Initial checkin of cornerpoint processing code.

Current status
Given vectors ZCORN, COORD and ACTNUM as well as the Cartesian
dimensions these vectors implicitly refer to, the code is
currently capable of

 * Identify unique points along each pillar
 * Assign point numbers for each point specified in ZCORN
 * Compute face topology, i.e., the corners that define the geometry
   of the faces as well as the cells that are connected through the face.
 * Identify and compute intesections that occur in the processing of
   face topology.

What remains is

 * Handle the face geometry of boundary faces. (simple)
 * Compute point coordinates of the final point list.
 * Put all pieces together in a tidy manner.
This commit is contained in:
Jostein R. Natvig 2009-06-11 07:33:50 +00:00
commit e04eb2f728
9 changed files with 789 additions and 0 deletions

grdecl.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#ifndef GRDECL_H
#define GRDECL_H
struct Grdecl{
int n;
int dims[3];
double *coord;
double *zcorn;
int *actnum;

matalloc.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "matalloc.h"
double **dmatalloc(int m, int n)
double **ret = malloc(m*sizeof *ret);
ret[0] = malloc(m*n*sizeof *ret[0]);
int i;
for (i=1; i<m; ++i) {
ret[i] = ret[i-1]+n*sizeof *ret[0];
return ret;
int **imatalloc(int m, int n)
int **ret = malloc(m*sizeof *ret);
ret[0] = malloc(m*n*sizeof *ret[0]);
int i;
for (i=1; i<m; ++i) {
ret[i] = ret[i-1]+n*sizeof *ret[0];
return ret;

matalloc.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#ifndef MATALLOC_H_
#define MATALLOC_H
double **dmatalloc(int m, int n);
int **imatalloc(int m, int n);

mxgrdecl.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <mex.h>
#include "grdecl.h"
/* Get COORD, ZCORN, ACTNUM and DIMS from mxArray. */
void mxInitGrdecl(struct Grdecl *g, const mxArray *prhs[])
int i,j,k;
g->coord = mxGetPr(mxGetField(prhs[0], 0, "COORD"));
double *tmp = mxGetPr(mxGetField(prhs[0], 0, "cartDims"));
g->n = 1;
for (i=0; i<3; ++i){
g->dims[i] = tmp[i];
g->n *= tmp[i];
mexPrintf("dimensions: %d %d %d\n",
/* grdecl.actnum = permute(actnum, [3,1,2]); */
int *actnum = mxGetData(mxGetField(prhs[0], 0, "ACTNUM"));
g->actnum = malloc(g->n* sizeof(*g->actnum));
int *iptr = g->actnum;
for (j=0; j<g->dims[1]; ++j){
for (i=0; i<g->dims[0]; ++i){
for (k=0; k<g->dims[2]; ++k){
*iptr++ = actnum[i+g->dims[0]*(j+g->dims[1]*k)];
/* grdecl.zcorn = permute(zcorn, [3,1,2]); */
double *zcorn = mxGetPr(mxGetField(prhs[0], 0, "ZCORN"));
g->zcorn = malloc(g->n*8*sizeof(*g->zcorn));
double *dptr = g->zcorn;
for (j=0; j<2*g->dims[1]; ++j){
for (i=0; i<2*g->dims[0]; ++i){
for (k=0; k<2*g->dims[2]; ++k){
*dptr++ = zcorn[i+2*g->dims[0]*(j+2*g->dims[1]*k)];
/* Free stuff that was allocated in initgrdecl. */
void freeGrdecl(struct Grdecl *g)
free(g->zcorn); g->zcorn = NULL;
free(g->actnum); g->actnum = NULL;

mxgrdecl.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#ifndef MXGRDECL_H
#define MXGRDECL_H
void mxInitGrdecl (struct Grdecl *g, const mxArray *prhs[]);
void freeGrdecl (struct Grdecl *g);

processgrid.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <mex.h>
#include "grdecl.h"
#include "uniquepoints.h"
#include "mxgrdecl.h"
#include "matalloc.h"
/* No checking of input arguments in this code! */
#define min(i,j) ((i)<(j) ? (i) : (j))
#define max(i,j) ((i)>(j) ? (i) : (j))
/* */
/* */
/* Find connections for each pair of pillars */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* Determine face geometry first, then compute intersections. */
/* All intersections that occur are present in the final face geometry.*/
int *computeFaceTopology(int *a1,
int *a2,
int *b1,
int *b2,
int intersect[4],
int *faces)
int mask[8];
/* Which pillar points should we use? */
if (a1[1] > b1[1]){ mask[0] = b1[1]; } else { mask[0] = a1[1]; }
if (a2[1] > b2[1]){ mask[2] = b2[1]; } else { mask[2] = a2[1]; }
if (a2[0] > b2[0]){ mask[4] = a2[0]; } else { mask[4] = b2[0]; }
if (a1[0] > b1[0]){ mask[6] = a1[0]; } else { mask[6] = b1[0]; }
/* Get shape of face: */
/* each new intersection will be part of the new face, */
/* but not all pillar points. This is encoded in mask. */
mask[1] = intersect[0]; /* top-top */
mask[3] = 0;
mask[5] = intersect[3]; /* bottom-bottom*/
mask[7] = 0;
/* bottom-top */
if (intersect[1]){
if(a1[0] > b1[1]){ /* intersection[1] left of (any) intersection[0] */
mask[0] = 0;
mask[6] = 0;
mask[7] = intersect[1];
mask[2] = 0;
mask[4] = 0;
mask[3] = intersect[1];
/* top-bottom */
if (intersect[2]){
if(a1[1] < b1[0]){ /* intersection[2] left of (any) intersection[3] */
mask[0] = 0;
mask[6] = 0;
mask[7] = intersect[2];
mask[2] = 0;
mask[4] = 0;
mask[3] = intersect[2];
int k;
int *f = faces;
for (k=0; k<8; ++k){
*f++ = mask[k];
return f;
/* values in za and zb must be increasing. */
/* a) If we assume that the index increase when z increase for
each pillar (but only separately), we can skip the z
b) We assume no intersections occur on the first and last lines.
/* #define overlap(a1,a2,b1,b2) max(a1,b1) < min(a2,b2) */
#define intersection(a1,a2,b1,b2)(((a1>b1)&&(a2<b2))||((a1<b1)&&(a2>b2)))
int faceintersection(int *a1, int *a2, int *b1, int *b2)
/* overlap(a1[0], a1[1], b1[0], b1[1]) || */
/* overlap(a2[0], a2[1], b2[0], b2[1]) || */
max(a1[0],b1[0]) < min(a1[1], b1[1]) ||
max(a2[0],b2[0]) < min(a2[1],b2[1]) ||
intersection(a1[0], a2[0], b1[0], b2[0]);
/* work should be pointer to 2n ints initialised to zero . */
void findconnections(int n, int *pts[4], int *ptnumber, int *intersections,
int *neighbors,
int *faces, int *fptr, int *fpos, int *work)
/* vectors of point numbers for faces a(b) on pillar 1(2) */
int *a1 = pts[0];
int *a2 = pts[1];
int *b1 = pts[2];
int *b2 = pts[3];
/* Intersection record for top line and bottomline of a */
int *itop = work; /* calloc(n, sizeof(*itop)); */
int *ibottom = work + n; /* calloc(n, sizeof(*ibottom)); */
int *f = faces + fptr[*fpos];
int *c = neighbors;
int k1 = 0;
int k2 = 0;
int i,j=0;
int intersect[4];
for (i = 0; i<n-1; ++i){
if (a1[i] == a1[i+1] && a2[i] == a2[i+1]) continue;
while(j<n-1 && (b1[j] < a1[i+1] || b2[j] < a2[i+1])){
if (b1[j] == b1[j+1] && b2[j] == b2[j+1]){
itop[j+1] = itop[j];
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* face a(i,i+1) and face b(j,j+1) have nonzero intersection */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
if (faceintersection(a1+i, a2+i, b1+j, b2+j)){
/* Add neighbors to list of neighbors if not any first or */
/* last points are involved in face geometry. */
if (!((i==0) && (j==0)) && !((i==n-2) && (j==n-2))){
fprintf(stderr, "here: %d %d\n", i%2 ? (i-1)/2 : -1,
j%2 ? (j-1)/2 : -1);
*c++ = i%2 ? (i-1)/2 : -1;
*c++ = j%2 ? (j-1)/2 : -1;
/* Completely matching faces */
if (a1[i]==b1[j] && a1[i+1]==b1[j+1] &&
a2[i]==b2[j] && a2[i+1]==b2[j+1]){
/* Add face to list of faces if not any first or last points are involved. */
if (!((i==0) && (j==0)) && !((i==n-2) && (j==n-2))){
*f++ = a1[i];
*f++ = a1[i+1];
*f++ = a2[i+1];
*f++ = a2[i];
fptr[++(*fpos)] = f-faces;
/* Non-matching faces */
/* Find new intersection */
if (intersection(a1[i+1],a2[i+1],b1[j+1],b2[j+1])) {
itop[j+1] = (*ptnumber)++;
/* store point numbers of intersecting lines */
*intersections++ = a1[i+1];
*intersections++ = a2[i+1];
*intersections++ = b1[j+1];
*intersections++ = b2[j+1];
itop[j+1] = 0;
/* Update intersection record */
intersect[0] = ibottom[j ]; /* i x j */
intersect[1] = ibottom[j+1]; /* i x j+1 */
intersect[2] = itop[j ]; /* i+1 x j */
intersect[3] = itop[j+1]; /* i+1 x j+1 */
/* Add face to list of faces if not any first or last points are involved. */
if (!((i==0) && (j==0)) && !((i==n-2) && (j==n-2))){
f = computeFaceTopology(a1+i, a2+i, b1+j, b2+j, intersect, f);
fptr[++(*fpos)] = f-faces;
/* Update candidates for restart of j for in next i-iteration */
if (b1[j] < a1[i+1]) k1 = j;
if (b2[j] < a2[i+1]) k2 = j;
j = j+1;
/* Swap intersection records: top line of a is next bottom line of a */
int *tmp;
tmp = itop; itop = ibottom; ibottom = tmp;
for(;j>min(k1,k2);--j) itop[j-1]=0;
/* Now, j = min(k1, k2) */
/* free(itop); */
/* free(ibottom); */
/* return (cells-begin)/2; */
void interpolate_pillar(double *coord, double *x, double *y, double *z)
double a = (*z-coord[2])/(coord[5]-coord[2]);
*x = coord[0] + a*(coord[3]-coord[0]);
*y = coord[1] + a*(coord[4]-coord[1]);
static void igetvectors(int dims[3], int i, int j, int *field, int *v[])
int im = max(1, i ) - 1;
int ip = min(dims[0], i+1) - 1;
int jm = max(1, j ) - 1;
int jp = min(dims[1], j+1) - 1;
fprintf(stderr, "%d %d %d %d\n", im,ip, jm,jp);
v[0] = field + dims[2]*(im + dims[0]* jm);
v[1] = field + dims[2]*(im + dims[0]* jp);
v[2] = field + dims[2]*(ip + dims[0]* jm);
v[3] = field + dims[2]*(ip + dims[0]* jp);
/* Gateway routine for Matlab mex function. */
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
int i,j;
/* Set up data passed from Matlab */
struct Grdecl g;
mxInitGrdecl(&g, prhs);
/* Code below assumes k index runs fastests, ie. that dimensions of
table is permuted to (dims[2], dims[0], dims[1]) */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Set up space for return values */
/* zlist may need extra space temporarily due to simple boundary treatement */
int sz = 8*(g.dims[0]+1)*(g.dims[1]+1)*g.dims[2];
int numpillars = (g.dims[0]+1)*(g.dims[1]+1);
double *zlist = malloc(sz*sizeof(*zlist));
int *zptr = malloc((numpillars+1)*sizeof(*zptr));
int *plist = malloc( 2*g.dims[0]*2*g.dims[1]*(2*g.dims[2]+2)*sizeof(int));
fprintf(stderr, "Allocate %d ints for plist\n", 2*g.dims[0]*2*g.dims[1]*(2*g.dims[2]+2));
finduniquepoints(&g, zlist, zptr, plist);
#if 0
for (i=0; i<numpillars ; ++i){
fprintf(stderr, "pillar %d\n", i);
for (k=zptr[i]; k<zptr[i+1]; ++k){
fprintf(stderr, "%f\n", zlist[k]);
for (i=0; i<8*g.n; ++i) mexPrintf("%d\n", plist[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "process face geomtery\n");
/* Process face geometry and cell-face topology */
/* internal constant i pillar pairs */
int n = 2 + 2*g.dims[2];
int k;
const int BIGNUM = 100;
int *faces = malloc(BIGNUM*sz*sizeof(int));
int *fptr = malloc(BIGNUM*sz*sizeof(int));
int *pts[4];
int *neighbors = malloc(2* n*n* sizeof(*neighbors));
int *intersections = malloc(4* n*n* sizeof(*intersections));
int *work = calloc(2* n, sizeof(*work));
int d[3] = {2*g.dims[0], 2*g.dims[1], 2+2*g.dims[2]};
int numfaces = 0;
int numpts = zptr[numpillars];
for (j=0; j<g.dims[1]; ++j) {
/* Add boundary faces */
igetvectors(d, 0, 2*j+1, plist, pts);
findconnections(n, pts, &numpts, intersections,
neighbors+2*numfaces, faces, fptr, &numfaces,
/* internal faces */
for (i=1; i<g.dims[0]; ++i){
/* Vectors of point numbers */
igetvectors(d, 2*i, 2*j+1, plist, pts);
int start = numpts;
findconnections(n, pts, &numpts, intersections,
neighbors+2*numfaces, faces, fptr, &numfaces,
/* Compute cell numbers from cell k-index (stored in neighbors) */
for (k=0; k<numfaces; ++k){
if (neighbors[2*k] != -1){
neighbors[2*k] = i-1 + g.dims[0]*(j + g.dims[1]*neighbors[2*k]);
if (neighbors[2*k+1] != -1){
neighbors[2*k+1] = i + g.dims[0]*(j + g.dims[1]*neighbors[2*k+1]);
#if 1
fprintf(stderr, "\nfaces\nnumfaces %d\n", numfaces);
for (i=0; i<numfaces; ++i){
for (k=fptr[i]; k<fptr[i+1]; ++k){
fprintf(stderr, "%d ", faces[k]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\nneighbors\n");
int *iptr = neighbors;
for(k=0; k<numfaces; ++k){
fprintf(stderr, " (%d %d)\n", iptr[0], iptr[1]);
fprintf(stderr, "\nline intersections:\n");
iptr = intersections;
int numintersections = numpts - start;
for(k=0; k<numintersections; ++k){
fprintf(stderr, " (%d %d %d %d)\n", iptr[0], iptr[1], iptr[2], iptr[3]);
/* compute intersections */
/* Add boundary face */
#if 0
int xstride = 2*g.dims[2];
int ystride = 4*g.dims[2]*g.dims[0];
int zstride = 1;
/* internal constant j pillar pairs */
for (i=0; i<g.dims[0]; ++i){
for (j=0; j<g.dims[1]-1; ++j){
int p1 = 2*i + ystride* (2*j+1);
int p2 = p1 + xstride;
process_pair(p1, p2, g.dims, g.zcorn, ystride, zstride);
free (intersections);
free (faces);
free (fptr);
free (neighbors);
free (zptr);
free (plist);
free (zlist);
/* Free whatever was allocated in initGrdecl. */

test.m Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
g=simpleGrdecl([2, 1, 4], @(x) -0.05+0.1*x+0.01 );

uniquepoints.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "grdecl.h"
#include "uniquepoints.h"
#include "matalloc.h"
#define min(i,j) ((i)<(j) ? (i) : (j))
#define max(i,j) ((i)>(j) ? (i) : (j))
#define overlap(a1,a2,b1,b2) max(a1,b1) < min(a2,b2)
/* Compar function passed to qsort */
static int compare(const void *a, const void *b)
if (*(double*)a < *(double*) b) return -1;
else return 1;
/* Creat sorted list of z-values in zcorn with actnum==1 */
static int createSortedList(double *list, int n, int m,
double *z[], int *a[])
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
int i,j;
double *ptr = list;
for (i=0; i<n; ++i){
for (j=0; j<m; ++j){
if (a[j][i/2]) *ptr++ = z[j][i];
/* else fprintf(stderr, "skipping point in inactive cell\n"); */
qsort(list, ptr-list, sizeof(double), compare);
return ptr-list;
/* Remove points that are closer than tolerance in list */
/* of increasing doubles */
static int uniquify(int n, double *list, double tolerance)
int i;
int pos = 1; /* Keep first value */
double val = list[pos];
for (i=1; i<n; ++i){
if (list[i] - val > tolerance){
val = list[i];
list[pos++] = val;
/* Keep last value (one way or the other...) */
if (list[n-1] - val > tolerance){
list[pos-1] = list[n-1];
return pos;
/* Along single pillar: */
static int* assignPointNumbers(int begin,
int end,
double *zlist,
int n,
double *zcorn,
int *actnum,
int *plist,
double tolerance)
/* n - number of cells */
/* zlist - list of len unique z-values */
/* start - number of unique z-values processed before. */
int i, k;
/* All points should now be within tolerance of a listed point. */
double *z = zcorn;
int *a = actnum;
int *p = plist;
k = begin;
*p++ = INT_MIN; /* Padding to ease processing of faults */
for (i=0; i<n; ++i){
/* Skip inactive cells */
if (!a[i/2]) {
p[0] = p[-1]; /* Inactive cells are collapsed leaving void space.*/
/* Find next k such that zlist[k] < z[i] < zlist[k+1] */
while (k < end && zlist[k] + tolerance < z[i]){
/* assert (k < len && z[i] - zlist[k] <= tolerance) */
if (k == end || z[i] - zlist[k] > tolerance){
fprintf(stderr, "What!?\n");
*p++ = k;
*p++ = INT_MAX;/* Padding to ease processing of faults */
return p;
static void igetvectors(int dims[3], int i, int j, int *field, int *v[])
int im = max(1, i ) - 1;
int ip = min(dims[0], i+1) - 1;
int jm = max(1, j ) - 1;
int jp = min(dims[1], j+1) - 1;
v[0] = field + dims[2]*(im + dims[0]* jm);
v[1] = field + dims[2]*(im + dims[0]* jp);
v[2] = field + dims[2]*(ip + dims[0]* jm);
v[3] = field + dims[2]*(ip + dims[0]* jp);
static void dgetvectors(int dims[3], int i, int j, double *field, double *v[])
int im = max(1, i ) - 1;
int ip = min(dims[0], i+1) - 1;
int jm = max(1, j ) - 1;
int jp = min(dims[1], j+1) - 1;
v[0] = field + dims[2]*(im + dims[0]* jm);
v[1] = field + dims[2]*(im + dims[0]* jp);
v[2] = field + dims[2]*(ip + dims[0]* jm);
v[3] = field + dims[2]*(ip + dims[0]* jp);
/* Assign point numbers p such that "zlist(p)==zcorn". */
/* Assume that coordinate number is arranged in a */
/* sequence such that the natural index is (k,i,j) */
void finduniquepoints(struct Grdecl *g,
/* return values: */
double *zlist, /* list of z-values on each pillar*/
int *zptr, /* pointer to start of each pillar*/
int *plist) /* list of point numbers on each pillar*/
int i,j;
int d1[3] = {2*g->dims[0], 2*g->dims[1], 2*g->dims[2]};
int len = 0;
double *zout = zlist;
int pos = 1;
zptr[0] = 0;
/* Loop over pillars, find unique points on each pillar */
for (j=0; j < g->dims[1]+1; ++j){
for (i=0; i < g->dims[0]+1; ++i){
int *a[4];
double *z[4];
/* Get positioned pointers for actnum and zcorn data */
igetvectors(g->dims, i, j, g->actnum, a);
dgetvectors(d1, 2*i, 2*j, g->zcorn, z);
len = createSortedList( zout, d1[2], 4, z, a);
len = uniquify (len, zout, 0.0);
/* Increment pointer to sparse table of unique zcorn values */
zout = zout + len;
zptr[pos] = zptr[pos-1] + len;
/* Loop over all vertical sets of zcorn values, assign point numbers */
int *p = plist;
int nz = 2*g->dims[2];
for (j=0; j < 2*g->dims[1]; ++j){
for (i=0; i < 2*g->dims[0]; ++i){
/* pillar index */
int pix = (i+1)/2 + (g->dims[0]+1)*((j+1)/2);
/* cell column position */
int cix = g->dims[2]*((i/2) + (j/2)*g->dims[0]);
/* zcorn column position */
int zix = 2*g->dims[2]*(i+2*g->dims[0]*j);
int *a = g->actnum + cix;
double *z = g->zcorn + zix;
p = assignPointNumbers(zptr[pix], zptr[pix+1], zlist,
nz, z, a, p, 0.0);

uniquepoints.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
void finduniquepoints(struct Grdecl *g,
double *zout,
int *zptr,
int *plist);