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// Copyright (C) 2023 Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RigGriddedPart3d.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RimFaultReactivationDataAccess.h"
#include "RimFaultReactivationEnums.h"
#include "cvfBoundingBox.h"
#include "cvfPlane.h"
#include "cvfTextureImage.h"
#include "cafLine.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
: m_useLocalCoordinates( false )
, m_topHeight( 0.0 )
, m_faultSafetyDistance( 1.0 )
, m_nVertElements( 0 )
, m_nHorzElements( 0 )
void RigGriddedPart3d::reset()
m_nVertElements = 0;
m_nHorzElements = 0;
m_topHeight = 0.0;
std::vector<RigGriddedPart3d::Regions> RigGriddedPart3d::allRegions()
return { Regions::LowerUnderburden, Regions::UpperUnderburden, Regions::Reservoir, Regions::LowerOverburden, Regions::UpperOverburden };
cvf::Vec3d RigGriddedPart3d::stepVector( cvf::Vec3d start, cvf::Vec3d stop, int nSteps )
cvf::Vec3d vec = stop - start;
return vec.getNormalized() * ( vec.length() / nSteps );
std::vector<double> RigGriddedPart3d::generateConstantLayers( double zFrom, double zTo, double maxSize )
std::vector<double> layers;
double diff = zTo - zFrom;
if ( diff == 0.0 ) return layers;
if ( std::abs( diff ) <= maxSize )
layers.push_back( std::min( zFrom, zTo ) );
return layers;
double steps = std::abs( diff / maxSize );
int nSteps = (int)std::ceil( steps );
double stepSize = diff / nSteps;
for ( int i = 0; i < nSteps; i++ )
layers.push_back( zFrom + stepSize * i );
std::sort( layers.begin(), layers.end() );
return layers;
std::vector<double> RigGriddedPart3d::generateGrowingLayers( double zFrom, double zTo, double maxSize, double growfactor )
std::vector<double> layers;
double diff = zTo - zFrom;
if ( std::abs( diff ) <= maxSize )
layers.push_back( std::min( zFrom, zTo ) );
return layers;
double startHeight = maxSize;
double curDepth = zFrom;
if ( zTo < zFrom )
while ( curDepth > zTo )
layers.push_back( curDepth );
curDepth -= startHeight;
startHeight *= growfactor;
else if ( zTo > zFrom )
while ( curDepth < zTo )
layers.push_back( curDepth );
curDepth += startHeight;
startHeight *= growfactor;
if ( std::abs( zTo - layers.back() ) < maxSize ) layers.pop_back();
layers.push_back( zTo );
std::sort( layers.begin(), layers.end() );
return layers;
/// Point index in input
/// 5 ------| 11 *
/// | OU | Overburden Upper *
/// 4 |------\10 *
/// | OL \ Overburden Lower *
/// 3 |--------\ 9 *
/// | \ *
/// | R \ Reservoir *
/// 2 |___________\ 8 *
/// | UU \ Underburden Upper *
/// 1 |-------------\7 *
/// | | *
/// | UL | Underburden Lower *
/// | | *
/// 0 -------------- 6 *
/// Assumes horizontal lines are parallel
void RigGriddedPart3d::generateGeometry( const std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 12>& inputPoints,
const std::vector<double>& reservoirZ,
double maxCellHeight,
double cellSizeFactor,
const std::vector<double>& horizontalPartition,
const std::vector<caf::Line<double>> faultLines,
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& thicknessVectors,
double topHeight,
int nFaultZoneCells )
m_topHeight = topHeight;
std::map<Regions, std::vector<double>> layersPerRegion;
layersPerRegion[Regions::LowerUnderburden] = generateGrowingLayers( inputPoints[1].z(), inputPoints[0].z(), maxCellHeight, cellSizeFactor );
layersPerRegion[Regions::UpperUnderburden] = generateConstantLayers( inputPoints[1].z(), inputPoints[2].z(), maxCellHeight );
layersPerRegion[Regions::Reservoir] = reservoirZ;
layersPerRegion[Regions::LowerOverburden] = generateConstantLayers( inputPoints[3].z(), inputPoints[4].z(), maxCellHeight );
layersPerRegion[Regions::UpperOverburden] = generateGrowingLayers( inputPoints[4].z(), inputPoints[5].z(), maxCellHeight, cellSizeFactor );
layersPerRegion[Regions::LowerUnderburden].pop_back(); // to avoid overlap with bottom of next region
layersPerRegion[Regions::Reservoir].pop_back(); // to avoid overlap with bottom of next region
m_boundaryNodes[Boundary::Bottom] = {};
m_boundaryNodes[Boundary::FarSide] = {};
m_boundaryNodes[Boundary::Fault] = {};
m_boundaryNodes[Boundary::Reservoir] = {};
size_t nVertCells = 0;
const size_t nHorzCells = horizontalPartition.size() - 1;
for ( auto region : allRegions() )
nVertCells += layersPerRegion[region].size();
const int nThicknessCells = 2;
size_t reserveSize = ( nVertCells + 1 ) * ( nHorzCells + 1 ) * ( nThicknessCells + 1 );
m_nodes.reserve( reserveSize );
m_dataNodes.reserve( reserveSize );
m_nHorzElements = (int)nHorzCells;
m_nVertElements = (int)nVertCells - 1;
unsigned int nodeIndex = 0;
unsigned int layer = 0;
cvf::Vec3d fromPos;
cvf::Vec3d toPos;
cvf::Vec3d fromStep;
cvf::Vec3d toStep;
for ( auto region : allRegions() )
switch ( region )
case Regions::LowerUnderburden:
fromPos = inputPoints[0];
toPos = inputPoints[6];
fromStep = cvf::Vec3d( 0, 0, 0 );
toStep = cvf::Vec3d( 0, 0, 0 );
case Regions::UpperUnderburden:
fromPos = inputPoints[1];
toPos = inputPoints[7];
fromStep = stepVector( inputPoints[1], inputPoints[2], (int)layersPerRegion[region].size() );
toStep = stepVector( inputPoints[7], inputPoints[8], (int)layersPerRegion[region].size() );
case Regions::Reservoir:
fromPos = inputPoints[2];
toPos = inputPoints[8];
case Regions::LowerOverburden:
fromPos = inputPoints[3];
toPos = inputPoints[9];
fromStep = stepVector( inputPoints[3], inputPoints[4], (int)layersPerRegion[region].size() );
toStep = stepVector( inputPoints[9], inputPoints[10], (int)layersPerRegion[region].size() );
case Regions::UpperOverburden:
fromPos = inputPoints[4];
toPos = inputPoints[10];
fromStep = cvf::Vec3d( 0, 0, 0 );
toStep = cvf::Vec3d( 0, 0, 0 );
for ( int v = 0; v < (int)layersPerRegion[region].size(); v++, layer++ )
if ( ( region == Regions::LowerUnderburden ) || ( region == Regions::UpperOverburden ) )
fromPos.z() = layersPerRegion[region][v];
toPos.z() = layersPerRegion[region][v];
else if ( region == Regions::Reservoir )
fromPos.z() = reservoirZ[v];
cvf::Plane zPlane;
zPlane.setFromPointAndNormal( fromPos, cvf::Vec3d::Z_AXIS );
zPlane.intersect( faultLines[1].start(), faultLines[1].end(), &toPos );
cvf::Vec3d stepHorz = toPos - fromPos;
cvf::Vec3d p;
cvf::Vec3d safetyOffset = fromPos - toPos;
safetyOffset *= m_faultSafetyDistance;
m_meshLines.push_back( { fromPos, toPos } );
for ( int h = 0; h <= (int)nHorzCells; h++ )
p = toPos - horizontalPartition[h] * stepHorz;
for ( int t = 0; t <= nThicknessCells; t++, nodeIndex++ )
auto nodePoint = p + thicknessVectors[t];
// adjust points along the fault line inside the reservoir to make sure they end up at the fault
if ( ( h == (int)nHorzCells ) &&
( ( region == Regions::Reservoir ) || region == Regions::LowerOverburden || region == Regions::UpperUnderburden ) )
cvf::Plane zPlane;
zPlane.setFromPointAndNormal( p, cvf::Vec3d::Z_AXIS );
zPlane.intersect( faultLines[t].start(), faultLines[t].end(), &nodePoint );
m_nodes.push_back( nodePoint );
// move nodes at fault used for data extraction a bit away from the fault
if ( h == (int)nHorzCells )
m_dataNodes.push_back( p + safetyOffset );
m_dataNodes.push_back( p );
if ( layer == 0 )
m_boundaryNodes[Boundary::Bottom].push_back( nodeIndex );
if ( h == 0 )
m_boundaryNodes[Boundary::FarSide].push_back( nodeIndex );
else if ( h == (int)nHorzCells )
m_boundaryNodes[Boundary::Fault].push_back( nodeIndex );
if ( region == Regions::Reservoir )
m_boundaryNodes[Boundary::Reservoir].push_back( nodeIndex );
if ( region != Regions::Reservoir )
fromPos += fromStep;
toPos += toStep;
// ** generate elements of type hex8
m_elementIndices.resize( (size_t)( ( nVertCells - 1 ) * nHorzCells * nThicknessCells ) );
m_borderSurfaceElements[RimFaultReactivation::BorderSurface::Seabed] = {};
m_borderSurfaceElements[RimFaultReactivation::BorderSurface::UpperSurface] = {};
m_borderSurfaceElements[RimFaultReactivation::BorderSurface::FaultSurface] = {};
m_borderSurfaceElements[RimFaultReactivation::BorderSurface::LowerSurface] = {};
m_elementSets[ElementSets::OverBurden] = {};
m_elementSets[ElementSets::Reservoir] = {};
m_elementSets[ElementSets::IntraReservoir] = {};
m_elementSets[ElementSets::UnderBurden] = {};
m_elementSets[ElementSets::FaultZone] = {};
m_boundaryElements[Boundary::Bottom] = {};
m_boundaryElements[Boundary::FarSide] = {};
m_boundaryElements[Boundary::Fault] = {};
int layerIndexOffset = 0;
int elementIdx = 0;
layer = 0;
const int nVertCellsLower = (int)layersPerRegion[Regions::LowerUnderburden].size();
const int nVertCellsFault = (int)( layersPerRegion[Regions::UpperUnderburden].size() + layersPerRegion[Regions::Reservoir].size() +
layersPerRegion[Regions::LowerOverburden].size() );
RimFaultReactivation::BorderSurface currentSurfaceRegion = RimFaultReactivation::BorderSurface::LowerSurface;
const int nextLayerIdxOff = ( (int)nHorzCells + 1 ) * ( nThicknessCells + 1 );
const int nThicknessOff = nThicknessCells + 1;
const int seaBedLayer = (int)( nVertCells - 2 );
const int nFaultZoneStart = (int)nHorzCells - nFaultZoneCells - 1;
for ( int v = 0; v < (int)nVertCells - 1; v++ )
if ( v >= nVertCellsLower ) currentSurfaceRegion = RimFaultReactivation::BorderSurface::FaultSurface;
if ( v >= nVertCellsLower + nVertCellsFault ) currentSurfaceRegion = RimFaultReactivation::BorderSurface::UpperSurface;
int i = layerIndexOffset;
for ( int h = 0; h < (int)nHorzCells; h++ )
for ( int t = 0; t < nThicknessCells; t++, elementIdx++ )
m_elementIndices[elementIdx].push_back( t + i );
m_elementIndices[elementIdx].push_back( t + i + 1 );
m_elementIndices[elementIdx].push_back( t + i + nThicknessOff + 1 );
m_elementIndices[elementIdx].push_back( t + i + nThicknessOff );
m_elementIndices[elementIdx].push_back( t + nextLayerIdxOff + i );
m_elementIndices[elementIdx].push_back( t + nextLayerIdxOff + i + 1 );
m_elementIndices[elementIdx].push_back( t + nextLayerIdxOff + i + nThicknessOff + 1 );
m_elementIndices[elementIdx].push_back( t + nextLayerIdxOff + i + nThicknessOff );
if ( v == 0 )
m_boundaryElements[Boundary::Bottom].push_back( elementIdx );
else if ( v == seaBedLayer )
m_borderSurfaceElements[RimFaultReactivation::BorderSurface::Seabed].push_back( elementIdx );
if ( h == 0 )
m_boundaryElements[Boundary::FarSide].push_back( elementIdx );
bool inFaultZone = ( currentSurfaceRegion == RimFaultReactivation::BorderSurface::FaultSurface ) && ( h > nFaultZoneStart );
if ( inFaultZone ) m_elementSets[RimFaultReactivation::ElementSets::FaultZone].push_back( elementIdx );
i += nThicknessOff;
// add elements to border surface in current region
m_borderSurfaceElements[currentSurfaceRegion].push_back( elementIdx - 2 );
m_borderSurfaceElements[currentSurfaceRegion].push_back( elementIdx - 1 );
layerIndexOffset += nextLayerIdxOff;
// vertical mesh lines for 2d display
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
generateVerticalMeshlines( { inputPoints[i], inputPoints[i + 1], inputPoints[i + 7], inputPoints[i + 6] }, horizontalPartition );
/// Point index in input
/// 1 ____________ 2
/// | /
/// | /
/// | /
/// | /
/// |_______/
/// 0 3
/// Assumes 0->3 and 1->2 is parallel
void RigGriddedPart3d::generateVerticalMeshlines( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& cornerPoints, const std::vector<double>& horzPartition )
cvf::Vec3d step0to3 = cornerPoints[3] - cornerPoints[0];
cvf::Vec3d step1to2 = cornerPoints[2] - cornerPoints[1];
int numHorzCells = (int)horzPartition.size();
for ( int h = 0; h < numHorzCells; h++ )
auto startP = cornerPoints[3] - horzPartition[h] * step0to3;
auto endP = cornerPoints[2] - horzPartition[h] * step1to2;
m_meshLines.push_back( { startP, endP } );
/// returns node in either global or local coords depending on m_useLocalCoordinates flag
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& RigGriddedPart3d::nodes() const
if ( m_useLocalCoordinates ) return m_localNodes;
return m_nodes;
/// Always returns nodes in global coordinates
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& RigGriddedPart3d::globalNodes() const
return m_nodes;
/// Returns nodes in global coordinates, adjusted to always extract data as if the model has no
/// thickness. Additionally, nodes closest to the fault are moved away from the fault
/// to make sure data results come from the correct side of the fault.
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& RigGriddedPart3d::dataNodes() const
return m_dataNodes;
void RigGriddedPart3d::setUseLocalCoordinates( bool useLocalCoordinates )
m_useLocalCoordinates = useLocalCoordinates;
bool RigGriddedPart3d::useLocalCoordinates() const
return m_useLocalCoordinates;
double RigGriddedPart3d::topHeight() const
return m_topHeight;
void RigGriddedPart3d::setFaultSafetyDistance( double distance )
m_faultSafetyDistance = distance;
double RigGriddedPart3d::faultSafetyDistance() const
return m_faultSafetyDistance;
/// Output elements will be of type HEX8
/// 7---------6
/// /| /|
/// / | / |
/// 4---------5 | z
/// | 3------|--2 | y
/// | / | / | /
/// |/ |/ |/
/// 0---------1 ----- x
const std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>& RigGriddedPart3d::elementIndices() const
return m_elementIndices;
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> RigGriddedPart3d::elementCorners( size_t elementIndex ) const
return extractCornersForElement( m_elementIndices, m_nodes, elementIndex );
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> RigGriddedPart3d::elementDataCorners( size_t elementIndex ) const
return extractCornersForElement( m_elementIndices, m_dataNodes, elementIndex );
const std::pair<int, int> RigGriddedPart3d::elementCountHorzVert() const
return { m_nHorzElements, m_nVertElements };
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> RigGriddedPart3d::extractCornersForElement( const std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>& elementIndices,
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& nodes,
size_t elementIndex )
if ( elementIndex >= elementIndices.size() ) return {};
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> corners;
for ( auto nodeIdx : elementIndices[elementIndex] )
if ( nodeIdx >= nodes.size() ) continue;
corners.push_back( nodes[nodeIdx] );
return corners;
const std::map<RimFaultReactivation::BorderSurface, std::vector<unsigned int>>& RigGriddedPart3d::borderSurfaceElements() const
return m_borderSurfaceElements;
const std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>& RigGriddedPart3d::meshLines() const
return m_meshLines;
const std::map<RimFaultReactivation::Boundary, std::vector<unsigned int>>& RigGriddedPart3d::boundaryElements() const
return m_boundaryElements;
const std::map<RimFaultReactivation::Boundary, std::vector<unsigned int>>& RigGriddedPart3d::boundaryNodes() const
return m_boundaryNodes;
const std::map<RimFaultReactivation::ElementSets, std::vector<unsigned int>>& RigGriddedPart3d::elementSets() const
return m_elementSets;
void RigGriddedPart3d::generateLocalNodes( const cvf::Mat4d transform )
// need to flip the Y axis for the element corners to be in an acceptable order for abaqus and the IJK numbering algorithm in resinsight
cvf::Vec3d xAxis = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
cvf::Vec3d yAxis = { 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 };
cvf::Vec3d zAxis = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
cvf::Mat4d flipY = cvf::Mat4d::fromCoordSystemAxes( &xAxis, &yAxis, &zAxis );
for ( auto& node : m_nodes )
auto tn = node.getTransformedPoint( transform );
m_localNodes.push_back( tn.getTransformedPoint( flipY ) );
void RigGriddedPart3d::shiftNodes( const cvf::Vec3d offset )
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)m_nodes.size(); i++ )
m_nodes[i] += offset;
m_dataNodes[i] += offset;
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)m_meshLines.size(); i++ )
for ( int j = 0; j < (int)m_meshLines[i].size(); j++ )
m_meshLines[i][j] += offset;
void RigGriddedPart3d::postProcessElementSets( const RigMainGrid* mainGrid, const RigActiveCellInfo* cellInfo )
std::set<unsigned int> usedElements;
// fault zone elements are already assigned
for ( auto elIdx : m_elementSets[ElementSets::FaultZone] )
usedElements.insert( elIdx );
// look for overburden, starting at top going down
updateElementSet( ElementSets::OverBurden, usedElements, mainGrid, cellInfo, m_nVertElements - 1, -1, -1 );
// look for underburden, starting at bottom going up
updateElementSet( ElementSets::UnderBurden, usedElements, mainGrid, cellInfo, 0, m_nVertElements, 1 );
// remaining elements are in the reservoir
m_elementSets[ElementSets::IntraReservoir] = {};
m_elementSets[ElementSets::Reservoir] = {};
for ( unsigned int element = 0; element < m_elementIndices.size(); element++ )
if ( usedElements.contains( element ) ) continue;
auto corners = elementDataCorners( element );
bool bActive = false;
size_t cellIdx = 0;
for ( const auto& p : corners )
cellIdx = mainGrid->findReservoirCellIndexFromPoint( p );
bActive = ( cellIdx != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T ) && ( cellInfo->isActive( cellIdx ) );
if ( bActive ) break;
if ( bActive )
m_elementSets[ElementSets::Reservoir].push_back( element );
m_elementSets[ElementSets::IntraReservoir].push_back( element );
void RigGriddedPart3d::updateElementSet( ElementSets elSet,
std::set<unsigned int>& usedElements,
const RigMainGrid* mainGrid,
const RigActiveCellInfo* cellInfo,
int rowStart,
int rowEnd,
int rowInc )
for ( int col = 0; col < m_nHorzElements; col++ )
for ( int row = rowStart; row != rowEnd; row += rowInc )
const unsigned int elIdx = (unsigned int)( 2 * ( ( row * m_nHorzElements ) + col ) );
bool bStop = false;
for ( unsigned int t = 0; t < 2; t++ )
if ( usedElements.contains( elIdx + t ) )
bStop = true;
auto corners = elementDataCorners( elIdx + t );
size_t cellIdx = 0;
for ( const auto& p : corners )
cellIdx = mainGrid->findReservoirCellIndexFromPoint( p );
if ( ( cellIdx != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T ) && ( cellInfo->isActive( cellIdx ) ) )
bStop = true;
if ( bStop )
m_elementSets[elSet].push_back( elIdx );
m_elementSets[elSet].push_back( elIdx + 1 );
usedElements.insert( elIdx );
usedElements.insert( elIdx + 1 );