Solver logic finished.
Methods isClose(), computeFromTri() and computeFromLine() are still dummies.
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ namespace Opm
cell_neighbours_ = vertexNeighbours(grid);
orderCounterClockwise(grid, cell_neighbours_);
/// Solve the eikonal equation.
@ -69,18 +68,21 @@ namespace Opm
const double inf = 1e100;
solution.resize(num_cells, inf);
is_accepted_.resize(num_cells, false);
is_considered_.resize(num_cells, false);
// 2. Move the startcells to Accepted. U_i = q(x_i)
std::vector<char> accepted(num_cells, false);
const int num_startcells = startcells.size();
for (int ii = 0; ii < num_startcells; ++ii) {
accepted[startcells[ii]] = true;
is_accepted_[startcells[ii]] = true;
solution[startcells[ii]] = 0.0;
std::set<int> accepted_front(startcells.begin(), startcells.end());
accepted_front_.insert(startcells.begin(), startcells.end());
// 3. Move cells adjacent to startcells to Considered, evaluate
// U_i = min_{(x_j,x_k) \in NF(x_i)} G_{j,k}
@ -89,24 +91,69 @@ namespace Opm
const int num_nb = cell_neighbours_[scell].size();
for (int nb = 0; nb < num_nb; ++nb) {
const int nb_cell = cell_neighbours_[scell][nb];
if (!is_considered_[nb_cell]) {
const double value = computeValue(nb_cell);
if (!is_accepted_[nb_cell] && !is_considered_[nb_cell]) {
const double value = computeValue(nb_cell, metric);
pushConsidered(std::make_pair(value, nb_cell));
is_considered_[nb_cell] = true;
// 4. Find the Considered cell with the smallest value: r.
while (!considered_.empty()) {
// 4. Find the Considered cell with the smallest value: r.
const ValueAndCell r = topConsidered();
// 5. Move cell r to Accepted. Update AcceptedFront.
// 5. Move cell r to Accepted. Update AcceptedFront.
const int rcell = r.second;
is_accepted_[rcell] = true;
solution[rcell] = r.first;
for (auto it = accepted_front_.begin(); it != accepted_front_.end();) {
// Note that loop increment happens in the body of this loop.
const int cell = *it;
bool on_front = false;
for (auto it2 = cell_neighbours_[cell].begin(); it2 != cell_neighbours_[cell].end(); ++it2) {
if (!is_accepted_[*it2]) {
on_front = true;
if (!on_front) {
} else {
// 6. Move cells adjacent to r from Far to Considered.
// 6. Move cells adjacent to r from Far to Considered.
for (auto it = cell_neighbours_[rcell].begin(); it != cell_neighbours_[rcell].end(); ++it) {
const int nb_cell = *it;
if (!is_accepted_[nb_cell] && !is_considered_[nb_cell]) {
assert(solution[nb_cell] == inf);
const double value = computeValue(nb_cell, metric);
pushConsidered(std::make_pair(value, nb_cell));
// 7. Recompute the value for all Considered cells within
// distance h * F_2/F1 from x_r. Use min of previous and new.
// 7. Recompute the value for all Considered cells within
// distance h * F_2/F1 from x_r. Use min of previous and new.
for (auto it = considered_.begin(); it != considered_.end(); ++it) {
const int ccell = it->second;
if (isClose(rcell, ccell, metric)) {
const double value = computeValue(ccell, metric);
if (value < it->first) {
// Update value for considered cell.
// Note that as solution values decrease, their
// goodness w.r.t. the heap comparator increase,
// therefore we may safely call the increase()
// modificator below.
considered_.increase(considered_handles_[ccell], std::make_pair(value, ccell));
// 8. If Considered is not empty, go to step 4.
// 8. If Considered is not empty, go to step 4.
@ -114,15 +161,42 @@ namespace Opm
double AnisotropicEikonal2d::computeValue(const int cell) const
bool AnisotropicEikonal2d::isClose(const int c1,
const int c2,
const double* metric) const
return true;
double AnisotropicEikonal2d::computeValue(const int cell,
const double* metric) const
const auto& nbs = cell_neighbours_[cell];
const int num_nbs = nbs.size();
double val = 1e100;
const double inf = 1e100;
double val = inf;
for (int ii = 0; ii < num_nbs; ++ii) {
const int n[2] = { nbs[ii], nbs[(ii+1) % num_nbs] };
// if ... accepted front
if (accepted_front_.count(n[0]) && accepted_front_.count(n[1])) {
const double cand_val = computeFromTri(cell, n[0], n[1], metric);
val = std::min(val, cand_val);
if (val == inf) {
// Failed to find two accepted front nodes adjacent to this,
// so we go for a single-neighbour update.
for (int ii = 0; ii < num_nbs; ++ii) {
if (accepted_front_.count(nbs[ii])) {
const double cand_val = computeFromLine(cell, nbs[ii], metric);
val = std::min(val, cand_val);
assert(val != inf);
return val;
@ -130,9 +204,37 @@ namespace Opm
double AnisotropicEikonal2d::computeFromLine(const int cell,
const int from,
const double* metric) const
return 2.0;
double AnisotropicEikonal2d::computeFromTri(const int cell,
const int n0,
const int n1,
const double* metric) const
return 1.0;
const AnisotropicEikonal2d::ValueAndCell& AnisotropicEikonal2d::topConsidered() const
return considered_.front();
@ -141,8 +243,9 @@ namespace Opm
void AnisotropicEikonal2d::pushConsidered(const ValueAndCell& vc)
std::push_heap(considered_.begin(), considered_.end());
HeapHandle h = considered_.push(vc);
considered_handles_[vc.second] = h;
is_considered_[vc.second] = true;
@ -151,8 +254,9 @@ namespace Opm
void AnisotropicEikonal2d::popConsidered()
std::pop_heap(considered_.begin(), considered_.end());
is_considered_[] = false;
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include <opm/core/utility/SparseTable.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/heap/fibonacci_heap.hpp>
struct UnstructuredGrid;
@ -47,13 +48,27 @@ namespace Opm
const std::vector<int>& startcells,
std::vector<double>& solution);
// Grid and topology.
const UnstructuredGrid& grid_;
SparseTable<int> cell_neighbours_;
// Keep track of accepted cells.
std::vector<char> is_accepted_;
std::set<int> accepted_front_;
// Keep track of considered cells.
typedef std::pair<double, int> ValueAndCell;
std::vector<ValueAndCell> considered_;
typedef boost::heap::compare<std::greater<ValueAndCell>> Comparator;
typedef boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<ValueAndCell, Comparator> Heap;
Heap considered_;
typedef Heap::handle_type HeapHandle;
std::map<int, HeapHandle> considered_handles_;
std::vector<char> is_considered_;
double computeValue(const int cell) const;
bool isClose(const int c1, const int c2, const double* metric) const;
double computeValue(const int cell, const double* metric) const;
double computeFromLine(const int cell, const int from, const double* metric) const;
double computeFromTri(const int cell, const int n0, const int n1, const double* metric) const;
const ValueAndCell& topConsidered() const;
void pushConsidered(const ValueAndCell& vc);
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