Add MEX gateway to constructing coarse-scale inverse inner product

matrix.  Add test script too.  Runs, but does not yet produce
  expected results.
This commit is contained in:
Bård Skaflestad 2010-09-07 17:34:16 +00:00
parent bb4dc52e70
commit 1dd34c7a4c
2 changed files with 287 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mex.h>
#include "partition.h"
#include "coarse_sys.h"
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int
args_ok(int nlhs, int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int i, ok;
ok = (nlhs == 2) && (nrhs == 6);
ok = ok && mxIsDouble(prhs[0]);
ok = ok && mxIsDouble(prhs[1]);
for (i = 2; ok && (i < nrhs); i++) {
ok = mxIsDouble(prhs[i]) || mxIsInt32(prhs[i]);
return ok;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
extract_int_vec(const mxArray *M_v, int *v)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
size_t i, n;
int *pi;
double *pd;
n = mxGetNumberOfElements(M_v);
if (mxIsDouble(M_v)) {
pd = mxGetPr(M_v);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { v[i] = pd[i]; }
} else {
pi = mxGetData(M_v);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { v[i] = pi[i]; }
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
add_constant(size_t n, int a, int *v)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { v[i] += a; }
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int
max_element(size_t n, int *v)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ret;
size_t i;
ret = v[0];
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
ret = (v[i] > ret) ? v[i] : ret;
return ret;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int
max_diff(size_t n, int *p)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int d, ret;
size_t i;
ret = -1;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
d = p[i + 1] - p[i];
ret = (d > ret) ? d : ret;
return ret;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int
extract_partition(const mxArray *M_p, int *nc, int *nb, int **p)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ret;
*nc = mxGetNumberOfElements(M_p);
*p = mxMalloc(*nc * sizeof **p);
if (*p != NULL) {
extract_int_vec(M_p, *p);
add_constant(*nc, -1, *p);
*nb = max_element(*nc, *p) + 1;
ret = 1;
} else {
ret = 0;
return ret;
* [cell_ip, Binv] = mex_compute_coarse_contrib(BIf, Psi, p, pconn, ...
* dof_pos, blk_ncf)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ok, nc, nb, b, i, tmp, max_bcells, max_nconn, max_nbpair;
int *p, *pconn, *blk_ncf, *b2c_pos, *b2c;
size_t totblkdof;
char errmsg[1023 + 1];
double *BI, *work, *totmob;
struct coarse_sys sys;
if (args_ok(nlhs, nrhs, prhs)) {
BI = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
sys.basis = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
ok = extract_partition(prhs[2], &nc, &nb, &p);
if (ok) {
ok = partition_allocate_inverse(nc, nb - 1,
&b2c_pos, &b2c);
pconn = mxMalloc((nc + 1) * sizeof *pconn );
blk_ncf = mxMalloc( nb * sizeof *blk_ncf );
sys.dof_pos = mxMalloc((nb + 1) * sizeof *sys.dof_pos);
sys.bf_pos = mxCalloc( nb + 1 , sizeof *sys.bf_pos );
sys.ip_pos = mxCalloc( nb + 1 , sizeof *sys.ip_pos );
if (ok && (pconn != NULL) && (blk_ncf != NULL) &&
(sys.dof_pos != NULL) && (sys.bf_pos != NULL) &&
(sys.ip_pos != NULL)) {
partition_invert(nc, p, b2c_pos, b2c);
extract_int_vec(prhs[3], pconn );
extract_int_vec(prhs[4], sys.dof_pos);
extract_int_vec(prhs[5], blk_ncf );
add_constant(nc + 1, -1, pconn);
add_constant(nb + 1, -1, sys.dof_pos);
max_nconn = max_diff(nc, pconn);
max_bcells = max_diff(nb, b2c_pos);
max_nbpair = max_diff(nb, sys.dof_pos);
max_nbpair = max_nbpair * (max_nbpair + 1) / 2;
totblkdof = 0;
for (b = 1; b <= nb; b++) {
tmp = sys.dof_pos[b] - sys.dof_pos[b - 1];
totblkdof += tmp * tmp;
sys.bf_pos[b] = sys.bf_pos[b - 1] + tmp*blk_ncf[b - 1];
tmp = tmp * (tmp + 1) / 2;
sys.ip_pos[b] = sys.ip_pos[b - 1] + tmp*(b2c_pos[b] - b2c_pos[b - 1]);
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(sys.ip_pos[nb], 1, mxREAL);
plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(totblkdof , 1, mxREAL);
work = mxMalloc((max_bcells + max_nbpair*(max_nbpair + 1)/2) *
sizeof *work);
totmob = mxMalloc(nc * sizeof *totmob);
if ((plhs[0] != NULL) && (plhs[1] != NULL) &&
(work != NULL) && (totmob != NULL)) {
sys.cell_ip = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
sys.Binv = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) { totmob[i] = 1.0; }
coarse_sys_compute_cell_ip(nc, max_nconn, nb, pconn, BI,
b2c_pos, b2c, &sys);
coarse_sys_compute_Binv(nb, max_bcells, totmob,
b2c_pos, b2c, &sys, work);
if (totmob != NULL) { mxFree(totmob); }
if (work != NULL) { mxFree(work); }
if (sys.ip_pos != NULL) { mxFree(sys.ip_pos); }
if (sys.bf_pos != NULL) { mxFree(sys.bf_pos); }
if (sys.dof_pos != NULL) { mxFree(sys.dof_pos); }
if (blk_ncf != NULL) { mxFree(blk_ncf); }
if (pconn != NULL) { mxFree(pconn); }
partition_deallocate_inverse(b2c_pos, b2c);
if (p != NULL) { mxFree(p); }
} else {
"Calling sequence is\n\t"
"[cell_ip, Binv] = %s(BIf, Psi, p, pconn, dof_pos, blk_ncf)",

test_cs_assembly.m Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
g = computeGeometry(cartGrid([4, 4]));
rock.perm = ones([g.cells.num, 1]);
[BI, pconn, conn] = mex_ip_simple(g, rock);
nconn = double(diff(pconn));
[i, j] = blockDiagIndex(nconn, nconn);
S = struct('BI', sparse(i, j, BI), 'type', 'hybrid', 'ip', 'ip_simple');
x = initResSol(g, 0);
fluid = initSingleFluid('mu', 1, 'rho', 1);
mu =;
s = fluid.saturation(x);
kr = fluid.relperm(s, x);
mob = sum(bsxfun(@rdivide, kr, mu), 2);
p = mex_partition_ui(double(g.cells.indexMap), g.cartDims, [2, 2]);
[b2c_pos, b2c] = mex_partition_invert(p);
cg = mex_generate_coarsegrid(g, p, 5);
cs = generateCoarseSystem(g, rock, S, cg, mob);
BPsi = basisMatrixHybrid(g, cg, cs);
Psi = S.BI * BPsi;
cellno = rldecode(1:g.cells.num, diff(g.cells.facePos), 2) .';
a = sortrows([double(p(cellno)), (1:size(g.cells.faces,1))']);
blkcf_pos = cumsum([1; accumarray(a(:,1), 1)]);
blkno = rldecode(1:cg.cells.num, diff(cg.cells.facePos), 2) .';
t = [blkno(cs.activeCellFaces), (1 : numel(cs.activeCellFaces)) .'];
tpos = cumsum([1; accumarray(t(:,1), 1)]);
Psi_vals = [];
for b = 1 : numel(tpos) - 1,
for cf = reshape(t(tpos(b) : tpos(b+1) - 1, 2), 1, []),
Psi_vals = [Psi_vals; ...
full(Psi(a(blkcf_pos(b) : blkcf_pos(b+1) - 1, 2), cf))];
dof = zeros([cg.faces.num, 1]);
dof(cs.activeFaces) = 1 : numel(cs.activeFaces);
[cell_ip, Binv] = mex_compute_coarse_contrib(BI, Psi_vals, p, pconn, ...
tpos, diff(blkcf_pos));
[ss, rr, ff, ll] = ...
mex_schur_comp_symm(Binv, tpos, dof(cg.cells.faces(cs.activeCellFaces)));