WellsManager: Support NTG and horizontal completions

This commit extends the feature set of the WellsManager to support
horizontal ("X" and "Y") completions and include the net-to-gross
ratio in the Peaceman index ("Completion Transmissibility Factor,
CTF") of a well completion.  The NTG factor is included if present
in the input deck represented by the "eclipseState".

There are two separate, though related, parts to this commit.  The
first part splits the calculation of Peaceman's "effective radius"
out to a separate utility function, effectiveRadius(), and
generalises WellsManagerDetail::computeWellIndex() to account for
arbitrary directions and NTG factors.  The second part uses
GridPropertyAccess::Compressed<> to extract the NTG vector from the
input if present while providing a fall-back value of 1.0 if no such
vector is available.

Note: We may wish to make the extraction policy configurable at some
point in the future.
This commit is contained in:
Bård Skaflestad 2014-08-29 16:57:10 +02:00
parent 8adeb5f56c
commit 96cf137e4c
3 changed files with 137 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -168,50 +168,127 @@ namespace WellsManagerDetail
} // namespace InjectionControl
// Compute direction permutation corresponding to completion's
// direction. First two elements of return value are directions
// perpendicular to completion while last element is direction
// along completion.
inline std::array< std::array<double,3>::size_type, 3 >
directionIndices(const Opm::CompletionDirection::DirectionEnum direction)
typedef std::array<double,3>::size_type idx_t;
typedef std::array<idx_t,3> permutation;
switch (direction) {
case Opm::CompletionDirection::DirectionEnum::X:
return permutation { idx_t(1), idx_t(2), idx_t(0) };
case Opm::CompletionDirection::DirectionEnum::Y:
return permutation { idx_t(2), idx_t(0), idx_t(1) };
case Opm::CompletionDirection::DirectionEnum::Z:
return permutation { idx_t(0), idx_t(1), idx_t(2) };
// Permute (diagonal) permeability components according to
// completion's direction.
inline std::array<double,3>
permComponents(const Opm::CompletionDirection::DirectionEnum direction,
const double* perm)
const auto p = directionIndices(direction);
const std::array<double,3>::size_type d = 3;
K = { perm[ p[0]*(d + 1) ] ,
perm[ p[1]*(d + 1) ] ,
perm[ p[2]*(d + 1) ] };
return K;
// Permute cell's geometric extent according to completion's
// direction. Honour net-to-gross ratio.
// Note: 'extent' is intentionally accepted by modifiable value
// rather than reference-to-const to support NTG manipulation.
inline std::array<double,3>
effectiveExtent(const Opm::CompletionDirection::DirectionEnum direction,
const double ntg,
std::array<double,3> extent)
// Vertical extent affected by net-to-gross ratio.
extent[2] *= ntg;
const auto p = directionIndices(direction);
const std::array<double,3>::size_type d = extent.size();
D = { extent[ p[0]*(d + 1) ] ,
extent[ p[1]*(d + 1) ] ,
extent[ p[2]*(d + 1) ] };
return D;
// Compute Peaceman's effective radius of single completion.
inline double
effectiveRadius(const std::array<double,3>& K,
const std::array<double,3>& D)
const double K01 = K[0] / K[1];
const double K10 = K[1] / K[0];
const double D0_sq = D[0] * D[0];
const double D1_sq = D[1] * D[1];
const double num = std::sqrt(K10*D0_sq + K01*D1_sq);
const double den = std::pow(K01, 0.25) + std::pow(K10, 0.25);
// Note: Analytic constant 0.28 derived for infintely sized
// formation with repeating well placement.
return 0.28 * (num / den);
// Use the Peaceman well model to compute well indices.
// radius is the radius of the well.
// cubical contains [dx, dy, dz] of the cell.
// (Note that the well model asumes that each cell is a cuboid).
// cell_permeability is the permeability tensor of the given cell.
// returns the well index of the cell.
double computeWellIndex(const double radius,
const std::array<double, 3>& cubical,
const double* cell_permeability,
const double skin_factor)
computeWellIndex(const double radius,
const std::array<double, 3>& cubical,
const double* cell_permeability,
const double skin_factor,
const Opm::CompletionDirection::DirectionEnum direction,
const double ntg)
using namespace std;
// sse: Using the Peaceman model.
// NOTE: The formula is valid for cartesian grids, so the result can be a bit
// (in worst case: there is no upper bound for the error) off the mark.
const double permx = cell_permeability[0];
const double permy = cell_permeability[3*1 + 1];
double effective_perm = sqrt(permx*permy);
// sse: The formula for r_0 can be found on page 39 of
// "Well Models for Mimetic Finite Differerence Methods and Improved Representation
// of Wells in Multiscale Methods" by Ingeborg Skjelkvåle Ligaarden.
assert(permx > 0.0);
assert(permy > 0.0);
double kxoy = permx / permy;
double kyox = permy / permx;
double r0_denominator = pow(kyox, 0.25) + pow(kxoy, 0.25);
double r0_numerator = sqrt((sqrt(kyox)*cubical[0]*cubical[0]) +
assert(r0_denominator > 0.0);
double r0 = 0.28 * r0_numerator / r0_denominator;
assert(radius > 0.0);
assert(r0 > 0.0);
if (r0 < radius) {
std::cout << "ERROR: Too big well radius detected.";
std::cout << "Specified well radius is " << radius
<< " while r0 is " << r0 << ".\n";
const std::array<double,3>& K =
permComponents(direction, cell_permeability);
const std::array<double,3>& D =
effectiveExtent(direction, ntg, cubical);
const double r0 = effectiveRadius(K, D);
const double Kh = std::sqrt(K[0] * K[1]) * D[2];
// Angle of completion exposed to flow. We assume centre
// placement so there's complete exposure (= 2\pi).
const double angle =
double rw = radius;
if (r0 < rw) {
std::cerr << "Completion radius exceeds effective radius\n"
<< "Reset to effective\n";
rw = r0;
const long double two_pi = 6.2831853071795864769252867665590057683943387987502116419498;
double wi_denominator = log(r0 / radius) + skin_factor;
double wi_numerator = two_pi * cubical[2];
assert(wi_denominator > 0.0);
double wi = effective_perm * wi_numerator / wi_denominator;
assert(wi > 0.0);
return wi;
// NOTE: The formula is originally derived and valid for
// Cartesian grids only.
return (angle * Kh) / (std::log(r0 / rw) + skin_factor);
} // anonymous namespace

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@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
#include <opm/core/wells/WellsGroup.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/GroupTree.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/CompressedPropertyAccess.hpp>
struct Wells;
struct UnstructuredGrid;
@ -155,7 +157,8 @@ namespace Opm
static void setupCompressedToCartesian(const int* global_cell, int number_of_cells, std::map<int,int>& cartesian_to_compressed );
void setupWellControls(std::vector<WellConstPtr>& wells, size_t timeStep,
std::vector<std::string>& well_names, const PhaseUsage& phaseUsage);
template<class C2F, class CC, class FC>
template<class C2F, class CC, class FC, class NTG>
void createWellsFromSpecs( std::vector<WellConstPtr>& wells, size_t timeStep,
const C2F& cell_to_faces,
const int* cart_dims,
@ -167,7 +170,8 @@ namespace Opm
std::map<std::string, int> & well_names_to_index,
const PhaseUsage& phaseUsage,
const std::map<int,int>& cartesian_to_compressed,
const double* permeability);
const double* permeability,
const NTG& ntg);
void addChildGroups(GroupTreeNodeConstPtr parentNode, ScheduleConstPtr schedule, size_t timeStep, const PhaseUsage& phaseUsage);
void setupGuideRates(std::vector<WellConstPtr>& wells, const size_t timeStep, std::vector<WellData>& well_data, std::map<std::string, int>& well_names_to_index);

View File

@ -50,7 +50,9 @@ namespace WellsManagerDetail
double computeWellIndex(const double radius,
const std::array<double, 3>& cubical,
const double* cell_permeability,
const double skin_factor);
const double skin_factor,
const Opm::CompletionDirection::DirectionEnum direction,
const double ntg);
template <int dim, class C2F, class FC>
std::array<double, dim>
@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ getCubeDim(const C2F& c2f,
namespace Opm
template<class C2F, class CC, class FC>
template<class C2F, class CC, class FC, class NTG>
void WellsManager::createWellsFromSpecs(std::vector<WellConstPtr>& wells, size_t timeStep,
const C2F& c2f,
const int* cart_dims,
@ -110,7 +112,8 @@ void WellsManager::createWellsFromSpecs(std::vector<WellConstPtr>& wells, size_t
std::map<std::string, int>& well_names_to_index,
const PhaseUsage& phaseUsage,
const std::map<int,int>& cartesian_to_compressed,
const double* permeability)
const double* permeability,
const NTG& ntg)
if (dimensions != 3) {
@ -174,7 +177,11 @@ void WellsManager::createWellsFromSpecs(std::vector<WellConstPtr>& wells, size_t
WellsManagerDetail::getCubeDim<3>(c2f, begin_face_centroids, cell);
const double* cell_perm = &permeability[dimensions*dimensions*cell];
pd.well_index = WellsManagerDetail::computeWellIndex(radius, cubical, cell_perm, completion->getSkinFactor());
pd.well_index =
WellsManagerDetail::computeWellIndex(radius, cubical, cell_perm,
@ -320,13 +327,19 @@ WellsManager::init(const Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclipseState,
typedef GridPropertyAccess::ArrayPolicy::ExtractFromDeck<double> DoubleArray;
typedef GridPropertyAccess::Compressed<DoubleArray, GridPropertyAccess::Tag::NTG> NTGArray;
DoubleArray ntg_glob(eclipseState, "NTG", 1.0);
NTGArray ntg(ntg_glob, global_cell);
createWellsFromSpecs(wells, timeStep, cell_to_faces,
well_names, well_data, well_names_to_index,
pu, cartesian_to_compressed, permeability);
pu, cartesian_to_compressed, permeability, ntg);
setupWellControls(wells, timeStep, well_names, pu);