2015-06-04 05:35:22 -05:00
// Copyright (C) 2015- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2015- Ceetron Solutions AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#pragma once
#include "RigFemResultAddress.h"
#include "cvfCollection.h"
#include "cvfObject.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
class RifGeoMechReaderInterface;
class RigFemScalarResultFrames;
class RigFemPartResultsCollection;
class RigFemPartResults;
2015-06-04 09:10:02 -05:00
class RigStatisticsDataCache;
2015-06-15 05:15:00 -05:00
class RigFemPartCollection;
2016-09-06 03:27:30 -05:00
class RigFormationNames;
2015-06-04 05:35:22 -05:00
class RigFemPartResultsCollection: public cvf::Object
2015-06-15 05:15:00 -05:00
RigFemPartResultsCollection(RifGeoMechReaderInterface* readerInterface, const RigFemPartCollection * femPartCollection);
2015-06-04 05:35:22 -05:00
2016-09-06 03:27:30 -05:00
void setActiveFormationNames(RigFormationNames* activeFormationNames);
RigFormationNames* activeFormationNames();
2015-06-04 05:35:22 -05:00
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > scalarFieldAndComponentNames(RigFemResultPosEnum resPos);
2015-06-04 09:10:02 -05:00
std::vector<std::string> stepNames();
2015-06-09 09:18:11 -05:00
bool assertResultsLoaded(const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr);
2015-06-04 09:10:02 -05:00
const std::vector<float>& resultValues(const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr, int partIndex, int frameIndex);
2015-11-06 03:18:55 -06:00
int partCount() const;
2015-06-04 09:10:02 -05:00
int frameCount();
2015-06-04 05:35:22 -05:00
2015-06-04 09:10:02 -05:00
void minMaxScalarValues (const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr, int frameIndex, double* localMin, double* localMax);
void minMaxScalarValues (const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr, double* globalMin, double* globalMax);
2015-11-04 08:44:09 -06:00
void posNegClosestToZero(const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr, int frameIndex, double* localPosClosestToZero, double* localNegClosestToZero);
2015-06-04 09:10:02 -05:00
void posNegClosestToZero(const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr, double* globalPosClosestToZero, double* globalNegClosestToZero);
void meanScalarValue(const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr, double* meanValue);
2015-11-04 08:44:09 -06:00
void meanScalarValue(const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr, int frameIndex, double* meanValue);
2015-06-04 09:10:02 -05:00
void p10p90ScalarValues(const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr, double* p10, double* p90);
2015-11-04 08:44:09 -06:00
void p10p90ScalarValues(const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr, int frameIndex, double* p10, double* p90);
2016-08-04 07:15:59 -05:00
void sumScalarValue(const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr, double* sum);
void sumScalarValue(const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr, int frameIndex, double* sum);
2015-06-04 09:10:02 -05:00
const std::vector<size_t>& scalarValuesHistogram(const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr);
2015-11-04 08:44:09 -06:00
const std::vector<size_t>& scalarValuesHistogram(const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr, int frameIndex);
2015-06-09 09:18:11 -05:00
2015-06-04 05:35:22 -05:00
2015-06-04 09:10:02 -05:00
RigFemScalarResultFrames* findOrLoadScalarResult(int partIndex,
const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr);
2015-06-12 11:41:47 -05:00
RigFemScalarResultFrames* calculateDerivedResult(int partIndex, const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr);
2015-09-26 02:38:29 -05:00
RigFemScalarResultFrames* calculateBarConvertedResult(int partIndex, const RigFemResultAddress &convertedResultAddr, const std::string fieldNameToConvert);
2015-09-28 00:39:57 -05:00
RigFemScalarResultFrames* calculateEnIpPorBarResult(int partIndex, const RigFemResultAddress &convertedResultAddr);
2016-10-10 09:09:54 -05:00
RigFemScalarResultFrames* calculateTimeLapseResult(int partIndex, const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr);
2016-10-11 06:17:12 -05:00
RigFemScalarResultFrames* calculateMeanStressSMSEM(int partIndex, const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr);
2016-10-11 07:54:42 -05:00
RigFemScalarResultFrames* calculateDeviatoricStress(int partIndex, const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr);
2016-10-11 08:38:51 -05:00
RigFemScalarResultFrames* calculateVolumetricStrain(int partIndex, const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr);
2015-09-26 02:38:29 -05:00
2015-06-04 09:10:02 -05:00
cvf::Collection<RigFemPartResults> m_femPartResults;
cvf::ref<RifGeoMechReaderInterface> m_readerInterface;
2015-06-15 05:15:00 -05:00
cvf::cref<RigFemPartCollection> m_femParts;
2016-09-06 03:27:30 -05:00
cvf::ref<RigFormationNames> m_activeFormationNamesData;
2015-06-04 05:35:22 -05:00
2015-06-04 09:10:02 -05:00
RigStatisticsDataCache* statistics(const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr);
2015-06-12 11:41:47 -05:00
std::vector< RigFemResultAddress> getResAddrToComponentsToRead(const RigFemResultAddress& resVarAddr);
2015-06-04 09:10:02 -05:00
std::map<RigFemResultAddress, cvf::ref<RigStatisticsDataCache> > m_resultStatistics;
2015-06-04 05:35:22 -05:00
2016-10-13 05:15:21 -05:00
#include <array>
#include "cvfVector3.h"
#include <cmath>
// Y - North, X - East, Z - up but depth is negative Z
// azi is measured from the Northing (Y) Axis in Clockwise direction looking down
// inc is measured from the negative Z (depth) axis
class OffshoreSphericalCoords
explicit OffshoreSphericalCoords(const cvf::Vec3f& vec)
// Azimuth:
if (vec[0] == 0.0f && vec[1] == 0.0 ) incAziR[1] = 0.0f;
else incAziR[1] = atan2(vec[0], vec[1]); // atan2(Y, X)
// R
incAziR[2] = vec.length();
// Inclination from vertical down
if (incAziR[2] == 0) incAziR[0] = 0.0f;
else incAziR[0] = acos(-vec[2]/incAziR[2]);
2015-06-04 05:35:22 -05:00
2016-10-13 05:15:21 -05:00
2015-06-04 05:35:22 -05:00
2016-10-13 05:15:21 -05:00
float inc() { return incAziR[0];}
float azi() { return incAziR[1];}
float r() { return incAziR[2];}
std::array<float, 3> incAziR;