2014-01-02 12:14:28 +01:00

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Command Line Parameters

Parameter Description
--last Open last used project.
--project <filename> Open project file .
--case <casename> Import Eclipse case (do not include .GRID/.EGRID)
--startdir <folder> Set startup directory.
--savesnapshots Save snapshot of all views to 'snapshots' folder in project file folder. Application closes after snapshots have been written.
--size <width> <height> Set size of the main application window.
--replaceCase [<caseId>] <newGridFile> Replace grid in or first case with .
--replaceSourceCases [<caseGroupId>] <gridListFile> Replace source cases in or first grid case group with the grid files listed in the file.
--multiCaseSnapshots <gridListFile> For each grid file listed in the file, replace the first case in the project and save snapshot of all views.
--help, -? Displays help text and version info
--regressiontest <folder> Run a regression test on all sub-folders starting with TestCase* of the given folder. files in the sub-folders will be opened and snapshots of all the views is written to the sub-sub-folder RegTestGeneratedImages. Then difference images is generated in the sub-sub-folder RegTestDiffImages based on the images in sub-sub-folder RegTestBaseImages. The results are presented in ResInsightRegressionTestReport.html that is written in the given folder.
--updateregressiontestbase <folder> For all sub-folders starting with TestCase*, copy the images in the sub-sub-folder RegTestGeneratedImages to the sub-sub-folder RegTestBaseImages after deleting RegTestBaseImages completely.

See also the Regression Test System for a more in-depth explanation.
