* output is to be formatted or not (FMTOUT keyword, default if keyword not present is unformatted)
* Whether restart file should be written for a specified report step
* whether restart files are to be unified or not (UNIFOUT keyword, default if keyword not present is multiple)
* whether an EGRID file should be written (GRIDFILE, NOGGF keywords)
* whether an INIT file should be written (INIT keyword)
* Removed former setting for interval writes to disk (from params)
The ert ecl_sum class is avare of time units; for FIELD and METRIC units
the time in the summary files is stord in days, for LAB units it is
stored in hours. From EclipseWriter this is managed by a bool flag
basically, the unit system was reversed for rates and a
UnitSystem::UnitType object was implicitly casted to bool for the
bottom hole pressure monitor. (if the BHP monitor worked, it was only
by accident...)
I'd prefer to pass it for consistency reasons (because basically every
other class which takes an EclipseState object also requires a deck
object), but some people seem to have a very strong option about
or more accurately: "use FIELD or METRIC units", LAB and PVT-M units
are still unsupported, but they seem to be pretty exotic and are also
not supported by opm-parser either...
note that this patch requires an API change (with the usual
consequences for all downstream modules which use this class) because
the deck needs to be passed to EclipseWriter. If somebody knows a
canonical way to get the names of the written units from EclipseState,
this is API change is not required.
I used "TEMP" as the name of the field of the UNRST files, but that is
just a guess. (I don't have access to any results of a thermal run of
the "It Defines The Truth (TM)" simulator.)
The original version of the code wrote 14 items per connection to the
ICON array, however when loading restart information the ERT well loader
currently expects to find segment information in item 15. Will now write
an additional segment id item for each connection.
In addition the code has been refactored to use operator[] to set
elements instead of push_back() which was used previously.
The name to index map is used to make sure the correct wellstate values
are associated with the corresponding well. Shut wells should be
excluded from this mapping as no date is for shut wells are found in the
wellstates, instead 0 is outputed for the shut wells.
because if that is done, the integration for the production total is
wrong because the time step length is days and not seconds.
Note that the conversion now uses Opm::unit::convert::to(<>,
1/conversionFactor) instead of simply multiplying with the conversion
factor. I still think this obfuscates things more than it helps, but
[at] bska will hopefully want it this way...
This commit increases the precision of the (floating-point) vector
output (e.g., permeabilities) from method writeGrdecl(). This
reduces the impact of rounding errors when the sub-set sample is
output to disk for subsequent processing (e.g., property upscaling).
This is in preparation of increasing the vector output precision to
reduce the impact of rounding errors in subsequent upscaling. The
change impacts floating-point vectors only.
Background: The ECL simulator stipulates an upper bound on the
number of characters in a record (i.e., one line) and while we don't
have such limits, there's no reason to emit lines that can't be
input by other tools.
The summary files now always features all wells which ever appear in
the deck in every timestep (even if they are not specified for the
time step). This _should_ fix the crashes when writing Eclipse output
in the Norne deck, but I have no idea if the resulting summary file is
correct. More testing would be thus highly appreciated...
instead, use Opm::EclipseState. This requires to pass the PhaseUsage
object to the EclipseWriter, as this one cannot be recovered from
EclipseState (yet?).
copying the EclipseGrid object is required as the final set of active
cells requires knowledge of the grid used by the simulator which is
not available in opm-parser. In turn, this requires to call
EclipseGrid::resetACTNUM() which is non-const.