Update result to generate well paths based on information from model generator. Store settings in JSON file.
Add method to access local coordinate system definition
* Always use element-nodal for POR calculations
* Add RigFemAddressDefines
Add special handling for "POR-Bar" result, always use element_nodal
* 9362 Show unit text "sg" when normalized by hydrostatic pressure
* Fix resampling bug and refactor code
- Fix bug for resampling, prevent index increment.
- Refactor functions into static functions.
- Fix issue in interpolateSegment not using correct indices for depthType != resamplingDepthType
- Add unit tests
* Change WellAllocationPlot to use step left
Remove dummy point and utilize step left for WellAllocationPont
* Fix bug in creating resampled values and depths for RigWellLogCurveData
* Fix automatic part detection for Fault Reactivation Result
- Fix incorrect automatic part detection
- Set default distance to intersection to 1.0 [m]
* Enable cell filters
* Enable property filters
* Clean up fault collection interface and use similar setting for controlling filters as in intersection collection
* Enable cell/property filters on geomech intersections
* Enable cell and property filters for box intersections
* Rename from DiffCurve to CalculatedCurve and add operators selection
* Add option to select depth source for resampling in CalculatedCurve
- Select source for depth values for resampling
- Depths from first curve, second curve or union of these
- Added unit tests for function creating union depth values and calculate value with selected operator.
* Guard divide by zero
* Adjust algorithm for union of depths
- Prevent duplicated depth values (no need for enter/exist of k-layer when resampling)
- Add threshold for depth distance
- Update unit tests
* Improve tree selection editor
- always call defineEditorAttributes
- use heightHint in editor attributes
- use tree selection editor as default editor for std::vector
* Use tree selection editor instead of list selection editor
List selection editor must be used when editing std::vector<cvf::vec3d> and similar. Replace other use of list selection editor with tree selection editor.
* Set checked state based on text string for integer only models
For models with only integer values, use text string to define the items to be selected. The full list will always be visible, and the checked state will be updated when editing the filter text.
Example: "1, 5-7" will set items 1, 5, 6, 7 checked and all other items unchecked
* Minor fixes
- Set placeholder text after content is added (to ensure correct data type)
- Fix check of integers. `canConvert<int>()`returns true for both QString and int. Thus convert to string and then check for int conversion.
* Activate filtering when unchecking all items in list with only integers
- Reactivate filtering when uncheck of all items for a list with only integer values (to keep consistency between filter and list)
- Update function name for clarity
Co-authored-by: Jørgen Herje <jorgen.herje@ceetronsolutions.com>
* Refactor interface to PdmObjectHandle and PdmFieldHandle
Return objects instead of passing in structures as parameters
* Add nodiscard to several functions
* Remove redundant this->
* Rename to ptrReferencedObjectsByType
Improved GitHub Action to run clang-format as part of clang-tidy
* Simplify clang-tidy workflow
* Added modernize-use-using, modernize-redundant-void-arg, readability-static-accessed-through-instance
* Add nolint for libecl typedefs
Enable c++20 in top level cmake. Keep c++17 for GrpcInterface, as the protoc tool does not work with c++20.
Several code adjustments to fix compiler issues.
* Major refactor from RimGridView to Rim3dView
* Move view linker/controller functions to Rim3dView
* Add bitmask to define the content of a 3D view
* Link views based on matching content
* Enable bit mask operators at global scope
* Make it possible to use 2d intersection views as comparison views
* Fix crash when a view used as comparison view is deleted
* Move unlinking to Rim3dView
* Add options to snapshot only 3D views/plots as part of regression testing
* WBS plot: Improve default name, hide axis for some tracks
* #9203 Summary Case : Add rename to right-click menu
* Janitor: Move ID and description to private fields
* Eclipse Case: Add rename to right-click menu
* Rename feature
Add reader for RFT data using opm-common
Extend RFT curve with support for RFT segment data
Adjustments related to horizontal well log plots
8581 Well Log Plot : Update of curve appearance does not update plot
* Experiments for supporting visualization of new ODB files from WIA workflow
* Some more experiments to get odb working for wia results
* More work in progress, experimenting to get wellIA result files to load properly
* Make sure all part geometries use the same global bounding box
* Clean up code
* Add some safeguards for data calculations
Move parts below grid in project tree
* Fix warnings
* Add support for C3D8RT elements
Add some more safeguards for missing data
Remove strange part handling
* Support elements with reduced number of integration points by pretending to have 8.
* Change integration point mapping to correct order (ref. Stein and Abaqus 2019 doc)
* Do not allocate too much memory for element nodal results for 20 element node types
* Code cleanup.
Revert back to old integration point numbering scheme (ref. Stein)
* And, another integration point order update...
* Update comments