2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2014-09-23 08:04:57 -05:00
// Copyright (C) 2011- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2013- Ceetron Solutions AS
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
2013-05-06 03:55:00 -05:00
#include "RivWellPipesPartMgr.h"
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
#include "cvfLibCore.h"
#include "cvfModelBasicList.h"
#include "cvfTransform.h"
#include "cvfPart.h"
#include "cvfScalarMapperDiscreteLinear.h"
#include "cvfDrawableGeo.h"
#include "cvfRay.h"
2013-05-06 03:55:00 -05:00
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
#include "cafEffectGenerator.h"
2013-05-06 03:55:00 -05:00
#include "cafPdmFieldCvfColor.h"
#include "cafPdmFieldCvfMat4d.h"
#include "RigCaseData.h"
#include "RigCell.h"
#include "RivPipeGeometryGenerator.h"
2015-05-15 02:16:33 -05:00
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
2015-05-21 03:34:38 -05:00
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
2014-07-24 03:11:43 -05:00
#include "RimWell.h"
2013-05-06 03:55:00 -05:00
#include "RimWellCollection.h"
2014-07-24 07:03:17 -05:00
#include "RimReservoirCellResultsStorage.h"
2013-05-06 03:55:00 -05:00
#include "RimResultSlot.h"
#include "RimCellEdgeResultSlot.h"
#include "RimCellRangeFilterCollection.h"
#include "RimCellPropertyFilterCollection.h"
#include "Rim3dOverlayInfoConfig.h"
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2015-05-21 03:05:33 -05:00
RivWellPipesPartMgr::RivWellPipesPartMgr(RimEclipseView* reservoirView, RimWell* well)
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
m_rimReservoirView = reservoirView;
m_rimWell = well;
m_needsTransformUpdate = true;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
// Setup a scalar mapper
cvf::ref<cvf::ScalarMapperDiscreteLinear> scalarMapper = new cvf::ScalarMapperDiscreteLinear;
cvf::Color3ubArray legendColors;
legendColors[0] = cvf::Color3::GRAY;
legendColors[1] = cvf::Color3::GREEN;
legendColors[2] = cvf::Color3::BLUE;
legendColors[3] = cvf::Color3::RED;
scalarMapper->setRange(0.0 , 4.0);
2012-10-02 03:17:52 -05:00
scalarMapper->setLevelCount(4, true);
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
m_scalarMapper = scalarMapper;
2013-12-17 06:11:46 -06:00
caf::ScalarMapperEffectGenerator surfEffGen(scalarMapper.p(), caf::PO_1);
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
m_scalarMapperSurfaceEffect = surfEffGen.generateEffect();
caf::ScalarMapperMeshEffectGenerator meshEffGen(scalarMapper.p());
m_scalarMapperMeshEffect = meshEffGen.generateEffect();
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
void RivWellPipesPartMgr::buildWellPipeParts()
if (m_rimReservoirView.isNull()) return;
std::vector< size_t > pipeBranchIds;
std::vector< std::vector <cvf::Vec3d> > pipeBranchesCLCoords;
2013-08-26 07:03:01 -05:00
std::vector< std::vector <RigWellResultPoint> > pipeBranchesCellIds;
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
calculateWellPipeCenterline(pipeBranchesCLCoords, pipeBranchesCellIds);
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2013-02-26 07:08:30 -06:00
double characteristicCellSize = m_rimReservoirView->eclipseCase()->reservoirData()->mainGrid()->characteristicIJCellSize();
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
double pipeRadius = m_rimReservoirView->wellCollection()->pipeRadiusScaleFactor() *m_rimWell->pipeRadiusScaleFactor() * characteristicCellSize;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
for (size_t brIdx = 0; brIdx < pipeBranchesCellIds.size(); ++brIdx)
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
RivPipeBranchData& pbd = m_wellBranches.back();
pbd.m_cellIds = pipeBranchesCellIds[brIdx];
pbd.m_pipeGeomGenerator = new RivPipeGeometryGenerator;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
pbd.m_pipeGeomGenerator->setPipeColor( m_rimWell->wellPipeColor());
cvf::ref<cvf::Vec3dArray> cvfCoords = new cvf::Vec3dArray;
// Scale the centerline coordinates using the Z-scale transform of the grid and correct for the display offset.
const RigMainGrid* mainGrid = m_rimReservoirView->eclipseCase()->reservoirData()->mainGrid();
for (size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < cvfCoords->size(); ++cIdx)
cvf::Vec4d transfCoord = m_scaleTransform->worldTransform()* cvf::Vec4d((*cvfCoords)[cIdx] - mainGrid->displayModelOffset(), 1);
(*cvfCoords)[cIdx][0] = transfCoord[0];
(*cvfCoords)[cIdx][1] = transfCoord[1];
(*cvfCoords)[cIdx][2] = transfCoord[2];
pbd.m_surfaceDrawable = pbd.m_pipeGeomGenerator->createPipeSurface();
pbd.m_centerLineDrawable = pbd.m_pipeGeomGenerator->createCenterLine();
if (pbd.m_surfaceDrawable.notNull())
pbd.m_surfacePart = new cvf::Part;
2013-12-17 06:11:46 -06:00
caf::SurfaceEffectGenerator surfaceGen(cvf::Color4f(m_rimWell->wellPipeColor()), caf::PO_1);
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
cvf::ref<cvf::Effect> eff = surfaceGen.generateEffect();
if (pbd.m_centerLineDrawable.notNull())
pbd.m_centerLinePart = new cvf::Part;
caf::MeshEffectGenerator gen(m_rimWell->wellPipeColor());
cvf::ref<cvf::Effect> eff = gen.generateEffect();
m_needsTransformUpdate = false;
2013-06-21 09:20:11 -05:00
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:03:01 -05:00
/// Based on the points and cells, calculate a pipe centerline
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
/// The returned CellIds is one less than the number of centerline points,
/// and are describing the lines between the points, starting with the first line
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
void RivWellPipesPartMgr::calculateWellPipeCenterline( std::vector< std::vector <cvf::Vec3d> >& pipeBranchesCLCoords,
2013-08-26 07:03:01 -05:00
std::vector< std::vector <RigWellResultPoint> >& pipeBranchesCellIds) const
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
bool isAutoDetectBranches = m_rimReservoirView->wellCollection()->isAutoDetectingBranches();
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2013-03-22 09:43:42 -05:00
RigCaseData* rigReservoir = m_rimReservoirView->eclipseCase()->reservoirData();
RigSingleWellResultsData* wellResults = m_rimWell->wellResults();
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
// Make sure we have computed the static representation of the well
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
if (wellResults->m_staticWellCells.m_wellResultBranches.size() == 0)
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2013-06-25 08:53:19 -05:00
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
const RigWellResultFrame& staticWellFrame = wellResults->m_staticWellCells;
if (staticWellFrame.m_wellResultBranches.size() == 0) return;
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
// Initialize the return arrays
// Well head
// Match this position with well head position in RivWellHeadPartMgr::buildWellHeadParts()
const RigCell& whCell = rigReservoir->cellFromWellResultCell(staticWellFrame.m_wellHead);
cvf::Vec3d whStartPos = whCell.faceCenter(cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_K);
2013-08-26 07:03:01 -05:00
const RigWellResultPoint* whResCell = &(staticWellFrame.m_wellHead);
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
// Loop over all the well branches
const std::vector<RigWellResultBranch>& resBranches = staticWellFrame.m_wellResultBranches;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
bool hasResultCells = false;
if (resBranches.size())
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < resBranches.size(); ++i)
2013-08-26 07:03:01 -05:00
if (resBranches[i].m_branchResultPoints.size() != 0)
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
hasResultCells = true;
2013-08-26 08:10:34 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
if (hasResultCells)
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
// Add extra coordinate between cell face and cell center
// to make sure the well pipe terminated in a segment parallel to z-axis
cvf::Vec3d whIntermediate = whStartPos;
whIntermediate.z() = (whStartPos.z() + whCell.center().z()) / 2.0;
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
const RigWellResultPoint* prevWellResPoint = NULL;
2013-08-26 07:03:01 -05:00
CVF_ASSERT(wellResults->isMultiSegmentWell() || resBranches.size() <= 1);
2013-08-26 07:15:27 -05:00
// The centerline is calculated by adding a point when the pipe enters a cell,
// and one when the line leaves the cell.
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
// For the sake of the loop:
// The currentResultPoint (Cell) and the one we index by the loop variable is the one we calculate the entry point to.
// The previous cell is the one we leave, and calculate the "out-point" from
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
for (size_t brIdx = 0; brIdx < resBranches.size(); brIdx++)
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:21:21 -05:00
// Skip empty branches. Do not know why they exist, but they make problems.
2013-08-26 07:27:39 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:21:21 -05:00
bool hasValidData = false;
for (size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < resBranches[brIdx].m_branchResultPoints.size(); ++cIdx)
if (resBranches[brIdx].m_branchResultPoints[cIdx].isValid())
hasValidData = true;
if (!hasValidData) continue;
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
prevWellResPoint = NULL;
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
// Find the start the MSW well-branch centerline. Normal wells are started "once" at wellhead in the code above
2013-08-26 07:27:39 -05:00
pipeBranchesCellIds.push_back(std::vector <RigWellResultPoint>());
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:27:39 -05:00
if (brIdx == 0)
// The first branch contains segment number 1, and this is the only segment connected to well head
// See Eclipse documentation for the keyword WELSEGS
prevWellResPoint = whResCell;
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:27:39 -05:00
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:27:39 -05:00
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 08:22:55 -05:00
// Loop over all the resultPoints in the branch
2013-08-26 07:27:39 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:03:01 -05:00
const std::vector<RigWellResultPoint>& resBranchCells = resBranches[brIdx].m_branchResultPoints;
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
for (int cIdx = 0; cIdx < static_cast<int>(resBranchCells.size()); cIdx++) // Need int because cIdx can temporarily end on -1
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& branchCLCoords = pipeBranchesCLCoords.back();
2013-08-26 07:03:01 -05:00
std::vector<RigWellResultPoint>& branchCellIds = pipeBranchesCellIds.back();
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
const RigWellResultPoint& currentWellResPoint = resBranchCells[cIdx];
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 08:22:55 -05:00
// Ignore invalid cells
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
if (!currentWellResPoint.isValid())
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:15:27 -05:00
//CVF_ASSERT(false); // Some segments does not get anything yet.
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 08:22:55 -05:00
// Add cl contribution for a geometrical resultPoint by adding exit point from previous cell,
// and then the result point position
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
if (!currentWellResPoint.isCell())
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
// Use the interpolated value of branch head
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
cvf::Vec3d currentPoint = currentWellResPoint.m_bottomPosition;
// If we have a real previous cell, we need to go out of it, before adding the current point
// That is: add a CL-point describing where it leaves the previous cell.
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
if (prevWellResPoint && prevWellResPoint->isCell())
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
// Create ray between the previous and this position
const RigCell& prevCell = rigReservoir->cellFromWellResultCell(*prevWellResPoint);
cvf::Vec3d centerPreviousCell = prevCell.center();
cvf::Ray rayToThisCell;
rayToThisCell.setDirection((currentPoint - centerPreviousCell).getNormalized());
cvf::Vec3d outOfPrevCell(centerPreviousCell);
2013-08-26 08:22:55 -05:00
int intersectionOk = prevCell.firstIntersectionPoint(rayToThisCell, &outOfPrevCell);
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
if ((currentPoint - outOfPrevCell).lengthSquared() > 1e-3)
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 08:22:55 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
prevWellResPoint = ¤tWellResPoint;
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 08:22:55 -05:00
// Handle currentWellResPoint as a real cell result points.
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
const RigCell& cell = rigReservoir->cellFromWellResultCell(currentWellResPoint);
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
// Check if this and the previous cells has shared faces
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType sharedFace;
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
if (prevWellResPoint && prevWellResPoint->isCell() && rigReservoir->findSharedSourceFace(sharedFace, currentWellResPoint, *prevWellResPoint))
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
// If they share faces, the shared face center is used as point
// describing the entry of this cell. (And exit of the previous cell)
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:03:01 -05:00
// This and the previous cell does not share a face.
2013-08-26 08:22:55 -05:00
// Then we need to calculate the exit of the previous cell, and the entry point into this cell
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
cvf::Vec3d centerPreviousCell(cvf::Vec3d::ZERO);
cvf::Vec3d centerThisCell = cell.center();
bool distanceToWellHeadIsLonger = true;
2013-08-26 07:03:01 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
// If we have a previous well result point, use its center as measure point and ray intersection start
// when considering things.
if (prevWellResPoint && prevWellResPoint->isValid())
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
if (prevWellResPoint->isCell())
const RigCell& prevCell = rigReservoir->cellFromWellResultCell(*prevWellResPoint);
centerPreviousCell = prevCell.center();
centerPreviousCell = prevWellResPoint->m_bottomPosition;
distanceToWellHeadIsLonger = (centerThisCell - centerPreviousCell).lengthSquared() <= (centerThisCell - whStartPos).lengthSquared();
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
// First make sure this cell is not starting a new "display" branch for none MSW's
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
if ( wellResults->isMultiSegmentWell()
|| !isAutoDetectBranches
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
|| (prevWellResPoint == whResCell)
2013-08-26 08:22:55 -05:00
|| distanceToWellHeadIsLonger)
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
// Not starting a "display" branch for normal wells
2013-08-26 08:22:55 -05:00
// Calculate the exit of the previous cell, and the entry point into this cell
cvf::Vec3d intoThisCell(centerThisCell); // Use cell center as default for "into" point.
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
if (prevWellResPoint && prevWellResPoint->isValid())
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
// We have a defined previous point
// Create ray between the previous and this cell
cvf::Ray rayToThisCell;
rayToThisCell.setDirection((centerThisCell - centerPreviousCell).getNormalized());
// Intersect with the current cell to find a better entry point than the cell center
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 08:22:55 -05:00
int intersectionCount = cell.firstIntersectionPoint(rayToThisCell, &intoThisCell);
bool isPreviousResPointInsideCurrentCell = (intersectionCount % 2); // Must intersect uneven times to be inside. (1 % 2 = 1)
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
// If we have a real previous cell, we need to go out of it, before entering this.
// That is: add a CL-point describing where it leaves the previous cell.
if ( prevWellResPoint->isCell())
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
cvf::Vec3d outOfPrevCell(centerPreviousCell);
const RigCell& prevCell = rigReservoir->cellFromWellResultCell(*prevWellResPoint);
bool intersectionOk = prevCell.firstIntersectionPoint(rayToThisCell, &outOfPrevCell);
if ((intoThisCell - outOfPrevCell).lengthSquared() > 1e-3)
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 08:22:55 -05:00
else if (isPreviousResPointInsideCurrentCell)
// Since the previous point actually is inside this cell,
/// use that as the entry point into this cell
intoThisCell = centerPreviousCell;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
// Need to start a "display branch" for a Normal Well.
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
// This cell is further from the previous cell than from the well head,
// thus we interpret it as a new branch.
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
// First finish the current branch in the previous cell
//branchCLCoords.push_back(branchCLCoords.back() + 1.5*(centerPreviousCell - branchCLCoords.back()) );
finishPipeCenterLine(pipeBranchesCLCoords, centerPreviousCell);
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
// Create new display branch
2013-08-26 07:03:01 -05:00
pipeBranchesCellIds.push_back(std::vector <RigWellResultPoint>());
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
// Start the new branch by entering the first cell (the wellhead) and intermediate
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
prevWellResPoint = whResCell;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
// Include intermediate
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
// Well now we need to step one back to take this cell again, but in the new branch.
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
prevWellResPoint = ¤tWellResPoint;
// For the last cell, add the point 0.5 past the center of that cell
// Remember that prevWellResPoint actually is the last one in this branch.
cvf::Vec3d centerLastCell;
if (prevWellResPoint && prevWellResPoint->isCell())
const RigCell& prevCell = rigReservoir->cellFromWellResultCell(*prevWellResPoint);
centerLastCell = prevCell.center();
finishPipeCenterLine(pipeBranchesCLCoords, centerLastCell);
// Remove the ID that is superfluous since we will not add an ending point
2013-06-25 08:53:19 -05:00
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
CVF_ASSERT(pipeBranchesCellIds.size() == pipeBranchesCLCoords.size());
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < pipeBranchesCellIds.size() ; ++i)
CVF_ASSERT(pipeBranchesCellIds[i].size() == pipeBranchesCLCoords[i].size()-1);
2013-08-26 07:09:25 -05:00
/// All branches are completed using the point 0.5 past the center of
/// last cell.
void RivWellPipesPartMgr::finishPipeCenterLine(std::vector< std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> > &pipeBranchesCLCoords, const cvf::Vec3d& lastCellCenter) const
cvf::Vec3d entryPointLastCell = pipeBranchesCLCoords.back().back();
pipeBranchesCLCoords.back().push_back(entryPointLastCell + 1.5*(lastCellCenter - entryPointLastCell) );
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
void RivWellPipesPartMgr::appendDynamicGeometryPartsToModel(cvf::ModelBasicList* model, size_t frameIndex)
if (m_rimReservoirView.isNull()) return;
2013-04-22 02:13:37 -05:00
if (m_rimWell.isNull()) return;
2013-04-26 09:46:38 -05:00
if (!m_rimWell->isWellPipeVisible(frameIndex)) return;
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
if (m_needsTransformUpdate) buildWellPipeParts();
std::list<RivPipeBranchData>::iterator it;
for (it = m_wellBranches.begin(); it != m_wellBranches.end(); it++)
if (it->m_surfacePart.notNull())
if (it->m_centerLinePart.notNull())
void RivWellPipesPartMgr::updatePipeResultColor(size_t frameIndex)
if (m_rimWell == NULL) return;
2013-03-22 09:43:42 -05:00
RigSingleWellResultsData* wRes = m_rimWell->wellResults();
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
if (wRes == NULL) return;
if (frameIndex < wRes->firstResultTimeStep()) return; // Or reset colors or something
const double closed = -0.1, producing = 1.5, water = 2.5, hcInjection = 3.5; // Closed set to -0.1 instead of 0.5 to workaround bug in the scalar mapper.
std::list<RivPipeBranchData>::iterator brIt;
const RigWellResultFrame& wResFrame = wRes->wellResultFrame(frameIndex);
std::vector<double> wellCellStates;
for (brIt = m_wellBranches.begin(); brIt != m_wellBranches.end(); ++brIt)
// Initialize well states to "closed" state
wellCellStates.resize(brIt->m_cellIds.size(), closed);
2013-08-26 07:03:01 -05:00
const std::vector <RigWellResultPoint>& cellIds = brIt->m_cellIds;
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
for (size_t wcIdx = 0; wcIdx < cellIds.size(); ++wcIdx)
// we need a faster lookup, I guess
2013-08-26 07:03:01 -05:00
const RigWellResultPoint* wResCell = NULL;
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
2013-08-26 07:03:01 -05:00
if (cellIds[wcIdx].isCell())
2013-08-26 06:56:42 -05:00
wResCell = wResFrame.findResultCell(cellIds[wcIdx].m_gridIndex, cellIds[wcIdx].m_gridCellIndex);
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
if (wResCell == NULL)
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
// We cant find any state. This well cell is closed.
double cellState = closed;
if (wResCell->m_isOpen)
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
switch (wResFrame.m_productionType)
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
case RigWellResultFrame::PRODUCER:
cellState = producing;
case RigWellResultFrame::OIL_INJECTOR:
cellState = hcInjection;
case RigWellResultFrame::GAS_INJECTOR:
cellState = hcInjection;
case RigWellResultFrame::WATER_INJECTOR:
cellState = water;
cellState = closed;
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
wellCellStates[wcIdx] = cellState;
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
// Find or create texture coords array for pipe surface
if (brIt->m_surfaceDrawable.notNull())
cvf::ref<cvf::Vec2fArray> surfTexCoords = const_cast<cvf::Vec2fArray*>(brIt->m_surfaceDrawable->textureCoordArray());
if (surfTexCoords.isNull())
surfTexCoords = new cvf::Vec2fArray;
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
brIt->m_pipeGeomGenerator->pipeSurfaceTextureCoords( surfTexCoords.p(), wellCellStates, m_scalarMapper.p());
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
brIt->m_surfaceDrawable->setTextureCoordArray( surfTexCoords.p());
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
// Find or create texture coords array for pipe center line
if (brIt->m_centerLineDrawable.notNull())
cvf::ref<cvf::Vec2fArray> lineTexCoords = const_cast<cvf::Vec2fArray*>(brIt->m_centerLineDrawable->textureCoordArray());
if (lineTexCoords.isNull())
lineTexCoords = new cvf::Vec2fArray;
// Calculate new texture coordinates
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
brIt->m_pipeGeomGenerator->centerlineTextureCoords( lineTexCoords.p(), wellCellStates, m_scalarMapper.p());
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00
// Set the new texture coordinates
brIt->m_centerLineDrawable->setTextureCoordArray( lineTexCoords.p());
// Set effects
2012-06-26 09:10:41 -05:00
2012-05-18 02:45:23 -05:00