* Main Window: add three dock widgets for splitting project tree
* Main Window: move scripts to separate tree widget
* Add eclipse result addresses to data source project tree.
* Grid Calculator: drag-and-drop for calculation variables.
* Grid Calculator: rename to 'Grid Property Calculator'.
* Summary Multi Plot : Improve default behaviour
- Perform zoom when stepping to next item
- Set defaults for range aggregation and source stepping dimension based on content when creating a multi summary plot
* Plot Axis Appearance : Do not use bold for text configuration
* Improve how scale factor for legend values are computed
* Improve defaults for range aggregation and step dimension
* Reorder Capability : Get UI item before reordering is issued
Get UI item before reordering is issued, as this operation will invalidate the tree model
fieldChanged() can potentially do much work. When toggling objects in the project tree, make sure that fieldChanged is called only once for a toggle operation. This will make sure that we have the best possible performance in all use cases.
A TableView can receive drag/drop data. The drop operations finds the PdmObject for a row, and delegates handling of the drop operation to this object.
* Move layout options to separate toolbar
* Enable stepping on quantities, remove special history curve stepping for now
* Allow stepping ensembles and cases
* Add step next/prev and add new sub plot
When RifMultipleSummaryReaders was introduced, no summary data was available to Analysis plots. Fix this by always return true in RifSummaryReaderInterface::hasAddress for a default address object
Remove obsolete single summary template code
Always use maximized state of the QMdiSubWindow when a plot or view is deleted.
Move time axis to top
Set correct text for unused axis
Avoid assert when layout is requested for non existing legend
* Remove obsolete template commands
Use first object in object list when creating plots for templates and a case is selected. (use first well in well list, first group in group list, ...)
* Always create the reference string
The exported pdf is dependent on the width of the plot window. Remove code related to change of resolution when exporting to PDF. This makes the PDF export consistent and independent to width of view.