* #9203 Summary Case : Add rename to right-click menu
* Janitor: Move ID and description to private fields
* Eclipse Case: Add rename to right-click menu
* Rename feature
* Add create plot with RFT curve
* Add RFT segment plot with curve
* Create tracks for all three branch types
* Make sure the zero is displayed when adjusted minimum is changing sign
* Add unit test used to read data from WSEGLINK
* Add segment branch type
* Add detection of device branches
* Add data source stepping on branch type
* parse wseglink data
* add RFT case as child of RimFileSummaryCase
* Do not show Open Summary Plot in 3D view Property Editor
* Regression Test: Fix missing update of correlation report plot
A fix was introduced in 73d598ee7e to avoid a crash when deleting a multi plot. This had a unintended side effect causing the sub plots in correlation report plot to not be inserted properly.
* Bump release version
Always create plots using Qwt
Always create plot for command "New Summary Plot"
#9103 : Fix missing updates in multiselect field update operation
Add Open Summary Plot Editor
Trigger missing load of data
Enable data source display for first realization of an ensemble
Always show legend text
Set version to 2022.06.0-RC-02
* Make sure ensemble curveset legends are shown in multiplot legend.
* Remove information already shown in title from curve legend.
* Fix missing legend when creating curve plot from ensemble curves
* Show actual curve color in legend
* Avoid creation of curve legend widgets during construction of a multi plot
* Make sure default z-value is correct to avoid expensive Qwt updates
* Avoid duplicate plot updates
* Do not create internal Qwt legend by default
* RFT import: Avoid expensive method throwing exception if no data is found
* Add system commands to test toolbar
* #9069 Summary Plot: Update only Y axis values during source stepping
* Reduce default brightness for ensemble summary curves
* Add a separate flag to control linking of time axis
* Make sure interactive zoom in plot is handled
* Move message dock window to right dock panel
* Make sure font size is updated correctly
* Hide empty sub titles
* Do not categorize as water cut if no curves are visible
* Propagate settings from single summary plot to summary multi plot
Might turn on mesh display for some StimPlan fractures in projects older than
v2018.1.0.103. The "show mesh" has been controlled by RimStimPlanColors since 2018.
* Make sure all curve values are set correctly for plot orientation
* Make sure depth zoom is propagated to the Qwt plot
* Expand min/max value range to allow more space around curves
* Use int values to represent RFT segment branch number
* Ensemble Curves : Improve visual appearance
Set line thickness to 1
If ensemble curves are bright, use a high saturation color for the highlight curve
Increase line thickness for highlighted curve
* Use color by summary vector phase for ensemble curves
* Do not create curves for non-existing history vectors
- use vector name as plot title if a vector and the associated history vector is present
- use short vector name as fallback for curve name
- use Plot N as fallback name for sub plot
* Ensemble plot templates now have .erpt extension and new icon
* Default plot templates are given a checkmark overlay on the icon
* Context menu has been cleaned up a bit
* Old default template is really just the last used template. Rename it.
* Add max. recursive depth setting in preferences for plot template searches
* Only create plots based on correct template type when importing ensembles or single cases
* Support creating new plot from template explorer
* Update last used template when creating a new plot from a template
* Show progress bar when appending plots to multiplot
* Stop plot manager from going crazy creating plots when filter text is blank
* Speed up plot manager create plot
* Add summary default plot type selection in preferences
* Create plots as set in preferences when loading summary cases. Allow selecting default plot templates from templates explorer tree
* Do not create plot if data vector setting is empty
* #8947 Plot Template : Split export dialog into file path and name
* #8946 Update multi plot title when curve is appended by copy/paste
* #8946 Separate axis object name and axis title text
* If multi plot auto name is empty, use plot title "Plot N"
* QwtPlotWidget: Double click activates Zoom All
* More testing on valid main window before use
* Return false if event is not handeled
* Improve fallback plot name
* Tree View Editor: Early exit if selected object is unchanged
Resetting selection causes flickering
* Summary Plot : Select curve object in project tree when clicking on curve
* Guard use of back() on empty vector
* Add "Show Data Sources" to ensemble realizations
* Update summary plot as summary curve collection is not visible in tree view
* Set selection manager root in RiaApplication
* Always close both main windows if present
* Add copy/paste of summary multi plot
* Add test for RiuMainWindow::instance() before use
* Remove duplicated code
* Multiple Tree Views : Use getTreeViewWithItem() to find correct tree view
* Minor UI adjustments
* Do not create summary case group twice
* Fix memory leak of objects contained in childArrayFields
Use deleteAllChildObjects to delete objects instead of clear()
Rename collection function clear() -> deleteAllChildObjects
* Early exit for empty path
* Reduce redundant calls to refreshMetaData
* Support splitting a summary plot with multiple curves into a new multiplot with one plot per curve
* Make sure the correct plot is deleted if using the plot context menu.
* Main Window: add three dock widgets for splitting project tree
* Main Window: move scripts to separate tree widget
* Add eclipse result addresses to data source project tree.
* Grid Calculator: drag-and-drop for calculation variables.
* Grid Calculator: rename to 'Grid Property Calculator'.
* Summary Multi Plot : Improve default behaviour
- Perform zoom when stepping to next item
- Set defaults for range aggregation and source stepping dimension based on content when creating a multi summary plot
* Plot Axis Appearance : Do not use bold for text configuration
* Improve how scale factor for legend values are computed
* Improve defaults for range aggregation and step dimension
* Reorder Capability : Get UI item before reordering is issued
Get UI item before reordering is issued, as this operation will invalidate the tree model
* Move layout options to separate toolbar
* Enable stepping on quantities, remove special history curve stepping for now
* Allow stepping ensembles and cases
* Add step next/prev and add new sub plot
Remove obsolete single summary template code
Always use maximized state of the QMdiSubWindow when a plot or view is deleted.
Move time axis to top
Set correct text for unused axis
Avoid assert when layout is requested for non existing legend
* Remove obsolete template commands
Use first object in object list when creating plots for templates and a case is selected. (use first well in well list, first group in group list, ...)
* Always create the reference string