Merge pull request #647 from totto82/fix_init

Fix initialization
This commit is contained in:
Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen 2014-09-02 15:42:24 +02:00
commit 6c0f90b8cc

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@ -394,44 +394,15 @@ namespace Opm
assign(G, opress, z0, cells, press);
const double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
const double woc = reg.zwoc();
// Oil pressure at WOC, Pc_ow = Po - Pw, dPc_ow/dSw <= 0
if ( woc < span[0] ) {
// WOC above reservoir (model entirely water filled)
po_woc = - inf;
else if ( woc > span[1] ) {
// WOC below reservoir (no mobile water)
po_woc = inf;
else {
// if WOC is within the reservoir.
if (z0 > woc) { po_woc = opress[0](woc); } // WOC above datum
else if (z0 < woc) { po_woc = opress[1](woc); } // WOC below datum
else { po_woc = p0; } // WOC *at* datum
if (z0 > woc) { po_woc = opress[0](woc); } // WOC above datum
else if (z0 < woc) { po_woc = opress[1](woc); } // WOC below datum
else { po_woc = p0; } // WOC *at* datum
const double goc = reg.zgoc();
// Oil pressure at GOC, Pc_go = Pg - Po, dPc_go/dSg >= 0
if ( goc < span[0] ) {
// GOC above reservoir (no gas phase)
po_goc = -inf;
else if ( goc > span[1] ) {
// GOC below reservoir (model entirely gas filled)
po_goc = inf;
else {
// if GOC is within the reservoir.
if (z0 > goc) { po_goc = opress[0](goc); } // GOC above datum
else if (z0 < goc) { po_goc = opress[1](goc); } // GOC below datum
else { po_goc = p0; } // GOC *at* datum
if (z0 > goc) { po_goc = opress[0](goc); } // GOC above datum
else if (z0 < goc) { po_goc = opress[1](goc); } // GOC below datum
else { po_goc = p0; } // GOC *at* datum
@ -499,33 +470,14 @@ namespace Opm
if (PhaseUsed::water(pu)) {
const int wix = PhaseIndex::water(pu);
// If woc is above or below the reservoar,
// po_woc is set to inf and -inf, respectivly
// and so is the water pressure
if ( std::abs(po_woc) < std::numeric_limits<double>::max() ){
PhasePressure::water(G, reg, span, grav, po_woc,
cells, press[ wix ]);
} else {
PhasePressure::water(G, reg, span, grav, po_woc,
cells, press[ wix ]);
if (PhaseUsed::gas(pu)) {
const int gix = PhaseIndex::gas(pu);
// If goc is above or below the reservoar,
// po_goc is set to -inf and inf, respectivly
// and so is the gas pressure
if ( std::abs(po_goc) < std::numeric_limits<double>::max()){
PhasePressure::gas(G, reg, span, grav, po_goc,
cells, press[ gix ]);
} else {
PhasePressure::gas(G, reg, span, grav, po_goc,
cells, press[ gix ]);
} // namespace Details
@ -607,6 +559,10 @@ namespace Opm
const double zwoc = reg.zwoc ();
const double zgoc = reg.zgoc ();
// make sure goc and woc is within the span for the phase pressure calculation
span[0] = std::min(span[0],zgoc);
span[1] = std::max(span[1],zwoc);
if (! ((zgoc > z0) || (z0 > zwoc))) {
// Datum depth in oil zone (zgoc <= z0 <= zwoc)
Details::equilibrateOWG(G, reg, grav, span, cells, press);
@ -720,21 +676,23 @@ namespace Opm
// Adjust phase pressures for max and min saturation ...
double pc[BlackoilPhases::MaxNumPhases];
double sat[BlackoilPhases::MaxNumPhases];
if (sw > smax[waterpos]-1.0e-6) {
double threshold_sat = 1.0e-6;
if (sw > smax[waterpos]-threshold_sat ) {
sat[waterpos] = smax[waterpos];
props.capPress(1, sat, &cell, pc, 0);
phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] = phase_pressures[waterpos][local_index] + pc[waterpos];
} else if (sg > smax[gaspos]-1.0e-6) {
} else if (sg > smax[gaspos]-threshold_sat) {
sat[gaspos] = smax[gaspos];
props.capPress(1, sat, &cell, pc, 0);
phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] = phase_pressures[gaspos][local_index] - pc[gaspos];
if (sg < smin[gaspos]+1.0e-6) {
if (sg < smin[gaspos]+threshold_sat) {
sat[gaspos] = smin[gaspos];
props.capPress(1, sat, &cell, pc, 0);
phase_pressures[gaspos][local_index] = phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] + pc[gaspos];
if (sw < smin[waterpos]+1.0e-6) {
if (sw < smin[waterpos]+threshold_sat) {
sat[waterpos] = smin[waterpos];
props.capPress(1, sat, &cell, pc, 0);
phase_pressures[waterpos][local_index] = phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] - pc[waterpos];