SatFuncBase.hpp: convert DOS line endings to unix ones
i.e. \r\n -> \n
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,319 +1,319 @@
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <>.
#include <opm/core/utility/UniformTableLinear.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/buildUniformMonotoneTable.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/NonuniformTableLinear.hpp>
#include <opm/core/props/BlackoilPhases.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/EclipseState.hpp>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm
// Transforms for saturation table scaling
struct EPSTransforms {
struct Transform {
bool doNotScale;
bool do_3pt;
double smin;
double scr;
double sr;
double smax;
double slope1;
double slope2;
double scaleSat(double ss, double s_r, double s_cr, double s_max) const;
double scaleSatInv(double s, double s_r, double s_cr, double s_max) const;
double scaleSatDeriv(double s, double s_r, double s_cr, double s_max) const; // Returns scaleSat'(s)
double scaleSatPc(double s, double s_min, double s_max) const;
double scaleSatDerivPc(double s, double s_min, double s_max) const; // Returns scaleSatPc'(s)
bool doKrMax;
bool doKrCrit;
bool doSatInterp;
double krsr;
double krmax;
double krSlopeMax;
double krSlopeCrit;
double scaleKr(double s, double kr, double krsr_tab) const;
double scaleKrDeriv(double s, double krDeriv) const; // Returns scaleKr'(kr(scaleSat(s)))*kr'((scaleSat(s))
double pcFactor; // Scaling factor for capillary pressure.
void printMe(std::ostream & out);
Transform wat;
Transform watoil;
Transform gas;
Transform gasoil;
// Hysteresis
struct SatHyst {
double sg_hyst;
double sg_shift;
double sow_hyst;
double sow_shift;
void printMe(std::ostream & out);
template <class TableType>
class SatFuncBase : public BlackoilPhases
void init(Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclipseState,
const int table_num,
const PhaseUsage phase_usg,
const int samples);
void updateSatHyst(const double* s,
const EPSTransforms* epst,
const EPSTransforms* epst_hyst,
SatHyst* sat_hyst) const;
double smin_[PhaseUsage::MaxNumPhases];
double smax_[PhaseUsage::MaxNumPhases];
double krwmax_; // Max water relperm
double krgmax_; // Max gas relperm
double kromax_; // Max oil relperm
double swcr_; // Critical water saturation.
double sgcr_; // Critical gas saturation.
double krwr_; // Water relperm at critical oil-in-water saturation.
double krgr_; // Gas relperm at critical oil-in-gas saturation.
double sowcr_; // Critical oil-in-water saturation.
double sogcr_; // Critical oil-in-gas-and-connate-water saturation.
double krorw_; // Oil relperm at critical water saturation.
double krorg_; // Oil relperm at critical gas saturation.
double pcwmax_; // Max oil-water capillary pressure.
double pcgmax_; // Max gas-oil capillary pressure.
PhaseUsage phase_usage; // A copy of the outer class' phase_usage_.
TableType krw_;
TableType krow_;
TableType pcow_;
TableType krg_;
TableType krog_;
TableType pcog_;
double krocw_; // = krow_(s_wc)
void extendTable(const std::vector<double>& xv,
std::vector<double>& xv_ex,
double pm) const;
void initializeTableType(TableType& table,
const std::vector<double>& arg,
const std::vector<double>& value,
const int samples);
template <class TableType>
void SatFuncBase<TableType>::init(Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclipseState,
const int table_num,
const PhaseUsage phase_usg,
const int samples)
phase_usage = phase_usg;
double swco = 0.0;
double swmax = 1.0;
if (phase_usage.phase_used[Aqua]) {
const Opm::SwofTable& swof(eclipseState->getSwofTables()[table_num]);
const std::vector<double>& sw = swof.getSwColumn();
const std::vector<double>& krw = swof.getKrwColumn();
const std::vector<double>& krow = swof.getKrowColumn();
const std::vector<double>& pcow = swof.getPcowColumn();
if (krw.front() != 0.0 || krow.back() != 0.0) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Error SWOF data - non-zero krw(swco) and/or krow(1-sor)");
// Extend the tables with constant values such that the
// derivatives at the endpoints are zero
int n = sw.size();
std::vector<double> sw_ex(n+2);
std::vector<double> krw_ex(n+2);
std::vector<double> krow_ex(n+2);
std::vector<double> pcow_ex(n+2);
initializeTableType(krw_,sw_ex, krw_ex, samples);
initializeTableType(krow_,sw_ex, krow_ex, samples);
initializeTableType(pcow_,sw_ex, pcow_ex, samples);
krocw_ = krow[0]; // At connate water -> ecl. SWOF
swco = sw[0];
smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Aqua]] = sw[0];
swmax = sw.back();
smax_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Aqua]] = sw.back();
krwmax_ = krw.back();
kromax_ = krow.front();
swcr_ = swmax;
sowcr_ = 1.0 - swco;
krwr_ = krw.back();
krorw_ = krow.front();
for (std::vector<double>::size_type i=1; i<sw.size(); ++i) {
if (krw[i]> 0.0) {
swcr_ = sw[i-1];
krorw_ = krow[i-1];
for (std::vector<double>::size_type i=sw.size()-1; i>=1; --i) {
if (krow[i-1]> 0.0) {
sowcr_ = 1.0 - sw[i];
krwr_ = krw[i];
pcwmax_ = pcow.front();
if (phase_usage.phase_used[Vapour]) {
const Opm::SgofTable& sgof = eclipseState->getSgofTables()[table_num];
const std::vector<double>& sg = sgof.getSgColumn();
const std::vector<double>& krg = sgof.getKrgColumn();
const std::vector<double>& krog = sgof.getKrogColumn();
const std::vector<double>& pcog = sgof.getPcogColumn();
// Extend the tables with constant values such that the
// derivatives at the endpoints are zero
int n = sg.size();
std::vector<double> sg_ex(n+2);
std::vector<double> krg_ex(n+2);
std::vector<double> krog_ex(n+2);
std::vector<double> pcog_ex(n+2);
initializeTableType(krg_,sg_ex, krg_ex, samples);
initializeTableType(krog_,sg_ex, krog_ex, samples);
initializeTableType(pcog_,sg_ex, pcog_ex, samples);
smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Vapour]] = sg[0];
if (std::fabs(sg.back() + swco - 1.0) > 1e-3) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Gas maximum saturation in SGOF table = " << sg.back() <<
", should equal (1.0 - connate water sat) = " << (1.0 - swco));
smax_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Vapour]] = sg.back();
smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Vapour]] = sg.front();
krgmax_ = krg.back();
sgcr_ = sg.front();
sogcr_ = 1.0 - sg.back();
krgr_ = krg.back();
krorg_ = krg.front();
for (std::vector<double>::size_type i=1; i<sg.size(); ++i) {
if (krg[i]> 0.0) {
sgcr_ = sg[i-1];
krorg_ = krog[i-1];
for (std::vector<double>::size_type i=sg.size()-1; i>=1; --i) {
if (krog[i-1]> 0.0) {
sogcr_ = 1.0 - sg[i];
krgr_ = krg[i];
pcgmax_ = pcog.back();
if (phase_usage.phase_used[Vapour] && phase_usage.phase_used[Aqua]) {
sowcr_ -= smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Vapour]];
sogcr_ -= smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Aqua]];
smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Liquid]] = 0.0;
smax_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Liquid]] = 1.0 - smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Aqua]]
- smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Vapour]]; // First entry in SGOF-table supposed to be zero anyway ...
} else if (phase_usage.phase_used[Aqua]) {
smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Liquid]] = 1.0 - smax_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Aqua]];
smax_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Liquid]] = 1.0 - smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Aqua]];
} else if (phase_usage.phase_used[Vapour]) {
smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Liquid]] = 1.0 - smax_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Vapour]];
smax_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Liquid]] = 1.0 - smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Vapour]];
template <class TableType>
void SatFuncBase<TableType>::updateSatHyst(const double* s,
const EPSTransforms* epst,
const EPSTransforms* epst_hyst,
SatHyst* sat_hyst) const
if (phase_usage.phase_used[Aqua] && phase_usage.phase_used[Vapour]) { //Water/Oil/Gas
int opos = phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
int gpos = phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
int wpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
if (s[opos] > sat_hyst->sow_hyst)
sat_hyst->sow_hyst = s[opos];
double _sow_hyst = epst->watoil.scaleSat(sat_hyst->sow_hyst, 1.0-swcr_-smin_[gpos], sowcr_, 1.0-smin_[wpos]-smin_[gpos]);
double sow_hyst_shifted = epst_hyst->watoil.scaleSatInv(_sow_hyst, 1.0-swcr_-smin_[gpos], sowcr_, 1.0-smin_[wpos]-smin_[gpos]);
sat_hyst->sow_shift = sow_hyst_shifted - sat_hyst->sow_hyst;
if (s[gpos] > sat_hyst->sg_hyst)
sat_hyst->sg_hyst = s[gpos];
double _sg_hyst = epst->gas.scaleSat(sat_hyst->sg_hyst, 1.0-sogcr_-smin_[wpos], sgcr_, smax_[gpos]);
double sg_hyst_shifted = epst_hyst->gas.scaleSatInv(_sg_hyst, 1.0-sogcr_-smin_[wpos], sgcr_, smax_[gpos]);
sat_hyst->sg_shift = sg_hyst_shifted - sat_hyst->sg_hyst;
} else if (phase_usage.phase_used[Aqua]) { //Water/oil
int opos = phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
int wpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
if (s[opos] > sat_hyst->sow_hyst)
sat_hyst->sow_hyst = s[opos];
double _sow_hyst = epst->watoil.scaleSat(sat_hyst->sow_hyst, 1.0-swcr_, sowcr_, 1.0-smin_[wpos]);
double sow_hyst_shifted = epst_hyst->watoil.scaleSatInv(_sow_hyst, 1.0-swcr_, sowcr_, 1.0-smin_[wpos]);
sat_hyst->sow_shift = sow_hyst_shifted - sat_hyst->sow_hyst;
} else if (phase_usage.phase_used[Vapour]) {//Gas/Oil
int gpos = phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
if (s[gpos] > sat_hyst->sg_hyst)
sat_hyst->sg_hyst = s[gpos];
double _sg_hyst = epst->gas.scaleSat(sat_hyst->sg_hyst, 1.0-sogcr_, sgcr_, smax_[gpos]);
double sg_hyst_shifted = epst_hyst->gas.scaleSatInv(_sg_hyst, 1.0-sogcr_, sgcr_, smax_[gpos]);
sat_hyst->sg_shift = sg_hyst_shifted - sat_hyst->sg_hyst;
template <class TableType>
void SatFuncBase<TableType>::extendTable(const std::vector<double>& xv,
std::vector<double>& xv_ex,
double pm) const
int n = xv.size();
xv_ex[0] = xv[0]-pm;
xv_ex[n+1] = xv[n-1]+pm;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
xv_ex[i+1] = xv[i];
} // namespace Opm
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <>.
#include <opm/core/utility/UniformTableLinear.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/buildUniformMonotoneTable.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/NonuniformTableLinear.hpp>
#include <opm/core/props/BlackoilPhases.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/EclipseState.hpp>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm
// Transforms for saturation table scaling
struct EPSTransforms {
struct Transform {
bool doNotScale;
bool do_3pt;
double smin;
double scr;
double sr;
double smax;
double slope1;
double slope2;
double scaleSat(double ss, double s_r, double s_cr, double s_max) const;
double scaleSatInv(double s, double s_r, double s_cr, double s_max) const;
double scaleSatDeriv(double s, double s_r, double s_cr, double s_max) const; // Returns scaleSat'(s)
double scaleSatPc(double s, double s_min, double s_max) const;
double scaleSatDerivPc(double s, double s_min, double s_max) const; // Returns scaleSatPc'(s)
bool doKrMax;
bool doKrCrit;
bool doSatInterp;
double krsr;
double krmax;
double krSlopeMax;
double krSlopeCrit;
double scaleKr(double s, double kr, double krsr_tab) const;
double scaleKrDeriv(double s, double krDeriv) const; // Returns scaleKr'(kr(scaleSat(s)))*kr'((scaleSat(s))
double pcFactor; // Scaling factor for capillary pressure.
void printMe(std::ostream & out);
Transform wat;
Transform watoil;
Transform gas;
Transform gasoil;
// Hysteresis
struct SatHyst {
double sg_hyst;
double sg_shift;
double sow_hyst;
double sow_shift;
void printMe(std::ostream & out);
template <class TableType>
class SatFuncBase : public BlackoilPhases
void init(Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclipseState,
const int table_num,
const PhaseUsage phase_usg,
const int samples);
void updateSatHyst(const double* s,
const EPSTransforms* epst,
const EPSTransforms* epst_hyst,
SatHyst* sat_hyst) const;
double smin_[PhaseUsage::MaxNumPhases];
double smax_[PhaseUsage::MaxNumPhases];
double krwmax_; // Max water relperm
double krgmax_; // Max gas relperm
double kromax_; // Max oil relperm
double swcr_; // Critical water saturation.
double sgcr_; // Critical gas saturation.
double krwr_; // Water relperm at critical oil-in-water saturation.
double krgr_; // Gas relperm at critical oil-in-gas saturation.
double sowcr_; // Critical oil-in-water saturation.
double sogcr_; // Critical oil-in-gas-and-connate-water saturation.
double krorw_; // Oil relperm at critical water saturation.
double krorg_; // Oil relperm at critical gas saturation.
double pcwmax_; // Max oil-water capillary pressure.
double pcgmax_; // Max gas-oil capillary pressure.
PhaseUsage phase_usage; // A copy of the outer class' phase_usage_.
TableType krw_;
TableType krow_;
TableType pcow_;
TableType krg_;
TableType krog_;
TableType pcog_;
double krocw_; // = krow_(s_wc)
void extendTable(const std::vector<double>& xv,
std::vector<double>& xv_ex,
double pm) const;
void initializeTableType(TableType& table,
const std::vector<double>& arg,
const std::vector<double>& value,
const int samples);
template <class TableType>
void SatFuncBase<TableType>::init(Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclipseState,
const int table_num,
const PhaseUsage phase_usg,
const int samples)
phase_usage = phase_usg;
double swco = 0.0;
double swmax = 1.0;
if (phase_usage.phase_used[Aqua]) {
const Opm::SwofTable& swof(eclipseState->getSwofTables()[table_num]);
const std::vector<double>& sw = swof.getSwColumn();
const std::vector<double>& krw = swof.getKrwColumn();
const std::vector<double>& krow = swof.getKrowColumn();
const std::vector<double>& pcow = swof.getPcowColumn();
if (krw.front() != 0.0 || krow.back() != 0.0) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Error SWOF data - non-zero krw(swco) and/or krow(1-sor)");
// Extend the tables with constant values such that the
// derivatives at the endpoints are zero
int n = sw.size();
std::vector<double> sw_ex(n+2);
std::vector<double> krw_ex(n+2);
std::vector<double> krow_ex(n+2);
std::vector<double> pcow_ex(n+2);
initializeTableType(krw_,sw_ex, krw_ex, samples);
initializeTableType(krow_,sw_ex, krow_ex, samples);
initializeTableType(pcow_,sw_ex, pcow_ex, samples);
krocw_ = krow[0]; // At connate water -> ecl. SWOF
swco = sw[0];
smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Aqua]] = sw[0];
swmax = sw.back();
smax_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Aqua]] = sw.back();
krwmax_ = krw.back();
kromax_ = krow.front();
swcr_ = swmax;
sowcr_ = 1.0 - swco;
krwr_ = krw.back();
krorw_ = krow.front();
for (std::vector<double>::size_type i=1; i<sw.size(); ++i) {
if (krw[i]> 0.0) {
swcr_ = sw[i-1];
krorw_ = krow[i-1];
for (std::vector<double>::size_type i=sw.size()-1; i>=1; --i) {
if (krow[i-1]> 0.0) {
sowcr_ = 1.0 - sw[i];
krwr_ = krw[i];
pcwmax_ = pcow.front();
if (phase_usage.phase_used[Vapour]) {
const Opm::SgofTable& sgof = eclipseState->getSgofTables()[table_num];
const std::vector<double>& sg = sgof.getSgColumn();
const std::vector<double>& krg = sgof.getKrgColumn();
const std::vector<double>& krog = sgof.getKrogColumn();
const std::vector<double>& pcog = sgof.getPcogColumn();
// Extend the tables with constant values such that the
// derivatives at the endpoints are zero
int n = sg.size();
std::vector<double> sg_ex(n+2);
std::vector<double> krg_ex(n+2);
std::vector<double> krog_ex(n+2);
std::vector<double> pcog_ex(n+2);
initializeTableType(krg_,sg_ex, krg_ex, samples);
initializeTableType(krog_,sg_ex, krog_ex, samples);
initializeTableType(pcog_,sg_ex, pcog_ex, samples);
smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Vapour]] = sg[0];
if (std::fabs(sg.back() + swco - 1.0) > 1e-3) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Gas maximum saturation in SGOF table = " << sg.back() <<
", should equal (1.0 - connate water sat) = " << (1.0 - swco));
smax_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Vapour]] = sg.back();
smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Vapour]] = sg.front();
krgmax_ = krg.back();
sgcr_ = sg.front();
sogcr_ = 1.0 - sg.back();
krgr_ = krg.back();
krorg_ = krg.front();
for (std::vector<double>::size_type i=1; i<sg.size(); ++i) {
if (krg[i]> 0.0) {
sgcr_ = sg[i-1];
krorg_ = krog[i-1];
for (std::vector<double>::size_type i=sg.size()-1; i>=1; --i) {
if (krog[i-1]> 0.0) {
sogcr_ = 1.0 - sg[i];
krgr_ = krg[i];
pcgmax_ = pcog.back();
if (phase_usage.phase_used[Vapour] && phase_usage.phase_used[Aqua]) {
sowcr_ -= smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Vapour]];
sogcr_ -= smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Aqua]];
smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Liquid]] = 0.0;
smax_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Liquid]] = 1.0 - smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Aqua]]
- smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Vapour]]; // First entry in SGOF-table supposed to be zero anyway ...
} else if (phase_usage.phase_used[Aqua]) {
smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Liquid]] = 1.0 - smax_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Aqua]];
smax_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Liquid]] = 1.0 - smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Aqua]];
} else if (phase_usage.phase_used[Vapour]) {
smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Liquid]] = 1.0 - smax_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Vapour]];
smax_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Liquid]] = 1.0 - smin_[phase_usage.phase_pos[Vapour]];
template <class TableType>
void SatFuncBase<TableType>::updateSatHyst(const double* s,
const EPSTransforms* epst,
const EPSTransforms* epst_hyst,
SatHyst* sat_hyst) const
if (phase_usage.phase_used[Aqua] && phase_usage.phase_used[Vapour]) { //Water/Oil/Gas
int opos = phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
int gpos = phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
int wpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
if (s[opos] > sat_hyst->sow_hyst)
sat_hyst->sow_hyst = s[opos];
double _sow_hyst = epst->watoil.scaleSat(sat_hyst->sow_hyst, 1.0-swcr_-smin_[gpos], sowcr_, 1.0-smin_[wpos]-smin_[gpos]);
double sow_hyst_shifted = epst_hyst->watoil.scaleSatInv(_sow_hyst, 1.0-swcr_-smin_[gpos], sowcr_, 1.0-smin_[wpos]-smin_[gpos]);
sat_hyst->sow_shift = sow_hyst_shifted - sat_hyst->sow_hyst;
if (s[gpos] > sat_hyst->sg_hyst)
sat_hyst->sg_hyst = s[gpos];
double _sg_hyst = epst->gas.scaleSat(sat_hyst->sg_hyst, 1.0-sogcr_-smin_[wpos], sgcr_, smax_[gpos]);
double sg_hyst_shifted = epst_hyst->gas.scaleSatInv(_sg_hyst, 1.0-sogcr_-smin_[wpos], sgcr_, smax_[gpos]);
sat_hyst->sg_shift = sg_hyst_shifted - sat_hyst->sg_hyst;
} else if (phase_usage.phase_used[Aqua]) { //Water/oil
int opos = phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
int wpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
if (s[opos] > sat_hyst->sow_hyst)
sat_hyst->sow_hyst = s[opos];
double _sow_hyst = epst->watoil.scaleSat(sat_hyst->sow_hyst, 1.0-swcr_, sowcr_, 1.0-smin_[wpos]);
double sow_hyst_shifted = epst_hyst->watoil.scaleSatInv(_sow_hyst, 1.0-swcr_, sowcr_, 1.0-smin_[wpos]);
sat_hyst->sow_shift = sow_hyst_shifted - sat_hyst->sow_hyst;
} else if (phase_usage.phase_used[Vapour]) {//Gas/Oil
int gpos = phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
if (s[gpos] > sat_hyst->sg_hyst)
sat_hyst->sg_hyst = s[gpos];
double _sg_hyst = epst->gas.scaleSat(sat_hyst->sg_hyst, 1.0-sogcr_, sgcr_, smax_[gpos]);
double sg_hyst_shifted = epst_hyst->gas.scaleSatInv(_sg_hyst, 1.0-sogcr_, sgcr_, smax_[gpos]);
sat_hyst->sg_shift = sg_hyst_shifted - sat_hyst->sg_hyst;
template <class TableType>
void SatFuncBase<TableType>::extendTable(const std::vector<double>& xv,
std::vector<double>& xv_ex,
double pm) const
int n = xv.size();
xv_ex[0] = xv[0]-pm;
xv_ex[n+1] = xv[n-1]+pm;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
xv_ex[i+1] = xv[i];
} // namespace Opm
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