Some functions have changed names. Allow passing tolerance from Matlab.

This commit is contained in:
Jostein R. Natvig 2009-06-18 16:11:25 +00:00
parent 40addf9f02
commit 7c0a301382

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@ -141,17 +141,24 @@ void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
/* Set up data passed from Matlab */
struct grdecl g;
struct processed_grid out;
double tolerance = 0.0;
mxInitGrdecl(&g, prhs);
processGrdecl(&g, 0.0, &out);
mx_init_grdecl(&g, prhs[0]);
if (nrhs == 2){
tolerance = mxGetScalar (prhs[1]);
process_grdecl(&g, tolerance, &out);
if (plhs >0){
/* write to matlab struct */
fill_grid(plhs, &out);
/* Free whatever was allocated in initGrdecl. */