Fix mass balance reporting.

Multiple issues:
  - now reporting surface volumes, not reservoir volumes,
  - fixed reporting for the case of multiple transport steps.
This commit is contained in:
Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen 2012-10-02 15:47:47 +02:00
parent 66fe242280
commit 64aab3cc49

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@ -320,15 +320,11 @@ namespace Opm
Opm::time::StopWatch step_timer;
Opm::time::StopWatch total_timer;
double init_satvol[2] = { 0.0 };
double satvol[2] = { 0.0 };
double injected[2] = { 0.0 };
double produced[2] = { 0.0 };
double init_surfvol[2] = { 0.0 };
double inplace_surfvol[2] = { 0.0 };
double tot_injected[2] = { 0.0 };
double tot_produced[2] = { 0.0 };
Opm::computeSaturatedVol(porevol, state.saturation(), init_satvol);
std::cout << "\nInitial saturations are " << init_satvol[0]/tot_porevol_init
<< " " << init_satvol[1]/tot_porevol_init << std::endl;
Opm::computeSaturatedVol(porevol, state.surfacevol(), init_surfvol);
Opm::Watercut watercut;
watercut.push(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Opm::WellReport wellreport;
@ -445,11 +441,20 @@ namespace Opm
stepsize /= double(num_transport_substeps_);
std::cout << "Making " << num_transport_substeps_ << " transport substeps." << std::endl;
double injected[2] = { 0.0 };
double produced[2] = { 0.0 };
for (int tr_substep = 0; tr_substep < num_transport_substeps_; ++tr_substep) {
tsolver_.solve(&state.faceflux()[0], &state.pressure()[0],
&initial_porevol[0], &porevol[0], &transport_src[0], stepsize,
state.saturation(), state.surfacevol());
Opm::computeInjectedProduced(props_, state, transport_src, stepsize, injected, produced);
double substep_injected[2] = { 0.0 };
double substep_produced[2] = { 0.0 };
Opm::computeInjectedProduced(props_, state, transport_src, stepsize,
substep_injected, substep_produced);
injected[0] += substep_injected[0];
injected[1] += substep_injected[1];
produced[0] += substep_produced[0];
produced[1] += substep_produced[1];
if (gravity_ != 0 && use_segregation_split_) {
tsolver_.solveGravity(columns_, stepsize, state.saturation(), state.surfacevol());
@ -460,35 +465,35 @@ namespace Opm
std::cout << "Transport solver took: " << tt << " seconds." << std::endl;
ttime += tt;
// Report volume balances.
Opm::computeSaturatedVol(porevol, state.saturation(), satvol);
Opm::computeSaturatedVol(porevol, state.surfacevol(), inplace_surfvol);
tot_injected[0] += injected[0];
tot_injected[1] += injected[1];
tot_produced[0] += produced[0];
tot_produced[1] += produced[1];
const int width = 18;
std::cout << "\nVolume balance report (all numbers relative to total pore volume).\n";
std::cout << " Saturated volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << satvol[0]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << satvol[1]/tot_porevol_init << std::endl;
std::cout << " Injected volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << injected[0]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << injected[1]/tot_porevol_init << std::endl;
std::cout << " Produced volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << produced[0]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << produced[1]/tot_porevol_init << std::endl;
std::cout << " Total inj volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << tot_injected[0]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << tot_injected[1]/tot_porevol_init << std::endl;
std::cout << " Total prod volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << tot_produced[0]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << tot_produced[1]/tot_porevol_init << std::endl;
std::cout << " In-place + prod - inj: "
<< std::setw(width) << (satvol[0] + tot_produced[0] - tot_injected[0])/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << (satvol[1] + tot_produced[1] - tot_injected[1])/tot_porevol_init << std::endl;
std::cout << " Init - now - pr + inj: "
<< std::setw(width) << (init_satvol[0] - satvol[0] - tot_produced[0] + tot_injected[0])/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << (init_satvol[1] - satvol[1] - tot_produced[1] + tot_injected[1])/tot_porevol_init
std::cout << "\nMass balance report.\n";
std::cout << " Injected surface volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << injected[0]
<< std::setw(width) << injected[1] << std::endl;
std::cout << " Produced surface volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << produced[0]
<< std::setw(width) << produced[1] << std::endl;
std::cout << " Total inj surface volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << tot_injected[0]
<< std::setw(width) << tot_injected[1] << std::endl;
std::cout << " Total prod surface volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << tot_produced[0]
<< std::setw(width) << tot_produced[1] << std::endl;
const double balance[2] = { init_surfvol[0] - inplace_surfvol[0] - tot_produced[0] + tot_injected[0],
init_surfvol[1] - inplace_surfvol[1] - tot_produced[1] + tot_injected[1] };
std::cout << " Initial - inplace + inj - prod: "
<< std::setw(width) << balance[0]
<< std::setw(width) << balance[1]
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Relative mass error: "
<< std::setw(width) << balance[0]/(init_surfvol[0] + tot_injected[0])
<< std::setw(width) << balance[1]/(init_surfvol[1] + tot_injected[1])
<< std::endl;