2013-10-28 07:03:06 +01:00

2.0 KiB


Documentation files uses the GitHub markdown syntax. A common file extension for markdown files is .md.

GitHub Markdown syntax

How to produce PDF from markdown files

Pandoc can be used to generated PDF from a markdown file like this

pandoc -f markdown_github -o GettingStarted.pdf

See here for information on Pandoc

Internal documentation notes

Produce PDF from markup - 28. oct 2013

The documentation for Git is build using a set of markup files. Below is a set of command history on Ubuntu 13.04 to be able to produce PDF from markup.

NOTE: On Ubuntu, use the following fonts in latex/config.yml Ubuntu for normal text and DejaVu Sans Mono for monospace.

16  cd ..
17  git clone
18  cd progit/
19  ls
20  ./makepdfs en
21  sudo apt-get install ruby
22  ./makepdfs en
23  sudo apt-get install pandoc
24  ./makepdfs en
25  sudo apt-get install xelatex
26  sudo apt-get install texlive-xetex
27  ./makepdfs en
28  dir
29  sudo apt-get install texlive
30  ./makepdfs en
31  sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra
32  sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-base
33  ./makepdfs en
34  sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra
35  ./makepdfs en
36  ls
37  cd latex/
38  ls
39  kate config.yml 
40  sudo apt-get install kate
41  kedit config.yml 
42  gedit config.yml 
44  cd ..
45  ls
46  ./makepdfs en
47  fc-match helvetica
48  ./makepdfs en
49  fc-list
50  fc-match helvetica
51  fc-match helvetica neue
52  ./makepdfs en
53  fc-list
54  ./makepdfs en
55  ./makepdfs en --debug
56  ./makepdfs en
57  ls
58  ./progit.en.pdf
59  evince
60  history