* #8947 Plot Template : Split export dialog into file path and name
* #8946 Update multi plot title when curve is appended by copy/paste
* #8946 Separate axis object name and axis title text
* If multi plot auto name is empty, use plot title "Plot N"
* QwtPlotWidget: Double click activates Zoom All
* More testing on valid main window before use
* Return false if event is not handeled
* Improve fallback plot name
* Tree View Editor: Early exit if selected object is unchanged
Resetting selection causes flickering
* Summary Plot : Select curve object in project tree when clicking on curve
* Summary Multi Plot : Improve default behaviour
- Perform zoom when stepping to next item
- Set defaults for range aggregation and source stepping dimension based on content when creating a multi summary plot
* Plot Axis Appearance : Do not use bold for text configuration
* Improve how scale factor for legend values are computed
* Improve defaults for range aggregation and step dimension
* Reorder Capability : Get UI item before reordering is issued
Get UI item before reordering is issued, as this operation will invalidate the tree model
A TableView can receive drag/drop data. The drop operations finds the PdmObject for a row, and delegates handling of the drop operation to this object.
* Use constructor instead of nullptr for WindowFlags
* Use constructor instead of nullptr for Alignment
* Disable deprecation warning for QProcess
* Add string split method to RaTextStringTools
* Add caf.cpp used to manage Qt function deprecations
* Use position()
Disable assert for duplicated signal connections for now, just ignore everyone but the first one
Temp. workaround for crash when duplicating plot axis properties.
Update test
* Implement a simple depth filter to cut all geometry below a certain level for intersections
* Add option to override all curve intersection cut depths from collection.
* Add support for showing intersection above or below threshold. Update label texts.
Add checkboxes for individual plots for vectors/addresses and creation of multiplots.
Moved code into RicSummaryPlotBuilder.
Allow UiComboBoxEditor to disable autocomplete.
Create plot using Enter key without modifiers.
Some users experience crash/hang situations related to display of Progress Bar dialog. This is related to implicit repaint of windows due to display or hide of a progress dialog.
To reduce the probability for error situations the following is improved:
- Increase the delay before the dialog is displayed
- Do not show the progress dialog immediately, wait until the delay duration is reached
Find all selected items at one level starting from the largest level. This is required to be able to modify multiple rows in the table editor. Items in the table editor use by default SelectionManager::FIRST_LEVEL
Guard divide by zero issues
2D Intersection View: Do not add parts with wrong coordinates
Add bounding box search tree
Add support display of intersection lines for selected surfaces
Show band between two first intersection lines