jonjenssen 6d225a9da3
Fault Reactivation: Add minimum cell height limit (#11036)
Fault Reactivation: Add minimum cell height limit
2024-01-10 08:14:37 +01:00

727 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2023 Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator.h"
#include "RiaApplication.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigFault.h"
#include "RigGriddedPart3d.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RimCellFilterCollection.h"
#include "RimEclipseCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimGridView.h"
#include "RimUserDefinedIndexFilter.h"
#include "cafHexGridIntersectionTools/cafHexGridIntersectionTools.h"
RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator( cvf::Vec3d position, cvf::Vec3d normal )
: m_startPosition( position )
, m_normal( normal )
, m_bufferAboveFault( 0.0 )
, m_bufferBelowFault( 0.0 )
, m_startDepth( 0.0 )
, m_depthBelowFault( 100.0 )
, m_horzExtentFromFault( 1000.0 )
, m_modelThickness( 100.0 )
, m_useLocalCoordinates( false )
, m_cellSizeHeightFactor( 1.0 )
, m_cellSizeWidthFactor( 1.0 )
, m_minCellHeight( 0.5 )
, m_maxCellHeight( 20.0 )
, m_minCellWidth( 20.0 )
void RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::setFault( const RigFault* fault )
m_fault = fault;
void RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::setGrid( const RigMainGrid* grid )
m_grid = grid;
void RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::setActiveCellInfo( const RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo )
m_activeCellInfo = activeCellInfo;
void RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::setFaultBufferDepth( double aboveFault, double belowFault )
m_bufferAboveFault = aboveFault;
m_bufferBelowFault = belowFault;
void RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::setModelSize( double startDepth, double depthBelowFault, double horzExtentFromFault )
m_startDepth = startDepth;
m_depthBelowFault = depthBelowFault;
m_horzExtentFromFault = horzExtentFromFault;
void RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::setModelThickness( double thickness )
m_modelThickness = thickness;
void RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::setUseLocalCoordinates( bool useLocalCoordinates )
m_useLocalCoordinates = useLocalCoordinates;
void RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::setModelGriddingOptions( double minCellHeight,
double maxCellHeight,
double cellSizeFactorHeight,
double minCellWidth,
double cellSizeFactorWidth )
m_minCellHeight = minCellHeight;
m_maxCellHeight = maxCellHeight;
m_cellSizeHeightFactor = cellSizeFactorHeight;
m_minCellWidth = minCellWidth;
m_cellSizeWidthFactor = cellSizeFactorWidth;
std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d> RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::modelLocalNormalsXY()
cvf::Vec3d xNormal = m_normal ^ cvf::Vec3d::Z_AXIS;
xNormal.z() = 0.0;
cvf::Vec3d yNormal = xNormal ^ cvf::Vec3d::Z_AXIS;
return std::make_pair( xNormal, yNormal );
void RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::setupLocalCoordinateTransform()
auto [xNormal, yNormal] = modelLocalNormalsXY();
m_localCoordTransform = cvf::Mat4d::fromCoordSystemAxes( &xNormal, &yNormal, &cvf::Vec3d::Z_AXIS );
cvf::Vec3d center = m_startPosition * -1.0;
center.z() = 0.0;
center.transformPoint( m_localCoordTransform );
m_localCoordTransform.setTranslation( center );
/// change corner order to be consistent so that index (0,1) and (2,3) gives the lower and upper horz. lines no matter what I or J face we
/// have
const std::array<int, 4> RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::faceIJCornerIndexes( cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType face )
switch ( face )
case cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_I:
case cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_J:
return { 0, 1, 3, 2 };
case cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_I:
case cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_J:
return { 0, 3, 1, 2 };
case cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_K:
case cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_K:
case cvf::StructGridInterface::NO_FACE:
CVF_ASSERT( false ); // not supported for K faces
return { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
cvf::Vec3d RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::lineIntersect( const cvf::Plane& plane, cvf::Vec3d lineA, cvf::Vec3d lineB )
double dist = 0.0;
return caf::HexGridIntersectionTools::planeLineIntersectionForMC( plane, lineA, lineB, &dist );
size_t RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::oppositeStartCellIndex( const std::vector<size_t> cellIndexColumn,
cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType face )
auto oppositeStartFace = cvf::StructGridInterface::oppositeFace( face );
bool bFoundOppositeCell = false;
size_t oppositeCellIdx = 0;
for ( auto backCellIdx : cellIndexColumn )
for ( auto& faultFace : m_fault->faultFaces() )
if ( ( faultFace.m_nativeFace == face ) && ( faultFace.m_nativeReservoirCellIndex == backCellIdx ) )
bFoundOppositeCell = true;
oppositeCellIdx = faultFace.m_oppositeReservoirCellIndex;
else if ( ( faultFace.m_nativeFace == oppositeStartFace ) && ( faultFace.m_oppositeReservoirCellIndex == backCellIdx ) )
bFoundOppositeCell = true;
oppositeCellIdx = faultFace.m_nativeReservoirCellIndex;
if ( bFoundOppositeCell ) break;
return oppositeCellIdx;
void RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::addFilter( QString name, std::vector<size_t> cells )
RimEclipseView* view = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseView*>( RiaApplication::instance()->activeGridView() );
if ( view == nullptr ) return;
auto cellFilters = view->cellFilterCollection();
if ( cellFilters == nullptr ) return;
auto eCase = cellFilters->firstAncestorOfType<RimEclipseCase>();
auto filter = cellFilters->addNewUserDefinedIndexFilter( eCase, cells );
filter->setName( name );
const std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 12>& RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::frontPoints() const
return m_frontPoints;
const std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 12>& RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::backPoints() const
return m_backPoints;
/// <---- fault normal *
/// *
/// 15 *
/// 7---------|------------ 23 top model *
/// | | | *
/// | | | *
/// 6|_____14_|___________| 22 top fault w/buffer *
/// 5|-----13-\-----------| 21 top fault front *
/// 4|---------\-12-------| 20 top fault back *
/// | X | start position in fault (user selected) *
/// 3|--------11-\--------| 19 bottom fault front *
/// 2|------------\-10----| 18 bottom fault back *
/// 1|_____________\______| 17 bottom fault w/buffer *
/// | 9| | *
/// | | | *
/// | | | *
/// 0--------------|------- 16 bottom model *
/// 8 *
/// front back *
void RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::generatePointsFrontBack()
std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 24> points;
auto alongModel = m_normal ^ cvf::Vec3d::Z_AXIS;
double top_depth = -m_startDepth;
double bottom_depth = m_bottomFault.z() - m_depthBelowFault;
cvf::Vec3d edge_front = m_startPosition - m_horzExtentFromFault * alongModel;
cvf::Vec3d edge_back = m_startPosition + m_horzExtentFromFault * alongModel;
points[8] = m_bottomFault;
points[8].z() = bottom_depth;
points[9] = m_bottomFault;
points[10] = m_bottomReservoirBack;
points[11] = m_bottomReservoirFront;
points[12] = m_topReservoirBack;
points[13] = m_topReservoirFront;
points[14] = m_topFault;
points[15] = m_topFault;
points[15].z() = top_depth;
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
points[i] = edge_front;
points[i].z() = points[i + 8].z();
for ( int i = 16; i < 24; i++ )
points[i] = edge_back;
points[i].z() = points[i - 8].z();
std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 12> frontPoints;
std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 12> backPoints;
// only return the corner points used for each part
std::vector<size_t> frontMap = { 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 };
std::vector<size_t> backMap = { 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15 };
for ( int i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
m_frontPoints[i] = points[frontMap[i]];
m_backPoints[i] = points[backMap[i]];
m_horizontalPartition = partition( m_startPosition.pointDistance( edge_front ), m_minCellWidth, m_cellSizeWidthFactor );
// we start gridding from the far edges of the model, reverse the partition
std::reverse( m_horizontalPartition.begin(), m_horizontalPartition.end() );
const std::vector<double> RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::partition( double distance, double startSize, double sizeFactor )
std::vector<double> parts;
double d = 0;
double step = startSize;
while ( d < distance )
parts.push_back( d / distance );
d += step;
step *= sizeFactor;
// get rid of outermost cell column if too small
if ( distance * ( 1.0 - parts.back() ) < startSize ) parts.pop_back();
parts.push_back( 1.0 );
return parts;
std::vector<int> RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::elementKLayers( const std::vector<size_t>& cellIndexColumn )
std::vector<int> kLayers;
size_t i, j, k;
for ( auto idx : cellIndexColumn )
m_grid->ijkFromCellIndexUnguarded( idx, &i, &j, &k );
if ( m_activeCellInfo->isActive( idx ) )
kLayers.push_back( (int)k );
kLayers.push_back( -1 * (int)k );
std::reverse( kLayers.begin(), kLayers.end() );
return kLayers;
void RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::generateGeometry( size_t startCellIndex,
cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType startFace,
RigGriddedPart3d* frontPart,
RigGriddedPart3d* backPart )
std::vector<size_t> cellColumnBackSearch;
std::vector<size_t> cellColumnBack;
std::vector<size_t> cellColumnFront;
size_t i, j, k;
// build column of cells behind fault
m_grid->ijkFromCellIndexUnguarded( startCellIndex, &i, &j, &k );
cellColumnBackSearch.push_back( startCellIndex ); // want the user clicked cell to be the first in the search list
for ( size_t kLayer = 0; kLayer < m_grid->cellCountK(); kLayer++ )
if ( !m_grid->isCellValid( i, j, kLayer ) ) continue;
auto cellIdx = m_grid->cellIndexFromIJKUnguarded( i, j, kLayer );
if ( cellIdx != startCellIndex ) cellColumnBackSearch.push_back( cellIdx );
cellColumnBack.push_back( cellIdx );
// build cell column of cells in front of fault, opposite to the cell column behind the fault
auto oppositeStartFace = cvf::StructGridInterface::oppositeFace( startFace );
size_t oppositeCellIdx = oppositeStartCellIndex( cellColumnBackSearch, startFace );
m_grid->ijkFromCellIndexUnguarded( oppositeCellIdx, &i, &j, &k );
for ( size_t kLayer = 0; kLayer < m_grid->cellCountK(); kLayer++ )
if ( !m_grid->isCellValid( i, j, kLayer ) ) continue;
auto cellIdx = m_grid->cellIndexFromIJKUnguarded( i, j, kLayer );
cellColumnFront.push_back( cellIdx );
auto zPositionsBack = elementLayers( startFace, cellColumnBack );
auto zPositionsFront = elementLayers( oppositeStartFace, cellColumnFront );
auto kLayersBack = elementKLayers( cellColumnBack );
auto kLayersFront = elementKLayers( cellColumnFront );
// add extra fault buffer below the fault, starting at the deepest bottom-most cell on either side of the fault
double front_bottom = zPositionsFront.begin()->first;
double back_bottom = zPositionsBack.begin()->first;
m_bottomReservoirFront = zPositionsFront.begin()->second;
m_bottomReservoirBack = zPositionsBack.begin()->second;
cvf::Vec3d bottom_point = m_bottomReservoirFront;
if ( front_bottom > back_bottom )
bottom_point = extrapolatePoint( ( ++zPositionsBack.begin() )->second, zPositionsBack.begin()->second, m_bufferBelowFault );
else if ( front_bottom < back_bottom )
bottom_point = extrapolatePoint( ( ++zPositionsFront.begin() )->second, zPositionsFront.begin()->second, m_bufferBelowFault );
m_bottomFault = bottom_point;
// add extra fault buffer above the fault, starting at the shallowest top-most cell on either side of the fault
double front_top = zPositionsFront.rbegin()->first;
double back_top = zPositionsBack.rbegin()->first;
m_topReservoirFront = zPositionsFront.rbegin()->second;
m_topReservoirBack = zPositionsBack.rbegin()->second;
cvf::Vec3d top_point = m_topReservoirFront;
if ( front_top > back_top )
top_point = extrapolatePoint( ( ++zPositionsFront.rbegin() )->second, zPositionsFront.rbegin()->second, m_bufferAboveFault );
else if ( front_top < back_top )
top_point = extrapolatePoint( ( ++zPositionsBack.rbegin() )->second, zPositionsBack.rbegin()->second, m_bufferAboveFault );
m_topFault = top_point;
mergeTinyLayers( zPositionsFront, kLayersFront, m_minCellHeight );
mergeTinyLayers( zPositionsBack, kLayersBack, m_minCellHeight );
splitLargeLayers( zPositionsFront, kLayersFront, m_maxCellHeight );
splitLargeLayers( zPositionsBack, kLayersBack, m_maxCellHeight );
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> frontReservoirLayers;
for ( auto& kvp : zPositionsFront )
frontReservoirLayers.push_back( kvp.second );
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> backReservoirLayers;
for ( auto& kvp : zPositionsBack )
backReservoirLayers.push_back( kvp.second );
frontPart->generateGeometry( m_frontPoints,
m_topReservoirFront.z() );
backPart->generateGeometry( m_backPoints,
m_topReservoirBack.z() );
frontPart->generateLocalNodes( m_localCoordTransform );
backPart->generateLocalNodes( m_localCoordTransform );
frontPart->setUseLocalCoordinates( m_useLocalCoordinates );
backPart->setUseLocalCoordinates( m_useLocalCoordinates );
std::map<double, cvf::Vec3d> RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::elementLayers( cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType face,
std::vector<size_t>& cellIndexColumn )
cvf::Plane modelPlane;
modelPlane.setFromPointAndNormal( m_startPosition, m_normal );
auto cornerIndexes = faceIJCornerIndexes( face );
std::map<double, cvf::Vec3d> zPositions;
std::vector<size_t> okCells;
for ( auto cellIdx : cellIndexColumn )
RigCell cell = m_grid->cell( cellIdx );
auto corners = cell.faceCorners( face );
cvf::Vec3d intersect1 = lineIntersect( modelPlane, corners[cornerIndexes[0]], corners[cornerIndexes[1]] );
cvf::Vec3d intersect2 = lineIntersect( modelPlane, corners[cornerIndexes[2]], corners[cornerIndexes[3]] );
if ( intersect1.z() != intersect2.z() )
zPositions[intersect1.z()] = intersect1;
zPositions[intersect2.z()] = intersect2;
okCells.push_back( cellIdx );
// only keep cells that have a valid height at the plane intersection
for ( auto idx : okCells )
cellIndexColumn.push_back( idx );
return zPositions;
cvf::Vec3d RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::extrapolatePoint( cvf::Vec3d startPoint, cvf::Vec3d endPoint, double buffer )
cvf::Vec3d direction = endPoint - startPoint;
return endPoint + ( buffer * direction );
void RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::mergeTinyLayers( std::map<double, cvf::Vec3d>& layers, std::vector<int>& kLayers, double minHeight )
std::vector<int> newKLayers;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> newLayers;
const int nLayers = (int)layers.size();
std::vector<double> keys;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> vals;
for ( auto& layer : layers )
keys.push_back( layer.first );
vals.push_back( layer.second );
// bottom layer must always be included
newLayers.push_back( vals.front() );
newKLayers.push_back( kLayers.front() );
// remove any layer that is less than minHeight above the previous layer, starting at the bottom
for ( int k = 1; k < nLayers - 1; k++ )
if ( std::abs( keys[k] - keys[k - 1] ) < minHeight )
newKLayers.push_back( kLayers[k] );
newLayers.push_back( vals[k] );
// top layer must always be included
newLayers.push_back( vals.back() );
// make sure the top two layers aren't too close, if so, remove the second topmost
const int nNewLayers = (int)newLayers.size();
if ( nNewLayers > 2 )
if ( std::abs( newLayers[nNewLayers - 1].z() - newLayers[nNewLayers - 2].z() ) < minHeight )
newLayers.push_back( vals.back() );
for ( auto& p : newLayers )
layers[p.z()] = p;
for ( auto k : newKLayers )
kLayers.push_back( k );
void RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::splitLargeLayers( std::map<double, cvf::Vec3d>& layers, std::vector<int>& kLayers, double maxHeight )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> additionalPoints;
std::vector<int> newKLayers;
const int nLayers = (int)layers.size();
const int nKLayers = (int)kLayers.size();
std::vector<double> keys;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> vals;
for ( auto& layer : layers )
keys.push_back( layer.first );
vals.push_back( layer.second );
for ( int k = 0; k < nLayers; k++ )
if ( k > 0 )
if ( std::abs( keys[k] - keys[k - 1] ) > maxHeight )
const auto& points = interpolateExtraPoints( vals[k - 1], vals[k], maxHeight );
for ( auto& p : points )
additionalPoints.push_back( p );
newKLayers.push_back( kLayers[k - 1] );
if ( k < nKLayers ) newKLayers.push_back( kLayers[k] );
for ( auto& p : additionalPoints )
layers[p.z()] = p;
for ( auto k : newKLayers )
kLayers.push_back( k );
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::interpolateExtraPoints( cvf::Vec3d from, cvf::Vec3d to, double maxStep )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> points;
const double distance = from.pointDistance( to );
const int nSteps = (int)std::ceil( distance / maxStep );
const double stepSize = distance / nSteps;
auto stepVec = to - from;
stepVec *= stepSize;
cvf::Vec3d p = from;
for ( int i = 1; i < nSteps; i++ )
p += stepVec;
points.push_back( p );
return points;
const cvf::Vec3d RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::normal() const
return m_normal;
const std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d> RigFaultReactivationModelGenerator::faultTopBottomPoints() const
return std::make_pair( m_topFault, m_bottomFault );