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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
* Fix resampling bug and refactor code - Fix bug for resampling, prevent index increment. - Refactor functions into static functions. - Fix issue in interpolateSegment not using correct indices for depthType != resamplingDepthType - Add unit tests * Change WellAllocationPlot to use step left Remove dummy point and utilize step left for WellAllocationPont * Fix bug in creating resampled values and depths for RigWellLogCurveData * Fix automatic part detection for Fault Reactivation Result - Fix incorrect automatic part detection - Set default distance to intersection to 1.0 [m]
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198 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2023- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "RiaDefines.h"
#include "RigWellLogCurveData.h"
#include "cvfVector3.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
TEST( RigWellLogCurveData, createAndAddInterpolatedSegmentValueAndDepths_first )
// Input data
const std::map<RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum, std::vector<double>> originalDepths =
{ { RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH, { 0.0, 20.0, 40.0 } },
{ RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH, { 0.0, 30.0, 60.0 } },
{ RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::PSEUDO_LENGTH, { 0.0, 40.0, 80.0 } } };
const std::vector<double> propertyValues = { 0.0, 100.0, 150.0 };
const double eps = 1e-6;
// Output data
const auto resamplingDepthType = RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH;
std::vector<double> resampledValues;
std::map<RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum, std::vector<double>> resampledDepths;
// Target data (resampling with MEASURED_DEPTH)
const double targetDepthValue = 10.0; // Halfway between index 0 and 1 for MEASURED_DEPTH in originalDepths
const size_t firstIndex = 0;
const size_t secondIndex = firstIndex + 1;
// Call the function under test
RigWellLogCurveData::createAndAddInterpolatedSegmentValueAndDepths( resampledValues,
eps );
// Check the results
ASSERT_EQ( resampledValues.size(), size_t( 1 ) );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledValues[0], 50.0 );
ASSERT_EQ( resampledDepths.size(), size_t( 3 ) );
ASSERT_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH].size(), size_t( 1 ) );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH][0], 10.0 );
ASSERT_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH].size(), size_t( 1 ) );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH][0], 15.0 );
ASSERT_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::PSEUDO_LENGTH].size(), size_t( 1 ) );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::PSEUDO_LENGTH][0], 20.0 );
TEST( RigWellLogCurveData, createAndAddInterpolatedSegmentValueAndDepths_second )
// Input data
const std::map<RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum, std::vector<double>> originalDepths =
{ { RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH, { 0.0, 20.0, 40.0 } },
{ RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH, { 0.0, 30.0, 60.0 } },
{ RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::PSEUDO_LENGTH, { 0.0, 40.0, 80.0 } } };
const std::vector<double> propertyValues = { 0.0, 100.0, 150.0 };
const double eps = 1e-6;
// Output data
const auto resamplingDepthType = RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH;
std::vector<double> resampledValues;
std::map<RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum, std::vector<double>> resampledDepths;
// Target data (resampling with MEASURED_DEPTH)
const double firstTargetDepthValue = 10.0; // Halfway between first and second index for MEASURED_DEPTH in originalDepths
const double secondTargetDepthValue = 30.0; // Halfway between second and third index for MEASURED_DEPTH in originalDepths
const size_t firstIndex = 0;
const size_t secondIndex = 1;
const size_t thirdIndex = 2;
// Call the function under test with interpolating between first and second index
RigWellLogCurveData::createAndAddInterpolatedSegmentValueAndDepths( resampledValues,
eps );
// Call the function under test with interpolating between second and third index
RigWellLogCurveData::createAndAddInterpolatedSegmentValueAndDepths( resampledValues,
eps );
// Check the results
ASSERT_EQ( resampledValues.size(), size_t( 2 ) );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledValues[0], 50.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledValues[1], 125.0 );
ASSERT_EQ( resampledDepths.size(), size_t( 3 ) );
ASSERT_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH].size(), size_t( 2 ) );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH][0], 10.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH][1], 30.0 );
ASSERT_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH].size(), size_t( 2 ) );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH][0], 15.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH][1], 45.0 );
ASSERT_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::PSEUDO_LENGTH].size(), size_t( 2 ) );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::PSEUDO_LENGTH][0], 20.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::PSEUDO_LENGTH][1], 60.0 );
TEST( RigWellLogCurveData, CreateResampledValuesAndDepthsTest )
// Input data
RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum resamplingDepthType = RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH;
const std::vector<double> targetDepths = { 0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 };
const std::map<RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum, std::vector<double>> originalDepths =
{ { RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH, { 0.0, 10.0, 20.0 } },
{ RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH, { 0.0, 20.0, 40.0 } },
{ RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::PSEUDO_LENGTH, { 0.0, 30.0, 60.0 } } };
const std::vector<double> propertyValues = { 0.0, 100.0, 200.0 };
// Call the function under test
auto result = RigWellLogCurveData::createResampledValuesAndDepths( resamplingDepthType, targetDepths, originalDepths, propertyValues );
// Check the results
std::vector<double>& resampledPropertyValues = result.first;
std::map<RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum, std::vector<double>>& resampledDepths = result.second;
const auto expectedSize = targetDepths.size();
ASSERT_EQ( resampledDepths.size(), originalDepths.size() );
ASSERT_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH].size(), expectedSize );
ASSERT_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH].size(), expectedSize );
ASSERT_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::PSEUDO_LENGTH].size(), expectedSize );
ASSERT_EQ( resampledPropertyValues.size(), expectedSize );
// Example assertions for the specific values
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledPropertyValues[0], 0.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledPropertyValues[1], 50.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledPropertyValues[2], 100.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledPropertyValues[3], 150.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH][0], 0.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH][1], 5.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH][2], 10.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH][3], 15.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH][0], 0.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH][1], 10.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH][2], 20.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH][3], 30.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::PSEUDO_LENGTH][0], 0.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::PSEUDO_LENGTH][1], 15.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::PSEUDO_LENGTH][2], 30.0 );
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( resampledDepths[RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::PSEUDO_LENGTH][3], 45.0 );