Convert Residual-based solver to conventions of <newwells.h>.
Almost a mechanical translation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <opm/core/well.h>
#include <opm/core/newwells.h>
#include <opm/core/linalg/blas_lapack.h>
#include <opm/core/linalg/sparse_sys.h>
@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ impl_deallocate(struct cfs_tpfa_res_impl *pimpl)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static struct cfs_tpfa_res_impl *
impl_allocate(struct UnstructuredGrid *G ,
struct WellCompletions *wconn ,
size_t max_conn,
int np )
impl_allocate(struct UnstructuredGrid *G ,
struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *wells ,
size_t max_conn,
int np )
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
size_t nnu, nwperf;
@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ impl_allocate(struct UnstructuredGrid *G ,
nnu = G->number_of_cells;
nwperf = 0;
if (wconn != NULL) {
nnu += wconn->number_of_wells;
nwperf = wconn->well_connpos[ wconn->number_of_wells ];
if (wells != NULL) { assert (wells->W != NULL);
nnu += wells->W->number_of_wells;
nwperf = wells->W->well_connpos[ wells->W->number_of_wells ];
/* Linear system */
@ -180,7 +180,8 @@ impl_allocate(struct UnstructuredGrid *G ,
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static struct CSRMatrix *
construct_matrix(struct UnstructuredGrid *G, struct WellCompletions *wconn)
construct_matrix(struct UnstructuredGrid *G ,
struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *wells)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int f, c1, c2, w, i, nc, nnu;
@ -189,8 +190,9 @@ construct_matrix(struct UnstructuredGrid *G, struct WellCompletions *wconn)
struct CSRMatrix *A;
nc = nnu = G->number_of_cells;
if (wconn != NULL) {
nnu += wconn->number_of_wells;
if (wells != NULL) {
assert (wells->W != NULL);
nnu += wells->W->number_of_wells;
A = csrmatrix_new_count_nnz(nnu);
@ -212,11 +214,13 @@ construct_matrix(struct UnstructuredGrid *G, struct WellCompletions *wconn)
if (wconn != NULL) {
if (wells != NULL) {
/* Well <-> cell connections */
for (w = i = 0; w < wconn->number_of_wells; w++) {
for (; i < wconn->well_connpos[w + 1]; i++) {
c1 = wconn->well_cells[i];
struct Wells *W = wells->W;
for (w = i = 0; w < W->number_of_wells; w++) {
for (; i < W->well_connpos[w + 1]; i++) {
c1 = W->well_cells[i];
A->ia[ 0 + c1 + 1 ] += 1; /* c -> w */
A->ia[ nc + w + 1 ] += 1; /* w -> c */
@ -248,11 +252,13 @@ construct_matrix(struct UnstructuredGrid *G, struct WellCompletions *wconn)
if (wconn != NULL) {
if (wells != NULL) {
/* Fill well <-> cell connections */
for (w = i = 0; w < wconn->number_of_wells; w++) {
for (; i < wconn->well_connpos[w + 1]; i++) {
c1 = wconn->well_cells[i];
struct Wells *W = wells->W;
for (w = i = 0; w < W->number_of_wells; w++) {
for (; i < W->well_connpos[w + 1]; i++) {
c1 = W->well_cells[i];
A->ja[ A->ia[ 0 + c1 + 1 ] ++ ] = nc + w;
A->ja[ A->ia[ nc + w + 1 ] ++ ] = c1 ;
@ -406,7 +412,7 @@ compute_compflux_and_deriv(struct UnstructuredGrid *G ,
static void
compute_well_compflux_and_deriv(struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *W ,
compute_well_compflux_and_deriv(struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *wells ,
int np ,
const double *cpress,
const double *wpress,
@ -418,28 +424,33 @@ compute_well_compflux_and_deriv(struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *W ,
double *pflux, *dpflux;
assert (W->conn != NULL);
assert (W->ctrl != NULL);
assert (W->data != NULL);
struct Wells *W;
WI = W->data->WI;
gpot = W->data->gpot;
Ap = W->data->A;
pmobp = W->data->phasemob;
assert (wells->W != NULL);
W = wells->W;
assert (W->ctrls != NULL);
assert (W->data != NULL);
WI = W->WI;
gpot = wells->data->gpot;
Ap = wells->data->A;
pmobp = wells->data->phasemob;
np2 = np * np;
pflux = pimpl->compflux_p;
dpflux = pimpl->compflux_deriv_p;
for (w = i = 0; w < W->conn->number_of_wells; w++) {
for (w = i = 0; w < W->number_of_wells; w++) {
pw = wpress[w];
for (; i < W->conn->well_connpos[w + 1]; i++,
for (; i < W->well_connpos[w + 1]; i++,
gpot += np, Ap += np2, pmobp += np,
pflux += np, dpflux += 2 * np) {
c = W->conn->well_cells[i];
c = W->well_cells[i];
dp = pw - cpress[c];
compute_darcyflux_and_deriv(np, WI[i], dp, pmobp, gpot,
@ -754,23 +765,28 @@ welleq_coeff_bhp(int np, double dp, struct cfs_tpfa_res_data *h,
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
welleq_coeff_resv(int np, struct cfs_tpfa_res_data *h,
struct WellControls *ctrl,
double *res, double *w2c, double *w2w)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int p;
const double *pflux, *dpflux_w, *dpflux_c;
double f;
const double *pflux, *dpflux_w, *dpflux_c, *distr;
/* Sum reservoir phase flux and its derivatives set by
* compute_darcyflux_and_deriv(). */
pflux = h->pimpl->flux_work;
dpflux_w = pflux + (1 * np);
dpflux_c = dpflux_w + (1 * np);
dpflux_w = pflux + (1 * np);
dpflux_c = dpflux_w + (1 * np);
distr = ctrl->distr + (ctrl->current * np);
*res = *w2c = *w2w = 0.0;
for (p = 0; p < np; p++) {
*res += pflux [ p ];
*w2w += dpflux_w[ p ];
*w2c += dpflux_c[ p ];
f = distr[ p ];
*res += f * pflux [ p ];
*w2w += f * dpflux_w[ p ];
*w2c += f * dpflux_c[ p ];
@ -779,23 +795,40 @@ welleq_coeff_resv(int np, struct cfs_tpfa_res_data *h,
static void
assemble_completion_to_well(int w, int c, int nc, int np,
double pw, double dt,
struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *W,
struct cfs_tpfa_res_data *h)
struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *wells,
struct cfs_tpfa_res_data *h )
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int wdof;
size_t jc, jw;
double res = 0.0, w2c = 0.0, w2w = 0.0;
switch (W->ctrl->ctrl[w]) {
struct Wells *W;
struct WellControls *ctrl;
assert (wells != NULL);
assert (wells->W != NULL);
W = wells->W;
ctrl = W->ctrls[ w ];
if (ctrl->current < 0) {
assert (0); /* Shut wells currently not supported */
switch (ctrl->type[ ctrl->current ]) {
case BHP :
welleq_coeff_bhp(np, pw - W->ctrl->target[w],
welleq_coeff_bhp(np, pw - ctrl->target[ ctrl->current ],
h, &res, &w2c, &w2w);
case RATE:
/* Interpret RATE as RESV */
welleq_coeff_resv(np, h, &res, &w2c, &w2w);
assert (W->number_of_phases == np);
welleq_coeff_resv(np, h, ctrl, &res, &w2c, &w2w);
assert (0); /* Surface rate currently not supported */
@ -811,7 +844,7 @@ assemble_completion_to_well(int w, int c, int nc, int np,
static int
assemble_well_contrib(struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *W ,
assemble_well_contrib(struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *wells ,
struct compr_quantities_gen *cq ,
double dt ,
const double *cpress,
@ -824,23 +857,28 @@ assemble_well_contrib(struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *W ,
double *WI, *gpot, *pmobp;
const double *Ac, *dAc;
nc = ((int) h->J->m) - W->conn->number_of_wells;
struct Wells *W;
struct WellControls *ctrl;
nc = ((int) h->J->m) - wells->W->number_of_wells;
np = cq->nphases;
np2 = np * np;
WI = W->data->WI;
gpot = W->data->gpot;
pmobp = W->data->phasemob;
W = wells->W;
WI = W->WI;
gpot = wells->data->gpot;
pmobp = wells->data->phasemob;
is_neumann = 1;
for (w = i = 0; w < W->conn->number_of_wells; w++) {
for (w = i = 0; w < W->number_of_wells; w++) {
pw = wpress[ w ];
for (; i < W->conn->well_connpos[w + 1];
for (; i < W->well_connpos[w + 1];
i++, gpot += np, pmobp += np) {
c = W->conn->well_cells[ i ];
c = W->well_cells[ i ];
Ac = cq->Ac + (c * np2);
dAc = cq->dAc + (c * np2);
@ -855,11 +893,14 @@ assemble_well_contrib(struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *W ,
h->pimpl->flux_work + np);
assemble_completion_to_well(w, c, nc, np, pw, dt, W, h);
assemble_completion_to_well(w, c, nc, np, pw, dt, wells, h);
if (W->ctrl->ctrl[ w ] != BHP) {
h->F[ nc + w ] -= dt * W->ctrl->target[ w ];
ctrl = W->ctrls[ w ];
if ((ctrl->current >= 0) && /* OPEN? */
(ctrl->type[ ctrl->current ] != BHP)) {
h->F[ nc + w ] -= dt * ctrl->target[ ctrl->current ];
else {
is_neumann = 0;
@ -983,7 +1024,7 @@ compute_flux(struct UnstructuredGrid *G,
static void
compute_wflux(int np ,
struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *W ,
struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *wells ,
const double *pmobc ,
const double *cpress,
const double *wpress,
@ -993,21 +1034,31 @@ compute_wflux(int np ,
double pw, dp, t;
const double *pmob;
for (w = i = 0; w < W->conn->number_of_wells; w++) {
struct Wells *W;
struct CompletionData *cdata;
assert (wells != NULL);
assert (wells->W != NULL);
assert (wells->data != NULL);
W = wells->W;
cdata = wells->data;
for (w = i = 0; w < W->number_of_wells; w++) {
pw = wpress[w];
for (; i < W->conn->well_connpos[w + 1]; i++) {
c = W->conn->well_cells[ i ];
for (; i < W->well_connpos[w + 1]; i++) {
c = W->well_cells[ i ];
dp = pw - cpress[c];
if (dp > 0) { pmob = W->data->phasemob + (i * np); } /* w->c */
else { pmob = pmobc + (c * np); } /* c->w */
if (dp > 0) { pmob = cdata->phasemob + (i * np); } /* w->c */
else { pmob = pmobc + (c * np); } /* c->w */
for (p = 0, t = 0.0; p < np; p++) {
t += pmob[ p ];
wflux[ i ] = W->data->WI[i] * t * dp;
wflux[ i ] = W->WI[i] * t * dp;
@ -1050,9 +1101,9 @@ cfs_tpfa_res_destroy(struct cfs_tpfa_res_data *h)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct cfs_tpfa_res_data *
cfs_tpfa_res_construct(struct UnstructuredGrid *G ,
struct WellCompletions *wconn ,
int nphases)
cfs_tpfa_res_construct(struct UnstructuredGrid *G ,
struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *wells ,
int nphases)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
size_t nf, nwperf;
@ -1061,8 +1112,8 @@ cfs_tpfa_res_construct(struct UnstructuredGrid *G ,
h = malloc(1 * sizeof *h);
if (h != NULL) {
h->pimpl = impl_allocate(G, wconn, maxconn(G), nphases);
h->J = construct_matrix(G, wconn);
h->pimpl = impl_allocate(G, wells, maxconn(G), nphases);
h->J = construct_matrix(G, wells);
if ((h->pimpl == NULL) || (h->J == NULL)) {
@ -1074,8 +1125,9 @@ cfs_tpfa_res_construct(struct UnstructuredGrid *G ,
nf = G->number_of_faces;
nwperf = 0;
if (wconn != NULL) {
nwperf = wconn->well_connpos[ wconn->number_of_wells ];
if (wells != NULL) {
assert (wells->W != NULL);
nwperf = wells->W->well_connpos[ wells->W->number_of_wells ];
/* Allocate linear system components */
@ -1140,11 +1192,11 @@ cfs_tpfa_res_assemble(struct UnstructuredGrid *G,
assemble_cell_contrib(G, c, h);
if ((forces != NULL) && (forces->W != NULL)) {
compute_well_compflux_and_deriv(forces->W, cq->nphases,
if ((forces != NULL) && (forces->wells != NULL)) {
compute_well_compflux_and_deriv(forces->wells, cq->nphases,
cpress, wpress, h->pimpl);
well_is_neumann = assemble_well_contrib(forces->W, cq, dt,
well_is_neumann = assemble_well_contrib(forces->wells, cq, dt,
cpress, wpress, h);
@ -1176,10 +1228,10 @@ cfs_tpfa_res_flux(struct UnstructuredGrid *G ,
compute_flux(G, np, trans, pmobf, gravcap_f, cpress, fflux);
if ((forces != NULL) && (forces->W != NULL) &&
(wpress != NULL) && (wflux != NULL)) {
if ((forces != NULL) && (forces->wells != NULL) &&
(wpress != NULL) && (wflux != NULL)) {
compute_wflux(np, forces->W, pmobc, cpress, wpress, wflux);
compute_wflux(np, forces->wells, pmobc, cpress, wpress, wflux);
@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
#include <opm/core/grid.h>
#include <opm/core/newwells.h>
#include <opm/core/pressure/tpfa/compr_source.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -29,20 +32,15 @@ extern "C" {
struct cfs_tpfa_res_impl;
struct CSRMatrix;
struct compr_quantities_gen;
struct compr_src;
struct WellCompletions;
struct WellControls;
struct completion_data;
struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells {
struct WellCompletions *conn;
struct WellControls *ctrl;
struct completion_data *data;
struct Wells *W ;
struct CompletionData *data;
struct cfs_tpfa_res_forces {
struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *W ;
struct compr_src *src;
struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *wells;
struct compr_src *src ;
struct cfs_tpfa_res_data {
@ -54,9 +52,9 @@ struct cfs_tpfa_res_data {
struct cfs_tpfa_res_data *
cfs_tpfa_res_construct(struct UnstructuredGrid *G ,
struct WellCompletions *wconn ,
int nphases);
cfs_tpfa_res_construct(struct UnstructuredGrid *G ,
struct cfs_tpfa_res_wells *wells ,
int nphases);
cfs_tpfa_res_destroy(struct cfs_tpfa_res_data *h);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user