if ( P != local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-1) ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = P;
if ( (values(b)-isovalue)*(values(c)-isovalue) < 0){
// compute common line vertex
P = B + (values(b) - isovalue)/(values(b)-values(c))*(C-B);
if ( n_local_nws_pts == 0 ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = P;
else if ( P != local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-1) ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = P;
if ( (values(a)-isovalue)*(values(c)-isovalue) < 0){
// compute common line vertex
P = A + (values(a) - isovalue)/(values(a)-values(c))*(C-A);
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = P;
// Also consider case in which common line points may be at vertices
if ( values(a) == isovalue ){
if ( n_local_nws_pts == 0 ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = A;
else if ( A != local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-1) ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = A;
} }
if ( values(b) == isovalue ){
if ( n_local_nws_pts == 0 ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = B;
else if ( B != local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-1) ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = B;
} }
if ( values(c) == isovalue ){
if ( n_local_nws_pts == 0 ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = C;
else if ( C != local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-1) ){
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = C;
// If there is a section of common line found
// Use these common line points as an initial guess in Newton iteration
D = local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-2);
E = local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-1);
F = 0.5*(local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-2) + local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-1));
// D = NEWTON(local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-2),fluid_pad,isovalue,S,i,j,k,newton_steps);
// E = NEWTON(local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-1),fluid_pad,isovalue,S,i,j,k,newton_steps);
// F = NEWTON(F,fluid_pad,isovalue,S,i,j,k,newton_steps);
// Write over the initial common line points
// Note point F goes in between points D and E
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-2) = D;
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts-1) = F;
local_nws_pts(n_local_nws_pts++) = E;
// Construct the new triangles
if ( (values(a)-isovalue)*(values(b)-isovalue) < 0 &&
(values(b)-isovalue)*(values(c)-isovalue) < 0){
if (values(b) > isovalue){
// Points
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = B;
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = D;
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = E;
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = F;
// Triangles
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-4; // B
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-3; // D
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-4; // B
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-2; // E
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
// Points
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = A; //-5
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = C; //-4
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = D; //-3
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = E; //-2
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = F; //-1
// Triangles (A,D,F),(A,C,F),(C,E,F)
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-5; // A
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-3; // D
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-5; // A
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-4; // C
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-4; // C
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-2; // E
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
else {
// Points
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = B; //-4
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = D; //-3
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = E; //-2
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = F; //-1
// Triangles
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-4; // B
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-3; // D
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-4; // B
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-2; // E
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
// Points
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = A; //-5
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = C; //-4
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = D; //-3
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = E; //-2
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = F; //-1
// Triangles (A,D,F),(A,C,F),(C,E,F)
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-5; // A
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-3; // D
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-5; // A
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-4; // C
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-4; // C
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-2; // E
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
else if ( (values(a)-isovalue)*(values(b)-isovalue) < 0 &&
(values(a)-isovalue)*(values(c)-isovalue) < 0){
if (values(a) > isovalue){
// Points
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = A; //-4
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = D; //-3
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = E; //-2
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = F; //-1
// Triangles
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-4; // A
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-3; // D
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-4; // A
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-2; // E
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
// Points
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = B; //-5
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = C; //-4
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = D; //-3
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = E; //-2
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = F; //-1
// Triangles (B,D,F),(B,C,F),(C,E,F)
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-5; // B
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-3; // D
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-5; // B
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-4; // C
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-4; // C
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-2; // E
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
else {
// Points
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = A; //-4
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = D; //-3
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = E; //-2
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = F; //-1
// Triangles
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-4; // A
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-3; // D
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-4; // A
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-2; // E
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
// Points
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = B; //-5
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = C; //-4
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = D; //-3
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = E; //-2
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = F; //-1
// Triangles (B,D,F),(B,C,F),(C,E,F)
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-5; // B
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-3; // D
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-5; // B
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-4; // C
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-4; // C
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-2; // E
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
else {
if (values(c) > isovalue){
// Points
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = C; //-4
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = D; //-3
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = E; //-2
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = F; //-1
// Triangles
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-4; // C
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-3; // D
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-4; // C
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-2; // E
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
// Points
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = A; //-5
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = B; //-4
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = D; //-3
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = E; //-2
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = F; //-1
// Triangles (A,E,F),(A,B,F),(B,D,F)
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-5; // A
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-2; // E
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-5; // A
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-4; // B
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-4; // B
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-3; // D
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
else {
// Points
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = C; //-4
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = D; //-3
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = E; //-2
ws_pts(n_ws_pts++) = F; //-1
// Triangles
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-4; // C
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-3; // D
ws_tris(0,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-4; // C
ws_tris(1,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-2; // E
ws_tris(2,n_ws_tris) = n_ws_pts-1; // F
// Points
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = A; //-5
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = B; //-4
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = D; //-3
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = E; //-2
ns_pts(n_ns_pts++) = F; //-1
// Triangles (A,E,F),(A,B,F),(B,D,F)
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-5; // A
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-2; // E
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-5; // A
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-4; // B
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
ns_tris(0,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-4; // B
ns_tris(1,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-3; // D
ns_tris(2,n_ns_tris) = n_ns_pts-1; // F
inline void MC( DoubleArray &A, double &v, DoubleArray &solid, int &i, int &j, int &k,
DTMutableList<Point> &nw_pts, int &n_nw_pts, IntArray &nw_tris,
int &n_nw_tris)
int N = 0; // n will be the number of vertices in this grid cell only
Point P;
Point pt;
DoubleArray TEST(3);
Point PlaceHolder;
int m;
int o;
int p;
// Go over each corner -- check to see if the corners are themselves vertices
if (A(i,j,k) == v){
P.x = i;
P.y = j;
P.z = k;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if (A(i+1,j,k) == v){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j;
P.z = k;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if (A(i+1,j+1,k) == v){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if (A(i,j+1,k) == v){
P.x = i;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if (A(i,j,k+1) == v){
P.x = i;
P.y = j;
P.z = k+1;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if (A(i+1,j,k+1) == v){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j;
P.z = k+1;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if (A(i+1,j+1,k+1) == v){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k+1;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if (A(i,j+1,k+1) == v){
P.x = i;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k+1;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
// Go through each side, compute P for sides of box spiraling up
float val;
if ((A(i,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k)-v) < 0)
// If both points are in the fluid region
if (A(i,j,k) != 0 && A(i+1,j,k) != 0){
P.x = i + (A(i,j,k)-v)/(A(i,j,k)-A(i+1,j,k));
P.y = j;
P.z = k;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j,k)*(1-P.x+i) + solid(i+1,j,k)*(P.x-i) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
// if point A(i,j,k) is in the solid phase
// else if ( A(i,j,k) == 0 ){
// pt.x = i;
// pt.y = j;
// pt.z = k;
// val = EXTRAP(A, v, i+1,j,k, 1,pt);
// // If extrapolated value gives a vertex
// if ( (A(i+1,j,k)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
// P.x = i + (val-v)/(val-A(i+1,j,k));
// P.y = j;
// P.z = k;
// if ( INTERP(solid(i,j,k), solid(i+1,j,k), P.x-i) > 0 ){
// nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
// N++;
// }
// }
// }
// // if point A(i+1,j,k) is in the solid phase
// else if ( A(i+1,j,k) == 0 ){
// pt.x = i+1;
// pt.y = j;
// pt.z = k;
// val = EXTRAP(A, v, i,j,k, 4,pt);
// // If extrapolated value gives a vertex
// if ( (A(i,j,k)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
// P.x = i + (A(i,j,k)-v)/(A(i,j,k)-val);
// P.y = j;
// P.z = k;
// if ( INTERP(solid(i,j,k), solid(i+1,j,k), P.x-i) > 0 ){
// nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
// N++;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// 2
if ((A(i+1,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k)-v) < 0)
if ( A(i+1,j,k) != 0 && A(i+1,j+1,k) != 0 ){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j + (A(i+1,j,k)-v)/(A(i+1,j,k)-A(i+1,j+1,k));
P.z = k;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i+1,j,k)*(1-P.y+j) + solid(i+1,j+1,k)*(P.y-j) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
// else if ( A(i+1,j,k) == 0 ){
// pt.x = i+1;
// pt.y = j;
// pt.z = k;
// val = EXTRAP(A, v, i+1,j+1,k, 2,pt);
// // If extrapolated value gives a vertex
// if ( (A(i+1,j+1,k)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
// P.x = i+1;
// P.y = j + (val-v)/(val-A(i+1,j+1,k));
// P.z = k;
// if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
// INTERP(solid(i+1,j,k), solid(i+1,j+1,k), P.y-j) > 0 ){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
// nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
// N++;
// }
// }
// }
// else if ( A(i+1,j+1,k) == 0){
// pt.x = i+1;
// pt.y = j+1;
// pt.z = k;
// val = EXTRAP(A, v, i+1,j,k, 5,pt);
// // If extrapolated value gives a vertex
// if ( (A(i+1,j,k)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
// P.x = i+1;
// P.y = j + (A(i+1,j,k)-v)/(A(i+1,j,k)-val);
// P.z = k;
// if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
// INTERP(solid(i+1,j,k), solid(i+1,j+1,k), P.y-j) > 0 ){
// nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
// N++;
// }
// }
// }
// }
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i+1,j+1,k) != 0 && A(i,j+1,k) != 0 ){
P.x = i + (A(i,j+1,k)-v) / (A(i,j+1,k)-A(i+1,j+1,k));
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j+1,k)*(1-P.x+i) + solid(i+1,j+1,k)*(P.x-i) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
/* else if ( A(i,j+1,k) == 0 ){
pt.x = i;
pt.y = j+1;
pt.z = k;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i+1,j+1,k, 1,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i+1,j+1,k)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i + (val-v) / (val-A(i+1,j+1,k));
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i,j+1,k), solid(i+1,j+1,k), P.x-i) > 0 ){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
else if ( A(i+1,j+1,k) == 0){
pt.x = i+1;
pt.y = j+1;
pt.z = k;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i,j+1,k, 4, pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i,j+1,k)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i + (A(i,j+1,k)-v) / (A(i,j+1,k)-val);
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i,j+1,k), solid(i+1,j+1,k), P.x-i) > 0 ){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j,k)-v) < 0 )
if (A(i,j+1,k) != 0 && A(i,j,k) != 0 ){
P.x = i;
P.y = j + (A(i,j,k)-v) / (A(i,j,k)-A(i,j+1,k));
P.z = k;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j,k)*(1-P.y+j) + solid(i,j+1,k)*(P.y-j) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
/* else if ( A(i,j+1,k) == 0 ){
pt.x = i;
pt.y = j+1;
pt.z = k;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i,j,k, 5,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i,j,k)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i;
P.y = j + (A(i,j,k)-v) / (A(i,j,k)-val);
P.z = k;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i,j,k), solid(i,j+1,k), P.y-j) > 0 ){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
else if ( A(i,j,k) == 0){
pt.x = i;
pt.y = j;
pt.z = k;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i,j+1,k, 2,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i,j+1,k)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i;
P.y = j + (val-v) / (val-A(i,j+1,k));
P.z = k;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i,j,k), solid(i,j+1,k), P.y-j) > 0){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i,j,k)-v)*(A(i,j,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i,j,k) != 0 && A(i,j,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i;
P.y = j;
P.z = k + (A(i,j,k)-v) / (A(i,j,k)-A(i,j,k+1));
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j,k)*(1-P.z+k) + solid(i,j,k+1)*(P.z-k) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
/* else if ( A(i,j,k) == 0 ){
pt.x = i;
pt.y = j;
pt.z = k;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i,j,k+1, 3,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i,j,k+1)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i;
P.y = j;
P.z = k + (val-v) / (val-A(i,j,k+1));
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i,j,k), solid(i,j,k+1), P.z-k) > 0){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
else if ( A(i,j,k+1) == 0){
pt.x = i;
pt.y = j;
pt.z = k+1;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i,j,k, 6,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i,j,k)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i;
P.y = j;
P.z = k + (A(i,j,k)-v) / (A(i,j,k)-val);
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i,j,k), solid(i,j,k+1), P.z-k) > 0){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i+1,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i+1,j,k) != 0 && A(i+1,j,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j;
P.z = k + (A(i+1,j,k)-v) / (A(i+1,j,k)-A(i+1,j,k+1));
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i+1,j,k)*(1-P.z+k) + solid(i+1,j,k+1)*(P.z-k) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
/* else if ( A(i+1,j,k) == 0 ){
pt.x = i+1;
pt.y = j;
pt.z = k;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i+1,j,k+1, 3,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i+1,j,k+1)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j;
P.z = k + (val-v) / (val-A(i+1,j,k+1));
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i+1,j,k), solid(i+1,j,k+1), P.z-k) > 0){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
else if ( A(i+1,j,k+1) == 0){
pt.x = i+1;
pt.y = j;
pt.z = k+1;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i+1,j,k, 6,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i+1,j,k)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j;
P.z = k + (A(i+1,j,k)-v) / (A(i+1,j,k)-val);
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i+1,j,k), solid(i+1,j,k+1), P.z-k) > 0){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i+1,j+1,k) != 0 && A(i+1,j+1,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k + (A(i+1,j+1,k)-v) / (A(i+1,j+1,k)-A(i+1,j+1,k+1));
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i+1,j+1,k)*(1-P.z+k) + solid(i+1,j+1,k+1)*(P.z-k) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
/* else if ( A(i+1,j+1,k) == 0 ){
pt.x = i+1;
pt.y = j+1;
pt.z = k;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i+1,j+1,k+1, 3,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i+1,j+1,k+1)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k + (val-v) / (val-A(i+1,j+1,k+1));
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i+1,j+1,k), solid(i+1,j+1,k+1), P.z-k) > 0 ){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
else if ( A(i+1,j+1,k+1) == 0){
pt.x = i+1;
pt.y = j+1;
pt.z = k+1;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i+1,j+1,k, 6,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i+1,j+1,k)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k + (A(i+1,j+1,k)-v) / (A(i+1,j+1,k)-val);
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i+1,j+1,k), solid(i+1,j+1,k+1), P.z-k) > 0 ){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i,j+1,k) != 0 && A(i,j+1,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k + (A(i,j+1,k)-v) / (A(i,j+1,k)-A(i,j+1,k+1));
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j+1,k)*(1-P.z+k) + solid(i,j+1,k+1)*(P.z-k) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
/* else if ( A(i,j+1,k) == 0 ){
pt.x = i;
pt.y = j+1;
pt.z = k;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i,j+1,k+1, 3,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i,j+1,k+1)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k + (val-v) / (val-A(i,j+1,k+1));
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i,j+1,k), solid(i,j+1,k+1), P.z-k) > 0 ){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
else if ( A(i,j+1,k+1) == 0){
pt.x = i;
pt.y = j+1;
pt.z = k+1;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i,j+1,k, 6,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i,j+1,k)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k + (A(i,j+1,k)-v) / (A(i,j+1,k)-val);
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i,j+1,k), solid(i,j+1,k+1), P.z-k) > 0 ){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i,j,k+1)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i,j,k+1) != 0 && A(i+1,j,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i + (A(i,j,k+1)-v) / (A(i,j,k+1)-A(i+1,j,k+1));
P.y = j;
P.z = k+1;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j,k+1)*(1-P.x+i) + solid(i+1,j,k+1)*(P.x-i) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
/* else if ( A(i,j,k+1) == 0 ){
pt.x = i;
pt.y = j;
pt.z = k+1;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i+1,j,k+1, 1,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i+1,j,k+1)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i + (val-v) / (val-A(i+1,j,k+1));
P.y = j;
P.z = k+1;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i,j,k+1), solid(i+1,j,k+1), P.x-i) > 0 ){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
else if ( A(i+1,j,k+1) == 0){
pt.x = i+1;
pt.y = j;
pt.z = k+1;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i,j,k+1, 4,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i,j,k+1)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i + (A(i,j,k+1)-v) / (A(i,j,k+1)-val);
P.y = j;
P.z = k+1;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i,j,k+1), solid(i+1,j,k+1), P.x-i) > 0){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i+1,j,k+1)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i+1,j,k+1) != 0 && A(i+1,j+1,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j + (A(i+1,j,k+1)-v) / (A(i+1,j,k+1)-A(i+1,j+1,k+1));
P.z = k+1;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i+1,j,k+1)*(1-P.y+j) + solid(i+1,j+1,k+1)*(P.y-j) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
/* else if ( A(i+1,j,k+1) == 0 ){
pt.x = i+1;
pt.y = j;
pt.z = k+1;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i+1,j+1,k+1, 2,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i+1,j+1,k+1)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j + (val-v) / (val-A(i+1,j+1,k+1));
P.z = k+1;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i+1,j,k+1), solid(i+1,j+1,k+1), P.y-j) > 0){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
else if ( A(i+1,j+1,k+1) == 0){
pt.x = i+1;
pt.y = j+1;
pt.z = k+1;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i+1,j,k+1, 5,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i+1,j,k+1)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j + (A(i+1,j,k+1)-v) / (A(i+1,j,k+1)-val);
P.z = k+1;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i+1,j,k+1), solid(i+1,j+1,k+1), P.y-j) > 0){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i+1,j+1,k+1) != 0 && A(i,j+1,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i+(A(i,j+1,k+1)-v) / (A(i,j+1,k+1)-A(i+1,j+1,k+1));
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k+1;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j+1,k+1)*(1-P.x+i) + solid(i+1,j+1,k+1)*(P.x-i) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
/* else if ( A(i+1,j+1,k+1) == 0 ){
pt.x = i+1;
pt.y = j+1;
pt.z = k+1;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i,j+1,k+1, 4,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i,j+1,k+1)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i+(A(i,j+1,k+1)-v) / (A(i,j+1,k+1)-val);
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k+1;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i,j+1,k+1), solid(i+1,j+1,k+1), P.x-i) > 0){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
else if ( A(i,j+1,k+1) == 0){
pt.x = i;
pt.y = j+1;
pt.z = k+1;
val = EXTRAP(A, v, i+1,j+1,k+1, 1,pt);
// If extrapolated value gives a vertex
if ( (A(i+1,j+1,k+1)- v)*(val-v) < 0 ){
P.x = i+(val-v) / (val-A(i+1,j+1,k+1));
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k+1;
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1 &&
INTERP(solid(i,j+1,k+1), solid(i+1,j+1,k+1), P.x-i) > 0){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i,j+1,k+1)-v)*(A(i,j,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i,j+1,k+1) != 0 && A(i,j,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i;
P.y = j + (A(i,j,k+1)-v) / (A(i,j,k+1)-A(i,j+1,k+1));
P.z = k+1;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j,k+1)*(1-P.y+j) + solid(i,j+1,k+1)*(P.y-j) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
// sort vertices so that they are connected to "neighbors"
// DTMatlabDataFile("/tmp/Dump.mat",DTFile::NewReadWrite);
// n_nw_pts = number of vertices in total (location n_nw_pts is first unfilled position)
// n = number of vertices in this grid cell
for (m = n_nw_pts-N; m < n_nw_pts-2; m++) {
for (o = m+2; o < n_nw_pts-1; o++) {
if (ShareSide(nw_pts(m), nw_pts(o)) == 1) {
PlaceHolder = nw_pts(m+1);
nw_pts(m+1) = nw_pts(o);
nw_pts(o) = PlaceHolder;
// make sure other neighbor of vertex 1 is in last spot
if (m == n_nw_pts-N){
for (p = m+2; p < n_nw_pts-1; p++){
if (ShareSide(nw_pts(m), nw_pts(p)) == 1){
PlaceHolder = nw_pts(n_nw_pts-1);
nw_pts(n_nw_pts-1) = nw_pts(p);
nw_pts(p) = PlaceHolder;
if ( ShareSide(nw_pts(n_nw_pts-2), nw_pts(n_nw_pts-3)) != 1 ){
if (ShareSide( nw_pts(n_nw_pts-3), nw_pts(n_nw_pts-1)) == 1 &&
ShareSide( nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N),nw_pts(n_nw_pts-2)) == 1 ){
PlaceHolder = nw_pts(n_nw_pts-2);
nw_pts(n_nw_pts-2) = nw_pts(n_nw_pts-1);
nw_pts(n_nw_pts-1) = PlaceHolder;
if ( ShareSide(nw_pts(n_nw_pts-1), nw_pts(n_nw_pts-2)) != 1 ){
if (ShareSide( nw_pts(n_nw_pts-3), nw_pts(n_nw_pts-1)) == 1 &&
ShareSide(nw_pts(n_nw_pts-4),nw_pts(n_nw_pts-2)) == 1 ){
PlaceHolder = nw_pts(n_nw_pts-3);
nw_pts(n_nw_pts-3) = nw_pts(n_nw_pts-2);
nw_pts(n_nw_pts-2) = PlaceHolder;
if (ShareSide( nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N+1), nw_pts(n_nw_pts-3)) == 1 &&
ShareSide(nw_pts(n_nw_pts-1),nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N+1)) == 1 ){
PlaceHolder = nw_pts(n_nw_pts-2);
nw_pts(n_nw_pts-2) = nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N+1);
nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N+1) = PlaceHolder;
if ( ShareSide(nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N), nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N+1)) != 1 ){
if (ShareSide( nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N), nw_pts(n_nw_pts-2)) == 1 &&
ShareSide(nw_pts(n_nw_pts-1), nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N+1)) == 1){
PlaceHolder = nw_pts(n_nw_pts-1);
nw_pts(n_nw_pts-1) = nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N);
nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N) = PlaceHolder;
for (p=n_nw_pts-N+2; p<n_nw_pts; p++){
nw_tris(0,n_nw_tris) = n_nw_pts-N;
nw_tris(1,n_nw_tris) = p-1;
nw_tris(2,n_nw_tris) = p;
inline void EDGE(DoubleArray &A, double &v, DoubleArray &solid, int &i, int &j, int &k, int &m, int &n, int &o,
DTMutableList<Point> &nw_pts, int &n_nw_pts, IntArray &nw_tris, int &n_nw_tris,
DTMutableList<Point> &local_nws_pts, int &n_local_nws_pts)
// function A is the fluid data padded (so that it has values inside the solid phase)
int N = 0; // n will be the number of vertices in this grid cell only
Point P;
Point temp;
int p; int q; int r;
// Add common line points to nw_pts
for (p=0;p<n_local_nws_pts;p++){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = local_nws_pts(p);
// Go over each corner -- check to see if the corners are themselves vertices
if (A(i,j,k) == v){
P.x = i;
P.y = j;
P.z = k;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if (A(i+1,j,k) == v){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j;
P.z = k;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if (A(i+1,j+1,k) == v){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if (A(i,j+1,k) == v){
P.x = i;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if (A(i,j,k+1) == v){
P.x = i;
P.y = j;
P.z = k+1;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if (A(i+1,j,k+1) == v){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j;
P.z = k+1;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if (A(i+1,j+1,k+1) == v){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k+1;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if (A(i,j+1,k+1) == v){
P.x = i;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k+1;
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
// Go through each side, compute P for sides of box spiraling up
float val;
Point pt;
// 1
if ((A(i,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k)-v) < 0)
// If both points are in the fluid region
if (A(i,j,k) != 0 && A(i+1,j,k) != 0){
P.x = i + (A(i,j,k)-v)/(A(i,j,k)-A(i+1,j,k));
P.y = j;
P.z = k;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j,k)*(1-P.x+i) + solid(i+1,j,k)*(P.x-i) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
// 2
if ((A(i+1,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k)-v) < 0)
if ( A(i+1,j,k) != 0 && A(i+1,j+1,k) != 0 ){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j + (A(i+1,j,k)-v)/(A(i+1,j,k)-A(i+1,j+1,k));
P.z = k;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i+1,j,k)*(1-P.y+j) + solid(i+1,j+1,k)*(P.y-j) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i+1,j+1,k) != 0 && A(i,j+1,k) != 0 ){
P.x = i + (A(i,j+1,k)-v) / (A(i,j+1,k)-A(i+1,j+1,k));
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j+1,k)*(1-P.x+i) + solid(i+1,j+1,k)*(P.x-i) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j,k)-v) < 0 )
if (A(i,j+1,k) != 0 && A(i,j,k) != 0 ){
P.x = i;
P.y = j + (A(i,j,k)-v) / (A(i,j,k)-A(i,j+1,k));
P.z = k;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j,k)*(1-P.y+j) + solid(i,j+1,k)*(P.y-j) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i,j,k)-v)*(A(i,j,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i,j,k) != 0 && A(i,j,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i;
P.y = j;
P.z = k + (A(i,j,k)-v) / (A(i,j,k)-A(i,j,k+1));
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j,k)*(1-P.z+k) + solid(i,j,k+1)*(P.z-k) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){ // P is a new vertex (not counted twice)
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i+1,j,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i+1,j,k) != 0 && A(i+1,j,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j;
P.z = k + (A(i+1,j,k)-v) / (A(i+1,j,k)-A(i+1,j,k+1));
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i+1,j,k)*(1-P.z+k) + solid(i+1,j,k+1)*(P.z-k) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i+1,j+1,k) != 0 && A(i+1,j+1,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k + (A(i+1,j+1,k)-v) / (A(i+1,j+1,k)-A(i+1,j+1,k+1));
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i+1,j+1,k)*(1-P.z+k) + solid(i+1,j+1,k+1)*(P.z-k) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i,j+1,k)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i,j+1,k) != 0 && A(i,j+1,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i;
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k + (A(i,j+1,k)-v) / (A(i,j+1,k)-A(i,j+1,k+1));
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j+1,k)*(1-P.z+k) + solid(i,j+1,k+1)*(P.z-k) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i,j,k+1)-v)*(A(i+1,j,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i,j,k+1) != 0 && A(i+1,j,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i + (A(i,j,k+1)-v) / (A(i,j,k+1)-A(i+1,j,k+1));
P.y = j;
P.z = k+1;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j,k+1)*(1-P.x+i) + solid(i+1,j,k+1)*(P.x-i) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i+1,j,k+1)-v)*(A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i+1,j,k+1) != 0 && A(i+1,j+1,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i+1;
P.y = j + (A(i+1,j,k+1)-v) / (A(i+1,j,k+1)-A(i+1,j+1,k+1));
P.z = k+1;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i+1,j,k+1)*(1-P.y+j) + solid(i+1,j+1,k+1)*(P.y-j) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i+1,j+1,k+1)-v)*(A(i,j+1,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i+1,j+1,k+1) != 0 && A(i,j+1,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i+(A(i,j+1,k+1)-v) / (A(i,j+1,k+1)-A(i+1,j+1,k+1));
P.y = j+1;
P.z = k+1;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j+1,k+1)*(1-P.x+i) + solid(i+1,j+1,k+1)*(P.x-i) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
if ((A(i,j+1,k+1)-v)*(A(i,j,k+1)-v) < 0 )
if ( A(i,j+1,k+1) != 0 && A(i,j,k+1) != 0 ){
P.x = i;
P.y = j + (A(i,j,k+1)-v) / (A(i,j,k+1)-A(i,j+1,k+1));
P.z = k+1;
// Evaluate the function S at the new point
if ( solid(i,j,k+1)*(1-P.y+j) + solid(i,j+1,k+1)*(P.y-j) > 0 ){
// This point is in the fluid region
if (vertexcheck(P, N, n_nw_pts, nw_pts) == 1){
nw_pts(n_nw_pts++) = P;
////// TO ALL "NEIGHBORS" //////
// First common line point should connect to last MC point
for (q=n_nw_pts-N; q<n_nw_pts-1; q++){
if ( ShareSide(nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N-n_local_nws_pts), nw_pts(n_nw_pts-1)) == 0 &&
ShareSide(nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N-n_local_nws_pts), nw_pts(q)) == 1 ){
// Switch point q with point n_nw_pts-N-n_local_nws_pts
temp = nw_pts(n_nw_pts-1);
nw_pts(n_nw_pts-1) = nw_pts(q);
nw_pts(q) = temp;
// Last common line point should connect to first MC point
for (q=n_nw_pts-N+1; q<n_nw_pts-1; q++){
if ( ShareSide(nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N-1), nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N)) == 0 &&
ShareSide(nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N-1), nw_pts(q)) == 1 ){
// Switch these points
temp = nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N);
nw_pts(n_nw_pts-N) = nw_pts(q);
nw_pts(q) = temp;
// All MC points should connect to their neighbors
for (q=n_nw_pts-N; q<n_nw_pts-2; q++){
if ( ShareSide(nw_pts(q), nw_pts(q+1)) == 0){
for (r=q+2; r < n_nw_pts-1; r++){
if ( ShareSide(nw_pts(q), nw_pts(q+1)) == 0 &&
ShareSide(nw_pts(q), nw_pts(r)) == 1){
// Switch r and q+1
temp = nw_pts(q+1);
nw_pts(q+1) = nw_pts(r);
nw_pts(r) = temp;
for (p=n_nw_pts-N-n_local_nws_pts; p<n_nw_pts-2; p++){
nw_tris(0,n_nw_tris) = n_nw_pts-1;
nw_tris(1,n_nw_tris) = p;
nw_tris(2,n_nw_tris) = p+1;
// for (p=n_nw_pts-N-n_local_nws_pts+2; p<n_nw_pts; p++){
// nw_tris(0,n_nw_tris) = n_nw_pts-N-n_local_nws_pts;
// nw_tris(1,n_nw_tris) = p-1;
// nw_tris(2,n_nw_tris) = p;
// n_nw_tris++;
// }
inline void ComputeAreasPMMC(IntArray &cubeList, int start, int finish,
DoubleArray &F, DoubleArray &S, double vF, double vS,
double &blob_volume, double &ans, double &aws, double &awn, double &lwns,
int Nx, int Ny, int Nz)
/* ****************************************************************
****************************************************************** */
awn = aws = ans = lwns = 0.0;
bool add=1; // Set to false if any corners contain nw-phase ( F > vF)
int cube[8][3] = {{0,0,0},{1,0,0},{0,1,0},{1,1,0},{0,0,1},{1,0,1},{0,1,1},{1,1,1}}; // cube corners
// int count_in=0,count_out=0;
int nodx,nody,nodz;
// initialize lists for vertices for surfaces, common line
DTMutableList<Point> nw_pts(20);
DTMutableList<Point> ns_pts(20);
DTMutableList<Point> ws_pts(20);
DTMutableList<Point> nws_pts(20);
// initialize triangle lists for surfaces
IntArray nw_tris(3,20);
IntArray ns_tris(3,20);
IntArray ws_tris(3,20);
// initialize list for line segments
IntArray nws_seg(2,20);
DTMutableList<Point> tmp(20);
// IntArray store;
int i,j,k,p,q,r;
int n_nw_pts=0,n_ns_pts=0,n_ws_pts=0,n_nws_pts=0, map=0;
int n_nw_tris=0, n_ns_tris=0, n_ws_tris=0, n_nws_seg=0;
double s,s1,s2,s3; // Triangle sides (lengths)
Point A,B,C,P;
double area;
// Initialize arrays for local solid surface
DTMutableList<Point> local_sol_pts(20);
int n_local_sol_pts = 0;
IntArray local_sol_tris(3,18);
int n_local_sol_tris;
DoubleArray values(20);
DTMutableList<Point> local_nws_pts(20);
int n_local_nws_pts;
int n_nw_tris_beg, n_ns_tris_beg, n_ws_tris_beg, n_nws_seg_beg;
int a,c;
int newton_steps = 0;
// double blob_volume;
/* ****************************************************************
****************************************************************** */
// printf("Running the PMMC Algorithm \n");
// printf("The number of blobs is %i \n",nblobs);
// Store beginning points for surfaces for blob p
n_nw_tris_beg = n_nw_tris;
n_ns_tris_beg = n_ns_tris;
n_ws_tris_beg = n_ws_tris;
n_nws_seg_beg = n_nws_seg;
// Loop over all cubes
blob_volume = 0; // Initialize the volume for blob a to zero
for (c=start;c<finish;c++){
// Get cube from the list
i = cubeList(0,c);
j = cubeList(1,c);
k = cubeList(2,c);
// printf("somewhere inside %i \n",c);
/* // Compute the volume
for (p=0;p<8;p++){
if ( indicator(i+cube[p][0],j+cube[p][1],k+cube[p][2]) > -1){
blob_volume += 0.125;
for (p=0;p<8;p++){
if ( F(i+cube[p][0],j+cube[p][1],k+cube[p][2]) > 0
&& S(i+cube[p][0],j+cube[p][1],k+cube[p][2]) > 0 ){
blob_volume += 0.125;
// Run PMMC
n_local_sol_tris = 0;
n_local_sol_pts = 0;
n_local_nws_pts = 0;
// if there is a solid phase interface in the grid cell
if (Interface(S,vS,i,j,k) == 1){
// find the local solid surface
SOL_SURF(S,0,F,vF,i,j,k, Nx,Ny,Nz,local_sol_pts,n_local_sol_pts,
//////// TRIM THE SOLID SURFACE /////////
TRIM(local_sol_pts, n_local_sol_pts, vF,local_sol_tris, n_local_sol_tris,
ns_pts, n_ns_pts, ns_tris, n_ns_tris, ws_pts, n_ws_pts,
ws_tris, n_ws_tris, values, local_nws_pts, n_local_nws_pts,
F, S, i, j, k, newton_steps);
//////// TO MAIN ARRAYS ///////
map = n_nws_pts;
for (p=0; p < n_local_nws_pts; p++){
nws_pts(n_nws_pts++) = local_nws_pts(p);
for (q=0; q < n_local_nws_pts-1; q++){
nws_seg(0,n_nws_seg) = map+q;
nws_seg(1,n_nws_seg) = map+q+1;
////// CONSTRUCT THE nw SURFACE /////////
if ( n_local_nws_pts > 0){
EDGE(F, vF, S, i,j,k, Nx, Ny, Nz, nw_pts, n_nw_pts, nw_tris, n_nw_tris,
local_nws_pts, n_local_nws_pts);
else {
MC(F, vF, S, i,j,k, nw_pts, n_nw_pts, nw_tris, n_nw_tris);
////// CONSTRUCT THE nw SURFACE /////////
else if (Fluid_Interface(F,S,vF,i,j,k) == 1){
MC(F, vF, S, i,j,k, nw_pts, n_nw_pts, nw_tris, n_nw_tris);
//******END OF BLOB PMMC*********************************************
// Compute the Interfacial Areas, Common Line length for blob p
// nw surface
for (r=n_nw_tris_beg;r<n_nw_tris;r++){
A = nw_pts(nw_tris(0,r));
B = nw_pts(nw_tris(1,r));
C = nw_pts(nw_tris(2,r));
// Compute length of sides (assume dx=dy=dz)
s1 = sqrt((A.x-B.x)*(A.x-B.x)+(A.y-B.y)*(A.y-B.y)+(A.z-B.z)*(A.z-B.z));
s2 = sqrt((A.x-C.x)*(A.x-C.x)+(A.y-C.y)*(A.y-C.y)+(A.z-C.z)*(A.z-C.z));
s3 = sqrt((B.x-C.x)*(B.x-C.x)+(B.y-C.y)*(B.y-C.y)+(B.z-C.z)*(B.z-C.z));
s = 0.5*(s1+s2+s3);
for (r=n_ns_tris_beg;r<n_ns_tris;r++){
A = ns_pts(ns_tris(0,r));
B = ns_pts(ns_tris(1,r));
C = ns_pts(ns_tris(2,r));
// Compute length of sides (assume dx=dy=dz)
s1 = sqrt((A.x-B.x)*(A.x-B.x)+(A.y-B.y)*(A.y-B.y)+(A.z-B.z)*(A.z-B.z));
s2 = sqrt((A.x-C.x)*(A.x-C.x)+(A.y-C.y)*(A.y-C.y)+(A.z-C.z)*(A.z-C.z));
s3 = sqrt((B.x-C.x)*(B.x-C.x)+(B.y-C.y)*(B.y-C.y)+(B.z-C.z)*(B.z-C.z));
s = 0.5*(s1+s2+s3);
for (r=n_ws_tris_beg;r<n_ws_tris;r++){
A = ws_pts(ws_tris(0,r));
B = ws_pts(ws_tris(1,r));
C = ws_pts(ws_tris(2,r));
// Compute length of sides (assume dx=dy=dz)
s1 = sqrt((A.x-B.x)*(A.x-B.x)+(A.y-B.y)*(A.y-B.y)+(A.z-B.z)*(A.z-B.z));
s2 = sqrt((A.x-C.x)*(A.x-C.x)+(A.y-C.y)*(A.y-C.y)+(A.z-C.z)*(A.z-C.z));
s3 = sqrt((B.x-C.x)*(B.x-C.x)+(B.y-C.y)*(B.y-C.y)+(B.z-C.z)*(B.z-C.z));
s = 0.5*(s1+s2+s3);
// Reset the triangle counts to zero
n_nw_pts=0,n_ns_pts=0,n_ws_pts=0,n_nws_pts=0, map=0;
n_nw_tris=0, n_ns_tris=0, n_ws_tris=0, n_nws_seg=0;
n_nw_tris_beg = n_nw_tris;
n_ns_tris_beg = n_ns_tris;
n_ws_tris_beg = n_ws_tris;
n_nws_seg_beg = n_nws_seg;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
double d;
// double *phase;
// double *distance;
int i,j,k,p,q,r, n, Nx,Ny,Nz;
double vS,vF;
double readval;
vS = 0.f;
vF = 0.f;
printf("Solid surface: S(x) = %f \n",vS);
printf("Fluid surface: F(x) = %f \n",vF);
Nx = Ny = Nz = 64;
printf("Domain size is: %i x %i x %i \n",Nx,Ny,Nz);
DoubleArray F(Nx,Ny,Nz);
DoubleArray S(Nx,Ny,Nz);
printf("Reading distance from a file... \n");
ifstream DISTANCE("",ios::binary);
for (int k=0;k<Nz;k++){
for (int j=0;j<Ny;j++){
for (int i=0;i<Nx;i++){ *) (&readval), sizeof(readval));
n = k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i;
S(i,j,k) = readval;
printf("Reading phase from a file... \n");
ifstream PHASE("",ios::binary);
for (int k=0;k<Nz;k++){
for (int j=0;j<Ny;j++){
for (int i=0;i<Nx;i++){ *) (&readval), sizeof(readval));
n = k*Nx*Ny+j*Nx+i;
F(i,j,k) = -readval;
//phase[n] = d;
IntArray indicator(Nx,Ny,Nz); // indicates if (i,j,k) has been assigned yet
for (k=0;k<Nz;k++){
for (j=0;j<Ny;j++){
for (i=0;i<Nx;i++){
// Initialize indicator fucntion to -1
indicator(i,j,k) = -1;
printf("Execute blob identification algorithm... \n");
/* ****************************************************************
****************************************************************** */
// Find blob domains, number of blobs
int nblobs = 0; // number of blobs
int ncubes = 0; // total number of nodes in any blob
int N = (Nx-1)*(Ny-1)*(Nz-1); // total number of nodes
IntArray blobs(3,N); // store indices for blobs (cubes)
IntArray temp(3,N); // temporary storage array
IntArray b(50); // number of nodes in each blob
// Loop over z=0 first -> blobs attached to this end considered "connected" for LB simulation
int number=0;
for (k=0;k<1;k++){
for (j=0;j<Ny;j++){
if ( F(i,j,k) > vF ){
if ( S(i,j,k) > vS ){
// node i,j,k is in the porespace
number = number+ComputeBlob(blobs,nblobs,ncubes,indicator,F,S,vF,vS,i,j,k,temp);
// Specify the blob on the z axis
if (ncubes > 0){
b(nblobs) = number;
printf("Number of blobs is: %i \n",nblobs);
for (k=0;k<Nz;k++){
for (j=0;j<Ny;j++){
for (i=1;i<Nx;i++){
if ( indicator(i,j,k) == -1 ){
if ( F(i,j,k) > vF ){
if ( S(i,j,k) > vS ){
// node i,j,k is in the porespace
b(nblobs) = ComputeBlob(blobs,nblobs,ncubes,indicator,F,S,vF,vS,i,j,k,temp);
// Otherwise, this point has already been assigned - ignore
// Make sure list blob_nodes is large enough
if ( nblobs > b.Length-1){
printf("Increasing size of blob list \n");
b = IncreaseSize(b,b.Length);
// Go over all cubes again -> add any that do not contain nw phase
bool add=1; // Set to false if any corners contain nw-phase ( F > vF)
int cube[8][3] = {{0,0,0},{1,0,0},{0,1,0},{1,1,0},{0,0,1},{1,0,1},{0,1,1},{1,1,1}}; // cube corners
int count_in=0,count_out=0;
int nodx,nody,nodz;
for (k=0;k<Nz-1;k++){
for (j=0;j<Ny-1;j++){
for (i=0;i<Nx-1;i++){
// Loop over cube corners
add=1; // initialize to true - add unless corner occupied by nw-phase
for (p=0;p<8;p++){
if ( indicator(nodx,nody,nodz) > -1 ){
// corner occupied by nw-phase -> do not add
add = 0;
if ( add == 1 ){
blobs(0,ncubes) = i;
blobs(1,ncubes) = j;
blobs(2,ncubes) = k;
else { count_out++; }
b(nblobs) = count_in;
/* ****************************************************************
****************************************************************** */
// DTVectorField3D gradF = Gradient(Fluid);
// DTVectorField3D gradS = Gradient(Solid);
/* ****************************************************************
****************************************************************** */
double area,awn,aws,ans,lwns;
// Initialize arrays for return variables (areas, volumes, etc. for all blobs)
DoubleArray nw_areas(nblobs);
DoubleArray ns_areas(nblobs);
DoubleArray ws_areas(nblobs);
DoubleArray nws_length(nblobs);
DoubleArray volume(nblobs); // Volumes of every blob
for (int a=0; a<nblobs; a++){
nw_areas(a) = 0.f;
ns_areas(a) = 0.f;
ws_areas(a) = 0.f;
nws_length(a) = 0.f;
volume(a) = 0.f;
/* ****************************************************************
****************************************************************** */
printf("Running the PMMC Algorithm \n");
printf("The number of blobs is %i \n",nblobs);
int n_nw_tris_beg, n_ns_tris_beg, n_ws_tris_beg, n_nws_seg_beg;
int start=0,finish;
int a,c;
int newton_steps = 0;
double blob_volume;
for (a=0;a<nblobs;a++){
finish = start+b(a);
ComputeAreasPMMC(blobs, start, finish, F, S, vF, vS,
blob_volume, ans, aws, awn, lwns, Nx, Ny, Nz);
start = finish;
volume(a) = blob_volume;
ws_areas(a) = aws;
nw_areas(a) = awn;
ns_areas(a) = ans;
// Last "blob" is just the ws interface
if (a+1 < nblobs){
printf("-------------------------------- \n");
printf("Blob id = %i \n", a);
printf("Blob volume = %f \n", blob_volume);
printf("Area wn = %f \n", nw_areas(a));
printf("Area ns = %f \n", ns_areas(a));
printf("-------------------------------- \n");
} // End of the blob loop
area = 0.0;
for (a=0;a<nblobs;a++) area+= ws_areas(a);
printf("Area ws = %f \n", area);
printf("Done. \n");