Parsing "PSIA FEET" did not work, as "BARSA METRES" was the only supported unit. Keep special handling of header and date, and skip all other lines containing text or comment.
* Make menus similar for polygon and polygonInView
* Crash fix: Iterator might be invalidated by erase, reorder operations.
* Update pick editor after reload
* Do not enable edit if polygon is read only
* Make sure filter and intersection geometry is updated after a reload
* Make sure other pick editors are updated when polygon in view is changed
* Check flag before rebuilding summary address nodes
* Performance: Use vector instead of set and map locally in thread
* Performance: Skip looking for restart summary filenames for opm-common
* Move adding of case realization parameters to OpenMP loop
* Add unit test for file path operations
* Performance: Avoid using cdUp() function when splitting path into strings
* Fwk: Switch from delta to angleDelta for QWheelEvent
* Fwk: Add option to build more libraries with Qt6
* Fwk: Remove unused includes of QtOpenGL
* Fwk: Don't forward declare QStringList
* Fwk: Store cursor position in QPoint variable
* Fwk: Use QWheelEvent::position in Qt6
* Add polygon reader for POL file format
* Add CSV import
* Add helper function to create tag with color and text
* Show polygon color as tag, allow color edit by clicking on tag
* Support optional header in csv file
* Add Reload on polygon file
* Show warning icon if no polygons
* Improve logging text
* Do not show file polygon in view if no polygons are imported
* Use appendMenuItems
* Set default polygon color to orange
* Enter edit state when creating a new polygon
* Fix missing UI text in menu builder
* Only reload calculation data
* Make sure performance is good when a calculated object is added or changed
- avoid recreation of summary file readers
- delete all nodes in address tree representing calculated curves
- build address nodes for calculated curves
- Use polygon as data source for intersection
- Add padlock icon
- Show padlock icon on read only polygons
- Add Fwk function appendMenuItems() to make it possible to define context menu content in a PdmObject
- Context menu "Create Polygon Intersection"
- Updates to make visualization consistent with object and object collection enabled state
* Use RimPolygonInView to edit locally defined polygon
* Add scaling to polygon in view
* Move polygon line visualization to RimGridView
* Rename to polygonInViewCollection
* Show appearance for local polygon